*** The following list of churches was provided by Janet Hall who lives in Essex County,
and updated by Fred Provoncha.


Some communities rest in two counties, such as Keeseville and Saranac Lake, keep this in mind when reading this list. Pastors will be more receptive to written inquiries since they are less harried.


AuSable Forks

Catholic Communities of Holy Name and St. MatthewÆs is made up of
Holy Name Church
AuSable Forks, NY 12912

St. MatthewÆs Church
Black Brook, NY
Clergy: Rev. Donald F. Kramberg, pastor

AuSable Forks United Methodist Church
Clintonville, NY 12942
Clergy: Scott Warden, pastor

St. James Episcopal Church
2545 Route 9N
AuSable Forks, NY 12912
info (service) tel Dave Comegys
(518) 647-5312
Clergy: Rrev. Orville Gatti

Crown Point

Sacred Heart Church
Main St.
Crown Point, NY 12928
tel (518) 597-3924


St. ElizabethÆs Catholic Church
Court St.
Eliazbethtown, NY 12932
tel (518) 873-6760
Clergy: Rev. Francis White

Church of the Good Shepherd
Williams St.
Elizabethtown, NY 12932
tel (518) 873-6521
Clergy: Rev. Carlos Caguiat

United Church of Christ
Court St.
Elizabethtown, NY 12932
tel (518) 873-2191
Clergy: Frederick C. Shaw


Essex Community Church
Main St.
Essex, NY 12936
tel (518) 963-7766

St. JohnÆs Episcopal Church
Church St. Box 262
Essex, NY 12936
tel (518) 963-7775
Web site


First Baptist Church of Jay
Route 9N Box 142
Jay, NY 12941
tel (518) 946-2663
Clergy: Rev. Chilton McPheeters

Upper Jay

Upper Jay United Methodist Church
Route 9N
Upper Jay, NY 12987
Clergy: Rev. Terri Hough


St. BrendanÆs Catholic Church
Church St.
Keene, NY 12942
tel (518) 576-4434
Clergy: Rev. Alan J. Lamica, pastor

Keene United Methodist Church
Main St.
Keene, NY 12942
Clergy: Rev. Terri Hough, pastor

Keene Valley Congregational Church
(United Church of Christ)
Keene Valley, NY 12943
tel (518) 576-4711
Clergy: Milton Dudley pastor


Catholic Community of Keeseville
see Town of AuSable

Independent Baptist Church
Route 22
Keeseville, NY 12944
tel (518) 834-9620

The Good Shepherd Church of the Nazarene
124 Hill St.
Keeseville, NY 12944
tel (518) 834-9408
Web site

United Methodist Church
Keeseville, NY 12944
tel (518) 834-7577 or
(518) 834-7506

Lake Placid

St. Agnes Catholic Church
on the corner of Saranac & Hillcrest Ave.
Rectory: 6 Hillcrest Ave.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel. (518) 523-2200
Clergy: Rev. J Michael Gaffney, Pastor

Adirondack Community Church
(United Methodist)
on Main St. near the post office
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel (518) 523-3753
fax (518) 523-3831
Clergy: Rev. Mark Demers

St. Eustace Episcopal Church
44 Main St.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel (518) 523-2564
Clergy: Rev. Pamela J. Mott
Deacon: Alan Macnab

Lake Placid Baptist Church
46 Saranac Ave.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel (518) 523-2008

Adirondack Church of the Nazarene
78 Main St.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel (518) 523-1552
Clergy: Rev. Kenneth Mihill

Pilgrim Holiness
14 Sentinel Rd.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel (518) 523-2484
Clergy: Rev. Steven Mills

Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints (Mormons)
on corner of Old Military and John
Brown Roads.
Family History Center is open
Mon. 10 AM to 4 PM, Tues. &
Weds. 7 to 9 PM, or by appt.
call (518)523-2889 or 523-1505
branch president: David L. Hall

New Hope Christian Fellowship
42 Averyville Rd.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel (518) 523-3652 or
(518) 891-4255
Clergy: Rev. Richard Ducatt

Trinity Chapel
(Historic Old White Church)
off Old Military Rd.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
tel (518) 523-8909 or
(518) 673-2068
Clergy: Dr. R. R. Bennett

Lake Placid Assembly of God
Erdman Hall of
Adirondack Community Church
Main St.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
Clergy: Rev. Skip Trembley

Lake Placid Synagogue
Lake Placid, NY 12943
tel: (518) 523-3876
Clergy: Rabbi Alex Friedman

Unitarian Universalist Church
lists in Lake Placid, NY,
meets in Plattsburgh, NY
tel (518) 563-9075


Frist Congregational Church
Rte 9
Lewis, NY 12950
tel (518) 873 6822
Clergy: Frederick C. Shaw


St. Therese Rectory
5 Adams Lane
Newcomb, NY 12852
tel (518) 582-3671


The Churches of All Saints
Bartlett Pond Rd.
Mineville, NY 12956
tel (518) 942-5953


Newcomb United Methodist Church
Rte 28N
Newcomb, NY 12852
(518) 582-2421
Clergy: Rev. Dorothy Okray - Sunday Services and Sunday School: 9AM

Port Henry

St. PatrickÆs Church
17 St. PatrickÆs Place
Port Henry, NY 12974
tel (518) 546-7254

Schroon Lake

Schroon Lake Community Church
Main St.
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
tel (518) 532-7232 or
(518) 7770

Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Box 368
Main St.
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
tel (518) 532-7100

Believers United Christian Church
603 US RTE
(Wayfarer Motel Office)
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
tel (518) 532-7661
Pastor Ken Hedden Sr.

Mountainside Bible Chapel
RR 1 Box 109
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
tel (518) 532-7128


Assembly of God
28 Water St.
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
(518) 585-7431

First Baptist Church
108 The Portage
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
(518) 585-7107

Church of the Cross
311 Champlain
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
tel (518) 585-4032

Cornerstone Alliance Church
Montcalm St. HC Box 1
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
tel (518) 585-6391


Westport Federated Church
(American Baptist)
Westport, NY 12993
tel (518) 962-8293

Westport Bible Church
RR 2 Box 2155
Westport, NY 12993
tel (518) 962-8247

St. Phillip Neri Church
66 Pleasant St.
Westport, NY 12993
tel (518) 962-8610


Congregational UCC
(United Church of Christ)
12 Main St.
Willsboro, NY 12996
tel (518) 963-4048

St. Phillip of Jesus Church
15 Main St.
Willsboro, NY 12996
tel (518) 963-4524

Willsboro and Reber United Methodist
Main St.
Willsboro, NY 12996
tel (518) 963-7924 or
(518) 963-7931


St. MargaretÆs Catholic Church
Wilmington, NY 12997
tel (518) 576-4434 (rectory)
Clergy: Rev. Alan J. Lamica

Whiteface Community United Methodist Church
Wilmington, NY 12997
tel (518) 946-7757 or
(518) 946-2573
Clergy: Rev. Linda McIntyre

Wilmington Church of the Nazarene
Rt. 86
Wilmington, NY 12997
Clergy: Rev. Marty Bausman

Calvary Baptist Church
on Route 86
Wilmington, NY 12997
tel (518) 946-2482
Clergy: Rev. David Strong, pastor


St. MichaelÆs Church
Main St.
Witherbee, NY 12998
tel (518) 942-3326


Saranac Lake

Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity
meets at St. LukeÆs Episcopal Church
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
tel (518) 891-5265 (pastor)
Clergy: Rev. Robert G. Letalien

Carmelite Monastery
Franklin Ave.
Saranac Lake, NY 12983

First Presbyterian Church
23 Church St.
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Clergy: Rev. Charles D. Monts

Island Chapel
on Upper Saranac Lake
interdenominational -- holds
services in the summer
Saranac Lake, NY 12983

Church of St. Luke, the Beloved Physician (Episcopal/Anglican)
136 Main Street
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Clergy: The Rev. David K. Sutcliffe, Interim Rector
Phone: 518.891-3605 (fax is same)
e-mail: info@stlukessaranaclake.org
website: www.stlukessaranaclake.org

Christian Science Society
on the corner of Church & River St.
43 Chruch St.
Saranac Lake, NY 12983

Unity in the Mountains
meeting varies
contact Joyce Warner
tel (518) 891-1948

Seventh Day Adventists
Adult Center
135 Broadway
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Clergy: Rev. Gene Thomas

JehovahÆs Witnesses
Kingdom Hall
Saranac Lake, NY 12993

St. BernardÆs Roman Catholic Church
19 St. Bernard St.
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Clergy: Rev. Timothy Soucy, pastor
Rev. Chris Carrara, vicar

Saranac Lake Baptist Chapel
Lake Colby Dr.
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Clergy: Rev. Harold Clark

North Country Christian Center
212 Lake Flower Ave.
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
tel (518) 891-3255
Clergy: Gene Stanley, pastor

Religious Society of Friends
43 Church Street
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
info. tel (518) 891-0092

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