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Vital Records Index to Essex County Deeds 1799-1811 Upstate History Blog, NYS Census Northern Newspapers LDS Essex county resources Carrie Adsit article, 1925 Caroline Barnes was born in New York, married Silas Adsit in 1854 in Willsboro - both lived in Keesville at the time. Shortly after their marriage, they moved to California, living out their lives thereSouthern Essex area books Link to Essex Town locations Pioneer John Knox & his family Vital Records-Various Newspapers 1880 Minerva Census 1810 Essex Co Census Records Company H. NY 5th Cavalry,Essex Co Births Marriages Deaths Ti Sentinel story on the Ti Vineyard road Picture labeled 'C. E. Vredenburgh, Elizabethtown, N.Y' Rhoda Ann Cady and husband Daniel Jackson "Daniel Jackson and Rhoda Ann Cady were Emily Knox's great-grandparents. Daniel was the 4th generation of his Jackson family to settle in New England. Robert, the emigrant settled in Voluntown, CT about 1720. Theophilus, Robert's son, moved to Columbia Co., NY in the last half of the 1760s and his son, Samuel, grew up in Columbia Co., and was a member of Capt. John Davis' Company, 17th Albany Co. Militia in the War of Independence. Samuel, one of the pioneers of Clinton Co., NY. moved to the town of Peru, about 1790 and Daniel, his oldest son, was born there in a log cabin in March, 1791. Samuel married Elizabeth7 [Betsy] Finch (Isaac6, John5, Isaac4, Isaac3, John2, Abraham1). Daniel & family moved to the town of Chesterfield, Essex County, NY about 1800 where he grew up and later farmed. Three interesting events are recorded concerning the Jacksons and the War of 1812. These happened in 1813-1815 when Daniel was about 21/22 years of age. 1. War of 1812 [Pension information records that: "…Daniel Jackson, Serg't. served the full period of sixty days in the Military service of the United States [September 8 to November 6, 1813] in the war of 1812; and enrolled in Captain Luman Wadham's Thirty Seventh regiment Commanded by Maj. Roberts', N. Y. Militia at or near Essex County N. Y. and that Daniel Jackson was enrolled & entered the service [a year before ] …the battle of Plattsburgh and was honourably discharged" [due to ill health.] During his service he was "pressed into the service with his team & went to Sacket's Harbour with his team and had there command of a few men and had an engagement or fight with the enemy." Daniel, his brother John, and his father, Samuel were all involved in the War of 1812, the biggest event of which was the Battle of Plattsburgh in September, 1814. 2. "While on this trip to Plattsburgh, Daniel visited his sister Polly who had married Wm. Cady of Albany whose younger sister chanced to be with them at this time. Of course, they met, and the result was Little Rhoda was in due time established as our Grandmother, and while she could stand erect under the arm of her statuesque husband, the sons and daughters that she bore him, were mostly tall - and the daughters among the fairest in the land, none more so that the eldest, Julia Ann, born in [the town of] Chesterfield, NY, March 18, 1817. Source j- Family History by Sarah Jane [Knox] Knowlton. 3. Battle of Plattsburgh. "In the summer of 1814, when the British Army was about to invade us, an order was issued for all who were required by law to bear arms, to rendezvous forthwith at Plattsburgh. But many were left who were past the age required whose patriotism prompted them to offer their services in defence of their country. They organized a company, chose Jonathan Lynde, Captain, and went forward, my father with them, under the name of "Silver Greys," in time to take part in the battle, for which the survivors and their widows afterwards received pay from a government appropriation. On their departure the town was left a community of women and children. They could distinctly hear the booming of the cannon throughout the day - their husbands, brothers and fathers were there - with listening anxiety they spent the night, and the next day the Silver Greys came scattering in, joyous with patriotic enthusiasm, and Col. Sheldon's cider brandy was used freely in exultation of the victory." Source - The Plattsburgh Sentinel, December 8, 1876, letter by O. F. Sheldon. Captain Jonathan Lynde led Company 2, 37th Regiment, 40th Brigade, otherwise known as the Silver Greys during the Battle of Plattsburgh in September, 1814. Samuel Jackson was a member of this Company. Rhoda Ann Cady - was born at Canaan, Columbia County, N. Y. c May, 1796, the 4th daughter & youngest child of Elias and Keziah [Doty] Cady. Daniel married Rhoda Ann6 Cady (Elias5, Ebenezer4, Sergt. John³, James2, Nicholas¹), born in March, 1796, in the town of Canaan, Columbia County, New York, daughter of Elias Cady and Keziah Doty5 (Simeon4, John³, Joseph2, Edward¹), of New Concord, Columbia County, NY. later of Charleston, Montgomery Co., NY. Their marriage took place on April 5, 1815, in Charleston, Montgomery Co., NY; Rev. Elijah Herrick, Baptist Minister officiating. Daniel farmed for a few years and then, in the mid 1820s with other members of his family, ran a distillery in nearby Keeseville. By April, 1831 the family had moved to the Elizabethtown area and eventually purchased a farm at the foot of Hurricane Mountain, near where the family of John Knox lived. The Jackson family were faithful members of the Elizabethtown Baptist Church but Daniel & Rhoda Ann, for a few years, embraced the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, probably influenced by Daniel's brother, John, who was a Mormon Elder in Elizabethtown and followed the teachings of that church throughout his life. Daniel Jackson took deep interest in matters of public policy, affiliated with the Democratic Party, and was a staunch opponent of slavery. He was a highly respected citizen, and his word was as good as his bond. Although in "meager circumstances," they took into their home Andrew, the son of Daniel's brother, John. They were members of the Baptist Church, and removed to Sparta, Wisconsin, in 1858. "The entire Jackson family emigrated to Wisconsin during the years from 1846 to 1858. William Wallace, the youngest of the Jackson children, was the last to leave Elizabethtown. He married a Shores and lives at Strum, near Eau Claire, WI." [Source - Pleasant Valley, The History of Elizabethtown, Essex County by George Levi Brown.(Great grandfather of your host, Fred V Provoncha)] Daniel Jackson died from paralysis, the result of a felon, at the home of his daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth, [wife of W. W. Allis], at Sparta, Wis., on December 4, 1864. Rhoda Ann Cady Jackson died at Sparta, Wis., on January 23, 1877. They were buried in the Mt. Hope Cemetery, Sparta, Wis. They were the parents of 8 children plus "two other children [who] did not live to maturity" Source - letter dated Sept. 7th, 1897 written by Julia Ann [Jackson] Knox. Family of Daniel Jackson and Rhoda Ann Cady. Julia Ann Jackson, born Chesterfield N. Y. Mar. 28, 1817 [ moved west 1845/46]; Sarah Jane Jackson, born Chesterfield, N. Y., June 11, 1820, [moved west in 1845]; Samuel Doty Jackson, born Chesterfield, N. Y. Mar. 24, 1824, [moved west in1848]; Charlotte Elizabeth Jackson, born Brookfield, N. Y., born July 31, 1827, [moved west in 1845]; Daniel Cady Jackson born Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1830, [moved west in 1857]; Oscar Fitzgerald Jackson born Elizabethtown, N. Y. Feb. 18, 1833 [moved west in1855]; Martin Van Buren Jackson, born Elizabethtown, NY., Dec. 23, 1836, [moved west in1855/57]; and William Wallace Jackson born Elizabethtown, N. Y. Nov. 12, 1839 [moved west1859.] Note 1: The date in parenthesis is the year or years that members of the Jackson family "removed themselves" to Wisconsin. In 1859, Daniel & Rhoda Ann Cady Jackson also went west with their son, William Wallace & his wife, to join other family members there and to retire. LaFayette Knox and his siblings had many relatives in Wisconsin, primarily in Sparta and Eau Claire where his uncles & relatives were successful merchants and / or farmers. Note 2: George Knox, son of John Knox and Amy / Betsy Calkin, and Julia Ann Jackson, daughter of Rhoda Ann Cady and Daniel Jackson, were married at Elizabethtown, Essex County, New York on Thursday, April 6, 1837 by Benjamin Garfield, Baptist Pastor. Baptisms,Schroon Lake Catholic Deaths,Schroon Lake Catholic Marriages,Schroon Lake Catholic Adobe Acrobat format full Schroon Lake records John Jackson of Peru New York and points west |
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Biographies/Family Histories Located at this Site:Located at other Sites: 1886 Rutland,VT class Photos Baby Photo of Helen Seymour Clift Photo of the School at the Boreas Letter to Cyrus Merriam in Indiana from his brother Chas. Merriam of Essex, NY Letter from Amos Pierce to Col. Hammond Provoncha and related Essex folks A short history of Mrs/Miss | ![]() |
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