Essex County Clerks / County Historian

Joseph Provoncha
Essex County Clerk
PO Box 247
Elizabethtown, NY 12932
518 873-3600
Please note that the Essex County Clerk will not perform research but the office will make copies if you know exactly what you want (page number, book etc). The charge for that service is 50 cents per page.

County Essex
County Historian
Margaret Gibbs Elizabethtown 12932 (518)


Town Black Brook Margaret Hoey 647-5936
Town Chesterfield Lynn A Jarvis Chesterfield 834-9041
Town Crown Point Linda Woods Crown Point 12928 597-3235
Town Elizabethtown JoAnne Pecor Elizabethtown 12932 873-6555
Town Essex Audrey Hoskins Essex 12936 963-4287
Town Jay Mary Wallace Jay 12941 946-2597
Town Keene Janet Hall Keene 12943 576-9550
Town Lewis Vanessa Cross Lewis 12950
Town Minerva Diana Mason 12857 251-2832
Town Moriah Joan Daby PortHenry 12974 546-7524
Town Newcomb Mary A Pound Newcomb 12852 582-2069
Town North Elba Barbara Whitney LakePlacid 12946 523-2162
Town North Hudson Sarah Vinskus 12855 532-7666
Town Schroon Alexander Vanlint Schroon 12870 532-0592
Town St Armand Rita Gonyea Bloomingdale 12913 891-5573
Town Ticonderoga Tonya M. Thompson Ticonderoga 12883 585-6677
Town Westport Brenda McCooey Westport 12993 962-8360
Town Willsboro Janice Allen Willsboro 12996 963-4478
Town Wilmington Merri Carol Peck Wilmington 12997 946-7627
Village Keeseville Lynn Hathaway Keeseville 12944 834-9059
Town Port Henry Suzanne Baker Port Henry 12974 546-9933
Village LakePlacid Eileen M Valentine Lake Placid 12946 523-2584
Village Saranac Lake Kareen Tyler 12983 891-4150

Historical Societies/Libraries/Museums (4/17/2000)

Adirondack Genealogical and Historical Society.
Address:   Saranac Lake Free Library
           100 Main Street Saranac Lake, NY, 12983
County:    ESSEX, NY 
Other Information: Meets second Tuesday of 
Sept.,Nov.,Jan., Mar. and May.

Ausable Forks Free Library
Address:   West Church St. Ausable Forks, NY 12912
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-647-5596
Other Information:

Belden Noble Memorial Library
Address:   Main St. Rt. 22, Essex, NY 12936
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-963-8079
Other Information:

Black Watch Memorial Library
Address:   195 Montcalm St E, Ticonderoga
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-585-7380
Other Information:

Brewster Library, Adirondack History Center Museum,
Address:   7590 Court St., P.O. Box 428, 
Elizabethtown, NY 12932
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-873-6466
Other Information:

Elizabethtown Library Association
Address:   Elizabethtown, NY 12932
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-873-2670
Other Information:

Family History Center, Lake Placid
Address:   Old Military Road & John Brown Road, Lake Placid, NY 12946
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-523-2889
Other Information:

George & Margaret Gey Library-W Alton Jones Cell Science Ctr
Address:   Old Barn Rd. Lake Placid, NY 12946
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-523-2427

Hammond Library
Address:   Main St., Crown Point, NY 12928
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518 597-3616

Keene Public Library
Address:   Keene, NY 12942County: ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-576-2200

Keene Valley Library
Address:   Loomis Room, Main St. Keene Valley, NY 12943
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-576-4335

Keeseville Free Library
Address:   Front St. Keeseville, NY 12944
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-834-9054

Lake Placid Public Library
Address:   67 Main St. Lake Placid, NY 12946
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-523-3200

Paine Memorial Library
Address:   Willsboro, NY 12996
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-963-4478

Plattsburgh Public Library
Address:   Oak St. Plattsburgh, NY 12901
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-563-0921
Information: Although Clinton County, it holds many Essex County records and

Plattsburgh SUC, Feinburg Library
Address:   Special Collections, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-564-5206

Saranac Lake Free Library
Address:   100 Main St. Saranac Lake, NY 12983
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-891-4190

Schroon Lake Public Library
Address:   South Ave, Schroon Lake
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-532-7737

Sherman Free Library
Address:   4 Church St., Port Henry, NY 12974
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-546-7461

Thompson   Pell Research Center
Address:   PO Box 390 Fort Rd. Ticonderoga, NY 12883
County:    ESSEX, NY
Contact:   Chris Fox, Curator
Telephone: 518-585-2821
Fax:       518-585-2210
Informaiton: Fort Ticonderoga Military Archives and research center

Wadhams Free Library
Address:   Rt 22, Wadhams, NY 12990
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-962-8717

Wells Memorial Library
Address:   Rt. 9N Upper Jay, NY 12987
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-946-2644

Westport Library Association
Address:   Main St. Westport, NY 12993
County:    ESSEX, NY
Telephone: 518-962-8219

Wilmington Historical Society
PO Box 174
Wilmington, NY 12997
Karen Peters, President 

And for Clerks and Historians:
ESSEX County

Janice Allen
Willsboro NY
Telephone: 518-963-8668
Other Information: Willsboro Town Historian.

Suzanne Baker
Address:   PO Box A, 25 South Main St.
Port Henry NY 12946
Telephone: 518-546-9933
Fax:       518-546-8675
Other Information: Port Henry Village Clerk, Holding Vital Records

Ethel Barnaby
Address:   355 Main St. Essex, NY 12936
Telephone: 518-963-7231
Fax:       518-963-4288
Other Information: Town of Essex Town Clerk

Lana Finnessy
Address:   PO Box 292
Newcomb NY 12852
Telephone: (518 582-3023
Other Information: An individual with an active interest in the History of
the Town of Newcomb.

William (Bill) Dolback
Ticonderoga NY 12883
Telephone:  518-585-6662
Other Information: Town of Ticonderoga Historian.

Gerald L. Bruce
Address:   PO Box 180
Wilmington NY 12997
Telephone: 518-946-2105
Fax:       518-946-7124
Other Information: Town of Wilmington Town Clerk

Tonya M. Thompson 
Address:   132 Montcalm Street  P O Box 471 
Ticonderoga NY 12883
Telephone: 518-585-6677
Fax:       518-585-7211

Other Information: Town of Ticonderoga Town Clerk

Joan Daby
Address:   41 West St.
Port Henry NY 12974
Telephone: 518-546-7524
Other Information: Town Historian of the Town of Moriah. Also, president of
the Town of Moriah Historical Society.

Ellen S. Estes
Address:   PO Box 89
Keene NY 12942
Telephone: 518-576-4444 / 576-9790
Fax:       518-576-4676
Other Information: Town of Keene Town Clerk

Wanda Flint
Address:   PO Box 338, Main St.
Bloomingdale NY 12913
Telephone: 518-891-3189
Fax:       518-891-6092
Other Information: Town of St. Armand Town Clerk

Rita Gonyea
Bloomingdale NY 12913
Telephone: 518-891-5573
Other Information: Town of St. Armand Historian

Liana Gooding
Address:   2 Main St.
Saranac Lake NY 12983
Telephone: 518-891-4150
Fax:       518-891-5928
Other Information: Village of Saranac Lake Clerk, holding Vital Records

Janet H. W. Hall
Address:   PO Box 751
Keene Valley NY 12943
Telephone: 518-576-9550
Other Information: Town of Keene Historian.

Shirley La Forest
Address:   RR #1 Box 307
Essex, NY NY 12936
Telephone: 518-963-8782
Other Information: Town of Essex Town Historian.

Julie Latrell
Address:   1790 Main St.
Keeseville NY 12944
Telephone: 518-834-9059
Fax:       518-834-9050
Other Information: Village of Keeseville Clerk

Elizabeth (Betty) McCaughin
Address:   Fort Road
Ticonderoga NY 12883
Telephone: 518-585-7396
Other Information: An excellent contact person on local genealogical

Brenda McCooey
Address:   41 N. Main St., PO Box 465
Westport NY 12993
Telephone: 518-962-8360
Fax:       518-962-2098
Other Information: Westport Town Clerk

Beverly P. Moran
Address:   1 Point Rd., PO Box 370
Willsboro NY 12996
Telephone: 518-963-8933
Fax:       518-963-7488
Other Information: Town of Willsboro Town Clerk

Margaret Nolan
Black Brook NY
Telephone: 518-647-5936
Other Information: Town Clerk of Black Brook

Helen O'Donnell
Newcomb NY 12852
Other Information: Town of Newcomb Historian.

Beatrice A. Pelkey
Address:   PO Box 730
Ausable Forks,NY 12912
Telephone: 518-647-5595
Fax:       518-647-5692
Other Information: Town of Jay Town Clerk

Merri C Peck
Address:   PO Box 148
Wilmington,NY 12997
Telephone: 518-946-7627
Fax:       518-946-7627
Other Information: Town Historian for Wilmington

Doris Wells
Address:   41 Town Shed Road
Minerva,NY 12857
Telephone: 518-251-3188 (Home)
Town Hall  518-251-2869
Other Information: Town of Minerva Historian

Jean White Dickerson
Address: PO Box 58   
Lewis NY 12950
Telephone:  518 873 6422
Other Information: Town of Lewis Town Clerk

Mary Pound
Address:   PO Box 405
Newcomb NY 12852
Telephone: 518-582-2069
Fax:       518-582-2061
Other Information: Town of Newcomb Town Clerk

Leilani Sprague
Address:   14 Park Place
Port Henry, NY NY 12974
Telephone: 518-546-3341
Fax:       518-546-3342
Other Information: Moriah Town Clerk, Holding Vital Records

Janice Tyrell
Address:   PO Box 758
Schroon NY 12870
Telephone: 518-532-7737
Fax:       518-532-7737
Other Information: Town of Schroon Town Clerk

Eileen M. Valentine
Address:   Village Hall
Lake Placid NY 12946
Telephone: 518-523-2597
Fax:       518-523-1321
Other Information: Village of Lake Placid Clerk

Jack A. Vanderwalker
Address:   PO Box 6
Olmstedville NY 12857
Telephone: 518-251-3395
Fax:       518-251-5136
Other Information: Town of Minerva Town Clerk

Alexander Vanlint
Schroon Lake NY 12870
Telephone: 518-532-0592
Other Information: Town of Schroon Historian.

Sarah Vinskus
Address:   PO Box 60, Rt 9
North Hudson NY 12855
Telephone: 518-532-9273
Fax:       518-532-0122
Other Information: Town of North Hudson Town Clerk

Betty White
Address:   Town Office, 22 Champlain Ave. 
Westport,NY 12993
Office phone: 518-962-4419 
Other Information: Westport Town Historian

Barbara S. Whitney
Address:   301 Main St.
Lake Placid NY 12946
Telephone: 518-523-2162
Fax:       518-523-9569
Other Information: Town of North Elba Town Clerk

Ticonderoga Historical Society
Hancock House
Moses Circle
Ticonderoga, NY
Phone: 518 585-7868
Fax : 518-585-6367
Web :
Robin Trudeau - Staff Assistant -
Karla Staudt - Staff Researcher -
Collection: Over 7000 volume historical Library and manuscripts dealing with Ticonderoga, Lake Champlain, Lake George and Adirondack Region. Large genealogical research department including microfilms of Federal Census for Essex County, 1790 thru 1920 plus the L.D.S. Family History Computer Program. Continuing Art exhibits in two galleries and monthly programs for the membership and public. Open Wed. through Sat. 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. or by appointment.

Ticonderoga Heritage Museum
Montcalm Ave.
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
Phone: (518) 585-2696
Web :
Mary Curtis, Coordinator -
Collection: The Heriage Museum has a collection of scale models of Ticonderoga in the 1800s.

Penfield Homestead Museum, Ironville, NY 12928
Mailing address RD Box 121, Crown Point, NY 12928
Telephone: (518) 597-3804
Collection: Genealogical information concerning Crown Point-Ticonderoga area families.

Adirondack History Center Museum, 7590 Court St., P.O. Box 428, Elizabethtown, NY 12932
Web: /
(518) 873-6466

Minerva Historical Society Minerva, NY 12851 (518) 251-2382

If you spot a correction or wish to see an addition Please email me.

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