The source for cemetery listings with Latitude and Longitude entries is The US Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
Geographic Names Info System

Bitmap image of cemetery locations provided by Jim Elbrecht

Entries without the Latitude and Longitude entries are gathered from various sources and "word of mouth".

If you would like to add an entry, please email me the information

***Link to offsite cemetery lists at the Northern New York Tombstone Transcription Project

Cemetery Name               Map#    Latitude Longitude Map/Town          
Adams Cemetary                                         Willsboro/Willsboro
Alexandria Cemetery     (See St Mary's Ti)             Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Baker Street Cemetery                                  Schroon Lake/Schroon Lake
Bay State Cemetery a.k.a. Furnace Cemetery             Port Henry/Moriah
Big Hollow Cemetery                                    Port Henry/Moriah
Black River Cemetary          (1)   441236N  0733132W  Westport/Westport
Boardman Cemetery             (2)   442208N  0732913W  Willsboro/Willsboro
Bouguet Cemetary                                       Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Brainards Forge Cemetery                               Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Brick Church                                           Crown Point/Crown Point
Brookfield Baptist                                     Essex/Essex  
Brookside Cemetery            (3)   442334N  0740454W  Bloomingdale/St. Armand
Buck Hollow Cemetery                                   Crown Point/Crown Point
Bugbee cemetery                                        Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Burt Cemetery                 (4)   441700N  0732403W  Willsboro/Essex
Calvary Cemetery              (5)   442117N  0732226W  Charlotte/Willsboro
Central Cemetery              (6)   442204N  0734330W  Jay/Jay
Charley Hill Cemetery                                  Schroon Lake/Schroon Lake  
Chilson Cemetery                                       Chilson/Ticonderoga 
Coll Cemetery                                          Westport/Westport
Crossett cemetery                                      Lewis/Lewis
Currier Cemetery                                       Willsboro/Willsboro
Cushman Family Cemetery Records                        Westville,NY
DeerHead Cemetery aka Fairview,Crowningshield          Deerhead/Lewis
Delorme/Schroon River Cemetery                         Schroon Lake/Schroon Lake
Essex Cemetery                                         Essex/Essex
Estes Cemetery                (7)   441205N  0734651W  Keene Valley/Keene
Fairview Cemetery (1)         (8)   435644N  0732753W  Crown Point/Crown Point
Fairview Cemetery (2)         (8)   435644N  0732753W  Crown Point/Crown Point
Fairview Cemetery             (9)   442009N  0733328W  Lewis/Lewis (See Deerhead)
Fairview Cemetery             (10)  442647N  0734012W  Au Sable Forks/Black Brook
Federal Flat Cemetery         (11)  434644N  0735633W  Minerva/Minerva
Forestdale Cemetery           (12)  435701N  0732615W  Crown Point/Crown Point
Gilliland Cemetery                                     Willsboro/Willsboro
Goodspeed Cemetery            (13)  442516N  0735626W  Franklin Falls/St. Armand
Guilderland Cemetery          (14)  442207N  0732345W  Willsboro/Willsboro
Haselton Cemetery             (15)  442426N  0734650W  Wilmington/Wilmington
Holt Cemetery                 (16)  441244N  0734722W  Keene Valley/Keene
Holy Name R.C. Cemetery                                AuSable Forks/Black Brook
Hoisington Cemetery                                    Westport/Westport    
Immaculate Conception         (17)  443005N  0732850W  Keeseville/Chesterfield
Ingalls Cemetery Streetroad                            Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Ingalls Cemetery              (18)  441653N  0734742W  Keene/Keene
John Browns Farm Cemetery     (19)  441507N  0735817W  Lake Placid/North Elba
Lakeview Cemetery             (20)  442008N  0732129W  Charlotte/Willsboro
Lewis Cemetery                                         Lewis/Lewis
Loch Muller Cemetery                                   Loch Muller/Schroon Lake   
Malbone Cemetery              (21)  442240N  0734743W  Wilmington/Wilmington
McCaughin Cemetery McDougal Drive                      Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Memorial Cemetery             (22)  442118N  0732233W  Willsboro/Willsboro
Miller Cemetery                                        Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Mineville Cemetery                                     Mineville/Moriah
Mission Cemetery Vinyard Road                          Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Morhous Cemetery                                       Willsboro/Willsboro
Mount Hope Cemetery           (23)  435122N  0732521W  Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Morse Cemetery                                         Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Mountain View Cemetery        (24)  442036N  0734610W  Keene/Wilmington
Mountain View Cemetery                                 North Jay 
Newcomb Cemetery              (25)  435700N  0740444W  Vanderwhacker Mountain/Newcomb
North Elba Cemetery           (26)  441547N  0735821W  Lake Placid/North Elba
North Hudson Cemetery         (27)  440042N  0734142W  Underwood/North Hudson
North Hudson R.C.Cemetery                              North Hudson/North Hudson
North Jay Cemetery            (28)  442426N  0733928W  North Jay-Au Sable Forks/Jay
Norton Cemetery               (29)  441415N  0734650W  Keene Valley/Keene
Old Burying Ground                                     Westport/Westport
Old Burt Cemetery                                      Near Essex/Essex      
Old Keeseville Buring Ground                           Keeseville NY
Old Post Cemetery                                      Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Paradox Lake Cemetery                                  Schroon Lake/Schroon Lake
Pine Ridge Cemetery           (30)  435915N  0734239W  Paradox Lake/St. Armand
Pine Ridge Cemetery           (31)  441931N  0740724W  McKenzie Mountain/North Hudson
Port Douglass Cemetery        (32)  442842N  0732549W  Port Douglas/Westport
Reber Cemetery                                         Willsboro/Willsboro
Richards Cemetery                                      Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Riverside Cemetery                                     Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Riverside Cemetery                                     Wadhams/Westport
Rogers Cemetery                                        Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Roscoe Cemetery                                        Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Sacred Heart Cemetery         (33)  435707N  0732517W  Crown Point/Crown Point
Saint Agnes Cemetary                                   Lake Placid/North Elba
Saint Elizabeth's Catholic Church cemetery             Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Saint Joseph's Cemetery                                Olmstedville
Saint Mary's Cemetery                                  Irishtown/Minerva
Saint Mary's Cemetery         (34)  435016N  0732609W  Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Saint Patrick Cemetery        (35)  440327N  0732953W  Port Henry/Moriah
Saints Peter & Paul           (36)  440331N  0733005W  Witherbee/Moriah
Schroon River Cemetery        (37)  435608N  0734406W  Paradox Lake/North Hudson
Severance Cemetery(aka Baptist)                        Schroon Lake/Schroon Lake
Shaw Cemetery                 (38)  441335N  0734717W  Keene Valley/Keene
Sherman cemetery                                       Moriah/Moriah
Simonds Hill Cemetery                                  Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Smith Family Plot                                      Elizabethtown/Elizabethtown
Spear Cemetery                (39)  440115N  0732940W  Port Henry/Moriah
South Moriah Cemetery                                  Moriah Center/Moriah
Stevenson Cemetery            (40)  440621N  0732650W  Port Henry/Moriah
Streetroad Cemetery                                    Streetroad/Ticonderoga
Towner Hill Cemetery                                   Crown Point/Crown Point
Union Cemetery                (41)  440301N  0732855W  Port Henry/Moriah
Union Cemetery                (42)  442536N  0735639W  Franklin Falls/St. Armand
Valley View Cemetery (South Ti)                        Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Valley View, West Side                                 Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Valley View, South Ti, another list                    Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Walton Cemetery               (43)  440348N  0732753W  Port Henry/Moriah
White Church Cemetery                                  Crown Point/Crown Point
Wicker family cemetery                                 Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Wolcott Cemetery                                       Crown Point/Crown Point 
Whallon's Bay Cemetery                                 Essex/Essex
Weed/Arthur cemetery                                   Ticonderoga/Ticonderoga
Burdick Farm                                                Crown Point
CP Catholic Cem                                             Crown Point  
Crown Point                                                 Crown Point  
Crown Point Ctr                                             Crown Point  
Cram Cemetery                                               Crown Point
Cummings Farm                                               Crown Point
East Poltney, VT                                            Crown Point  
Evergreen                                                   Chesterfield 
Evergreen/South Burying Grounds                             Chesterfield 
Factoryville                                                Crown Point  
Fairfield                                                   Crown Point  
French Catholic/St John's                                   Chesterfield 
Hardy                                                       Crown Point  
Irish Catholic/St John's                                    Chesterfield 
Ironville                                                   Crown Point  
Lake Cemetery                                               Crown Point
Moriah                                                      Moriah       
Moses Townsend                                              Crown Point  
Moses Townsend (South Moriah)                               Crown Point  
Mount Hope                                                  Crown Point  
Nichols                                                     Crown Point  
Old Burying Grounds                                         Chesterfield 
Port Kent Cem                                               Chesterfield 
Putnam Creek                                                Crown Point  
Schroon Lake Protestant Cemetery                            Schroon Lake
St John's                                                   Chesterfield 
Thompson Cemetery                                           Ticonderoga
Town Line cem, Bridport, VT                                 Crown Point  
Trimble                                                     Crown Point  
Warner                                                      Crown Point  
Watson/Port Kent                                            Chesterfield 

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