NOTE: These records were all copied by Steve Cunnion from the records at the Essex County Historical Center. There are many other fields of information associated with each of these records. Also, there were some conversion errors and if you spot a 4 digit series of numbers just ignore them.
These records are protected by copyright laws and may not be copied or reproduced
Last Name First Death Date Age at Death Cemetery Town
Gaines Frederick 10 26 1848 Aged 67 yrs Old Burying Grounds
Gale Calista 8 4 1842 ae 19 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Gale Franklin 8 6 1841 ae 17 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Gale Elizabeth ae 75 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Garvey Sarah age 33 years Ironville Crown Point
Geaham Emily Brick Church Crown Point
Giard baby Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Gibbs Ronne White Church Crown Point
Gibson Edwin 5 20 1824 age 38 days Moses Townsend Crown Point
Giddings Ellen 4 15 1862 ae 22yr 11mo Brick Church Crown Point
Giddings Sarah 6 6 1839 ae 15 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Giddings John 8 12 1848 ae 51 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Giddings infant 5 9 1843 Brick Church Crown Point
Giddings Clarisa 4 23 1835 age 35 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
Gilleo Elmer Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Frank Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Henry age 29 years Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Charles age 26 years Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Charles Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Ruth age 59 years Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Geo Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Henrietta Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Ida age 11 years Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Fernando Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Julia age 3 years Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Willford age 16 years Ironville Crown Point
Gilleo Neuton age 27 years Ironville Crown Point
Gillett T Brick Church Crown Point
Gillett Julia 9 12 1898 ae 72 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Gillett Sarah Ironville Crown Point
Gillett Mark Ironville Crown Point
Gillette Israel Fairfield Crown Point
Gillette Susan Fairfield Crown Point
Gilmond Agnes White Church Crown Point
Gilmond Perkins White Church Crown Point
Glidden Sarah ae 1 yr 9 mos White Church Crown Point
Glidden Lydia 6 4 1851 ae 75 White Church Crown Point
Glidden Asahel 5 1 1870 ae 63 White Church Crown Point
Glidden Lucy 6 11 1878 White Church Crown Point
Glidden Josiah 5 16 1875 White Church Crown Point
Glidden Mary 12 15 1881 ae 46 White Church Crown Point
Glidden Thomas 11 18 1831 ae 60 White Church Crown Point
Glidden Jane 9 13 1862 ae 9yrs 8 mos White Church Crown Point
Glidden Fidelia 10 12 1832 ae 1yr 1mo10d White Church Crown Point
Glidden Gertrude White Church Crown Point
Glidden Joseph White Church Crown Point
Goff Julia Brick Church Crown Point
Goffin Warren 10 3 1856 Aged 5 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Gonio Delia 4 10 1877 ae 15 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Gonio Franics 3 24 1865 ae 30 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Gonyo Amelia 12 18 1895 ae 72 y CP Catholic Cem Crown Point
Gonyon Peter 9 28 1899 ae 79 CP Catholic Cem Crown Point
Goodrich Sidney 3 1 1851 ae 29 White Church Crown Point
Goodrich Nancy White Church Crown Point
Goodrich Elijah 3 20 1864 ae 71 White Church Crown Point
Gove Sophia 4 23 1837 Aged 27 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Gove Luther 6 2 1836 Aged 8 mos Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Gove Frederick 1 9 1847 Aged 74 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Gracey Robert 5 8 1862 age 79 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
Gracey Margaret 12 10 1853 age 27yrs8mos Wolcott Crown Point
Gracey Jane 11 15 1847 age 24y10mos Wolcott Crown Point
Gracey Cowen 12 13 1840 age 40yrs4mos Wolcott Crown Point
Gracey Lucy(Luchy?)2 21 1836 age 14yrs10mosWolcott Crown Point
Gracey Robert 9 29 1823 age 5 yrs9mos Wolcott Crown Point
Gracey Robert 11 21 1874 age 44 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
Graham Mary 7 29 1852 ae 21 White Church Crown Point
Graham Lewis White Church Crown Point
Graham mira White Church Crown Point
Grake Mary age 36 years Ironville Crown Point
Granger Henry 8 23 1840 Aged 7 mos Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Graton Martha 9 28 1846 Aged 45 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Gray Mary age 4 months Ironville Crown Point
Greeley David 12 1 1845 Aged 19 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Greer Adella age 22 years Ironville Crown Point
Griswold Alvara 12 4 1885 age 85 yrs Wolcott Crown PointGroovenor Elijah 10 23 1829 ae 37 yrs White Church Crown Point
Groovenor infant 4 4 1819 White Church Crown Point
Groovenor Ednon 4 20 1817 ae 11 days White Church Crown Point
Gunnison Margaret 9 23 1891 Brick Church Crown Point
Gunnison George 5 3 1878 Brick Church Crown Point
Gunnison Albert 6 24 1856 Brick Church Crown Point
Hackstaff Jesse 4 22 1839 Aged 40 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hackstaff John 8 10 1854 Aged 21 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hadaway Lot Ironville Crown Point
Hadley Charotte Ironville Crown Point
Hadley Thomas age 66 years Ironville Crown Point
Hadley Amelia Ironville Crown Point
Hadley Helon Ironville Crown Point
Halen Harold Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Halen Minnie Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Halen Pat Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Halen Robert Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Hall Evelyn Brick Church Crown Point
Hall Melvin Brick Church Crown Point
Hall Flora age 6 years Ironville Crown Point
Hall Adah age 4 years Ironville Crown Point
Hall Clayton White Church Crown Point
Hall Jackson Ironville Crown Point
Hall Nettie age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
Hall Clarissa Ironville Crown Point
Hall Thurmon Ironville Crown Point
Hall Henry age 58 years Ironville Crown Point
Hall Emily Ironville Crown Point
Hall? Mary White Church Crown Point
Hamilton Sarah 10 30 1884 ae 55 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hamilton Marletta White Church Crown Point
Hamilton Ida 1 9 1881 ae 24 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hamilton Arthur White Church Crown Point
Hamilton Sally 2 28 1841 ae 38 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hamilton infant 4 19 1868 White Church Crown Point
Hamilton Franklin White Church Crown Point
Hammond Nancy 8 8 1862 ae 45 Brick Church Crown Point
Hammond Mary 7 2 1841 ae 29 Town Line cem, Bridport, VT Crown Point
Hammond John 1 1 1858 ae 52 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hanna Robert Ironville Crown Point
Hanna Anna Ironville Crown Point
Hanna Ironville Crown Point
Hanna Addie Ironville Crown Point
Hanna James Ironville Crown Point
Hardy Roby 4 8 1876 ae 7 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Hardy Margaret 2 13 1831 Hardy Crown Point
Hardy John Irish Catholic/St John's Chesterfield
Hardy Crown Point
Hardy Andrew 3 15 1810 age 58 years Hardy Crown Point
Harkness Jennett 9 20 1847 ae 9 yr 4 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Harkness Robert 9 16 1848 ae 3 yr 7 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Harland Ray White Church Crown Point
Harlow Sarah 7 26 1832 In 65th Yr Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Harnden Eunice 4 28 1876 ae 39 yrs White Church Crown Point
Harnden James 2 3 1870 ae 68 White Church Crown Point
Harnden Celestia 9 20 1846 age 39 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
Harnden Jessie 6 27 1871 ae 18m10days White Church Crown Point
Harp Hazel Brick Church Crown Point
Harper William 12 3 1846 Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Harper Flora Brick Church Crown Point
Harper Roy Brick Church Crown Point
Harpp Herbert Brick Church Crown Point
Harrington Edson Brick Church Crown Point
Harrington Ira 6 26 1874 Brick Church Crown Point
Harrington Mary 4/15/1877 Brick Church Crown Point
Harrington Sarah Brick Church Crown Point
Harrison Frances 9 25 1863 Aged 26 dys Old Burying Grounds
Harrison Thomas 1 2 1869 Aged 50 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Harvey Jane 1 17 1841 Aged 1 yr Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Harvey Judson 9 21 1848 Aged 2 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Harvey Margaret 3 19 1833 Aged 5y1mo Old Burying Grounds
Harvey Charles 6 12 1849 Aged 2 mos Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Harwood Eleazer age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
Harwood Mary age 2 years Harwood Ironville Crown Point
Harwood Georgie age 5 years Ironville Crown Point
Harwood Frances Ironville Crown Point
Hascall Harriet 12 31 1845 ae 1 yr 5mo Brick Church Crown Point
Hawley Rosena 10 17 1891 ae 55 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hawley Lyman 2 8 1877 ae 38 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hawley George 10 27 1880 White Church Crown Point
Hawley Adie 12 3 1884 White Church Crown Point
Hayes Delia 11 22 1854 Aged 33 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Cynthia 4 2 1870 Aged 74 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes infant son 12 8 1821 Aged 6 wks Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Elizabeth 2 6 1884 Aged 64 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Abigail 6 28 1840 Aged 39 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Jeremiah 10 10 1853 Aged 77 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Fanny 1 18 1854 Aged 8 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Aaron 8 21 1832 Ae 1yr12Ds Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Ahaz 9 9 1866 Aged 67 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Hayes Thursey 3 17 1832 Ae 1yr9 mos Old Burying Grounds
Hayes infant dau 11 22 1823 Aged 7 mos Old Burying Grounds
Hayford Levi White Church Crown Point
Hayford Frances White Church Crown Point
Heustis Archibald Evergreen Chesterfield
higley Dudley 10 23 1863 ae 93 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Higley Ester 4 16 1843 ae 71y11m Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Hildreth Norman 4 14 1840 age 33 Towner Hill Crown Point
Hildreth Joshua 10 27 1814 ae 55 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hildreth Betsy 6 25 1815 age 24 Towner Hill Crown Point
Hinckley Nathaniel 5 22 1849 ae 80 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Hinds Pervia 6 15 1851 ae 75 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Hinds Moses 5 18 1860 ae 85 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Hitt Louisa Ironville Crown Point
Hitt Thomas age 3 mos Ironville Crown Point
Hitt William age 59 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Hitt Lauerna Ironville Crown Point
Hobbs Evaline age 17 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Hobbs Martha age 47 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Hobbs George age 64 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Hocking Elizabeth Ironville Crown Point
Hockings Willie Ironville Crown Point
Hockings Beatrice age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
Hodgman Ester 1 30 1860 ae 58 White Church Crown Point
Hodgman Thomas 9 2 1862 ae 66 White Church Crown Point
Hodgman Mahala 10 7 1851 ae 24 White Church Crown Point
Holbrook L 10 20 1844 aged 29 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Holden Darius Fairview Crown Point
Holden John Fairview Crown Point
Holden Augustus Fairview Crown Point
Holden Jonathan 10 8 1838 ae 2 y 8mos White Church Crown Point
Holman George 8 6 1876 Trimble Crown Point
Hopkins Diana 5 25 1852 ae 64 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Hopkins Oliver 6 17 1883 ae 63 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hopkins Luther 10 4 1849 ae 23 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Houghton Harriet Evergreen Chesterfield
Howe Henry 6 6 1865 Brick Church Crown Point
Howe S Brick Church Crown Point
Howe Laura 7 1 1896 Brick Church Crown Point
Howe Bela 3 25 1866 Brick Church Crown Point
Howe 4 18 1837 Brick Church Crown Point
Howe Job 11 29 1838 Brick Church Crown Point
Howe Juba 6 1 1884 ae 84 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hubbard Caroline 12 7 1866 ae 52 White Church Crown Point
Hudson/Starling Lucy 4 10 1891 White Church Crown Point
Huestes William 10 15 1863 ae 76 y 2mo Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Hiram 2 4 1851 ae 6 mo 21da Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Margaret ae 90 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes John Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Martha 10 15 1870 ae 50 yr 8mo Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Joseph Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Calvin ae 84 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Clinton 10 24 1874 ae 19 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Lydia 9 2 1858 ae 37 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Daniel 6 9 1841 ae 60 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Betsey Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Lucetta 5 28 1845 Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Caroline Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Gilbert 11 7 1858 ae 41 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Abi 1 28 1865 ae 80 yr 6mo Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Jonathan 10 3 1878 ae 6y11m8d Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Timothy 4 9 1889 Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Laura 9 29 1860 ae 24 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Archie 8 19 1895 ae 33yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Ann Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Elihu 3 27 1882 ae 23y 5 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Fredrick 3 3 1851 ae 2 yr 3 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Charles 5 11 1845 ae 14 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Earl 10 13 1878 ae 1 mo 27da Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Charles 10 10 1878 ae 7 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Alma Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Maggie 11 21 1876 ae 16 yr 4mo Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Abigail 4 21 1859 ae 68 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Benj 3 13 1866 ae 83 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes Margaret 10 13 1856 Brick Church Crown Point
Huestes William 9 25 1838 ae 1 yr 4 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Huestis Jacob 2 18 1860 aged 53 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Huestis Catherine 5 9 1844 In 72nd yr Old Burying Grounds
Huestis Joseph 4 1 1853 age 7 m 13 d Towner Hill Crown Point
Huestis Arabella 6 2 1855 age 4 y 2 m Towner Hill Crown Point
Hughes Barnard 11 12 1859 ae 65 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hughes Eliza 1 14 1868 ae 40 White Church Crown Point
Hughes Sabrina 8 9 1882 ae 78 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hughes John 7 16 1848 in 25 yr White Church Crown Point
Hughes Charles 6 13 1841 in 17 yr White Church Crown Point
Hulbert Harriet 12 1 1855 ae 36 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Hulgate Harrison 1 20 1825 ae 20 mos? Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Hunt Benjamin 8 6 1847 ae 59 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hunter Elsworth age 2 years Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Elizabeth 7 28 1832 age 3y9m16d Wolcott Crown Point
Hunter Mary Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Ben Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Daniel 4 19 1846 ae 25 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hunter Sarah Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Fredric 12 22 1830 11y4m10days Wolcott Crown Point
Hunter Abram 2 17 1843 ae 25 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hunter W Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Stephen 12 1 1852 age 58 Wolcott Crown Point
Hunter Emily Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Mathew Ironville Crown Point
Hunter John Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Joseph 4 22 1838 ae 41 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hunter Sarah 8 15 1845 ae 52yrs 7m White Church Crown Point
Hunter Susan 11 23 1862 ae 29 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hunter Sarah 12 14 1851 ae 1 yr 6 ms White Church Crown Point
Hunter Polly Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Alex Ironville Crown Point
Hunter Alex Ironville Crown Point
Huntley Almon 9 5 1858 ae 38 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchins Lola Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchins Charles Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Johnny 3 10 1857 Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson James 9 3 1886 Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson James 6 15 1861 Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Chauncy 12 18 1862 ae 38 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Adaline 3 24 1895 Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Ann 5 2 1865 ae 12 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Benjamin 2 21 1842 ae 78 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Susie 8 22 1877 ae 19 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Mary Ann 6 1 1843 ae 6 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Willie 8 6 1873 ae 14 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Hutchinson Martha 4 29 1878 ae 79 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Hyde Joseph 9 20 1865 ae 64yrs2mos White Church Crown Point
Hyde Charlotte 11 30 1839 ae 40 yrs White Church Crown Point
Hyde William 7 10 1810 ae 9 yrs White Church Crown Point
Ingalls Sarah age 38 years Ironville Crown Point
Ingalls Polly 4 15 1841 Nichols Crown Point
Ingalls Ebenezer 10 7 1849 Nichols Crown Point
Ingalsbe Sally 8 14 1824 In 55th yr Wolcott Crown Point
Ingleston Lucy 4 6 1875 ae 31 yrs Fairfield Crown Point
Ingleston Chauncy age 70 Crown Point Ctr Crown Point
Ingleston Laura age 28 Crown Point Ctr Crown Point
Ingleston Frank 10 22 1881 age 22 Crown Point Ctr Crown Point
Ingleston Lydia 4 8 1890 age 85 Crown Point Ctr Crown Point
Ingleston William 2 5 1894 age 54 Crown Point Ctr Crown Point
Ingols Joseph 3 3 1845 age 15 yrs Nichols Crown Point
Ingols Eliza 7 16 1842 age 36 yrs Nichols Crown Point
Ingols Samuel 10 20 1847 49y 11m 19d Nichols Crown Point
Jackson Olive 9 20 1811 In 36th yr Old Burying Grounds
Jackson Mary 6 2 1830 ae 27 yrs White Church Crown Point
Jarvis Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Jenks Hester Brick Church Crown Point
Jenks J 8 14 1852 Brick Church Crown Point
Johnpeer Peter Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Johnpeer Nellie Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Johnpeer Mamie Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Johnpeer Blanche Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Johnson Mary 1 28 1891 ae 21 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Johnson Sarah 7 13 1840 ae 77 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Johnson Sarah 7 13 1840 ae 77 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Johnson Carry 1 30 1891 ae 17 da Brick Church Crown Point
Johnson Sarah 8 6 1876 Trimble Crown Point
Johnson Joseph 11 4 1834 ae 77 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Johnson Desier age 70 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Johnson Submit Ironville Crown Point
Johnson Walker age 41 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Johnson Amos age 80 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Johnson Abbot age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
Johnson 8 6 1876 Trimble Crown Point
Johnson Olive age 59 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Johnson Josie age 2 years Ironville Crown Point
Johnson Elijah Ironville Crown Point
Jones Emily 1 17 1825 ae 4 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Jones John 10 2 1845 Aged 3yr3ms Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Jones Nathan 6 3 1882 ae 70 yrs White Church Crown Point
Jones Sally 3 10 1898 81 yrs 9 mosWhite Church Crown Point
Jones Orpha 7 26 1868 ae 33yrs White Church Crown Point
Jones Johnie ae 8 yrs White Church Crown Point
Jordan Sarah age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
Jordan Sarah age 36 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Jordon Carrie Ironville Crown Point
Karinsten Petre age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
Keese Mary 6 17 1844 Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Keese Robert Evergreen/South Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Kellogg Sylvester 3 29 1826 age 46 yrs Moses Townsend Crown Point
Kellogg Sarah 5 19 1871 age 72 Towner Hill Crown Point
Kemp Oliver 5 20 1840 ae 82 yrs White Church Crown Point
Kennedy Bethania 3 23 1872 ae 47 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Kidder N Irish Catholic/St John's Chesterfield
King Effie Brick Church Crown Point
King Francis Brick Church Crown Point
King Walter Brick Church Crown Point
King Flora 3 20 1869 ae 10y8mos White Church Crown Point
King Fanny White Church Crown Point
King infant 2 6 1888 ae 15 days White Church Crown Point
King John White Church Crown Point
King Ralph White Church Crown Point
King Margarite White Church Crown Point
King Mary 11 23 1878 White Church Crown Point
King A White Church Crown Point
King Edwin White Church Crown Point
King Laverna White Church Crown Point
King Jonas 11 23 1875 ae 55 yrs White Church Crown Point
King John 11 26 1882 White Church Crown Point
King Wesley White Church Crown Point
King Albert 5 2 1898 White Church Crown Point
King Frederick White Church Crown Point
King Mary White Church Crown Point
King Frederick White Church Crown Point
King Arthur White Church Crown Point
King White Church Crown Point
Kingsland David Fairfield Crown Point
Kingsland Mary 5 3 1896 Fairfield Crown Point
Kingsley Meltiah ae 73 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Kirby Mary 2 19 1820 age 70 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
Knight Jane 2 9 1821 age 21 yrs Buck Hollow Crown Point
Knights Sydney 4 1 1895 ae 69 yrs White Church Crown Point
Knights Sydna 6 3 1882 ae 17 y9m3d White Church Crown Point
Knowles Jane 10 3 1848 Aged 28 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Knowlton Asa 1 28 1853 age 15 yrs Buck Hollow Crown Point
Knowlton Aurilla age 44 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Knowlton Alfred age 69 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Knowlton Elisha age 65 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Knowlton Sophia Ironville Crown Point
LaFlam Francis French Catholic/St John's Chesterfield
LaFoy Tivila Brick Church Crown Point
LaFoy Jackson Brick Church Crown Point
LaFoy Theressa Brick Church Crown Point
LaFoy Ernest Brick Church Crown Point
Lagoy Amanda age 69 Towner Hill Crown Point
Lain James age 15 mos Ironville Crown Point
Laing Cora White Church Crown Point
Laing Marvin White Church Crown Point
Laing Susan ae 8 wks White Church Crown Point
Laing Betsy 3 25 1885 ae 58 yrs White Church Crown Point
Laing Bonnie ae 7 mos White Church Crown Point
Laing Robert 3 15 1886 ae 74 yrs White Church Crown Point
Laing Sefrona ae 2 yrs White Church Crown Point
Lamb Judith age 91 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Lamberton Charles age 17 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Lampman Lois 6 14 1894 Mount Hope Crown Point
Lamson Burnham 3 14 1865 ae 31 y 7mo Brick Church Crown Point
Lamson Elder 12 30 1837 age 64 yrs Buck Hollow Crown Point
Lamson Marvin Brick Church Crown Point
Lamson Martha 1 2 1814 age 56 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
Lamson Amos 10 5 1819 in 56th yr Wolcott Crown Point
Lamson Cyritha 7 28 1839 age 22 yrs Nichols Crown Point
Lang James 8 10 1837 Aged 9 mos Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Lang Jennie 2 1 1855 in 13th yr Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Lang Peter 4 5 1851 Aged 51 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Lang Hiram White Church Crown Point
Lang Johnie White Church Crown Point
Lang baby White Church Crown Point
LaPough Carrie Brick Church Crown Point
LaPough Edward Brick Church Crown Point
Larribee Clarissa 2 9 1851 ae 65 White Church Crown Point
Larrow Emma White Church Crown Point
Lasarus Susie White Church Crown Point
Lasarus Charles White Church Crown Point
Laundry Marjory age 2 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Law Sybil 3 10 1894 ae 72 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Law Stephen 5 12 1891 ae 80 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Law Fayette 2 28 1853 ae 5 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lawernce Susanna Brick Church Crown Point
Lawrence Augusta 7 24 1846 Aged 1yr 5m Old Burying Grounds
Lawrence Thelma Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lawrence Almira 2 6 1861 ae 51 yrs White Church Crown Point
Lawson Rachel 1 27 1825 in 5th year Buck Hollow Crown Point
Leach Mary 3 15 1896 Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leach Jacob Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leach Mary Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leach Alfreton Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leach Urana 2 1 1858 ae 36 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leavitt Luvana 3 14 1888 Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leavitt Mary ae 80 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leavitt Sarah 3 24 1842 ae 37 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leavitt Ruhamah 9 30 1848 ae 72y8m10d Port Douglas Cem
Leavitt Byron 1 22 1865 ae33yrs(38?)Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leavitt Mary ae 80 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leavitt Ann Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Leavitt R ae 72 Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lee infant 3 16 1851 Ironville Crown Point
Lee Richard age 71 Ironville Crown Point
Lee Benjamin Ironville Crown Point
Lee Betsy Ironville Crown Point
Lee infant age 5 days Ironville Crown Point
Lee Henry age 1 month Ironville Crown Point
Lee Nellie Ironville Crown Point
Lee Mary age 28 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Lee Elijah age 84 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Lee Stella age 5 mos Ironville Crown Point
Lee Benj Ironville Crown Point
Lee Lottie Ironville Crown Point
Lee Eva age 55 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Lee Cynthia age 41 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Leel? Walter 1 16 1863 ae 89 yrs White Church Crown Point
Leland Lucinda Brick Church Crown Point
Leland Walter 10 23 1887 68y11m20d Brick Church Crown Point
Leland Martin 2 24 1868 Brick Church Crown Point
Leland Orlando 12 25 1825 age 4 weeks Wolcott Crown Point
Letson Claude age 18 mos Ironville Crown Point
Letson Lester Ironville Crown Point
Lewis Etna Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Lewis Elizabeth Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lewis Oscar Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Lewis Erasmus Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lewis Catherine 10 13 1844 Aged 10 yrs Old Burying Grounds
Linden Mary Ironville Crown Point
Lindsay Aurilla ae 2 days Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay James 12 9 1892 ae 59 yrs9m Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Geo Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Mary Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Thomas Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Addie Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Mara Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Helen Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Delia Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay George Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Helen Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay F Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Sarah Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Lydia ae 74 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay William Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Gregg 7 31 1854 ae 30 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Eva 5 24 1883 ae 25 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Enos Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Walter Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Lindsay Ruby ae 2 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Ling Ruth Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Ling Elmer Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Littel Emma 5 13 1858 ae 11y 6m White Church Crown Point
Locke Isaac 6 24 1865 44y11m23d Factoryville Crown Point
Locke Ella Factoryville Crown Point
Locke Frank 1 yr10days Factoryville Crown Point
Locke Matilda Factoryville Crown Point
Locke John Factoryville Crown Point
Locke Ella ae 20 yrs Factoryville Crown Point
Locke Ellie Factoryville Crown Point
Locke Lorany 3 11 1850 ae 58 White Church Crown Point
Locke John 7 17 1872 ae 82 yrs White Church Crown Point
Locke Sumner 9 9 1855 ae 37 yrs White Church Crown Point
Locke Lovica 1 21 1842 ae 11 yrs White Church Crown Point
Locke Lomira 5 4 1846 ae 21 yrs White Church Crown Point
Loverin Caleb 2 22 1846 ae 78 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Lyford John Towner Hill Crown Point
Lyford Abigail Towner Hill Crown Point
Mace Alferd Evergreen Chesterfield
Macomber Julio Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Macomber Virginia Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Marshall Edward 2 1 1876 ae 10yr8mos Factoryville Crown Point
Martin Mary Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Martin David Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Marvin Mary Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Marvin James 3 29 1886 Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mary White Church Crown Point
Mash Eliza 2 11 1851 ae 22 White Church Crown Point
Mash Sally 2 11 1849 ae 26 White Church Crown Point
Mash Betsy 1 22 1862 14yrs1mo18d White Church Crown Point
Mash Lucy 8 25 1851 11m 18 days White Church Crown Point
Mason George Brick Church Crown Point
Mason Eva Brick Church Crown Point
Matteson Mary Ironville Crown Point
Matthews Frances 12 17 1845 Aged 3 yrs Old Burying Grounds
Matthews Wellington 2 14 1841 Age 8 mos Old Burying Grounds
Maynard Silas 12 30 1858 Brick Church Crown Point
Maynard Ester 2 16 1861 ae 49 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Maynard Loiza 4 11 1841 no age Towner Hill Crown Point
Maynard Hemen 11 4 1851 in 30th yr White Church Crown Point
Maynard Rhoda 10 3 1841 age 25 y Towner Hill Crown Point
Maynard Ellmer 2 14 1818 4 mos 8 d White Church Crown Point
McAllister Becky 8 6 1876 Trimble Crown Point
McAllister John 8 6 1876 Trimble Crown Point
McAllister Ettie 2 3 1863 3 yrs 4 mos White Church Crown Point
McAllister Adeline 8 8 1846 ae 14 mos White Church Crown Point
McAllister William 8 5 1842 ae 19 mos White Church Crown Point
McAllister Catherine 8 2 1844 in 34 yrs White Church Crown Point
McAllister Mary White Church Crown Point
McAllister Lewis 3 30 1869 ae 7 mos White Church Crown Point
McAnley Darcas Ironville Crown Point
McAnley P Ironville Crown Point
McAuley Fanny 11 13 1857 age 37 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
McAuley William 12 13 1815 in 68th yr Wolcott Crown Point
McAuley Perry ae 74 White Church Crown Point
McAuley Rendal 10 24 1883 White Church Crown Point
McAuley Lovonia White Church Crown Point
McAuley Huldah 5 11 1852 age 29 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
McAuley Mary 1 8 1815 age 69 yrs Wolcott Crown Point
McAuley George 2 4 1857 4yrs9ms12dys Wolcott Crown Point
McAuley John 4 20 1896 ae 77 yrs White Church Crown Point
McAuley Ashley White Church Crown Point
McCabe Laura Brick Church Crown Point
McCabe Virginia White Church Crown Point
McCann Almedia 11 26 1875 34 yrs 6 mos White Church Crown Point
McCaw John age 6 years Ironville Crown Point
McCaw john age 87 years Ironville Crown Point
McCaw Benjamin age 3 years Ironville Crown Point
McCullough R Irish Catholic/St John's Chesterfield
McDonal Charlie 9 21 1861 ae 1 yr 9mos White Church Crown Point
McDonal Ervin 7 9 1860 ae 3 yrs White Church Crown Point
McDonal Zipha 10 8 1857 ae 2 yrs White Church Crown Point
McDonal Rhoda White Church Crown Point
McDonald Ruth White Church Crown Point
McGee Fidelia Mount Hope Crown Point
McGinnes Clarissa ae 52 yrs White Church Crown Point
McGinness David White Church Crown Point
McGinness Estell White Church Crown Point
McGinness Grace White Church Crown Point
McHilhattan Hattie 8 3 1877 27yr8mo22 da Brick Church Crown Point
McHilhattan Mable 8 3 1877 3yr 5mo12 da Brick Church Crown Point
McIntyre Simeon age 85 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Marietta age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Artemas age 58 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Louisa 45 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Martha Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre John Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Briah age 72 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Eliza age 54 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Freddie age 7 months Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Samuel age 9 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Albert age 17 yr Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Briah age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Emily age 73 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Daniel age 19 years Ironville Crown Point
McIntyre Micajah Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Sam Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry David age 1 year Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Francis Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Mary age 10 years Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Emeline Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry jane age 5 yrs Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry William Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Roseltha Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Jannett age 77 years Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Elmer age 6 mos Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Mary age 2 years Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Emma age 3 mos Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry James age 75 years Ironville Crown Point
McMurtry Maria age 20 years Ironville Crown Point
McNeal Amanda 5 24 1867 Brick Church Crown Point
McNeal Isaac 5 17 1878 ae 71 yr 8mo Brick Church Crown Point
McNeal Jacob 8 3 1851 ae 15 yr 9mo Brick Church Crown Point
McNeal Anna 11 29 1885 ae 79 yr 6mo Brick Church Crown Point
Meachem Altie 2 12 1890 7 mos12 days White Church Crown Point
Mead Frank 10 13 1875 Brick Church Crown Point
Meader Henry 5 13 1848 Aged 7 weeks Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Meeker Laura 12 28 1852 ae 35 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Miles Grace Brick Church Crown Point
Miles George Aged 3 mos Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Miles Theodore Brick Church Crown Point
Miller Sophia 4 10 1888 ae 86 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Miller Polly 8 27 1860 ae 91 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Miller Walter White Church Crown Point
Miller John White Church Crown Point
Miller Jessie White Church Crown Point
Miller Daisy 7 5 1899 ae20yrs7 mos White Church Crown Point
Miller Augustus ae 2 yrs 7mos White Church Crown Point
Miller Flora 7 15 1898 White Church Crown Point
Miller Ella White Church Crown Point
MIller Eva Mount Hope Crown Point
Miner John White Church Crown Point
Miner Battie 8 6 1891 White Church Crown Point
Miner George White Church Crown Point
Miner Julie White Church Crown Point
Miner Charles White Church Crown Point
Miner Warner White Church Crown Point
Miner Dannie White Church Crown Point
Miner Maude White Church Crown Point
Miner George White Church Crown Point
Mishler Hiram 10 6 1881 Brick Church Crown Point
Mishler Hiram ae 74 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Mishler Sarah 9 14 1884 ae 31 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Mishler Edna age 16 yr Ironville Crown Point
Mishler Peter age 79 years Ironville Crown Point
Mishler William age 38 years Ironville Crown Point
Mishler Betsy Ironville Crown Point
Mishler Nellie age 46 years Ironville Crown Point
Mishler Joseph age 58 years Ironville Crown Point
Mishler Carrie age 32 years Ironville Crown Point
Mitchell Thomas age 2 yr? Ironville Crown Point
Mitchell Mary age 18 years Ironville Crown Point
Mitcher Dolly Ironville Crown Point
Mitcher Goergie B 2 years Ironville Crown Point
Mock Joseph Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Mock Julia Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Mock Amelia Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Mock Amelia Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Mock Andrew Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Mock Joseph 9 14 1876 ae 53 yrs Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Mock John Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Mock Jane 12 20 1892 Port Kent Cem Chesterfield
Moncrief Clark 3 15 1851 age 2 years Ironville Crown Point
Moncrief Edson 2 17 1854 age 3 years Ironville Crown Point
Moncrief Warren age 21 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Moncrief Hannah 8 7 1865 age 45 years Ironville Crown Point
Moncrief William 1 30 1882 Ironville Crown Point
Moncrief Albert Ironville Crown Point
Moncrief Sarah Ironville Crown Point
Monroe Betsy 3 20 1811 ae 63 White Church Crown Point
Monta Margaret age 3 yrs Ironville Crown Point
Monta William Ironville Crown Point
moore Viceroy Ironville Crown Point
Moore Elizabeth Brick Church Crown Point
Moore John 2 26 1851 ae 1 yr 8 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Moore Thomas age 8 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Irvin age 4 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Henry age 11 mos Ironville Crown Point
Moore William 11 12 1863 In 65th yrs Old Burying Grounds
Moore Parmelia Ironville Crown Point
Moore Ellen age 3 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Walter Brick Church Crown Point
Moore John Ironville Crown Point
Moore William 10 23 1841 Aged 10 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Moore Ida age 5 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore William age 77 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Luthera age 51 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Sanford age 24 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Lida White Church Crown Point
Moore Mary Ironville Crown Point
Moore Martha age 46 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Anna 6 3 1881 ae 16 mos White Church Crown Point
Moore Olive Ironville Crown Point
Moore Myrtle Ironville Crown Point
Moore Hasting Ironville Crown Point
Moore Edward Ironville Crown Point
Moore Henry age 6 months Ironville Crown Point
Moore Thomas age 84 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Jennie Ironville Crown Point
Moore Mary Ironville Crown Point
Moore Mary age 56 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Zilphia age 72 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Charles ae 31 yrs White Church Crown Point
Moore Katherine age 18 years Ironville Crown Point
Moore Marion Ironville Crown Point
Moore Nancy Ironville Crown Point
Moore Bert Ironville Crown Point
Moore Louisa 10 20 1883 ae 62 yrs White Church Crown Point
Moore William Ironville Crown Point
Moore Lydia 4 4 1824 age 44 yrs Nichols Crown Point
Moore Ernest age 8 months Ironville Crown Point
Moore Louisa age 35 years Ironville Crown Point
More Sophronia age 33 years Ironville Crown Point
More Louise Ironville Crown Point
More James Ironville Crown Point
More Eunice age 26 years Ironville Crown Point
Morgan Abigail 12 30 1840 ae 52 yrs White Church Crown Point
Morhous Alvina 10 2 1844 ae 21 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Morrison Robert 2 21 1837 Aged 36 yrs Old Burying Grounds Chesterfield
Morton Edward 4 1 1843 ae 9yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Morton Levi 2 28 1843 ae 9 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Moses Lucinda White Church Crown Point
Moses Rufus 11 18 1887 53 yrs 11mos White Church Crown Point
Murdock Cleste ae 80 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Elizabeth 6 10 1889 ae 79 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Lucy 3 2 1878 ae 35 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock infant 1 15 1892 Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock James 1 14 1841 ae 88 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Sarah 12 4 1834 27yr4mo20da Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Samuel 2 22 1857 ae 76 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Mary Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock John 10 7 1844 ae 6 mo 13da Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Emma 2 1 1882 ae 39 yr Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Howard Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock J 11 29 1883 ae 47 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Guy 9 1 1865 ae 6 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Eddie Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Charles Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Sarah 3 16 1815 ae 30 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Martha ae 69 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Evelyn Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock John ae 74 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock James 4 6 1893 Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock H ae 48 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Ida Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Philip ae 66 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Samuel Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Willie 12 19 1876 ae 6 yr 7 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock James 2 20 1877 ae 15 yr 5mo Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Laura 10 7 1844 ae 6 mo 13da Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Laura Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock James Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Joseph ae 82 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Andrew Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Mary 3 18 1852 ae11yrs10 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Samuel 12 22 1894 Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Belle 4 15 1881 ae11yrs8 mo Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock James ae 60 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock S ae 75 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murdock Gertrude ae 27 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murphy Lynde 2 21 1848 ae 2 mo 1 da Brick Church Crown Point
Murphy Neson 12 9 1849 ae 29 yrs Brick Church Crown Point
Murphy Emma age 4 months Ironville Crown Point
Murphy Edward age 2 years Ironville Crown Point
Mussen Mary Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Philip Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Atlas Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Enos 8 26 1854 ae 2 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Lena Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Elah 5 28 1861 Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Evadeny 6 27 1863 ae 3 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Ella 7 26 1878 ae 11yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Ida 6 3 1883 ae 15 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Jessie 8 3 1878 ae 8 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Louisa 10 15 1882 ae 60 yrs Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Eva Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Willie Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Adie Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Mussen Edie Port Douglas Cem Chesterfield
Myott Elizabeth Mount Hope Crown Point
Myott Martha Mount Hope Crown Point
Myott Emma Mount Hope Crown Point
Myott Oliver 7 31 1864 Mount Hope Crown Point
Myott Oliver Mount Hope Crown Point
Myott Morris Mount Hope Crown Point
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