Births, Marriages, and Obituaries extracted from
Essex County, New York Newspapers

(1831 -1864)

compiled by Joyce M. Ranieri
Brushton, NY 12916

From the compiler:

The following is the text of births, marriages, and obituaries copied from various Essex County newspapers. I began this project in June of 1983. My original intent was to create a set of "vital records" for the time period leading up to 1880 when the state began compiling vital statistics. For several years I worked on it in my spare time, until moving to Franklin County in September of 1983. Unfortunately, I never returned to the project. I believe my stopping point was the May 5th, 1864 issue of The Elizabethtown Post.

As much as possible, I copied all of the information found in the newspaper. Illegible material was marked by an underline or question marks. On occasion, very long material was not copied and a note was made to see the newspaper for a long obituary or poem.

All entries are listed alphabetically with women's obituaries being listed twice, once under their maiden name and once under their married name. Marriages are listed three times: once under the male's name, once under the female's married name, and once under the female's maiden name. The abbreviations inst. (instant, means of the current month ) and ult. (ultimo, means last) refer to the month. At the end, you will find a list of publications which were searched along with a list of issues which were missing.

Joyce M. Ranieri

PO Box 326

Brushton, NY 12916


Keeseville Herald

The Elizabethtown Post

The Essex County Republican

The Westport Courier

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advisor

(the name was changed to the Westport Patriot)

Westport Patriot

(later changed its name to the Essex County Reporter)

The Essex County Reporter

The Crown Point Budget


?, Mary Jane

Married in Danville, Essex on the 12th inst., by Rev. G. W. Esty to Miss Mary Jane [?] of the former place.

NOTE - the surname is in the margin and is illegible. The husbands name is not given!

Westport Patriot 23 September 1847

ABBOTT, Hester

Married at Saranac Lake, on the 5th instant, by Milote Baker, Esquire, at his residence, Mr. RUSSELL MOODY to Miss HESTER ABOTT, both of Franklin, NY.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861

ABEL, Charles

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 5th instant, Mr. CHARLES ABEL, aged 54 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 July 1854

ABEL, Mary

Died in this town, at the residence of Mr. Adolphus Partridge, Mrs. MARY ABEL, relict of the late Azel Abel, Esquire, aged 83 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 March 1862

ABEL, Mary A.

Married on the 16th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, Oliver Abel, Esquire, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. CHARLES N. WILLIAMS, Merchant, to Miss MARY A. ABEL, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 February 1859

ABEL, Sarah A.

Married in this town on the 21st ult., by Rev. Wm. Dickens, Mr. JASON PANCBORN of Makoqueta, Iowa to Miss SARAH A. daughter of Oliver ABEL of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1856


Married in this town on the 1st instant, by Rev. Mr. Hurlbut of Elizabethtown, Mr. HARVY ABELL to Miss A. E. LOBDELL, both of this town.

Westport Courier 3 January 1850

ABELL, Harvy

Married in this town on the 1st instant, by Rev. Mr. Hurlbut of Elizabethtown, Mr. HARVY ABELL to Miss A. E. LOBDELL, both of this town.

Westport Courier 3 January 1850

ADAMS, Caroline P.

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 25th ult., Mr. LORIN H. BRAUGHTON to Miss CAROLINE P. ADAMS, both of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

ADAMS, Jacob E.

Died in Brunswick, Rennselaer Co., N.Y. on the 9th inst., JACOB E. ADAMS, father of E. A. Adams of this place, age 69 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 May 1857


Married by Joseph Potter, Esquire, on November 5th, Mr. WILLARD ADKINS and Miss POLLY ANN COMBES, both of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859

ADKINS, Willard

Married by Joseph Potter, Esquire, on November 5th, Mr. WILLARD ADKINS and Miss POLLY ANN COMBES, both of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859

ADSIT, Caroline M. (BARNES)

Married in Willsborough, July 1st instant, seated in their carriage in the public highway, opposite the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, by Rev. Mr. Eames, Mr. SILAS ADSIT, to Miss CAROLINE M. BARNES, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854


Married at Essex County Mansion House on the 19th ult., by the Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. SAMUEL ADSIT of Willsboro to CYTHE REA BISHOP of Lewis.

Essex County Reporter 26 July 1849


Married at the Methodist parsonage in Elizabethtown, February 19th, by Rev. S. Gardiner, Mr. WILLIAM H. ADSIT, of Essex, to Miss HELEN DICKERSON, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 February 1862

ADSIT, Samuel

Married at Essex County Mansion House on the 19th ult., by the Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. SAMUEL ADSIT of Willsboro to CYTHE REA BISHOP of Lewis.

Essex County Reporter 26 July 1849

ADSIT, Silas

Married in Willsborough, July 1st instant, seated in their carriage in the public highway, opposite the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, by Rev. Mr. Eames, Mr. SILAS ADSIT, to Miss CAROLINE M. BARNES, all of Keeseville.Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

ADSIT, William H.

Married at the Methodist parsonage in Elizabethtown, February 19th, by Rev. S. Gardiner, Mr. WILLIAM H. ADSIT, of Essex, to Miss HELEN DICKERSON, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 February 1862

ALLEN, Almond

Married in Westport, on the 13th instant, by Rev. Mr. Hagar, Mr. ALMOND ALLEN, of Westport, to Miss MARY MEEKER, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1853


Married on the 12th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. D. L. ALLEN to Miss C. M. PAGE, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 July 1853


Married on the 12th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. D. L. ALLEN to Miss C. M. PAGE, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 July 1853


Married in Clintonville, on Monday the 13th instant by Mr. H. Herrick, Mr. E. A. ALLEN to Miss MARY E. HAYWOOD.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848

ALLEN, George

Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this village on the 9th ult. by Rev. H. M. Mansee, GEORGE ALLEN of Rochester, Vermont to JANE C. BLOOD of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

ALLEN, Jacob

Died in this village on the 2nd instant, of cancer in the stomach, Mr. JACOB ALLEN, aged 83 years.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 August 1852

ALLEN, Jacob

Died in this village on the 2nd instant, after a long and protracted illness, Mr. JACOB ALLEN, aged 64 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 August 1852


Died in Elizabethtown, on the 8th instant, WIDOW JANE ALLEN, aged 70 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854


Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this village on the 9th ult. by Rev. H. M. Mansee, GEORGE ALLEN of Rochester, Vermont to JANE C. BLOOD of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

ALLEN, Jennie

Married at the residence of the bride's brother, Thomas F. Allen, on Saturday, January 5th, 1878, by C. M. Pease Esquire, Mr. RUFUS THOMPSON to Miss JENNIE ALLEN, both of this place.

Crown Point Budget 9 January 1878

ALLEN, John L. (Dr.)

Died in Lawrence, Massachusetts on the 11th instant of dysentery, DR. JOHN L. ALLEN of New Haven, Connecticut, the youngest son of the late Jacob Allen of this village, aged 29 years.

He left here on Friday the 6th instant, reached his brother's house in Lawrence on Saturday, was taken ill in the evening and died at 11 o'clock the Wednesday night following, one short week from the day he stood in health beside his father's grave. Surely in the midst of life we are in death!

The Elizabethtown Post 20 August 1852

ALLEN, Louisa

Married by the Rev. David Connell, at the residence of Mr. Jerry Lockwood, on the 26th of November, Mr. DARWIN WEEKS, to Miss LOUISA ALLEN, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 December 1861


Died in Brooklyn, Massachusetts, on the 16th instant, Mrs. M. EVELYN, wife of A. H. ALLEN, and only daughter of Arba MAYNARD, Esquire, of Boston, aged 25 years. Mrs. A. leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their irreparable loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 April 1853


Married in Westport, on the 13th instant, by Rev. Mr. Hagar, Mr. ALMOND ALLEN, of Westport, to Miss MARY MEEKER, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1853


Married in Clintonville, on Monday the 13th instant by Mr. H. Herrick, Mr. E. A. ALLEN to Miss MARY E. HAYWOOD.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848

ALLEN, Olivia M.

Married in Keeseville on the 10th instant, by Rev. Mr. Mattsocks, H. M. CHASE, Esquire, Attorney at Law, to Miss OLIVIA M. ALLEN, eldest daughter of Anson H. ALLEN, Esquire, of the Old Settler.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854

AMES, Alfred B.

Married in Elizabethtown on the 1st instant, by Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. ALFRED B. AMES of Moriah to Miss MARY L. NICHOLS, of this former place.

Westport Courier 11 January 1850

AMES, Jane W.

Married at Ausable Forks, July 16th, by Rev. J. S. Hart, Mr. HARVEY H. COOPER, and Miss JANE W. AMES, both of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 July 1853


Married in Elizabethtown on the 1st instant, by Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. ALFRED B. AMES of Moriah to Miss MARY L. NICHOLS, of this former place.

Westport Courier 11 January 1850


Died at Essex, on the 10th instant, EMMA AMIDON, wife of J. B. Ammidon, and daughter of Doctor Alpheus MORSE of Jay, aged 50 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 October 1853

AMOS, Edwin D.

Married in this town on the 13th instant by Rev. M. A. Wicker, EDWIN D. AMOS of Lewis to MARION L. NICHOLS of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864


Married in this town on the 13th instant by Rev. M. A. Wicker, EDWIN D. AMOS of Lewis to MARION L. NICHOLS of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864


Married in Westport, N.Y., on the 16th ult., by the Rev. F. P. Lang, Mr. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS of Castleton, VT., to Miss AMANDA A. ANDERSON of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861


Married on Thursday, May 5th, at the residence of the bride's father, in Stillwater, by the Rev. Calvin C. Shattuck, ALFRED A. LEE, of Troy, to Miss JANE B., youngest daughter of HENRY ANDREWS, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 May 1859


Married on the 18th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. M. W. ANGIER and Miss J. J. GIBBS, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1854


Married in Garnavillo, Iowa, on the 24th ult. by Rev. L. P. Mathews, Mr. LEVI ANGIER to Miss SARAH E. GAY, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 September 1856


Married on the 18th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. M. W. ANGIER and Miss J. J. GIBBS, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1854

ANGIER, Margaret H.

Married in Westport, on the 14th instant, by Rev. Thomas Brandt, Mr. HARVEY PIERCE to Mrs. MARGARET H. ANGIER, daughter of Deacon Luther Angier, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 July 1853

ANGIER, Orrilla

Married in this town on the 23d instant, by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. JOHNATHAN NICHOLS, Jr. to Miss ORRILLA ANGIER, all of this town.

Westport Courier 25 January 1850

ANGIER, Sarah E. (GAY)

Married in Garnavillo, Iowa, on the 24th ult. by Rev. L. P. Mathews, Mr. LEVI ANGIER to Miss SARAH E. GAY, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 September 1856

ANGIER, William

Died in this village on Thursday the 14th instant, of consumption, WILLIAM ANGIER, aged 26.

Westport Courier 22 February 1850

ANNIS, Mary Ann

Married on Thursday evening the 9th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. LOREN GIBBS to Miss MARY ANN ANNIS of this town.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 16 March 1848


Married, on the 27th inst. at Elizabethtown, in this county, PANDER CLA, Esquire, to Miss SANGUINA ANTI-MASONRY, eldest daughter of Mugient Chagrin, Esquire. We are sorry to state that among the guests there were but few friends of the bride, in consequence of the cards of invitation not being countersigned by the legal representative of her godfather, the late Capt. William Morgan.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831 (Tuesday)

ARMS, Lucretia D.

Died in this village on the 18th ult. of consumption, Mrs. Lucretia D. ARMS, wife of Mr. Theodore C. LAMSON, aged 21 yrs. Mrs. Lamson had resided here 2 years but her pure womanly graces, kindness of heart and gentleness of disposition, ever won a warm friend in every new acquaintance. . . . . remains buried Waterbury, Vt.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

There is also a card from the husband published below the obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 May 1856

ARNOLD, D. Milton

Married at Shoreham, Vermont, August 30 by Rev. C. C. Stevens of Crownpoint, N.Y., Mr. D. MILTON ARNOLD of Keeseville, to Miss N. MARIA WILCOX of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 September 1854

ARNOLD, Mariana

Died, in Keeseville, Thursday morning, the 13th instant, MARIANA ARNOLD, wife of Winslow C. WATSON, Jr., Esquire, and only daughter of Silas ARNOLD, Esquire, aged 30 years.

Mrs. Watson was a lady of unusual cultivation of mind and goodness and purity of heart, endeared to all her acquaintance by the grace and amiability of her character and the excellence of her christian virtues.

But a brief time is past since she became united in marriage with the husband of her choice and the world with all its hopes and brightest prospects, seemed before them. All this is vanished now; and to the deep sorrow of the bereaved husband and relatives is only left, in this life, the condolence and heartfelt sympathy of their numerous friends.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 November 1862

ARNOLD, Mary Anna

Married on Tuesday, the 20th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Asa Hemenway, WINSLOW C. WATSON, Jr., Esquire, and Miss MARY ANNA ARNOLD, daughter of Silas Arnold, Esquire, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861


Married at Shoreham, Vermont, August 30 by Rev. C. C. Stevens of Crownpoint, N.Y., Mr. D. MILTON ARNOLD of Keeseville, to Miss N. MARIA WILCOX of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 September 1854


Married at Jay, Essex County, New York, by the Rev. Dillon Osgood, Hon. DENNIS ARTHUR, of W. Hudson, to Miss BETSY D. BROWN, daughter of James C. Brown, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 December 1858

ARTHUR, Dennis

Married at Jay, Essex County, New York, by the Rev. Dillon Osgood, Hon. DENNIS ARTHUR, of W. Hudson, to Miss BETSY D. BROWN, daughter of James C. Brown, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 December 1858

ARTHUR, Francis

Died in Ticonderoga, on the evening of the 3rd instant, FRANCIS ARTHUR, Esquire, in the 85th year of his age. It is a half century or more since Mr. Arthur settled in this town. He is well and favorably known for the uprightness of his character, and his sterling integrity in all dealings with his fellow man. His funeral was well attended at the white church, on the 9th, by a large concourse of friends. Masonic ceremonies were performed by the brethren of that order, from Crownpoint and other towns, and an appropriate sermon from John IX-4, delivered by the Rev. C. C. Stevens of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1859

ATWOOD, Elizabeth P.

Married in Royalston, Vermont, on the 21st instant, Capt. Z. B. STETSON, of Champlain, N.Y., and Miss ELIZABETH P., daughter of Ebenezer ATWOOD, Esquire, of Royalston.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 March 1860

AVERILL, Lottie E.

Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, by Rev. W. W. Atwater, Mr. SAMUEL BUCK, and Miss LOTTIE E. AVERILL, both of that town.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859

AYRES, Polly

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 8th instant, by M. F. Nicholson, Esquire, Mr. Henry PIERSON and Miss POLLY AYRES, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854

BABCOCK, Elvira Jane (CHASE)

Married in Johnston, Fulton County, on the 10th by Rev. Hiram Chase, Mr. JOHN E. BABCOCK of Chatham, Columbia County, to Miss ELVIRA JANE CHASE, daughter of Rev. H. Chase of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex Co. Advertiser 10 February 1848


Married in Johnston, Fulton County, on the 10th by Rev. Hiram Chase, Mr. JOHN E. BABCOCK of Chatham, Columbia County, to Miss ELVIRA JANE CHASE, daughter of Rev. H. Chase of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex Co. Advertiser 10 February 1848


Married at Rouse's Point on Wednesday, Dec. 7th, by the Rev. Mr. Hagar, ARTHUR BACHANT to Miss SOPHIA L. WEEKS, both of Rouse's Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 December 1859


Married at Rouse's Point on Wednesday, Dec. 7th, by the Rev. Mr. Hagar, ARTHUR BACHANT to Miss SOPHIA L. WEEKS, both of Rouse's Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 December 1859

BACON, Ransom W.

Died in Willsboro' on the 15th instant, at the residence of his brother Mr. Joel Bacon, Mr. RANSOM W. BACON, aged 18 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 March 1861

BAIRD, Ann Jane

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 12th instant, ANN JANE, daughter of Mr. Robert BAIRD, aged 6 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 June 1854

BAIRD, Maryette

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 27th instant, MARYETTE, daughter of Mr. Robert BAIRD, aged 3 years.Elizabethtown Post 30 June 1854


Married, Mr. HIRAM BAKER, of Schroon, to Miss AMANDA, daughter of B. M. HODGKINS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married in Moriah Jan. 1st by Rev. C. Ransom at his residence, RUSSELL WM. BAKER of Elizabethtown to ANN MARSHALL of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 January 1857

BAKER, Harriet

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 2nd instant, at the residence of Deacon Joseph Blake, Mrs. HARRIET BAKER, aged 35 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 February 1854

BAKER, Hiram

Married, Mr. HIRAM BAKER, of Schroon, to Miss AMANDA, daughter of B. M. HODGKINS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853

BAKER, Russell William

Married in Moriah Jan. 1st by Rev. C. Ransom at his residence, RUSSELL WM. BAKER of Elizabethtown to ANN MARSHALL of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 January 1857

BAKER, Silas Hooker

Died in North Hudson, on the 24th ult., SILAS HOOKER, son of G. W. BAKER, Esquire, aged 16 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 February 1861


Married in Keeseville at St. Pauls Church, Wednesday Dec. 23 by Rev. F. C. Putman, J. B. BALANCE, Esq., Forman in the Rep. Office to Miss CLARA E. COPPINS.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 January 1857


Married in Keeseville at St. Pauls Church, Wednesday Dec. 23 by Rev. F. C. Putman, J. B. BALANCE, Esq., Forman in the Rep. Office to Miss CLARA E. COPPINS.Elizabethtown Post 2 January 1857


Died at Rouse's Point, on the 14th instant, the beloved wife of Charles BALDWYN and daughter of William BOURNE, Esquire, of St. Johns, C. E., aged 18 years and 1 month.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 May 1859


Married in Fitchburgh, Massachusetts on the 28th ult. by Rev. Albinus O. Hamilton, EMORY B. SMITH, Esquire or Plattsburgh, N.Y. to Miss KATE E. BALLARD of Carlisle, Massachusetts.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 February 1864


Married at Norfolk, Connecticut, on Thursday May 5th by Rev. J. N. Murdock, D. D. of Boston, HENRY MARKS, Esquire of New York to MARY A., daughter of Rev. Joseph BALLARD of Norfolk.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

BALLOU, Adelia L.

Married in this village, on the 21st instant, at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. LEVI J. SAMPSON, of Newton Falls; Ohio, to Miss ADELIA L. BALLOU, of Wadhams Falls, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859


Married on the 4th instant at the house of Josh Daniels of Westport by Rev. L. S. Smith, THEODORE CALKINS of this town to ANNIS L. BANCHET of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1864

BARBER, Jerusha

Died in Westport, N.Y. Sept. 6, JERUSHA BARBER, wife of Capt. Alexander YOUNG in the 67th year of her age.

cousin of the late Sophia STRONG

wife of the late Rev. Daniel HASCALL of Hamilton

at age 55 she was seized with paralysis

Six years before her death, she was helpless as an infant, deprived even of the power of speech, although she retained her mental faculties in a remarkable degree.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1856


Married on Tuesday the 30th, by Rev. Br. Brandt, Mr. GEORGE W. VAUGHN to Miss NANCY BARBER, all of this town.

Westport Courier 10 May 1850

BARKER, Sophronia

Married in Crownpoint on the 17th, by Rev. Mr. Herrick, Mr. A. S. VIALL of Westport to Miss SOPHRONIA BARKER of the former place.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

Westport Courier 21 February 1851

BARKER, Susan E.

Died on the 2nd December instant, SUSAN E., wife of Chesley C. BARKER, aged 22.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 December 1854

BARNES, Caroline M.

Married in Willsborough, July 1st instant, seated in their carriage in the public highway, opposite the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, by Rev. Mr. Eames, Mr. SILAS ADSIT, to Miss CAROLINE M. BARNES, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854


Married in Westport, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. C. L. Hagar, Capt. FRANCIS L. BARNES, to Miss FRANCES E. NEWLOVE, all of that place.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853

BARNES, Francis L.

Married in Westport, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. C. L. Hagar, Capt. FRANCIS L. BARNES, to Miss FRANCES E. NEWLOVE, all of that place.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853

BARNS, Catherine

Married in Chesterfield on the 4th instant, by Rev. Mr. Lyman, Mr. DAVIS GRAHAM to Miss CATHERINE BARNS.

Keeseville Herald 16 May 1831


Married in Chester, Vermont, March 31st, by Rev. Reuben Sawyer, JOSEPH H. BARRETT, Editor of the Middlebury Register, to Miss HARRIET W. LOWELL, daughter of Abram Lowell, M.D., of Chester.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 April 1853

BARRETT, Joseph H.

Married in Chester, Vermont, March 31st, by Rev. Reuben Sawyer, JOSEPH H. BARRETT, Editor of the Middlebury Register, to Miss HARRIET W. LOWELL, daughter of Abram Lowell, M.D., of Chester.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 April 1853

BARROWS, George W. (Rev.)

Married on the 28th instant at the residence of Col. Calkins (the bride's brother) in Ticonderoga by Rev. J. W. Bradshaw of Crown Point, REV. GEORGE W. BARROWS late of Salisbury, Vermont now of this place and Miss JEANETTE CALKINS of Ticonderoga, daughter of the late William Calkins, Esquire, of the latter place.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1864


Married on the 28th instant at the residence of Col. Calkins (the bride's brother) in Ticonderoga by Rev. J. W. Bradshaw of Crown Point, REV. GEORGE W. BARROWS late of Salisbury, Vermont now of this place and Miss JEANETTE CALKINS of Ticonderoga, daughter of the late William Calkins, Esquire, of the latter place.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1864


Died in Jay on the 19th instant, of apoplexy, Mr. EDMUND BARTLETT, aged 83 years.

Essex County Reporter 28 June 1849


Died at his residence, in Jay, on the 8th instant, after a lingering illness, OLIVER J. BARTLETT, aged 51.

Mr. Bartlett was an enterprising and intelligent farmer. He has left a family and many friends to mourn his loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 May 1862


Died in Jay, N.Y. on the 7th instant, SARAH, wife of E. H. BARTLETT, aged 39 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1854

BARTON, Caleb D.

Died at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on the 3rd instant, CALEB D. BARTON of that place, formerly of Keeseville.

Col. Barton was well known in this section and the announcement of his death will be received with sincere regret by a great many old acquaintances to the counties of Essex and Clinton.

He represented the county in the Assembly for two years to the satisfaction of his constituents and his activity and energy as a man of business was proverbial.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1856

BARTON, Elizabeth

Married in Elizabethtown July 4, by R. A. Finney, Esq., Mr. GEORGE DRAGOON and Miss ELIZABETH BARTON, both of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 July 1856

BARTON, J. Nelson

Married Sept. 18th in Westport, by Rev. Joseph W. Sawyer of Whitney, Vt., Mr. J. NELSON BARTON to PHEBE MARIA SAWYER, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856


Died at his residence in Bolton, N.Y., April 23d, Perly BARTON, age 73, an early settler in the town of Bolton who has seen its growth from a wilderness to a town.

NOTE - See the newspaper for more information.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 May 1857

BARTON, Phebe Maria (SAWYER)

Married Sept. 18th in Westport, by Rev. Joseph W. Sawyer of Whitney, Vt., Mr. J. NELSON BARTON to PHEBE MARIA SAWYER, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856

BASCOM, Chester

Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. G. W. Porter, Mr. CHESTER BASCOM to Miss HELEN A., eldest daughter of C. P. FOBES, Esquire, all of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862


Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. G. W. Porter, Mr. CHESTER BASCOM to Miss HELEN A., eldest daughter of C. P. FOBES, Esquire, all of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862


Died at the residence of A. W. Hawkett in Todds Valley, Placer County California, on the 11th of June of an abcess on the liver, GEO. H. BATCHELDER, formerly of Essex, Essex County, N.Y., age 36.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1857

BAXTER, Horace

Died in Bellows Falls, May 9th, Hon. HORACE BAXTER, brother of Capt. Benjamin Baxter of Keene, age 67 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857


Married in Clintonville, Mar. 22, by Rev. G. F. Burdick, Mr. GEORGE W. BEARDSLEY of Chesterfield to Miss NANCY FLACK of Franklin.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1857


Married in Clintonville, Mar. 22, by Rev. G. F. Burdick, Mr. GEORGE W. BEARDSLEY of Chesterfield to Miss NANCY FLACK of Franklin.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1857

BEE, Sybil

Died in this town on the 4th instant, SYBIL BEE, supposed to be aged nearly 100 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

BEEDE, Marvania

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 1st instant, Mrs. MARVANIA, wife of Nicanor MILLER, and daughter of Mr. Aaron S. BEEDE, of Keene, aged 36 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 February 1854


Married in Crown Point on the 29th ultimo, by Rev. S. L. Herrick, BENNET T. BENEDICT to MERATABEL P. DAVIS.

Westport Courier 13 December 1848

BENEDICT, Meratebel P. (DAVIS)

Married in Crown Point on the 29th ultimo, by Rev. S. L. Herrick, BENNET T. BENEDICT to MERATABEL P. DAVIS.

Westport Courier 13 December 1848


Married at Westport, February 16th by Rev. D. L. Hagar, Mr. ORSON BENNETT, of Moriah, and Miss EMELINE BRAMAN, of Wadhams Mills.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1854


Married at Westport, February 16th by Rev. D. L. Hagar, Mr. ORSON BENNETT, of Moriah, and Miss EMELINE BRAMAN, of Wadhams Mills.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1854


Married in Westport, March 19th, by the Rev. F. P. Lang, Mr. C. C. DUNSTER, to Miss R. BENSON.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 March 1860


Married at Schroon Lake, December 3rd by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. V. R. ROOT of North Hudson to Miss MARY L. BENTLY of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 December 1863

BEVINS, Louisa

Married at Hague, N.Y., November 11, 1863, by Rufus Rising Jr., Esquire, LEANDER NEWTON to LOUISA BEVINS, all of Hague.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 November 1863


Married in this village on the 7th inst., by Rev. Wm. W. Peirce, Mr. JAMES R. BIGELOW of Lawrence, to Miss MARIA S. FOSTER of this village.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848


Married in this village on the 7th inst., by Rev. Wm. W. Peirce, Mr. JAMES R. BIGELOW of Lawrence, to Miss MARIA S. FOSTER of this village.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848


Married by Rev. A. F. Bigelow, in West Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, N.Y., LOYAL SAMPSON of Willsboro, Essex County, to MARY BIGELOW of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1856

BILLINGS, Cornelia

Died at Groton, Mass. of consumption, May 14th, Miss Caroline R. BILLINGS, formerly of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857


Died in this village on Wednesday last, Mrs. DOLLY BILLINGS, wife of Mr. Jabez Billings, aged 30, daughter of Widow DURKEE of Burlington.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831


Married in Ludlow, Vt. by Rev. Mr. Cudworth on the 7th inst., Mr. LEONARD P. BINGHAM of Ludlow to Miss ADELIA H. CALKIN of Elizabethtown, N.YElizabethtown Post 23 January 1857


Married in this town, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. EZRA S. LEWIS of this place, to Miss ETTA BINGHAM, of Keeseville.Elizabethtown Post 14 August 1862

BINGHAM, Leonard P.

Married in Ludlow, Vt. by Rev. Mr. Cudworth on the 7th inst., Mr. LEONARD P. BINGHAM of Ludlow to Miss ADELIA H. CALKIN of Elizabethtown, N.Y

The Elizabethtown Post 23 January 1857

BISHOP, A. M. William

Died in this village, A. M. WILLIAM BISHOP, aged 22, of consumption.

Westport Courier 3 January 1851

BISHOP, Caroline V. (CURTIS)

Married at Ferrisburgh, Va. by Rev. H. T. Leavitt, Mr. MIDAS E. BISHOP, of Elizabethtown, N.Y. and Miss CAROLINE V. CURTIS of Ferrisburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 September 1856

BISHOP, Cythe Rea

Married at Essex County Mansion House on the 19th ult., by the Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. SAMUEL ADSIT of Willsboro to CYTHE REA BISHOP of Lewis.

Essex County Reporter 26 July 1849


Died this morning, October 13th, with a trusting confidence in Jesus, and the sweet assurance of a rest in heaven, MARY E., eldest daughter of Jesse P. and Eliza W. BISHOP, aged 16 years and 11 months.

Cleveland Daily Herald.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 November 1857

BISHOP, Midas E.

Married at Ferrisburgh, Va. by Rev. H. T. Leavitt, Mr. MIDAS E. BISHOP, of Elizabethtown, N.Y. and Miss CAROLINE V. CURTIS of Ferrisburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 September 1856

BISHOP, Miranda

Died in Moriah, Oct. 18th, Miranda BISHOP, wife of Putman Bishop, age 67 yrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop had resided most of their lifes in Panton, Vt. having removed to Moriah 7 years ago. Mr. Bishop had been in feeble health for several years. Mrs. Bishop united with the Baptist Church in Panton, Vt. She was unable to speak due to paralyses from her last sickness.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 November 1856

BISHOP, Putman

Died in Moriah, Oct. 3rd, Mr. PUTMAN BISHOP, age 72 yrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop had resided most of their lifes in Panton, Vt. having removed to Moriah 7 years ago. Mr. Bishop had been in feeble health for several years. Mrs. Bishop united with the Baptist Church in Panton, Vt. She was unable to speak due to paralyses from her last sickness.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 November 1856

BISHOP, Thetis

Married at the residence of S. P. Millington in Glen Falls, October 13, by the Rev. A. J. Fennel, ELBERT H. FUTMAN of Essex, and Miss THETIS BISHOP of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 October 1863

BISSELL, Josiah Jr.

Died very suddenly in Seneca Falls, on the 5th instant, JOSIAH BISSELL JR. of Rochester, founder of the pioneer line of stages between Albany and Buffalo.

Keeseville Herald 12 April 1831


Died in Lewis on the morning of the 2nd of January instant, Mrs. BETSY BLACKMAN, wife of Mr. STEPHEN BLACKMAN, aged 45 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856

BLAIN, Elizabeth

Married on Wednesday, October 31st, by Rev. Thomas Brandt, Mr. WARREN MITCHELL of Brooklyn, N.Y., to ELIZABETH, the eldest daughter of the late William A. BLAIN of this town.

Westport Courier 1 September 1849

BLAKE, Joseph

Died at his residence in this place, Thursday, the _____ instant, JOSEPH BLAKE, Esquire, aged 80. Deacon Blake was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, and came to Elizabethtown in the year 1808.Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1860


Died in this town, on the 5th instant, Mrs. SUSANNA MANSFIELD BLAKE, wife of the late Deacon Joseph Blake, aged 84 years 5 months and 20 days.

Her funeral was attended from the Baptist church, where she had been a member for many years. She was the last of a family of unusual longevity, five of whom are now interred here together, who individually attained to eighty or more years. Mrs. Blake, during her last illness, as also for years past, has enjoyed the constant and kind attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bronson.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 April 1861


Died at Salem, in the County of Washington, on the 14th day of June, 1853, ANTHONY I. BLANCHARD, in the 85th year of his age.

Judge Blanchard was a native of New York City where he received his education was admitted to the bar. But more than half a century of his life has been spent in Salem, during which time he held many offices of trust; including that of District Attorney for this district, and First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas at Washington, the latter for many years. We have often hear him spoken of as having been one of the first lawyers in his day. He lived to be among the last of his generation; there being few of the ante revolutionists now remaining. Of a very numerous family of children only three survive him. Anthony Blanchard, Esquire, of Albany, and Mrs. H. H. Ross of Essex, and Mrs. Wlm. Porter of Onondaga County.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 July 1853


Married at Whitehall on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Adams, CYRUS L. BLANCHARD, attorney at law, of Schroon, to Miss MARY ANN GARDNER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 August 1857


Married at Whitehall on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Adams, CYRUS L. BLANCHARD, attorney at law, of Schroon, to Miss MARY ANN GARDNER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 August 1857


Married in Jay on the 26th ult., by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. MITCHEL DUFFANY of Black Brook to Miss MARY LYDIA BLANCHARD of the former place.Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855

BLOOD, _____

Died in Lewis on the 16th instant, Mrs. HENRY BLOOD aged 79 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 December 1863

BLOOD, Fayette S.

Died in Lewis, on the 21st instant, of Typhus Fever, FAYETTE BLOOD, aged 34 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 December 1857

BLOOD, Henry

Died in Lewis on the 8th instant, HENRY BLOOD, aged 87 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864

BLOOD, Jane C.

Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this village on the 9th ult. by Rev. H. M. Mansee, GEORGE ALLEN of Rochester, Vermont to JANE C. BLOOD of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

BLOOD, Robert

Died, in Keene, on the _____ instant, ROBERT BLOOD, in the 90th year of his age.

Mr. Blood was one of the early settlers, and for a great many years a resident of Lewis in this county. The funeral service was held at the Methodist Church in this village, last Sabbath.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 March 1860

BLOOD, Sarah

Died in Lewis, on the 9th instant, Mrs. SARAH BLOOD, wife of Mr. Robert Blood, aged 73 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854


Married at Willsborough, on the 18th December last, by Rev. Julius Allen, Mr. AMOS BOARDMAN to Miss MARTHA ELSBURY, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854


Died at Willsborough, on the 29th ult., HARVEY, son of George and Chloe BOARDMAN, aged 10 years.Elizabethtown Post 22 April 1853


Married at Willsborough, on the 18th December last, by Rev. Julius Allen, Mr. AMOS BOARDMAN to Miss MARTHA ELSBURY, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854


Died in Rouse's Point, on the 14th instant, the beloved wife of Charles BALDWYN and daughter of William BOURNE, Esquire, of St. Johns, C. E., aged 18 years and 1 month.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 May 1859


Died at Wadhams Mills on the 23rd ult., Mr. OLIVER BOUTWELL, aged 83 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 May 1856

BOWRON, Elizabeth

DiedIn Peru, on the 18th ult. Mrs. Elizabeth, consort of the late James NICHOLS, and daughter of Jacob BOWRON, aged 19 years. Her life was truly a chequered scene. Being called to consign to the grave the companion of her youth, and during the short time she remained in lonely widowhood, her bodily health was extremely delicate. But amidst her complicated sufferings, she was rarely known to complain. In all the relations of life, she acted well her part; and was distinguished for maternal kindness and skill in domestic economy. Her course through life was not like the mountain torrent, which fills the vale with its roar; but like the full stream in the valley, in its steady, onward roll. The disease of which she died, together with other infirmities, prayed with such violence upon her whole system, as to bring an entire torpor, from which it was impossible to rouse her but for a moment at a time, which in a measure deprived us of her dying blessing. Her remains were committed to earth, according to the forms of the Friends Church, there to remain till the resurrection of the just.

Keeseville Herald 5 July 1831 (Thursday)

BOYD, Mary E.

Married in Keene on the 15th instant, by Wm. H. H. Hull, Esquire, Mr. HENRY S. FARNER of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY E. BOYD, of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 January 1854


Married in Keeseville this day by Rev. John Mattocks, Mr. R. B. BOYNTON, Merchant, to Miss JANE RICHARDSON, all of Keeseville.

Westport Patriot 28 September 1848


Married on the 17th inst., by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. JOHN S. BOYNTON, Peru, to Miss MARTHA R. NEWELL of Jay, N.Y.

Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1857


Married on the 17th inst., by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. JOHN S. BOYNTON, Peru, to Miss MARTHA R. NEWELL of Jay, N.Y.

Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1857


Married in Keeseville this day by Rev. John Mattocks, Mr. R. B. BOYNTON, Merchant, to Miss JANE RICHARDSON, all of Keeseville.

Westport Patriot 28 September 1848

BOYNTON, William Wesley

Died in Keeseville on the 23rd instant of Gastric Fever, WILLIAM WESLEY BOYNTON, late of Co. H., 44th, New York Volunteers, youngest son of Nathaniel and Charlotte BOYNTON of Jay, N.Y., age 20 years. Our brother volunteered when scarcely 18 years of age, being one of the original members of the 44th and served with it until the battle of Gaines Hill, July 27th, 1862, where he was severely wounded. After a short furlough he reported at the hospital at Albany, N.Y. and was finally discharged in November last in consequence of his wounds. Since that time he has been mainly employed at the New York Soldiers Home, 52 Howard Street, where he was taken ill and some 4 weeks since. Under the advice of his physician, he was brought home, arriving here last Friday. He was noble, brave and generous. Peace to his ashes.

Essex Co. Rep.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 October 1863

BRADLEY, Marcia A.

Died in this village on the 20th instant, MARCIA A., eldest daughter of Mr. Ephraim BRADLEY, aged 19 years.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 March 1848

BRADLEY, Mary Jane

Died in this village on the 14th instant, MARY JANE, wife of Ephraim BRADLEY, aged 33.

Westport Courier 26 April 1850

BRAHAM, Abitha F.

Married in Keene, N.Y. on Feb. 10th by Elder Geo. Lambert at the house of Horace Braman, WARREN HEALD to ABITHA F. BRAHAM.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857


Married at Canton, N.Y. on Feb. 2d by Rev. R. Eddy, C. FRED BRAINARD of Keene, N.H. (formerly of Elizabethtown, N.Y.) to Miss CORNELIA A. BUCK of Canton.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1857

BRAINARD, Cornelia A. (BUCK)

Married at Canton, N.Y. on Feb. 2d by Rev. R. Eddy, C. FRED BRAINARD of Keene, N.H. (formerly of Elizabethtown, N.Y.) to Miss CORNELIA A. BUCK of Canton.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1857


Died at Elizabethtown on Tuesday evening the 23d, EMELINE, the wife of Captain Aaron BRAINARD.

Westport Courier 2 August 1850

BRAINARD, Frances A.

Married in Keene, N.H., May 31st by Rev. Dr. Barstow, Mr. D. BRAINARD PECK, of Burlington, Vermont, to Miss FRANCES A., daughter of Chas. H. BRAINARD, Esquire, formerly of this place.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859

BRAMAN, Emeline

Married at Westport, February 16th by Rev. D. L. Hagar, Mr. ORSON BENNETT, of Moriah, and Miss EMELINE BRAMAN, of Wadhams Mills.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1854


Died in Westport, suddenly on the _____ instant, JESSE BRAMAN, Esquire, aged 84 years.

NOTE - The original newspaper contains no date.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862


Married at his residence on May 8th, by Rev. Charles Spooner, Rev. Thomas BRANDT to Miss ELIZABETH VAN VLECK

Essex County Reporter (Elizabethtown, NY) 10 May 1849

BRANDT, Pearly

Died in this village on the 22nd instant of consumption, Mrs. PEARLY, wife of Rev. Thomas BRANDT, aged 35.

The funeral service for the above deceased will take place tomorrow (Friday) at one o'clock p.m. at the Baptist Church.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 March 1848

BRANDT, Thomas (Rev.)

Married at his residence on May 8th, by Rev. Charles Spooner, Rev. Thomas BRANDT to Miss ELIZABETH VAN VLECK

Essex County Reporter (Elizabethtown, NY) 10 May 1849


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 25th ult., Mr. LORIN H. BRAUGHTON to Miss CAROLINE P. ADAMS, both of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 25th ult., Mr. LORIN H. BRAUGHTON to Miss CAROLINE P. ADAMS, both of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married by Rev. Mr. Brandt, at the residence of F. H. Jackson, on Tuesday the 6th, Mr. LUKE BRAVINDER to Miss JANE CLARK.

Westport Courier 10 May 1850


Married by Rev. Mr. Brandt, at the residence of F. H. Jackson, on Tuesday the 6th, Mr. LUKE BRAVINDER to Miss JANE CLARK.

Westport Courier 10 May 1850


Married on the 26th ult., at the residence of Hon. James S. Whallon in Whallonsburgh, by Rev. Joseph T. Wilett, FRANCIS W. BRECKENBRIDGE, Esquire, of Charlotte, VT to CHARLOTTE E., the youngest daughter of Reuben WHALLON.

Westport Courier 1 March 1850


Married on the 26th ult., at the residence of Hon. James S. Whallon in Whallonsburgh, by Rev. Joseph T. Wilett, FRANCIS W. BRECKENBRIDGE, Esquire, of Charlotte, VT to CHARLOTTE E., the youngest daughter of Reuben WHALLON.

Westport Courier 1 March 1850


Died in North Elba, on the 8th instant, of diphtheria, IDA , aged 8 years. Also, on the same day, of the same disease, SARAH D., aged 3 years. Both were daughters of Jackson and L. A. BREWSTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863


Died in North Elba, on the 8th instant, of diphtheria, IDA I., aged _____ years. Also, on the same day, SARAH D., aged 3 years, daughters of Jackson and L. A. BREWSTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863


Died in North Elba, on the 8th instant, of diphtheria, IDA , aged 8 years. Also, on the same day, of the same disease, SARAH D., aged 3 years. Both were daughters of Jackson and L. A. BREWSTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863


Died in North Elba, on the 8th instant, of diphtheria, IDA I., aged _____ years. Also, on the same day, SARAH D., aged 3 years, daughters of Jackson and L. A. BREWSTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863


Died in Champlain on the 2nd instant, Rev. A. D. BRINCKERHOFF, in the 65th year of his age.

Mr. B, for several years was one of the most effective of preachers. We have heard those who heard them, and they were good judges, speak of a series of sermons he delivered in our village nearly a quarter of a century since as productions of great beauty and excellence, and as being delivered with great power and effect.

We believe there are several persons in this town, who first received serious impressions, under the preaching of Mr. Brinckerhoff.

They shall rest from their labors and their works shall follow them.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1860

BRISTOL, Alvira R.

Died in Lewis, on the 5th instant, Miss ALVIRA R. BRISTOL, daughter of Dorastus and Hannah BRISTOL, aged 25 years 6 months. After a long and painful illness her spirit winged its way, as we trust, to the portals of everlasting bliss.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854

BRISTOL, Dorastus

Died at his residence, in Lewis, on the 9th instant, of disease of the heart, Mr. DORASTUS BRISTOL, aged _____ years.

NOTE - no age is given in the original newspaper

The Elizabethtown Post 15 May 1862


Died in this village, on the 4th inst. of consumption, Mrs. HANNAH BRISTOL, aged 60 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 April 1863

BRISTOL, Mary Louisa

Died in Comanche, Iowa, January 7th, with the congestion of the lungs, MARY LOUISA, 3d daughter of Walt & Sarah BRISTOL, aged 3 years.

Little Mary, how we miss thee,

When the shades of evening come,

And the morn with rosy brightness

Tells us thou hast left our home.

Little Mary, darling Mary,

Little Mary sweetly sleeps.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 February 1862


Died in this town on the 22d instant, DANIEL BRITTELL, aged 65 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 November 1863

BRITTELL, infant child

Died at Crown Point March 15th, infant child of J. W. BRITTELL.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 April 1856


Died at the Regimental Hospital of the 118th Reg. N.Y., on the 11th instant, WILLIAM BRITTELL, private in Co. F., aged about 30 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 June 1863

BRONSON, Charles H.

Married in Lewis on the 1st instant by Rev. Watson, CHARLES H. BRONSON and LOUISA NORRIS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 May 1864

BRONSON, Harvey D.

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 1st ult., by Rev. R. A. Hodge, Mr. HARVEY D. BRONSON, of Elizabethtown, to Miss LOVINA MILLER, daughter of Mr. CHARLES MILLER of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854


Married in Lewis on the 1st instant by Rev. Watson, CHARLES H. BRONSON and LOUISA NORRIS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 May 1864


Married in Elizabethtown, on the 1st ult., by Rev. R. A. Hodge, Mr. HARVEY D. BRONSON, of Elizabethtown, to Miss LOVINA MILLER, daughter of Mr. CHARLES MILLER of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854

BRONSON, Samuel W.

Died in this town on the 1st instant, SAMUEL W., son of Chester and Celestia BRONSON, aged 2 years 4 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1864


Married at Schroon, N.Y. on the 31st of January, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. NATHAN BROOKS, to Miss LAURA SMITH, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859

BROOKS, Nathan

Married at Schroon, N.Y. on the 31st of January, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. NATHAN BROOKS, to Miss LAURA SMITH, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859

BROTHER, Isadore

Married at Westport, on the 26th of October, by the Rev. J. F. Yates, ISADORE BROTHER to Miss LUCY RAYMOND, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854


Married at Westport, on the 26th of October, by the Rev. J. F. Yates, ISADORE BROTHER to Miss LUCY RAYMOND, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854


Died in Fowler, Trumbull County, Ohio, Aug. 14th, RACHEL DOWD, wife of Samuel BROUGHTON with whom she lived a married life of 65 years of which 30 were spent in this country, age 86 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856


Married in North Elba, on the 15th inst., by Rev. D. C. Osgood, Mr. SALMON BROWN to Miss ABBIE C. HINCKLEY, all of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 October 1857


Married in Wilmington, August 17th, by Rev. H. H. Ross, Mr. CALVIN BROWN of Keene, to Miss AMARETT SUMNER, of Wilmington.Elizabethtown Post 1 September 1854

BROWN, Augusta P.

Married in this town on the 21st instant, at the residence of the bride's father, L. D. Brown, Esquire, by the Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. EDWARD J. SMITH, to Miss AUGUSTA P. BROWN.Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1862

BROWN, Betsy D.

Married at Jay, Essex County, New York, by the Rev. Dillon Osgood, Hon. DENNIS ARTHUR, of W. Hudson, to Miss BETSY D. BROWN, daughter of James C. Brown, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 December 1858

BROWN, Calvin

Married in Wilmington, August 17th, by Rev. H. H. Ross, Mr. CALVIN BROWN of Keene, to Miss AMARETT SUMNER, of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 September 1854

BROWN, Josiah

Married in this village on the 22nd instant, by Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. JOSIAH BROWN to Miss MARIE CLARK.

Keeseville Herald 24 May 1831


Married in this village on the 22nd instant, by Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. JOSIAH BROWN to Miss MARIE CLARK.

Keeseville Herald 24 May 1831

BROWN, Martha E.

Died in North Hudson, on the 2nd instant, Mrs. MARTHA E. BROWN (widow of Oliver Brown, killed at Harper's Ferry,) aged ?7 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1860

BROWN, Salmon

Married in North Elba, on the 15th inst., by Rev. D. C. Osgood, Mr. SALMON BROWN to Miss ABBIE C. HINCKLEY, all of North Elba.Elizabethtown Post 30 October 1857

BROWNSON, Henry Stephen

Died in this town on the 4th instant, HENRY STEPHEN BROWNSON, aged 35. Mr. Brownson was an upright and honorable citizen, a kind neighbor, and affectionate husband, father, son and brother, a constant and active Christian, and in all the relations of life commanded the respect and confidence of the community in which he lived and died. For many years he had been a member and one of the most active and liberal supporters of the Congregational Church, in which his loss will be deeply felt. The brief but painful illness which resulted in death was marked by Christian fortitude and resignation.

He leaves a dependent and loving family to mourn his loss, and cherish his memory and example, and the large concourse which attended his funeral attests the regard and esteem to which he was held in his native town and vicinity.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 December 1863

BROWNSON, infant daughter

Died in this town on the 24th inst., MARTHA ANN, infant daughter of Henry S. and Martha A. A. BROWNSON, aged 7 weeks.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 August 1856


Died at Highgate, Vermont, on the 5th instant, Mrs. MARY BROWNSON, relict of the late Samuel Brownson, of this town, aged 59 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861


Died at Highgate, Vermont, on the 5th instant, Mrs. MARY BROWNSON, relict of the late Samuel Brownson, of this town, aged 64 years.

She was a member of the Congregational Church at the place of her decease, being formerly so connected here, where her remains were brought for interment. During her last painful and protracted illness, she was sustained by a lively hope of heaven on her final home, and expressed a desire to depart and be with Christ.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 October 1861


Died in this town of typhoid fever, Dec. 30th, Mr. SAMUEL BROWNSON, aged 64 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 January 1857

BRUCE, Cora A.

Married at McIndus Falls by Rev. M. B. Bradford, Mr. E. O. FINEL of St. Johnsbury (formerly of Elizabethtown, N.Y.) and Miss CORA A. BRUCE of McIndus Falls.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863


Married at Shoreham, Vermont, on Tuesday, the 21st of February, by the Rev. Kitridge Haven, Pastor of the Universalist Church of the same place, Mr. HIRAM BUCK, Jr., to Miss AMANDA RUSSELL, both of Crown Point, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

BUCK, Augusta

Married at Westport, March 7th by Rev. H. Lancashire, CHARLES NORTH, Esquire, to AUGUSTA BUCK.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 March 1861

BUCK, Cornelia A.

Married at Canton, N.Y. on Feb. 2d by Rev. R. Eddy, C. FRED BRAINARD of Keene, N.H. (formerly of Elizabethtown, N.Y.) to Miss CORNELIA A. BUCK of Canton.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1857

BUCK, Hiram Jr.

Married at Shoreham, Vermont, on Tuesday, the 21st of February, by the Rev. Kitridge Haven, Pastor of the Universalist Church of the same place, Mr. HIRAM BUCK, Jr., to Miss AMANDA RUSSELL, both of Crown Point, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860


Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, by Rev. W. W. Atwater, Mr. SAMUEL BUCK, and Miss LOTTIE E. AVERILL, both of that town.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859

BUCK, Samuel

Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, by Rev. W. W. Atwater, Mr. SAMUEL BUCK, and Miss LOTTIE E. AVERILL, both of that town.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859


Married in this town on the 23rd ult., at the Methodist Church by Rev. William Bedell, Mr. LEVI BULLARD to Miss ADALINE YOUNG, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Died in Lewis on October 30th of congestion of the lungs, EVA, only daughter of Levi and Adeline BULLARD aged 10 months and 9 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 December 1863


Married in this village on the 2nd instant, by Rev. Mr. Atwell, Mr. WILLIAM COBB, to Miss JEMIMA BULLARD, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853


Married in this town on the 23rd ult., at the Methodist Church by Rev. William Bedell, Mr. LEVI BULLARD to Miss ADALINE YOUNG, both of Lewis.Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Married on the 1st inst. at the Essex County Mansion House in this town by Oliver Abel Jr. Esq., Mr. CHAUNCEY H. BULLIS to Miss ABIGAIL ROBBINS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1856

BULLIS, Chauncey H.

Married on the 1st inst. at the Essex County Mansion House in this town by Oliver Abel Jr. Esq., Mr. CHAUNCEY H. BULLIS to Miss ABIGAIL ROBBINS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1856

BULLIS, Clarissa

Married at Wadhams Mills, August 28th, by Rev. Mr. Lord, AARON GARDNER and Miss CLARISSA BULLIS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859

BURGY, Daniel (Lieutenant)

Married in Schroon, on the 25th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Joel F. Potter, Esquire, LIEUTENANT DANIEL BURGY of Co. 1 of the 22d Regiment New York Volunteers, to Miss JULIA A. GARFIELD of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862

BURGY, James

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 25th ult., Mr. JAMES BURGY to Miss MARY JANE SORDAN.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married in Schroon, on the 25th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Joel F. Potter, Esquire, LIEUTENANT DANIEL BURGY of Co. 1 of the 22d Regiment New York Volunteers, to Miss JULIA A. GARFIELD of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 25th ult., Mr. JAMES BURGY to Miss MARY JANE SORDAN.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married in Jay on the 12th inst. by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. WALTER J. BURP to Miss HARRIET P. TORRANCE, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

BURP, Walter J.

Married in Jay on the 12th inst. by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. WALTER J. BURP to Miss HARRIET P. TORRANCE, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

BURPEE, Cheney

Died in Lewis on the 7th instant, Mr. CHENEY BURPEE, aged 61 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 November 1853

BURPEE, Emma Rosetta

Died in Lewis, on the 4th instant, of Diphtheria, EMMA ROSETTA, daughter of Stephen A. and Emily A. BURPEE, aged about 6 years.

The last of three children which these afflicted parents have been called to follow to their early graves, since the 1st of July last; viz: James L., Frederick Adolphus, and now Emma. Such afflictions do not often fall upon one household, but, even in this great trial, we are rejoiced to see a Christian resignation, and a confiding trust, that God has taken them from the Evil to come.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1862

BURPEE, James L.

Died in Lewis on the night of the 30th ult., JAMES L., son of Stephen A. and Emily BURPEE, aged 4 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 July 1862

BURPEE, Lucinda Ann

Died in Lewis, on the 23rd ult., of consumption, Mrs. LUCINDA ANN, wife of Mr. Stephen S. BURPEE, aged 32 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857

BURPEE, Mary Ann

Died in Lewis, on the evening of the 26th of February, Mrs. MARY ANN BURPEE, wife of William H. WILLARD, in the 31st year of her age.

Yes, lovely companion, thy spirit has fled

To the mansions of peace, to dwell with thy God

In the bloom of thy youth thou wast taken away.

And left me alone in this wide world to stray.

Though alone I am left in this wide world to stray,

I'll think of thee dearest, I'll watch and I'll pray.

And when Heaven my spirit thinks fit to release,

I'll join thee, thou loved one, in mansions of peace.

Yes, Mary, thou are happy and blest,

With ministring angels thy spirit's at rest.

In life thou wast lovely, in death thou wast fair,

Thou Redeemer has called thee from sorrow and care.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1862

BURPEE, Sulilan

Died in Lewis, on the 25th instant, Mr. SULILAN BURPEE, aged 64 years. A life of unobstrusive merit, squared by the golden rule all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. studying and practicing in Christian meekness and sincerity the precepts of the Gospel, won for him no less the dearer affection of numerous relatives than the confidence and respect of the community amid which his life was passed; and the sympathies of a wide spreading neighborhood are extended to his family and relatives on his decease.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 May 1853


Died at Chazy Landing, Clinton County, January 22nd ELIZA J. BURROUGHS, wife of William H. SAX, Esquire, aged 35 years, 11 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Died at Champlain Village, on the morning of the 12th instant, of consumption, JAMES M., eldest son of James M. BURROUGHS, Esquire, in the 17th year of his age.

The death of our young friend comes to us not unexpected, but none the less sad. He was one of the few of earth's mortals of whom it could be truly said, None knew him but to love him. As a scholar, he had few equals for one of his years; and no doubt, his love of reading and unceasing studies, hastened, if they were not the real cause of his death. We sincerely sympathized with the afflicted family in their great bereavement, who have not only lost a beloved son and brother, but an interesting companion; one whose conversation and intelligence were far beyond his years.

Green be the turf above thee.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 April 1859


Married at East Poltney, Vermont, on the 31st instant, by the Rev. Gardner F. Hale, Mr. LUTHER M. SMITH of Elizabethtown, to Miss MIRANDA L. BURROUGHS of West Poltney, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 September 1862

BURT, Adeline F.

Married in Ticonderoga, March 25th by Rev. D. H. Gould, ROYAL DARLING of West Cornwall, Vt. and ADELINE F. BURT of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 April 1856

BURT, Mary

Married on the 23rd inst. by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. J. D. MARKHAM of Manitowai, Wis. to Miss MARY BURT of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 November 1856

BURZEE, Charles

Married in Schroon, September 13th, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., CHARLES BURZEE, of Beekmantown, N.Y., to Miss HELLEN S. SQUIRES, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married in Schroon, September 13th, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., CHARLES BURZEE, of Beekmantown, N.Y., to Miss HELLEN S. SQUIRES, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married at Schroon, on the 6th instant, by Rev. D. Connell, Mr. JAMES BUTLER, to Miss ANNETTE SEAMANS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862


Married at Schroon, on the 6th instant, by Rev. D. Connell, Mr. JAMES BUTLER, to Miss ANNETTE SEAMANS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862


Died at Saranac Lake on the 14th instant, SUSAN, wife of Col. Milv. BUTLER.

NOTE - The rest of this is illegible.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 March 1864

BUTTERFIELD, Charles Edward

Married in Westport March 19th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, CHARLES EDWARD BUTTERFIELD and SUSAN MARIA OLCUTT, both of Moriah, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married in Westport March 19th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, CHARLES EDWARD BUTTERFIELD and SUSAN MARIA OLCUTT, both of Moriah, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

CADY, Edward

Accident at Newcomb

On Tuesday, the 11th instant, EDWARD CADY, a young man about 19 years of age, was engaged in cutting logs for Orrin Williams. Several trees lodged together, and it appears he went under the jam to start it, but in making his escape, some branches fell from a rotten tree, one of which hit him on the head, breaking his skull badly. He lived only about 12 hours.

Keeseville Standard

The Elizabethtown Post 29 January 1859

CADY, Herbert L.

Married at the Congregational Church, Wadhams Mills, on the morning of the 28th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Ransom of Moriah, HERBERT L. CADY (of the firm of Cady & Stevens), to LUCY B., eldest daughter of Wm. L. WADHAMS, Esq., all of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 December 1859


Married at the Congregational Church, Wadhams Mills, on the morning of the 28th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Ransom of Moriah, HERBERT L. CADY (of the firm of Cady & Stevens), to LUCY B., eldest daughter of Wm. L. WADHAMS, Esq., all of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 December 1859


Died in Lewis on the 30th ult., Mrs. ABIGAIL, wife of Rodney CALDWELL and daughter of Samuel MERRIFIELD of that town, aged 20 years.`

The Elizabethtown Post 4 June 1852

CALKIN, Adelia H.

Married in Ludlow, Vt. by Rev. Mr. Cudworth on the 7th inst., Mr. LEONARD P. BINGHAM of Ludlow to Miss ADELIA H. CALKIN of Elizabethtown, N.Y

The Elizabethtown Post 23 January 1857


Died in this village on Monday, the 16th, Alice, infant daughter of Leander and Thalia CALKINS.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1860


Married on the 4th instant at the house of Josh Daniels of Westport by Rev. L. S. Smith, THEODORE CALKINS of this town to ANNIS L. BANCHET of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1864

CALKINS, Ebenezer

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, at Port Henry on the 9th ult., in the Presbyterian Church, Mr. EBENEZER CALKINS to Miss ELIZA FOOT, late of Rutland, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, at Port Henry on the 9th ult., in the Presbyterian Church, Mr. EBENEZER CALKINS to Miss ELIZA FOOT, late of Rutland, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

CALKINS, Jeanette

Married on the 28th instant at the residence of Col. Calkins (the bride's brother) in Ticonderoga by Rev. J. W. Bradshaw of Crown Point, REV. GEORGE W. BARROWS late of Salisbury, Vermont now of this place and Miss JEANETTE CALKINS of Ticonderoga, daughter of the late William Calkins, Esquire, of the latter place.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1864

CALKINS, Juliette

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village on the 11th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. GEORGE H. GLIDDEN and JULIETTE CALKINS, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856


Married at the Methodist parsonage on the 3rd instant by Rev. H. M. Munsee, Mr. NEWTON J. CALKINS of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARGARET McDOUGAL of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 July 1863


Married in Ticonderoga, October 26th, by Rev. George W. Barrows, of Salisbury, Vermont, Rev. D. H. GOULD, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Ticonderoga, to Miss MARY J. CALKINS, of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857

CALKINS, Newton J.

Married at the Methodist parsonage on the 3rd instant by Rev. H. M. Munsee, Mr. NEWTON J. CALKINS of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARGARET McDOUGAL of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 July 1863

CALKINS, Theodore

Married on the 4th instant at the house of Josh Daniels of Westport by Rev. L. S. Smith, THEODORE CALKINS of this town to ANNIS L. BANCHET of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1864

CAMERON, Cordelia

Married in this village, on Sunday evening the 5th instant, at the residence of D. Turner, by Rev. W. W. Peirce, Mr. SAMUEL D. COOK to Miss CORDELIA CAMERON, both of Keeseville.Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 9 September 1847

CAMPBELL, Henry J. (Honorable)

Died in New York on the 3rd instant of congestion of the brain, Honorable HENRY J. CAMPBELL, aged about 45 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 August 1863


Married October 30th at Westport, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. M. CARPENTER to Miss A. WOOD.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married by the Rev. David Connell, on the 3rd of June, Mr. JAMES H. CARPENTER of Glens Falls, to Miss ELIZABETH M. EDWARDS, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861


Married by the Rev. David Connell, on the 3rd of June, Mr. JAMES H. CARPENTER of Glens Falls, to Miss ELIZABETH M. EDWARDS, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861


Married October 30th at Westport, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. M. CARPENTER to Miss A. WOOD.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853

CARR, Mary E.

Married in Lansing, Michigan, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. William Norton, FRANKLIN W. RICE, Esquire, to Miss MARY E. CARR, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 July 1861

CARR, Merritt A.

Died in Georgia, Vermont, on the 8th inst., MERRITT A. CARR, of this town, aged 77 years.Elizabethtown Post 18 September 1857


Died in Jackson, Washington County, on the 17th, ENOCH CARTER, Esquire, aged about 75, father of Harvey Carter, Esquire, of New Sweden.Herald 31 May 1831


Married in Chesterfield on Sunday last, by Rev. Mr. Lyman, Mr. ASA HIX of this village to Miss SUSAN CARTER.

Keeseville Herald 2 August 1831

CARTER, Willie

Died in Keeseville, February 22, WILLIE, only remaining son of Harvey and Jane CARTER, aged 8 years and 6 months.

The affliction is especially severe, as the 5th instance which has been sustained in a family of 6 children, and as involving the bereavement of an unusually promising intelligence and endearing disposition. May the resigned and patient spirit, so singularly mature, which was breathed forto amid the severe suffering of a dying child, now linger with his kindred, and prove a solace to their hearts while a treasure in their memories.

Essex Co. Rep.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 March 1862


Died in Madison, Wisconsin, on the 29th of October, Mrs. ROSA O. KELLOGG, wife of L. F. Kellogg, Esquire, and daughter of H. and A. CATLIN, aged 38 years 9 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 November 1863


Married, on the 27th inst. at Elizabethtown, in this county, PANDER CLA, Esquire, to Miss SANGUINA ANTI-MASONRY, eldest daughter of Mugient Chagrin, Esquire. We are sorry to state that among the guests there were but few friends of the bride, in consequence of the cards of invitation not being countersigned by the legal representative of her godfather, the late Capt. William Morgan.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831 (Tuesday)


Married in Westport Sunday, Nov. 23, by Rev. T. E. Wright, GEORGE W. OSGOOD of Crown Point and IRENE E. CHAMPION of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 December 1856


Married in Lewis on the 27th inst. by Safford E. [Hale], Esq., Mr. JOSEPH PARKER to Madam SOPHIE CHAMPION of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851

CHASE, Abraham

Died in Sutton, Massachusetts, October 26th, ABRAHAM CHASE, Esquire, aged 67 years.Elizabethtown Post 6 November 1857

CHASE, Adaline

Married at Saranac Lake, on the 5th instant, by Milote Baker, Esquire, at his residence, Mr. WILLIAM SKEELS to ADALINE CHASE, both of Franklin, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861

CHASE, Cordelia M.

Died in Willsboro, on the 3d instant, CORDELIA M. CHASE, daughter of G. R. and A. L. Chase, aged 6 years 6 months and 28 days. Also on the 4th instant, JOHN T. CHASE, son of G. R. and A. L. Chase, aged 4 years and 3 months.

Thus in one short day were these fond and doating parents called to deliver these two little ones to God who gave them; and laying them quietly in one grave left them sleeping sweetly in the bosom of Him who said, Suffer little children to come unto me for to such is the kingdom of Heaven.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 February 1854

CHASE, Elvira Jane

Married in Johnston, Fulton County, on the 10th by Rev. Hiram Chase, Mr. JOHN E. BABCOCK of Chatham, Columbia County, to Miss ELVIRA JANE CHASE, daughter of Rev. H. Chase of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex Co. Advertiser 10 February 1848


Married in Keeseville on the 10th instant, by Rev. Mr. Mattsocks, H. M. CHASE, Esquire, Attorney at Law, to Miss OLIVIA M. ALLEN, eldest daughter of Anson H. ALLEN, Esquire, of the Old Settler.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854

CHASE, John T.

Died in Willsboro, on the 3d instant, CORDELIA M. CHASE, daughter of G. R. and A. L. Chase, aged 6 years 6 months and 28 days. Also on the 4th instant, JOHN T. CHASE, son of G. R. and A. L. Chase, aged 4 years and 3 months.

Thus in one short day were these fond and doating parents called to deliver these two little ones to God who gave them; and laying them quietly in one grave left them sleeping sweetly in the bosom of Him who said, Suffer little children to come unto me for to such is the kingdom of Heaven.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 February 1854

CHASE, Mary E.

Married in Willsborough, on the 2nd instant, by Rev. Stephen A. Barnard, ABRAM A. LYON to Miss MARY E. CHASE, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

CHASE, Olivia M. (ALLEN)

Married in Keeseville on the 10th instant, by Rev. Mr. Mattsocks, H. M. CHASE, Esquire, Attorney at Law, to Miss OLIVIA M. ALLEN, eldest daughter of Anson H. ALLEN, Esquire, of the Old Settler.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854


Married in this town on the 21st instant by Rev. D. P. Hulburd, Mr. JOSEPH CHERBINO of Weybridge to Miss JULIA HILL of this place.

Westport Patriot 26 October 1848


Married in this town on the 21st instant by Rev. D. P. Hulburd, Mr. JOSEPH CHERBINO of Weybridge to Miss JULIA HILL of this place.

Westport Patriot 26 October 1848


Died, Mrs. EMILY JUDSON, formerly Emily CHUBBOCK who was born in Eaton, Madison County, N.Y., the 3rd wife of Rev. Adoniram Judson.

See the newspaper for her obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 June 1854

CHURCH, Eliza M.

Married at his residence, Wadhams Mills, on the 2nd ult., by Rev. Charles Spooner, Mr. MILTON HODGKINS to Miss ELIZA M. CHURCH, both of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853

CLA, Pander

Married, on the 27th inst. at Elizabethtown, in this county, PANDER CLA, Esquire, to Miss SANGUINA ANTI-MASONRY, eldest daughter of Mugient Chagrin, Esquire. We are sorry to state that among the guests there were but few friends of the bride, in consequence of the cards of invitation not being countersigned by the legal representative of her godfather, the late Capt. William Morgan.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831 (Tuesday)


Married, on the 27th inst. at Elizabethtown, in this county, PANDER CLA, Esquire, to Miss SANGUINA ANTI-MASONRY, eldest daughter of Mugient Chagrin, Esquire. We are sorry to state that among the guests there were but few friends of the bride, in consequence of the cards of invitation not being countersigned by the legal representative of her godfather, the late Capt. William Morgan.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831 (Tuesday)

CLARK, Carlos

CARLOS CLARK, CAPTAIN JOHN KINGSMAN, and HENRY HAVENS, the son of Joseph Havens of Westport were all lost on a sailing vessel one mile from the west shore. The Canal Boat William Farmer and her crew were all lost. The cause is unknown.

See newspaper for further details.

Westport Patriot 14 December 1848

CLARK, Edmund

Died on the 18th instant, at Nicholsville, St. Lawrence County of chronic inflammation of the stomach, EDMUND B. CLARK, Esquire, aged 55, father of C. M. Clark, Esquire, of this village.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1852

CLARK, Elewissa

Died on Tuesday the 18th day of January, in Lewis, Mrs. ELEWISSA CLARK, aged 53 years, widow of the late Forrest Clark.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859


Married at the parsonage in Wadhams Mills on the 19th of November by Rev. J. A. Woodhull, Mr. GEORGE R. CLARK of Hopkinton, St. Lawrence County, to Miss EMILY PIERCE of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856

CLARK, Forest

Died in Lewis, on the 5th inst., FOREST CLARK, aged 58 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 July 1857

CLARK, George R.

Married at the parsonage in Wadhams Mills on the 19th of November by Rev. J. A. Woodhull, Mr. GEORGE R. CLARK of Hopkinton, St. Lawrence County, to Miss EMILY PIERCE of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Married by Rev. Mr. Brandt, at the residence of F. H. Jackson, on Tuesday the 6th, Mr. LUKE BRAVINDER to Miss JANE CLARK.

Westport Courier 10 May 1850

CLARK, Levi H.

Died in Coloma, California, in November, LEVI H. CLARK, aged 21 years, son of Daniel and Sally Clark, formerly of this town.

See newspaper for the obituary.

Westport Courier 7 February 1851

CLARK, Luther

Married in Willsborough, April 29th, by Rev. S. A. Barnard, Mr. LUTHER CLARK, of Essex, to Miss MARY E. LEVISEE of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1862


Married November 1st at Westport, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. B. MOOER to Miss M. CLARK.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853

CLARK, Marie

Married in this village on the 22nd instant, by Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. JOSIAH BROWN to Miss MARIE CLARK.

Keeseville Herald 24 May 1831


Married in Willsborough, April 29th, by Rev. S. A. Barnard, Mr. LUTHER CLARK, of Essex, to Miss MARY E. LEVISEE of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1862

CLARK, Minerva

Died at Westport, January 26th 1864, Miss MINERVA CLARK, aged 65 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1864


Died in Westport, on the morning of the 16th instant, DAVID CLARKE, Esquire, aged 78 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 October 1862


Died in Lewis, on the 17th instant, ANDREW CLELAND, a native of Scotland.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858


Died in Essex on the 2nd instant, Mrs. EMILY JANE CLELAND, wife of Ezra Cleland and daughter of Morris REYNOLDS, aged 29 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1863

CLEMONS, Harriett

Died in East Berkshire, Vermont on the 8th ult., Miss HARRIETT CLEMONS, daughter of J. N. Clemons, Esquire, of Moriah, New York, aged 18 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851


Married in this village, at the Methodist Parsonage, on the 9th instant, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. FRANKLIN M. HEALD to Miss SARAH S. CLIFFORD, all of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 March 1859


Died in Keene, on the 11th inst., Mr. STEPHEN CLIFFORD Sr., age 78 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857

CLINTON, Hattie M.

Married in Menasha, Wisconsin April 11th, by Rev. O. P. Clinton, MR. WARREN MEEKER and Miss HATTIE M. CLINTON, all of Menasha.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 May 1856

CLOUGH, Parley

Died in Keene, July 16th, Mr. PARLEY CLOUGH, aged 66 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

COBB, Cyrenus

Died in Lewis, October 15th, Mr. CYRENUS COBB, aged 84 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1857


Married in this village on the 2nd instant, by Rev. Mr. Atwell, Mr. WILLIAM COBB, to Miss JEMIMA BULLARD, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853

COBB, William

Married in this village on the 2nd instant, by Rev. Mr. Atwell, Mr. WILLIAM COBB, to Miss JEMIMA BULLARD, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853

COIT, Caroline (MOORE)

Married in Champlain, at the residence of the bride's father, R. C. Moore, Esquire, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. A. D. Brinckerhoff, Mr. EDWARD W. COIT, of Philadelphia (son of Rev. Dr. Coit of Plattsburgh) to Miss CAROLINE MOORE.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1860

COIT, Edward W.

Married in Champlain, at the residence of the bride's father, R. C. Moore, Esquire, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. A. D. Brinckerhoff, Mr. EDWARD W. COIT, of Philadelphia (son of Rev. Dr. Coit of Plattsburgh) to Miss CAROLINE MOORE.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1860

COLBY, Alson B.

Married at Crown Point house, Crown Point, N.Y., December 25th, 1877, by C. M. Pease, Esquire, Mr. ALSON B. COLBY to Miss MARY A. HARRIGAN, both of Middlebury, Vermont.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877


Married at Crown Point house, Crown Point, N.Y., December 25th, 1877, by C. M. Pease, Esquire, Mr. ALSON B. COLBY to Miss MARY A. HARRIGAN, both of Middlebury, Vermont.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877

COLE, Eddie F.

Died at West Union, Iowa, on the 15th instant, after a protracted illness of four months, of Tuburcular Consumption, EDDIE F., son of S. W. and Maria H. COLE, formerly of Westport, N.Y., aged 10 months and 13 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1859

COLE, Francis C. (LOU)

Married by Rev. Thos. Brandt, Mr. JAMES L. COLE to Miss FRANCIS C. LOU, all of this place.

Westport Courier 28 June 1850

COLE, James L.

Married by Rev. Thos. Brandt, Mr. JAMES L. COLE to Miss FRANCIS C. LOU, all of this place.

Westport Courier 28 June 1850

COLE, Lee P.

Died in this village on Tuesday last of typhus fever, Mr. LEE P. COLE, aged 71 years. Mr. Cole has been a resident of this town about 40 years and was highly regarded by all who knew him.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 16 March 1848

COLLINS, Philonzo W.

Married in Willsborough, July 9th, by Rev. Mr. Barnard, Mr. PHILONZO W. COLLINS, of Albion, N.Y., to Miss SARAH J. HINCKLEY, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1862


Married in Willsborough, July 9th, by Rev. Mr. Barnard, Mr. PHILONZO W. COLLINS, of Albion, N.Y., to Miss SARAH J. HINCKLEY, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1862

COMBES, Polly Ann

Married by Joseph Potter, Esquire, on November 5th, Mr. WILLARD ADKINS and Miss POLLY ANN COMBES, both of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859

COMSTOCK, Cyrus (Rev.)

Died in Lewis, on the 13th instant, Rev. CYRUS COMSTOCK, aged about 87 year. The Patriarch of the Church in this whole region of country; called, after a long life of zealous, active and successful labor in the service of his Divine Master, to receive the reward of his faith and diligence; we hope soon to give a more extended obituary, and more worthy of his high Christian virtues.

See newspaper of 11 February 1853, page 2 columns 3 & 4 for lengthy obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1853

CONGER, Elizabeth

Died in Willsborough, N.Y., May 14th, of Consumption, ELIZABETH, wife of Rev. William H. CONGER, aged 17 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862


Married in Willsboro, November 3rd, by Rev. A. S. Bigilow, W. H. CONGER, to Miss LIBBIE A. TRUMBULL, all of Willsboro, Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1863


Married in Willsboro, November 3rd, by Rev. A. S. Bigilow, W. H. CONGER, to Miss LIBBIE A. TRUMBULL, all of Willsboro, Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1863

CONN, Bemsly P.

Married in Crown Point on the 14th ult., by Rev. S. L. Herrick, BEMSLY P. CONN to HARRIET E. NEWELL.

Westport Courier 13 December 1848

CONN, Harriet E. (NEWELL)

Married in Crown Point on the 14th ult., by Rev. S. L. Herrick, BEMSLY P. CONN to HARRIET E. NEWELL.

Westport Courier 13 December 1848

COOK, Calvin

Married in Essex, New York on March 1st by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. CALVIN COOK of Bridport, Vermont to Miss MARY H. REYNOLDS of Essex, New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1852

COOK, Cordelia (CAMERON)

Married in this village, on Sunday evening the 5th instant, at the residence of D. Turner, by Rev. W. W. Peirce, Mr. SAMUEL D. COOK to Miss CORDELIA CAMERON, both of Keeseville.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 9 September 1847

COOK, Jeremiah

Died in Moriah, on the 11th instant, JEREMIAH COOK, aged 59 years.

Mr. Cook had long been an inhabitant of the county; and was an estimable citizen. He belonged to that class of men, honest, modest, conscientious of whom we know several in the county, who, seeking no publicity, are content to do their duty in all the private walks in life, and do it rightly.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1854

COOK, Joseph

Married at Moriah on the 14th ult., by Rev. C. Ransom, JOSEPH COOK to Mrs. SARAH COOK.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married in Essex, New York on March 1st by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. CALVIN COOK of Bridport, Vermont to Miss MARY H. REYNOLDS of Essex, New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1852

COOK, Samuel D.

Married in this village, on Sunday evening the 5th instant, at the residence of D. Turner, by Rev. W. W. Peirce, Mr. SAMUEL D. COOK to Miss CORDELIA CAMERON, both of Keeseville.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 9 September 1847

COOK, Sarah

Married at Moriah on the 14th ult., by Rev. C. Ransom, JOSEPH COOK to Mrs. SARAH COOK.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

COOK, Thomas

Died in Marshall, Michigan, December 23rd, Mr. THOS. COOK, brother of Mrs. M. B. DUNNING, of Keeseville, and son of the late Samuel Cook, deceased, aged 56 years. He was gored to death by a bull.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859

COOK, Warner V.

Died at Ticonderoga on 2 March instant, WARNER V. COOK, aged 34 years.

See page 2 column 6 for obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1854

COOLIDGE, Charles P.

Married on the 4th of October, 1857, by Elder Geo. Lambert, at his dwelling house, Mr. CHARLES P. COOLIDGE of Jay, to Miss ELIZA A. KENT of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857


Married on the 4th of October, 1857, by Elder Geo. Lambert, at his dwelling house, Mr. CHARLES P. COOLIDGE of Jay, to Miss ELIZA A. KENT of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857

COOPER, Edmund (Rev.)

Married on the 20th of June, in St. John's Church, Essex, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, REV. EDMUND D. COOPER, Rector of Trinity Church, Sharon Springs, to Miss SUSANNA McLEAN, eldest daughter of the Hon. Henry H. ROSS, of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 June 1861

COOPER, Harvey H.

Married at Ausable Forks, July 16th, by Rev. J. S. Hart, Mr. HARVEY H. COOPER, and Miss JANE W. AMES, both of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 July 1853

COOPER, Henry H. Ross

Died in Essex on Wednesday morning August 12th, HENRY H. ROSS COOPER, only child of Rev. E. D. and Susanna M. L. R. COOPER, aged 3 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1863


Married at Ausable Forks, July 16th, by Rev. J. S. Hart, Mr. HARVEY H. COOPER, and Miss JANE W. AMES, both of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 July 1853

COOPER, Susanna (McLEAN)

Married on the 20th of June, in St. John's Church, Essex, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, REV. EDMUND D. COOPER, Rector of Trinity Church, Sharon Springs, to Miss SUSANNA McLEAN, eldest daughter of the Hon. Henry H. ROSS, of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 June 1861

COOPER, Susanna McLean (ROSS)

Married on the 20th of June, in St. John's Church, Essex, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, REV. EDMUND D. COOPER, Rector of Trinity Church, Sharon Springs, to Miss SUSANNA McLEAN, eldest daughter of the Hon. Henry H. ROSS, of Essex.Elizabethtown Post 27 June 1861


Married in Keeseville at St. Pauls Church, Wednesday Dec. 23 by Rev. F. C. Putman, J. B. BALANCE, Esq., Forman in the Rep. Office to Miss CLARA E. COPPINS.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 January 1857


Married in this village at the residence of E. M. Marvin, Esquire, on the 20th ult. by Rev. H. M. Munsee, WILLIAM H. CORNRIGHT, Pvt. of Co. K. 38th Vol. to ESTER P. HATHAWAY of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864


Married in this village at the residence of E. M. Marvin, Esquire, on the 20th ult. by Rev. H. M. Munsee, WILLIAM H. CORNRIGHT, Pvt. of Co. K. 38th Vol. to ESTER P. HATHAWAY of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

COTTS, Elizabeth (WRIGHT)

Married in Ticonderoga on the 19th instant, Mr. LOGAIN COTTS of Orwell, Vermont to Miss ELIZABETH WRIGHT of Ticonderoga.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851

COTTS, Logain

Married in Ticonderoga on the 19th instant, Mr. LOGAIN COTTS of Orwell, Vermont to Miss ELIZABETH WRIGHT of Ticonderoga.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851


Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, October 8th by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. E. M. CRAFORD of Schroon and Miss ELIZA JANE DIBBLE, daughter of Norman Dibble Esq. of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1856


Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, October 8th by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. E. M. CRAFORD of Schroon and Miss ELIZA JANE DIBBLE, daughter of Norman Dibble Esq. of Keene.Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1856

CRAM, Sarah

Married at Jay, N.Y., on the 17th instant, by George G. Tobey, Esquire, PHILANDER WILLEY, to Miss SARAH CRAM, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 August 1854

CRAY, Achsah M.

Married in Lewis, N.Y., on the 19th instant, by Rev. S. S. Howe, Mr. SAMUEL D. ROBERTS, of Marquette, Michigan, to Miss ACHSAH M. CRAY, of Highgate, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1861

CRONK, Adeline C.

Died in Westport on November 5th, ADELINE C. CRONK, aged 30 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851

CRONK, Catherine

Died in this village on the 21st instant, Miss CATHERINE CRONK, of consumption, aged _____ years.

Westport Courier 27 December 1850


Married in Beekmantown, on the 10th instant, by Rev. E. Stover, Mr. HERVEY HEWITT of Plattsburgh, to Miss MARY E. CROOK, daughter of Hon. Thomas Crook.

Westport Courier 27 December 1849


Married in Keeseville on the 26th inst., by J. M'Elroy Esq., at his office, Mr. DANIEL H. HURLBUT to Miss SARAH A. CROSSETT, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1857


Died at Bouquet Village, September 28th, ELLEN M., youngest daughter of Seth and Ellen CROSSMAN, aged 7 years and 11 months.Elizabethtown Post 21 October 1853


Died in Willsborough on the 7th inst., Mr. THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, aged about 65 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 July 1856

CURTIS, Caroline V.

Married at Ferrisburgh, Va. by Rev. H. T. Leavitt, Mr. MIDAS E. BISHOP, of Elizabethtown, N.Y. and Miss CAROLINE V. CURTIS of Ferrisburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 September 1856

CURTIS, Louisa Q.

Married in St. Albans, at the residence of the bride's father, August 31, by the Rev. Chas. Fay, Mr. HIRAM B. SOULE, to Miss LOUISA Q., eldest daughter of Jasper CURTIS, Esquire, all of St. Albans.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859


Married in Westport May 1st by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, ABRAM A. KINGSLAND of Keeseville to HELEN H., second daughter of Wm. J. CUTTING, Esq. of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856


Died on the 26th at Newtonville, near Troy, Mrs. MARY, wife of Sewall CUTTING of this village, in her 49th years.

Westport Courier 9 May 1851


Married in Westport by Rev. G. T. Wright, H. D. HITCHCOCK of Champlain to MARY J., daughter of W. J. CUTTING of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 January 1856

CUYLER, Caroline E.

Married in this village, on the 14th instant, by Rev. J. Bradshaw, WILLIAM M. HOLTON, M.D., of New York City, to Miss CAROLINE E., daughter of the late Edward S. CUYLER, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 March 1853


Married in Lewisburgh, Penn., August 22nd, by Rev. R. A. Fisk, Miss J. S., daughter of C. D. KLINE, Esquire, of Lewisburgh, to EZRA P. CUYLER of Charlestown, S.C.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859


Married in Lewisburgh, Penn., August 22nd, by Rev. R. A. Fisk, Miss J. S., daughter of C. D. KLINE, Esquire, of Lewisburgh, to EZRA P. CUYLER of Charlestown, S.C.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859

DARLING, Adeline F. (BURT)

Married in Ticonderoga, March 25th by Rev. D. H. Gould, ROYAL DARLING of West Cornwall, Vt. and ADELINE F. BURT of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 April 1856

DARLING, Maria Jeannette

Died in this town, on the 14th instant, MARIA JEANNETTE DARLING, aged 15 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1853


Married in this town, on the 9th instant, by C. M. Clark, Esquire, SILAS DARLING, to Miss RHODA EVANS, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853


Married in Ticonderoga, March 25th by Rev. D. H. Gould, ROYAL DARLING of West Cornwall, Vt. and ADELINE F. BURT of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 April 1856


Married in this town, on the 9th instant, by C. M. Clark, Esquire, SILAS DARLING, to Miss RHODA EVANS, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853

DART, Philander

Married in Saratoga Springs, Mr. PHILANDER DART, formerly of Erie, Pennsylvania, to Miss RHODA WATERBURY.

Keeseville Herald 25 July 1831


Married in Saratoga Springs, Mr. PHILANDER DART, formerly of Erie, Pennsylvania, to Miss RHODA WATERBURY.Herald 25 July 1831

DAVIS, Calvin

Died very suddenly in Peru on Saturday last, Mr. CALVIN DAVIS.

Keeseville Herald 12 April 1831

DAVIS, Meratebel P.

Married in Crown Point on the 29th ultimo, by Rev. S. L. Herrick, BENNET T. BENEDICT to MERATABEL P. DAVIS.

Westport Courier 13 December 1848

DAVIS, Sarah

Married in this town on Friday last by Rev. S. Lyman, Mr. ESTERBROOKS MOORE to Miss SARAH DAVIS.

Keeseville Herald 17 May 1831


Died in Ticonderoga, on the 15th instant, Mrs. JANE DEALL, aged 64 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 August 1854

DECKER, Alonzo

Married in Lewis by A. Wilder, Esq., on the 14th day of April, Mr. ALONZO DECKER to Miss OLIVE SMITH, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 April 1856


Married in Lewis by A. Wilder, Esq., on the 14th day of April, Mr. ALONZO DECKER to Miss OLIVE SMITH, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 April 1856

DELANO, Elbertine

Married on Tuesday evening, December 28th, by Rev. J. E. Cheshire of Keeseville, DUNCAN THOMPSON Jr. of New York City, to ELBERTINE, 2nd daughter of J. R. DELANO, Esquire, of Wadhams Mills.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859

DELANO, Matta K.

Married at Wadhams Falls on Thursday, January _____ by Rev. Charles Spooner, Mr. JOHN MERRIAM of Lewis to Miss MATTA K., daughter of Joseph R. DELANO, of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848

DELANO, Mahala

Died in Lewis on the 27th ult., Mrs. MAHALA MERRIAM, wife of Col. John L. Merriam and daughter of Joseph R. DELANO, age 26 yrs.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.of the Protestant Episcopal Church, beloved by all, long painful illness.Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1857

DELONG, Rosa Martin

Died in North Hudson on the 17th instant, ROSA MARTIN, daughter of John L. and Celestia DELONG, aged 9 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 July 1863


Died in Elizabethtown, on the 30th instant, Mrs. LAURA, wife of Mr. Horatio DEMING, aged 41 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 June 1854

DEMING, Minerva

Married at the residence of the bride's father, in this town, on the 3rd instant, by Rev. Mr. Munsee, Rev. Mr. LEAVITT, to Miss MINERVA DEMING.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862

DEMING, Rowena C.

Married February 2nd, in this place, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. THEODORE J. TILLISON, of Underhill, Vermont, to Miss ROWENA C. DEMING.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859


Died in this town on the 27th instant, SUSAN, daughter of H. S. DEMING, Esquire, aged 3 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 October 1862

DENTON, Alexander

Married by Rev. Ira D. Burwell, on the 2nd instant, ALEXANDER DENTON, of Elizabethtown, to MARY FLETCHER, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Married by Rev. Ira D. Burwell, on the 2nd instant, ALEXANDER DENTON, of Elizabethtown, to MARY FLETCHER, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Died in this town, on the 26th ult., SALEM DENTON, aged about 45 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 July 1857


Married in North Hudson, on the 3rd instant, by Rev. M. L. Willard, Mr. NATHAN A. DeWOLFE, to Miss ALVIRA B. PERKINS, both of North Hudson.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

DeWOLFE, Nathan A.

Married in North Hudson, on the 3rd instant, by Rev. M. L. Willard, Mr. NATHAN A. DeWOLFE, to Miss ALVIRA B. PERKINS, both of North Hudson.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

DEXTER, Elizabeth

Died at the residence of Ira MARKS, Esquire, in Elizabethtown, on the 8th, instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH DEXTER, relict of the late Amos Dexter, of Essex, aged 73 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 January 1858


Married at Vergennes, Vermont, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Couvillan of Burlington, Mr. SOLOMON DEYO of Westport, N.Y., to Miss JOSEPHT RAYMOND, of Panton.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853

DEYO, Solomon

Married at Vergennes, Vermont, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Couvillan of Burlington, Mr. SOLOMON DEYO of Westport, N.Y., to Miss JOSEPHT RAYMOND, of Panton.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853

DIBBLE, Eliza Jane

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, October 8th by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. E. M. CRAFORD of Schroon and Miss ELIZA JANE DIBBLE, daughter of Norman Dibble Esq. of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1856


Married by Rev. B. Eaton, on the 1st instant, at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, Mr. ORRIN DIBBLE, Jr., and Miss MARY E. JOHNSON, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857

DIBBLE, Orrin (Jr.)

Married by Rev. B. Eaton, on the 1st instant, at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, Mr. ORRIN DIBBLE, Jr., and Miss MARY E. JOHNSON, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857

DIBBLE, Sarah Ann

Married in Elizabethtown, December 30th, by Rev. S. Jones, Mr. HARRY S. JOHNSON, and Miss SARAH ANN DIBBLE, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1858


Married at the Methodist parsonage in Elizabethtown, February 19th, by Rev. S. Gardiner, Mr. WILLIAM H. ADSIT, of Essex, to Miss HELEN DICKERSON, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 February 1862


Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this place, October 21st, by Rev. A. M. Munsee, Mr. D. W. DICKINSON of Willsborough and Miss ELIZA A. TODD of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1863


Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this place, October 21st, by Rev. A. M. Munsee, Mr. D. W. DICKINSON of Willsborough and Miss ELIZA A. TODD of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1863

DIKE, Charles F.

Married at Crown Point on November 13th, Mr. CHARLES F. DIKE to ELIZA, daughter of Rev. S. L. HERRICK, all of Crown Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851


Married at Crown Point on November 13th, Mr. CHARLES F. DIKE to ELIZA, daughter of Rev. S. L. HERRICK, all of Crown Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851


Married on the 27th ult., by Rev. Samuel Smith, or St. Armand, Mr. ASBURY DOCKUM, of Ohio, to Miss AMANDA E. MILLER, of Harrietstown.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859

DOCKUM, Asbury

Married on the 27th ult., by Rev. Samuel Smith, or St. Armand, Mr. ASBURY DOCKUM, of Ohio, to Miss AMANDA E. MILLER, of Harrietstown.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859

DODGE, Daniel G. (M.D.)

Married at Rouse's Point, on Thursday, February 23rd, by the Rev. Jos. W. M'lwaine, DANIEL G. DODGE, M.D., and LAURA CATHARINE STRATTON, all of Rouse's Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

DODGE, Laura Catharine (STRATTON)

Married at Rouse's Point, on Thursday, February 23rd, by the Rev. Jos. W. M'lwaine, DANIEL G. DODGE, M.D., and LAURA CATHARINE STRATTON, all of Rouse's Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

DOOLITTLE, Frank Rawson

Died in Crownpoint, on the 6th instant, of Hydrocephalus, FRANK RAWSON, only son of Doctor DOOLITTLE, aged 6 years and 5 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861


Married in Schroon, Essex County, New York on the 2nd instant by Rev. C. Townsend, L. I. DOOLITTLE of Newhern, Bartholomew County, Indiana to Miss LAVARNA P. RAWSON of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851


Married in Schroon, Essex County, New York on the 2nd instant by Rev. C. Townsend, L. I. DOOLITTLE of Newhern, Bartholomew County, Indiana to Miss LAVARNA P. RAWSON of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851


Died at Port Henry on the morning of the 15th instant, at 7 o'clock, of Congestion of the lungs, CARRIE E., 3rd daughter of John C. and C. S. DOUGLASS, aged 25 years.

Justice to the merits of the deceased, as well as affection for her memory, require more than a bare announcement of her death. Her departure was sudden, and unexpected to herself and friends. Though long the subject of feeble health, it was not till a few days previous to her death that her disease developed symptoms which occasioned alarm. But when apprehensions for her recovery were expresses she was found not unprepared. The hope in Jesus she acquired and has cherished since the fall of '55, had been a constant source of comfort and consolation. Her trust in him was unwavering to the last. In July, '57, she publicly professed her faith in Christ. In character, she was marked by intelligence, Christian decision and constancy. Her disposition, naturally mild, genial And equable, was so purified and sweetened by grace, as to give the impression that it was more etherial than natural. Consequently to know, was to respect and love her. Notwithstanding these were her excellencies, no one was more unassuming or self-distrustful. In conversation with her Pastor, the day before she died, she said, In my funeral discourse I wish you to say nothing eulogistic of me, for it is only through the merits of Christ I cherish it.

She retained her consciousness till the last. Singing of favorite hymns, reading select portions of the Scriptures and offering of prayers, were peculiarly gratifying to her feelings. Her reason, which was very clear and strong, she employed during the most of her last hours, pleading earnestly with and commending her dear friends to the compassionate Savior. Exacting a solemn promise that they would prepare to meet her in that bright world above, her strength failing, she soon yielded to the summons of death and fell asleep in Jesus. All observant of the solemnly interesting scene were made to feel more forcibly the precious truth, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 April 1861


Married at Port Henry, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. C. Ransom, of Moriah, R. G. SHERMAN, Esquire to Miss H. JANE DOUGLASS, all of Port Henry.Elizabethtown Post 27 January 1854


Married at Port Henry, Wednesday evening September 20th by Rev. Mr. Stowell, REUBEN WHALLON, Esquire to Miss HELEN M., daughter of John C. DOUGLASS, all of Port Henry.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848


Died at the residence of his brother at Moores Forks, Clinton County, N.Y., on Sunday morning April 8th, WILLIAM DOUGLASS, Esquire, aged 62 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

DOW, Louisa (RICE)

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, at Port Henry on the 16th ult., Mr. R. H. DOW of Shoreham, Vermont to Miss LOUISA RICE of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

DOW, R. H.

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, at Port Henry on the 16th ult., Mr. R. H. DOW of Shoreham, Vermont to Miss LOUISA RICE of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

DOWD, Rachel

Died in Fowler, Trumbull County, Ohio, Aug. 14th, RACHEL DOWD, wife of Samuel BROUGHTON with whom she lived a married life of 65 years of which 30 were spent in this country, age 86 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856

DOWNEY, Hiram B.

We are pained to record the melancholy and tragic death of Mr. HIRAM H. DOWNY, of Westport, which occurred at about 2 or 3 o'clock, A.M., of Tuesday. Mr. Downey was a dealer in stoves and tin ware, in that village; and a part of the same store is occupied by the drug store of Mr. Ingalls. On the night of the sad event, Mr. Downey, having mislaid his own key, forced the door, and lighting a lamp, which was found burning in the morning, swallowed about half an ounce of strychnine.Instant death must have followed.

An Inquest, was held by Mr. _____ Coroner, and the above facts elicited.

The unfortunate man has been, as we are informed, for many years past, subject to occasional periods of intense despondency to an extent bordering upon insanity, and this, we believe, is deemed the explanation of his self-destruction.

Mr. Downey was a respectable citizen and an honorable and amiable man. He was about 34 years of age and unmarried.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862


Married in Elizabethtown July 4, by R. A. Finney, Esq., Mr. GEORGE DRAGOON and Miss ELIZABETH BARTON, both of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 July 1856


Married in Elizabethtown July 4, by R. A. Finney, Esq., Mr. GEORGE DRAGOON and Miss ELIZABETH BARTON, both of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 July 1856

DRAKE, Albert A.

Died at the residence of A. Denton in Lewis on the 7th instant, ALBERT A. DRAKE, Private in the 3rd U. S. Cavalry, aged 21 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

DRAKE, Olive L.

Married in Westport on the 8th ult. by John H. Low, Esquire, Mr. CHARLES NEEDHAM of Addison, Vermont to Miss OLIVE L. DRAKE of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1852


Married at the residence of George F. Dudley on Sunday December 16th, 1877, by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Mr. GEORGE F. DUDLEY to Miss BELLE FISK, both of North Hudson.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877

DUDLEY, George F.

Married at the residence of George F. Dudley on Sunday December 16th, 1877, by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Mr. GEORGE F. DUDLEY to Miss BELLE FISK, both of North Hudson.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877

DUDLEY, Lovina G.

Married at Ausable Forks, February 23rd by Rev. J. S. Hart, Mr. LEVI FULLER, to Miss LOVINA C. DUDLEY, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1854


Married in Jay on the 26th ult., by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. MITCHEL DUFFANY of Black Brook to Miss MARY LYDIA BLANCHARD of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855

DUFFANY, Mitchel

Married in Jay on the 26th ult., by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. MITCHEL DUFFANY of Black Brook to Miss MARY LYDIA BLANCHARD of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855

DUNNING, Caroline

Married on the 4th of May inst. at the Inn of Obed G. Holcomb, Lewis, by A. Wilder, Esq., Mr. CLARK MOREHOUS of Willsboro to Miss CAROLINE DUNNING of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856


Married in Westport, March 19th, by the Rev. F. P. Lang, Mr. C. C. DUNSTER, to Miss R. BENSON.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 March 1860


Married in Westport, March 19th, by the Rev. F. P. Lang, Mr. C. C. DUNSTER, to Miss R. BENSON.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 March 1860


Married in Lewis on the 17th instant, by Ralza Morse, Esquire, Mr. WILLIAM DUNTLEY, to Mrs. _____ FLETCHER, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 May 1853

DUNTLEY, William

Married in Lewis on the 17th instant, by Ralza Morse, Esquire, Mr. WILLIAM DUNTLEY, to Mrs. _____ FLETCHER, all of that place.Elizabethtown Post 27 May 1853

DURAND, Albert A.

Married in New York on Tuesday, May 12th at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. G. Alexander Peitz, Mr. ALBERT A. DURAND to Miss M. KATE SILLCOCKS, daughter of Valentine Sillcocks, all of New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863

DURAND, Elvira

Married on the 20th inst. Mr. [AWRGN] HOUGHTON of Jay to Mrs. ELVIRA DURAND of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

DURAND, Helen M.

Married in this town, on the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by E. B. Haff, Mr. JOHN C. PARISH of Jay, to Miss HELEN M. DURAND, eldest daughter of Milo DURAND, Esq.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859


Married in New York on Tuesday, May 12th at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. G. Alexander Peitz, Mr. ALBERT A. DURAND to Miss M. KATE SILLCOCKS, daughter of Valentine Sillcocks, all of New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863


Married November 11th, 1857, by L. Rawson, Esq., at his residence in Carlisle, Ohio, Mr. ORLANDO J. DURAND, of Essex County, N.Y., to Mrs. MARIA C. STARE, of Russia, Ohio.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858

DURAND, Orlando J.

Married November 11th, 1857, by L. Rawson, Esq., at his residence in Carlisle, Ohio, Mr. ORLANDO J. DURAND, of Essex County, N.Y., to Mrs. MARIA C. STARE, of Russia, Ohio.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858

DURAND, Simeon

Died in this town, on the 11th instant, Mr. SIMEON DURAND, aged 81 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862

DURFEY, Phineas A.

Died in Westport on the 10th instant of consumption, PHINEAS A. DURFEY, aged 64 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 August 1863


Died in this village on Wednesday last, Mrs. DOLLY BILLINGS, wife of Mr. Jabez Billings, aged 30, daughter of Widow DURKEE of Burlington.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831

DUTTON, Harriet Jane

Died at her residence in Moriah on May 11th, HARRIET JANE DUTTON, aged 15 years, of dropsy of the brain.

Westport Courier 17 May 1850


Married by Rev. B. Eaton at his residence on the 10th inst., WILLIAM E. THAYER of North Hudson and HANNAH E. DWINNELL of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 February 1857

DWYER, Captain

Our readers were informed, last week, tat at a meeting of our citizens, R. W. Livingston Esq. was selected to visit Captain Dwyer, at St. Josephs Hospital, Philadelphia. Mr. Livingston took the boat the same night, and arrived at Philadelphia Saturday night and reached the Hospital early the next morning; but, alas, the brave Captain had breathed his last two hours before. It was found that he had received excellent attendance and care from the surgeon Dr. Crawford, and the tenderest nursing and attention from the Sisters of Charity and other ladies who interested themselves in his case; and a Baptist Clergyman, who visited him, assured Mr. Livingston that he died calmly and in peace and hope.

His sword and other side arms were taken from him by the enemy, but Mr. Livingtons received his watch, purse and papers and brought them with him.

The body was embalmed and put into a coffin enclosed in a leaden case and brought to Westport, on Wednesday (the 21st) where it was placed in charge of the Home Guard of that town, who volunteered for that purpose.

On consolation by some of the leading citizens of the two towns it was concluded to have the funeral on Saturday last, at 1 p.m.


One must have been present to know the depth of feeling exhibited by all classes on this melancholy occasion.

From a letter written partly by Captain Dwyers own hand, to Mr. U. N. Williams, and dated the 15th and one written the day previous by his surgeon, there had not been great apprehension of immediate danger, though all felt the greatest anxiety and sympathy. But, the messenger of our good wishes and assistance, returned with the remains of our noble hearted friend; the news spread like wild fire; and feelings of sadness and respect were deep, overpowering and universal. Every man, woman and child seemed to have lost a dear friend. The people of Westport claimed the privilege of bringing the corpse to this place, on the day of interment; and those of Elizabethtown set themselves at work in earnest to pay all the respect to their deceased townsman.

Early on the morning of Saturday, the people began to gather at Westport and by 9 A.M. a great procession formed. the Home Guard under command of Captain Harris, a veteran of the Mexican war, having the body in charge, and accompanied by the Port Henry Cornet Band, The cortege arrive din Elizabethtown at 12 O,N, and after partaking of refreshments, the exercises were commenced at 1 oclock.

As no [??ing] in the place was sufficient to contain a fourth part of the multitude, these were held in front of the Guard House. The coffin, on which were placed, by [??} hands, chaplets of flowers, wrapped in the flag of his country, was [??ed] above the platform. The services ... [missing text] and only those present could understand and appreciate the incidents of that day. Could the spirit of the departed have looked down upon that vast multitude, thus paying respect to his memory; have seen the almost endless line of carriages that formed the funeral cortege from Westport; the tear that welled up unbidden in every eye, when reference was made in the address to the characters, services, devotion and bravery of the deceasedhave seen that immense concourse, which entirely filled the broad street, from the Court House in to the grave and observed the deep emotion which pervaded every heartthat spirit would have felt no regret for the sacrifice he had made for his country and felt that the sacrifice so nobly and was duly honored and appreciated.

On Sunday last, the Rev. Mr. Smith preached an able and appropriate funeral sermon in the Baptist Church, on the death of Captain Dwyer, which was attentively listened to by a crowded house.

The flag, presented by the ladies of Elizabethtown, on the day Captain Dwyers Company left for the field, was found in hi s knapsack.

That banner, which one year since, he promised to protect from all dishonor, has thus followed him through camp and battle scenes, to his grave. How nobly he fulfilled that pledge by the sacrifice of his life.

NOTE - next follows a letter from a member of Captain Livingstons regiment.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 August 1862


Married at Fort Miller, Calif., Dec. 3rd, Lieut. LARHETT L. LIVINGSTON, U.S.A. to Miss MARY, daughter of Dr. Joseph EATON, U.S. Army.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1857

EDDY, Jennie

Died in Westport March 23 of Acute Rheumatism, JENNIE, only daughter of Henry and Marietta EDDY, aged 8 yrs. 5 mos.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information. (such as: child of rare promise, mature beyond years, full of natural vivacity, joyful, religious character . . . )Elizabethtown Post 4 April 1856


Died at Galesburgh, Illinois, 16th of June, JAMES R. EDGERTON, Esquire, formerly of Moriah, aged 48 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 September 1853

EDWARDS, Elizabeth M.

Married by the Rev. David Connell, on the 3rd of June, Mr. JAMES H. CARPENTER of Glens Falls, to Miss ELIZABETH M. EDWARDS, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861


Married at Schroon on the 24th of April by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. GEORGE GLEASON, Advocate, to Miss EMILY EDWARDS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1962


Married in Lewis, on the 16th inst. by the Rev. C. Hudson, Mr. REUBEN D. EGGLESTON of Essex, and Miss CAROLINE C. MERRIAM of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856


Married in Lewis, on the 16th inst. by the Rev. C. Hudson, Mr. REUBEN D. EGGLESTON of Essex, and Miss CAROLINE C. MERRIAM of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856

ELMORE, Mary Ann

Married in this village on the 21st instant, by William D. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. THOMAS HORN to Miss MARY ANN ELMORE, all of this town.

Westport Patriot 24 August 1848

ELMORE, Washington

Died in Peru on the 9th instant, WASHINGTON ELMORE, Esquire.

Keeseville Herald 12 April 1831


Married at Willsborough, on the 18th December last, by Rev. Julius Allen, Mr. AMOS BOARDMAN to Miss MARTHA ELSBURY, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854


Married in Willsboro, on the 1st instant, Mr. THOS. ELLSBURY to Miss MARY J. HELM.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859


Married in Willsboro, on the 1st instant, Mr. THOS. ELLSBURY to Miss MARY J. HELM.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859

EMMES, Rhoda D.

Died in Hammond, St. Lawrence Co., on the 1st inst., Mrs. RHODA D. wife of Rev. Joel J. EMMES, age 51 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 January 1857


Died in Ft. Ann, Washington County, 16 June, HELEN M., wife of Daniel N. EMPEY and daughter of William S. FLACK of Essex, age 24 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 June 1857

EVANS, Anne F.

Died in Philadelphia, at the residence of John Murphy, Esquire, on Saturday, the 2nd instant, of disease of the heart, Mrs. ANNE F., relict of the late Hugh EVANS, Esquire, aged 43 years.

Mrs. Evans, a native of England was, for many years, a resident of this village, and was very highly esteemed by her many friends in this vicinity. A most exemplary Christian lady has gone to her Heavenly rest.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861

EVANS, Rhoda

Married in this town, on the 9th instant, by C. M. Clark, Esquire, SILAS DARLING, to Miss RHODA EVANS, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853


Mr. JASON FAIRBANKS, well known citizen of Clinton County was killed at Dannemora, a few days since, by the falling of some apparatus at his ore bed.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863

FARMER, Henry S.

Married in North Elba, on the 11th by M. C. Lyon, Esquire, Mr. HENRY S. FARMER, of Keene, to Miss NANCY LEGGE, of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 November 1854


Married in North Elba, on the 11th by M. C. Lyon, Esquire, Mr. HENRY S. FARMER, of Keene, to Miss NANCY LEGGE, of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 November 1854

FARNER, Henry S.

Married in Keene on the 15th instant, by Wm. H. H. Hull, Esquire, Mr. HENRY S. FARNER of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY E. BOYD, of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 January 1854


Married in Keene on the 15th instant, by Wm. H. H. Hull, Esquire, Mr. HENRY S. FARNER of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY E. BOYD, of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 January 1854


Died in Lewis on the 17th inst., Deacon ASA FARNSWORTH, aged 78 years.

Deacon Farnsworth was born in New Ipswich, New Hampshire, from which he removed to Lewis in 1810. In the War of 1812 he served in Capt. Levi Brown's company of militia and was present at the battle of Plattsburgh where he was highly commended for his bravery and coolness. He became a member of the Baptist church in Elizabethtown in 1821, was elected Deacon in 1823 and continued in the active discharge of the duties of that office until his death.

Deacon Farnsworth was marked as a citizen and Christian by energy, decision, firmness and the most sterling integrity. Intelligent, of marked liberality, and the public spirit, active and zealous in the performance of all political, social, and religious duties, he commanded to a degree seldom attained, the respect, esteem and confidence of the community in which he dwelt for more than half a century.

Through near the completion of his four score years, he retained in a remarkable degree his vigor of mind and body, and his last illness which was but a few days duration, found him with His eyes not dim nor his natural force abated.

It is the lot of few to pass so long, so active, so honored and so honorable a life; meet death with so confident a hope and so steadfast a faith, and to be followed to the grave by so much of profound regard, respect and mourning.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 April 1863


Married in Westport, on the 1st instant, by Rev. Samuel Jones, of Elizabethtown, Mr. LEBANON FARNSWORTH, of Lewis, and Miss CATHARINE PROUTY, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857


Died in Leclaire, Iowa, on the 26th of February, CHLOE M. FARNSWORTH, aged 1 year, 8 months, infant daughter of Albert A. and Permelia Farnsworth, formerly of Lewis.

See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1854


Died in the Hospital at Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas, JOHN WALDEN FARNSWORTH, youngest son of Deacon Asa and Abigail FARNSWORTH of Lewis, in the 23d year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1862


Married in Westport, on the 1st instant, by Rev. Samuel Jones, of Elizabethtown, Mr. LEBANON FARNSWORTH, of Lewis, and Miss CATHARINE PROUTY, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857


Died in Racine, Wisconsin, on the 14th ult., SAMUEL H. FARNSWORTH, Esquire, aged 64.

See the newspaper for the obituary.

Westport Courier 14 February 1851


Died in Lovell, Massachusetts on the 31st of December, Mrs. MELISSA G. FARRAR, daughter of Mr. David GRAVES, formerly of Keene, and widow of Edward Farrar, formerly of Middlebury, Vermont and late of Lawrence, Massachusetts.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 February 1856


Died in Keene, on the 25th, Mr. DANIEL FARRINGTON, aged about 80 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 September 1854

FELT, Lydia F.

Died at Wadhams Falls, N.Y., on the 8th inst., LYDIA F., wife of Moses FELT, in the 67th year of her age.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 August 1857

FERRIS, Adaline

Died in Westport on the 26th instant, Mrs. ADELINE, wife of Julius FERRIS aged 47 years.

See newspaper for further detailsElizabethtown Post 30 December 1853

FERRIS, Elizabeth (LEWIS)

Married in Lewis, on the 7th instant, at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. J. C. Fenton, PETER FERRIS, Esquire, of Westport, to Miss ELIZABETH LEWIS.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

FERRIS, Eunice

Died in Westport Village, on Monday, the 11th instant, Miss EUNICE FERRIS, aged about 30 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861


Married in Elizabethtown, on the 29th of October, by Rev. R. A. Hodge, Mr. JULIUS W. FERRIS, and Miss HARRIET PIERCE, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854

FERRIS, Julius W.

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 29th of October, by Rev. R. A. Hodge, Mr. JULIUS W. FERRIS, and Miss HARRIET PIERCE, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854


Married in Lewis, on the 7th instant, at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. J. C. Fenton, PETER FERRIS, Esquire, of Westport, to Miss ELIZABETH LEWIS.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

FINE, Charles Poulson

Died in Utica, N.Y., on March 14, CHARLES POULSON, son of Hon. John FINE, of Ogdensburgh, aged 26 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853


Married at McIndus Falls by Rev. M. B. Bradford, Mr. E. O. FINEL of St. Johnsbury (formerly of Elizabethtown, N.Y.) and Miss CORA A. BRUCE of McIndus Falls.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863


Married at McIndus Falls by Rev. M. B. Bradford, Mr. E. O. FINEL of St. Johnsbury (formerly of Elizabethtown, N.Y.) and Miss CORA A. BRUCE of McIndus Falls.Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863

FINNEY, Aretus L.

Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Daniel Rowley, on the 5th instant, by Rev. Mr. Barnard, ARETUS L. FINNEY, Esquire, of Elizabethtown, Deputy Clerk of the County of Essex, to Miss HATTIE E. ROWLEY, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 June 1862


Married on the 27th instant at the inn of Capt. H. Hinckley, in Willsborough, by the Rev. Mr. Barnard, Mr. OSCAR A. FINNEY of Lewis to Miss FRANCES PROUTY of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864


Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Daniel Rowley, on the 5th instant, by Rev. Mr. Barnard, ARETUS L. FINNEY, Esquire, of Elizabethtown, Deputy Clerk of the County of Essex, to Miss HATTIE E. ROWLEY, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 June 1862


Married on the 4th instant, by Rev. C. Spooner, Mr. AUGUSTUS FRISBIE to Miss JANE FINNEY, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 December 1848

FINNEY, Oscar A.

Married on the 27th instant at the inn of Capt. H. Hinckley, in Willsborough, by the Rev. Mr. Barnard, Mr. OSCAR A. FINNEY of Lewis to Miss FRANCES PROUTY of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

FISH, Elvira L.

Married in Lewis, on the 15th ult., by Rev. P. P. Atwell, Mr. ALANSON M. LEWIS, to Miss ELIVRA L. FISH, all of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853


Died in New York City, April 4th, EMILY, wife of William L. FISH, Esquire, and daughter of William F. JENNINGS, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 April 1860

FISH, Mary F.

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in Elizabethtown, on the 4th instant, by Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. GEORGE W. LEWIS to Miss MARY F. FISH, both of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1860


Married in Keeseville, on Tuesday the 2nd instant, by the Rev. John Mattocks, FRANKLIN W. POWERS, Esquire, of Oskash, Wisconsin, to Miss ELLEN FISHER, daughter of Selah Fisher, Esquire, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 August 1853

FISHER, Hilah S.

Married by Rev. Charles Spooner at his residence at Wadhams Mills, October 7th, Mr. PRESTON S. SMITH of Moriah to Miss HILAH S. FISHER of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 October 1852

FISHER, Jennie L.

Died in Whallonsburgh, Aug. 19, JENNIE L., only child of Wiliam J. & Armenia S. FISHER, aged 1 yr., 4 mos., 10 ds.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem

The Elizabethtown Post 14 September 1857

FISHER, Marion

Married in Cornwall, Vermont, on the 22nd instant, by Rev. H. F. Leavitt, Mr. JOHN B. GEER of Vergennes to Miss MARION FISHER of the former place.

Westport Courier 26 April 1850

FISK, Belle

Married at the residence of George F. Dudley on Sunday December 16th, 1877, by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Mr. GEORGE F. DUDLEY to Miss BELLE FISK, both of North Hudson.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877

FISK, Catharine

Died at Westport, on the 7th instant, of Consumption, Mrs. CATHARINE FISK, aged 31 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862

FISK, George

Married in Essex, on Wednesday evening the 9th instant, by Rev. L. Smith, Mr. GEORGE FISK, printer, recently compositor of this office, to Miss JANE A. REYNOLDS of Westport.

Another printer gone! Ye gods! Well this the way they go, jolly fellows. A long life to you George.

Westport Courier 11 January 1850


Married in Essex, on Wednesday evening the 9th instant, by Rev. L. Smith, Mr. GEORGE FISK, printer, recently compositor of this office, to Miss JANE A. REYNOLDS of Westport.

Another printer gone! Ye gods! Well this the way they go, jolly fellows. A long life to you George.

Westport Courier 11 January 1850


Died in Westport, of Consumption, on Friday, March 7th, Mrs. JANE A. FISK, wife of G. W. FISK, and daughter of the late Deacon G. B. REYNOLDS, aged 35 years.

Mrs. Fisk, in early life, was made a partaker of saving grace and united with the Baptist Church. She was an ornament to the society of the village where she resided, being naturally amiable, kind, and affectionate. In the circle in which she moved, she was greatly beloved as a friend, sister, and wife. For months she was subject to declining health, that gave manifest premonitions that death was near, and although for a time, clouds obscured her spiritual vision, yet as she approached the spirit world, they were banished by the effulgent rays of the sun of righteousness. Her testimony in her dying hours, was of a character to afford to her loved friends, great consolation. They mourn, but not as those who have no hope. From the family circle a light has been taken, and a weeping husband and three motherless boys are left to grieve.

Death loves a shining mark

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1862


Died in Ticonderoga, November 23rd, BUSH FITCH, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 December 1853

FLACK, Alexander

Died in Essex, on the 21st ult., Mr. ALEXANDER FLACK, aged 84 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 February 1854

FLACK, Helen M.

Died in Ft. Ann, Washington County, 16 June, HELEN M., wife of Daniel N. EMPEY and daughter of William S. FLACK of Essex, age 24 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 June 1857

FLACK, Nancy

Married in Clintonville, Mar. 22, by Rev. G. F. Burdick, Mr. GEORGE W. BEARDSLEY of Chesterfield to Miss NANCY FLACK of Franklin.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1857

FLACK, William

Died in Willsborough on the 9th inst., at the residence of his son Capt. R. N. Flack, WILLIAM FLACK, aged 85 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Died at Ticonderoga, N.Y. Oct. 6th, Mrs. ELSEY FLEMING, wife of Mr. Issaac Fleming of that place, in the 61st year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856


Married on December 27th, by Rev. C. L. Hager, ASHBEL FLEMINGS of Crown Point and ELIZA WEST of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 December 1853


Married on December 27th, by Rev. C. L. Hager, ASHBEL FLEMINGS of Crown Point and ELIZA WEST of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 December 1853


Married in Lewis on the 17th instant, by Ralza Morse, Esquire, Mr. WILLIAM DUNTLEY, to Mrs. _____ FLETCHER, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 May 1853

FLETCHER, Elizabeth

Married in Essex on the 23rd inst., by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. SIMEON WRIGHT to Miss ELIZABETH FLETCHER, all of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856


Married by Rev. Ira D. Burwell, on the 2nd instant, ALEXANDER DENTON, of Elizabethtown, to MARY FLETCHER, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Married on Thursday May 5th at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Richard Johns, Sergeant DAVID B. FLETCILEE of the 48th N.Y. Vol. to AGNES, oldest daughter of William H. ROBINSON, Esquire of Buells Ferry, New Jersey.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

FLETCILEE, David B. (Sergeant)

Married on Thursday May 5th at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Richard Johns, Sergeant DAVID B. FLETCILEE of the 48th N.Y. Vol. to AGNES, oldest daughter of William H. ROBINSON, Esquire of Buells Ferry, New Jersey.Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864


Married at Westport January 13th by Rev. S. Wright, Mr. NELSON FLEURY of Westport to Miss LOUISA FOUNTAIN of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1864

FLEURY, Nelson

Married at Westport January 13th by Rev. S. Wright, Mr. NELSON FLEURY of Westport to Miss LOUISA FOUNTAIN of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1864

FOBES, Hattie E.

Married in Troy, on the 8th inst., by Rev. Dr. D. Kennedy, ASAHEL D. LYON to HATTIE E., daughter of Zebina E. FOBES, all of that city.Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857

FOBES, Helen A.

Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. G. W. Porter, Mr. CHESTER HASCOM to Miss HELEN A., eldest daughter of C. P. FOBES, Esquire, all of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862

FOBES, Mary D.

Married in Crownpoint, July 3rd, by the Rev. G. W. S. Porter, Mr. ALEX TRIMBLE, to Miss MARY D. FOBES, both of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1862

FOOT, Eliza

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, at Port Henry on the 9th ult., in the Presbyterian Church, Mr. EBENEZER CALKINS to Miss ELIZA FOOT, late of Rutland, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

FORBES, Lovina

Died in Willsborough on the 12th inst., Miss LOVINA FORBES, daughter of Albert G. Forbes, Esq., aged 15 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1857


Died suddenly, in Troy, on Sunday afternoon, 5th instant, SARAH M. TIBBETS, wife of James FORSYTH, in the 31st year of her age.

See page 2 column 5 for her obituary

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854

FOSTER, Carlton

Married in Keeseville, June 27th, by Rev. Mr. Wells, Mr. CARLTON FOSTER, to Miss SYBIL STORRS, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

FOSTER, Lucy Ann

Married in this town on September 5th by Rev. D. B. Hubbard, Mr. WILLIAM TEFFT of Clintonville to Miss LUCY ANN FOSTER of this town.

Westport Patriot 7 September 1848

FOSTER, Maria S.

Married in this village on the 7th inst., by Rev. Wm. W. Peirce, Mr. JAMES R. BIGELOW of Lawrence, to Miss MARIA S. FOSTER of this village.Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848


Married at Moriah, 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, AMASA HURLBUT to Miss NANCY FOSTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 September 1853


Married in Keeseville, June 27th, by Rev. Mr. Wells, Mr. CARLTON FOSTER, to Miss SYBIL STORRS, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854


Married at Westport January 13th by Rev. S. Wright, Mr. NELSON FLEURY of Westport to Miss LOUISA FOUNTAIN of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1864


Married at Westport January 13th by Rev. S. Wright, Mr. SAMUEL FOUNTAIN of Co. A. 57th N.Y. Vol. and Miss MATILDA PAGE of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1864


Died in Willsboro, Aug. 8th, after a short illness of but 1 day, Mr. RICHARD FOUNTAIN, aged 82 yrs. & 7 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1857


Married at Westport January 13th by Rev. S. Wright, Mr. SAMUEL FOUNTAIN of Co. A. 57th N.Y. Vol. and Miss MATILDA PAGE of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1864

FOY, Fannie M.

Married in Keeseville on the 31st instant at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Carroll, GEORGE E. TOUSLEY, Foreman of the Essex County Republican and Miss FANNIE M. FOY, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1864

FOY, John

Died in Keeseville, on the afternoon of Sunday, March 23d, Mr. JOHN FOY, aged 35 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1862

FRENCH, Helen M.

Married September 3d instant, at the Mansion Hollan, in this place, by Rev. H. M. Munsee, Mr. JOSEPH ROBBINS, of Lewis, and Miss HELEN M. FRENCH, of Essex, N.Y., all of Essex Co., New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863


Died at Northfield, Vermont, June 1st, Miss RUTH L., daughter of Joel K. and Jane FRENCH, of Westport, N.Y., aged 20 years and 2 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862


Died in Willsborough on the 23rd inst., Dea. ASA FRISBIE, age 83 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1857

FRISBIE, Augustus

Married on the 4th instant, by Rev. C. Spooner, Mr. AUGUSTUS FRISBIE to Miss JANE FINNEY, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 December 1848

FRISBIE, Augustus

Died in this place, on the 1st instant, AUGUSTUS, son of Willard FRISBIE, aged 19 years.Courier 3 May 1850


Married on January 1st, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. HENRY E. WARREN and Miss ELMINA FRISBIE, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854


Married in this village on the 24th instant, by Wm. O. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. HENRY FRISBIE to Miss RUTH GREELEY, all of this place.

Westport Courier 27 December 1850


Married on the 4th instant, by Rev. C. Spooner, Mr. AUGUSTUS FRISBIE to Miss JANE FINNEY, both of this town.Elizabethtown Post 6 December 1848


Married in Willsborough on the 12th ult., by Rev. Bernard, Mr. ALBERT HAYWOOD to Miss MARY FRISBIE, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Married in this village on the 24th instant, by Wm. O. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. HENRY FRISBIE to Miss RUTH GREELEY, all of this place.

Westport Courier 27 December 1850

FRISBIE, William L.

Died at Simpson Hospital near the Relay House, Michigan, on the 15th February 1863, WILLIAM L. FRISBIE, son of Levi and Julia Frisbie of Westport, age 20 years. He was a member of Co. F. 118th Reg., New York Volunteers.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 April 1863


Married in Clintonville, March 20th by Rev. J. G. Perkins, Mr. CHARLES P. NORTON, of Keene, to Miss HILY M. FULLER, of Jay, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1862


Married at Ausable Forks, February 23rd by Rev. J. S. Hart, Mr. LEVI FULLER, to Miss LOVINA C. DUDLEY, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1854


Married at Ausable Forks, February 23rd by Rev. J. S. Hart, Mr. LEVI FULLER, to Miss LOVINA C. DUDLEY, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1854

FUTMAN, Elbert H.

Married at the residence of S. P. Millington in Glen Falls, October 13, by the Rev. A. J. Fennel, ELBERT H. FUTMAN of Essex, and Miss THETIS BISHOP of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 October 1863


Married at the residence of S. P. Millington in Glen Falls, October 13, by the Rev. A. J. Fennel, ELBERT H. FUTMAN of Essex, and Miss THETIS BISHOP of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 October 1863

GAFT, Adelbert M.

Died in Shoreham, Vermont, on the 7th instant, of Typhoid Fever, ADELBERT M. GAFT, of the Reg't Vermont Volunteers, aged 19 years and 8 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1862


Died at Shelter Island on the 21st ult., S. S. GARDINER, aged 70 years. Mr. Gardiner has held many offices of trust, and was highly respected.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 April 1859


Married at Wadhams Mills, August 28th, by Rev. Mr. Lord, AARON GARDNER and Miss CLARISSA BULLIS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859


Married at Wadhams Mills, August 28th, by Rev. Mr. Lord, AARON GARDNER and Miss CLARISSA BULLIS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859


Married at Whitehall on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Adams, CYRUS L. BLANCHARD, attorney at law, of Schroon, to Miss MARY ANN GARDNER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 August 1857


Married in Schroon Lake, on the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Lemon Garfield, by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. LUCIUS RAWSON and Miss JULIA A. GARFIELD, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 June 1863


Married in Schroon, on the 25th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Joel F. Potter, Esquire, LIEUTENANT DANIEL BURGY of Co. 1 of the 22d Regiment New York Volunteers, to Miss JULIA A. GARFIELD of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862

GATINGS, Elizabeth

Married in Whitehall, on the 9th instant, by Rev. L. Kellogg, Mr. E. C. LATTIMER, publisher of the Saratoga Daily Forum, to Miss ELIZABETH GATINGS, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 July 1853

GAY, Sarah E.

Married in Garnavillo, Iowa, on the 24th ult. by Rev. L. P. Mathews, Mr. LEVI ANGIER to Miss SARAH E. GAY, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 September 1856

GEER, John B.

Married in Cornwall, Vermont, on the 22nd instant, by Rev. H. F. Leavitt, Mr. JOHN B. GEER of Vergennes to Miss MARION FISHER of the former place.

Westport Courier 26 April 1850


Married in Cornwall, Vermont, on the 22nd instant, by Rev. H. F. Leavitt, Mr. JOHN B. GEER of Vergennes to Miss MARION FISHER of the former place.

Westport Courier 26 April 1850

GIBBONS, Michael

Michael GIBBONS was murdered at Hammondville on March 9th

See page 4 column 2 for details on the murder and his obituary.

Crown Point Budget 13 March 1878


Married at the Methodist parsonage in this village by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. Wm. D. GIBBS of Geneso, Henry Co., Illinois, to Miss ELEANOR PROCTOR of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 May 1857

GIBBS, Euphemia

Died in Lewis, on the 17th instant, Mrs. EUPHEMIA GIBBS, consort of the late John Gibbs, Esquire, aged about 65 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854

GIBBS, Hiram

AccidentMr. HIRAM GIBBS, foreman, we believe, in the Port Henry furnace, was killed on the 20th instant, being horribly crushed by an overshot wheel. He survived but a very short time. He exhibited extraordinary fortitude during his sufferings, having, as we learn, dictated and executed a will, on the completion of which he almost immediately expired.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1854


Married on the 18th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. M. W. ANGIER and Miss J. J. GIBBS, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1854

GIBBS, Loren

Married on Thursday evening the 9th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. LOREN GIBBS to Miss MARY ANN ANNIS of this town.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 16 March 1848


Married on Thursday evening the 9th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. LOREN GIBBS to Miss MARY ANN ANNIS of this town.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 16 March 1848


Married by Rev. C. L. Hager, Mr. ORANGE GIBBS to Miss MAZALIA MORRIL, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 December 1853

GIBBS, Orange

Married by Rev. C. L. Hager, Mr. ORANGE GIBBS to Miss MAZALIA MORRIL, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 December 1853

GIBBS, William D.

Married at the Methodist parsonage in this village by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. Wm. D. GIBBS of Geneso, Henry Co., Illinois, to Miss ELEANOR PROCTOR of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 May 1857

GILLIO, Carrie E.

Married at the residence of Mr. H. Mishler, in Crown Point, December 18, 1877, by C. M. Pease, Esquire, Mr. JOSEPH MISHLER to CARRIE E. GILLIO, both of this place.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877


Died in Keene, on the 20th inst. of dyptheria after a few days of intense suffering, JOHN GILMORE, age 19 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863


Married at Schroon on the 24th of April by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. GEORGE GLEASON, Advocate, to Miss EMILY EDWARDS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1962


Married at Schroon on the 24th of April by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. GEORGE GLEASON, Advocate, to Miss EMILY EDWARDS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1962

GLEN, John V.

Died in Schenectady, Sunday last, Mr. JOHN V. GLEN, in the 56th year of his age, he formerly belonged to the U.S. Army and was aide de camp to Gen. Wilkeson.

Keeseville Herald 28 June 1831

GLIDDEN, Amanda E.

Married in this town, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. WILLIAM WISE, of Marysville, California, and Miss AMANDA E. GLIDDEN, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861

GLIDDEN, George H.

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village on the 11th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. GEORGE H. GLIDDEN and JULIETTE CALKINS, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856


Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village on the 11th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. GEORGE H. GLIDDEN and JULIETTE CALKINS, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856

GOFF, Ellen J.

Married at Vergennes, Vermont, on Tuesday, February 21st, by the Rev. H. F. Leavitt, at the parsonage, Mr. NICANIAH MILLER, of Elizabethtown, N.Y. and ELLEN J. GOFF, of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

GOFF, Samuel

Died on Friday, the 28th, in this village, Mr. SAMUEL GOFF, aged 87 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859


Married on Thursday, JENNY LIND to OTTO GOLDSCHMIDT, the pianist at the Rexere House, the matter was conducted with the greatest privacy.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1852


Married on Thursday, JENNY LIND to OTTO GOLDSCHMIDT, the pianist at the Rexere House, the matter was conducted with the greatest privacy.Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1852


Married in New York City, on Thursday September 21st, by Rev. George Thatcher, Mr. ELIJAH T. GOODRICH, of Hartford, Connecticut, to Miss MARY E., eldest daughter of Mr. Robert R. JOHNSTON, of New York City.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 September 1854


Married in New York City, on Thursday September 21st, by Rev. George Thatcher, Mr. ELIJAH T. GOODRICH, of Hartford, Connecticut, to Miss MARY E., eldest daughter of Mr. Robert R. JOHNSTON, of New York City.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 September 1854


DiedMrs. SARAH GOODRICH Died at her residence, Monday at 5 p.m. The funeral service will be held at the house at 10, and at the Methodist Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. Thursday.

Crown Point Budget 13 March 1878


Died in Lewis on the 6th inst., Miss LUCINDA GOODSPEED of St. Armand.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856

GOULD, Charles

Died on the 13th instant, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Selencia Elmore in Peru Village, CHARLES GOULD, son of Mr. Gould of Rutland, aged about 16 years.

Keeseville Herald 17 May 1831

GOULD, D. H. (Rev.)

Married in Ticonderoga, October 26th, by Rev. George W. Barrows, of Salisbury, Vermont, Rev. D. H. GOULD, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Ticonderoga, to Miss MARY J. CALKINS, of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857


Married in Ticonderoga, October 26th, by Rev. George W. Barrows, of Salisbury, Vermont, Rev. D. H. GOULD, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Ticonderoga, to Miss MARY J. CALKINS, of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857

GOULDING, William W.

Death of WILLIAM W. GOULDING. On Saturday last our citizens were startled with the sad intelligence, by telegraph, that Mr. Goulding, well known to many of our readers, and for several years a resident of this village, had been killed the day previous by a railroad accident at Potsdam, N.Y. Private letters received by his relatives in Keeseville, confirm the truth of the statement. Mr. Goulding, at the time of his death a resident of Watertown, it appears was in Potsdam, and was about to take the cars to Canton. The train had started and he attempted to get on by a step or a <?> of the cars, thrown from the platform, onto the track, where his body was struck by the wheel, doubling him over and breaking his ribs. Although terribly wounded, Mr. Goulding survived his injuries for about 18 hours, and made his will after the accident, retaining his consciousness till a short time preceding his death. He leaves a wife, to whom he was married not quite a year since.

Keeseville Republican

The Elizabethtown Post 29 January 1859

GRAHAM, Catherine (BARNS)

Married in Chesterfield on the 4th instant, by Rev. Mr. Lyman, Mr. DAVIS GRAHAM to Miss CATHERINE BARNS.

Keeseville Herald 16 May 1831


Married in Chesterfield on the 4th instant, by Rev. Mr. Lyman, Mr. DAVIS GRAHAM to Miss CATHERINE BARNS.

Keeseville Herald 16 May 1831

GRANDY, Roswell

Died in Keeseville on the 15th inst., at the residence of his son, H. H. Grandy, Mr. ROSWELL GRANDY, aged 75 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1856


Married by the Rev. H. F. Leavitt, Wednesday, February 22nd at Ferrisburgh, ELIJAH GRAVES and BETSEY E. HAWKINS.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

GRAVES, Elijah

Married by the Rev. H. F. Leavitt, Wednesday, February 22nd at Ferrisburgh, ELIJAH GRAVES and BETSEY E. HAWKINS.Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

GRAVES, Henry D.

Married at St. Paul's Chapel, Keeseville, on Thursday, September 12th by the Rev. Robert O. Trivett, HENRY D. GRAVES, and KATE THOMPSON, daughter of James Rogers, Esquire, all of Ausable Forks.Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861


Married at St. Paul's Chapel, Keeseville, on Thursday, September 12th by the Rev. Robert O. Trivett, HENRY D. GRAVES, and KATE THOMPSON, daughter of James Rogers, Esquire, all of Ausable Forks.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861

GRAVES, Kate Thompson (ROGERS)

Married at St. Paul's Chapel, Keeseville, on Thursday, September 12th by the Rev. Robert O. Trivett, HENRY D. GRAVES, and KATE THOMPSON, daughter of James ROGERS, Esquire, all of Ausable Forks.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861

GRAVES, Melissa G.

Died in Lovell, Massachusetts on the 31st of December, Mrs. MELISSA G. FARRAR, daughter of Mr. David GRAVES, formerly of Keene, and widow of Edward Farrar, formerly of Middlebury, Vermont and late of Lawrence, Massachusetts.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 February 1856


We find the following announcement in the Vergennes Citizen on the 2nd instant. Mr. Gray was a native of Elizabethtown, where his parents and other relatives still reside, and where many friends of his youth deeply sympathize with them and the young family he has left behind, in their bereavement. He died on the 1st instant.

SUDDEN DEATHWe are pained to announce the sudden disease of Mr. B. F. Gray, painter, for many years a resident of this city, after only a few weeks illness. He was not considered dangerously ill until a short time before his death. We learn that his disease was typhoid fever and congestion of the brain. Mr. G. was widely known and much respected in this community, and has left a young and interesting family.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Died at Westport, January 31st of consumption, Mr. OSMAN B. GREELEY, aged 32 years.

At a special meeting of Westport Lodge #263, convened for the purpose of paying respect to the remains of our late friend and brother, O. B. Greeley, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted.

See newspaper for the Preamble and Resolutions, page 3 column 2.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 February 1853


Married in this village on the 24th instant, by Wm. O. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. HENRY FRISBIE to Miss RUTH GREELEY, all of this place.

Westport Courier 27 December 1850

GREELY, Susan C.

Married at Westport, on the 10th instant, by Rev. W. W. Foster, Mr. W. F. JONES, Merchant, of Glen's Falls, to Miss SUSAN C. GREELY, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 May 1859

GREEN, Laura Ann

Married in this town on the 4th instant, by R. A. Finney, Esquire, Mr. ALDEN WELLS to Miss LAURA ANN GREEN.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Married on Christmas eve in St. John's Chapel in Bouquet, by Edmund Cooper, Mr. HENRY PALMER and Miss JANE GRINNELS, all of Bouquet.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Married on Saturday morning, January _____ at Hyde's Hotel, Ducbury Vermont by James K. Hyde, Esquire, Mr. HENRY A. GRISWOLD of this place, to Miss JANE PORTER of Whitehall.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 6 January 1848


Married on Saturday morning, January _____ at Hyde's Hotel, Ducbury Vermont by James K. Hyde, Esquire, Mr. HENRY A. GRISWOLD of this place, to Miss JANE PORTER of Whitehall.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 6 January 1848

GROSS, Juliette M.

Died at Jay, on Tuesday, February 22nd, JULIETTE M., wife of Monroe HALL, and daughter of the late Ezra C. GROSS, aged 35 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1853


Married at St. Armand on the 20th instant, by H. Morehouse, Esquire, JOHN GROVER of Harrietstown to ANNA JOHNSON of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1863


Married at St. Armand on the 20th instant, by H. Morehouse, Esquire, JOHN GROVER of Harrietstown to ANNA JOHNSON of the same place.Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1863

GROVER, Mary Louisa

Died in Hudson, August 17, MARY LOUISA, wife of Rev. W. S. LEAVITT and daughter of the late Honorable S. H. GROVER, of Newark, N.J.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 August 1863

GUEST, Maria E. (ROSS)

Died in the city of New York on the 11th inst., MARIA E. ROSS, wife of Hon. William A. GUEST and daughter of the late Col. Theordorus ROSS, and sister of the late Mrs. E. F. Williams.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 March 1863

GUNNISON, Albert Orlando

Died at Crown Point June 24th, ALBERT ORLANDO GUNNISON, youngest son of Dea. George Gunnison, in the 21st year of his age.

Died of consumption

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 July 1856

GUNNISON, Margaret Ann

Died at Crown Point on the 13th, Mrs. MARGARET ANN HEUSTIS, wife of Mr. C. W. Heustis and only daughter of George and Margaret GUNNISON in the 31st year of her age.

died of consumption

left many friends.

NOTE - See newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856

HAFF, daughter

Born in this village, on Tuesday, the 4th inst., the wife of Rev. E. B. HAFF, of a daughter

The Elizabethtown Post 15 January 1859


Died Nov. 26, 1859, Mrs. ANN B. HAILE, wife of Hon. Wm. F. Haile, and sister of the wife of Hon. Thomas A. Tomlinson, of Keeseville, aged __8 years, for many years a resident of Plattsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 December 1859

HAILE, John J.

Died in Plattsburgh, on the 17th instant, JOHN J. HAILE, eldest son of Hon. Wm. F. Haile, in the 29th year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853

HAL?, Rosamond A.

Died in Vergennes, March 8th, Mrs. ROSAMOND A., wife of Mr. M. D. HAL?, aged 50 years and 8 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 March 1862

HALE, Ellen S. (HAND)

Married on the 1st instant by Rev. Cyrus Hudson, MATTHEW HALE of Poughkeepsie and ELLEN S. HAND, eldest daughter of Hon. Augustus C. Hand, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1856

HALE, Harry

Died in Chelsea, VT, on Sunday the 2nd instant, HARRY HALE, Esquire, aged 81 years.

Deceased was a much esteemed resident of Chelsea, and the father of Dr. S. E. Hale and Judge Robert S. Hale of this village.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861

HALE, Harry

Died in Chelsea, Vt., June 2, HARRY HALE, Esquire, aged 81. We copy from the New Hampshire Sentinel the following obituary notice, from the pen of an eminent merchant and banker of Boston.

The subject of this brief notice was the son of Col. Nathan Hale, who commanded a regiment of New Hampshire troops in the war of the revolutionand was born in Rindge, N.H.

Mr. Hale, through a long life, maintained, in an eminent degree, the character of a useful and honourable citizen. He was frequently chosen to perform the duties of public office, both of a municipal and State character, which trusts he ever discharged in a most intelligent, faithful, and acceptable manner. His domestic character was a fit model for imitation; ever kind, discreet, prepossessing, yet firm in purpose. He was well educated, in his vernacular tongue; an extensive reader, with an analytical mind, justly weighing the strength of language, and fully appreciating all the properties of style; which just estimation of logical and correct writing was rendered most apparent, by his manner of conversation, and by his epistolary correspondence with his numerous friends,

And with members of his own family, honorably established, in the professional life, in various parts of the United States. But beyond, and better than all these things, he was a good man; a sincere, quiet, modest Christian. His rule was the Golden Rule: not golden in theory, and outward profession merely, but eminently so in his constant practice, in the daily acts of a long life.

This brief and imperfect tribute to the memory of an honorable and honored man is from the hand of one who knew Mr. Hale for half a century; who many years since, had the pleasure of a yearly residence in his family; and from whose domestic and public deportment of life the writer hereof derived many lessons, which, notwithstanding they have been imperfectly carried out, have still been of great use to him, and for which, at the late day, he would make a more public acknowledgment.

A. T. L.

Of Mr. Hale's numerous family seven sons and four daughters, with his aged widow, survive him. THOMAS HALE, Esquire, of St. Paul Min., DR. SAFFORD E. HALE and HON. ROBERT S. HALE, of this town, REV. JOHN GARDNER HALE, of East Poultney, Vt., WILLIAM B. HALE, Esquire, of Northampton, Mass., and MATTHEW HALE, Esquire, of New York City. POLLY, wife of Dr. Hiram BLISS, of Waldoboro, Me., LOUISA, wife of Rev. Elihu SCOTT, of Salem, N.H., LAURA, wife of Rev. William T. HERRICK, of Clarendon, Vt., and Miss ABIGAIL G., HALE , of Chelsea, Vt., are his surviving children. His eldest son, MARK HALE, Midshipman in the U.S. Navy, and a daughter, PHEBE, wife of Stephen VINCENT, Esquire, of Chelsea, Vt., died before him. Five other children of Mr. Hale died in their infancy.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 June 1861

HALE, Matthew

Married on the 1st instant by Rev. Cyrus Hudson, MATTHEW HALE of Poughkeepsie and ELLEN S. HAND, eldest daughter of Hon. Augustus C. Hand, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1856

HALE, Phebe Adams

Died in Chelsea, Vt. on the 5th inst. PHEBE ADAMS, wife of Mr. Stephen VINCENT and daughter of Harry HALE, Esq., age 45 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1856


Married in Whiting, Vermont on Wednesday evening, June 14th by Rev. C. B. Cady, Mr. A. W. HALL to Miss JANE C. SKINNER, both of Whiting, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854

HALL, Betsy Jane

Died in San Francisco, California, November 17th, Mrs. BETSY JANE KIRK, wife of Mr. Christopher Kirk and daughter of Mr. Hamilton Hall of Elizabethtown, aged 30 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854

HALL, Ermina P. (WELLS)

Married in Jay, May 3rd, by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. MONROE HALL, Merchant, of Jay Lower Village, to Miss ERMINA P. WELLS, daughter of Benjamin Wells, Esquire, of Upper Jay.Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854

HALL, Hamilton

Died in San Francisco, California, March 18th, 1862, at the residence of his son-in-law, D. Dwyer, HAMILTON HALL, formerly of Elizabethtown, N.Y., aged 87 years and 4 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862

HALL, Helen R.

Married in Vergennes, May 4th at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. G. C. V. Fastman, Mr. BENJAMIN SHERMAN to Miss HELEN R. HALL, both of Vergennes.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863


Married in Whiting, Vermont on Wednesday evening, June 14th by Rev. C. B. Cady, Mr. A. W. HALL to Miss JANE C. SKINNER, both of Whiting, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854

HALL, Juliette M. (GROSS)

Died at Jay, on Tuesday, February 22nd, JULIETTE M., wife of Monroe HALL, and daughter of the late Ezra C. GROSS, aged 35 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1853

HALL, Martha

Married in North Hudson, August 31st, by Rev. M. L. Willard, of the former place, Mr. WILLIAM LITSON, of Crown Point, to Miss MARTHA HALL, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 September 1861

HALL, Monroe

Married in Jay, May 3rd, by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. MONROE HALL, Merchant, of Jay Lower Village, to Miss ERMINA P. WELLS, daughter of Benjamin Wells, Esquire, of Upper Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854

HAMMER, Franklin

Married in this town on the 17th instant by Geo. S. Nicholson, Esquire, FRANKLIN HAMMER of the 25th U.S. Cavalry to LUCY JACQUES of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864


Married in this town on the 17th instant by Geo. S. Nicholson, Esquire, FRANKLIN HAMMER of the 25th U.S. Cavalry to LUCY JACQUES of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864

HAMMOND, Jennie L.

Married at Crown Point on the 9th instant by Rev. C. C. Stevens, Mr. WILLIAM W. MORE of Shoreham, Vermont to Miss JENNIE L. HAMMOND, the daughter of Charles F. Hammond of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1852


Died at Crownpoint, January 1st, hon. JOHN C. HAMMOND, aged 52 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1858


Died in Crownpoint, N.Y., August 8th, 1862, Mrs. NANCY F. HAMMOND, widow of the late Hon. John C. Hammond, in the 46th year of her age. Thus, in God's mysterious providence, has been taken from us one greatly beloved, and much esteemed for her many virtuesone who will long be in affectionate remembrance with all who knew her.

Mrs. Hammond was a native of Bridport, Vermont, where, in the bosom of a loving family, she spent her early years; nurtured amid the happy influences of the Christian religion.

It is remarked, by those associated with our lamented friend in childhood, that she ever exhibited remarkable conscientiousness. Of an animated and highly energetic nature, as well as deeply affectionate, she passed through youth with a bouyancy natural to that age, yet often feeling irresistible aspirations for a higher and holier life.

During a revival of religion in her native town, when many of her dear companions were brought to the Savior, the importance of her own personal piety was deeply impressed upon her youthful mind. At first she seemed to resist the spirits strivings. But her Savior had a work for her to do, and soon she yielded her heart with deep affection to him. Peace them came like a river to her soul.

In this glorius light earthly things appeared to lose their charm, and nothing to seem important but the heavenly realities now revealed to her. Though desirous of confessing her Savior before the world, circumstances caused its delay for a time. But on her removal to Crownpoint, she made a public profession of her faith in Christ, in connection with the Congregational church. A profession which has ever been sustained by a most consistent life of Christian benevicence and usefulness. Since the death of her lamented husband, nearly five years, she has seemed to be ripening for Heaven; with a heart almost broken by this bereavement, to be taking hold of the promises with a new and stronger trust, a humbler confidence. Crushed by her weight of grief and loneliness, though life at times seemed dark, still with frail health she went on, day by day, dispensing her bounties here and there, ever endeavoring to advance the cause of her Redeemer by her liberality and by her prayers.

We can never forget her chastened, sanctified spirit in the last few weeks and days while she lingered with ushow complete was her renunciation of self, and every other hope, save in her Redeemer alone.When it became manifest that she could not long survive, she evinced entire resignationspoke of her death and burial with great calmnessdesiring that the subject of the resurrection, as seeming a most precious doctrine, might be presented at her funeral.

For a few days previous to her death, her mind at times seemed to wander. But the prayer she had so often offered in health, that when death appeared she might be conscious, was heard in Heaven and answered, And on the evening two days previous to her last, the veil over her mind was drawn aside,the incoherent indistinct tones disappeared. Her tongue seemed loosened as by angelic power, and she spake loving words to all; words of earnest christian exhortation. Passage after passage of scripture was repeated clearly and without hesitation.

On the last day of her life, an attentive ear could catch from her lips in soft, panting tones: Heaven! Sing everlasting praises! He died for all! Praise Him! Praise Him! Thus did the precious Saviour, who wept with the sisters of Bethany, permit her as it were to praise awhile at the pearly gates before entering, and to waft back to mourning ones her rapt visions of that glory prepared for those whose robes are washed in the blood of the Lamb.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1862

HANCHET, Ebenezer

Died in this village, on the 15th instant, Mr. EBENEZER HANCHETT, aged 74 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1860

HANCHETT, Silas Howard

Died in this town on the 19th instant, SILAS HOWARD HANCHETT, aged about 35 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 November 1852

HAND, Clifford A.

Married in New York City on Thursday May 6 by Rev. R. C. Hand, CLIFFORD A. HAND to MARIA LOUISA, daughter of James SCHOTT, Esquire of Philadelphia.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

HAND, Elizabeth

Died at Shoreham, Vt., on the 14th instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH HAND, relict of the late Samuel Hand of that place, aged 77.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 July 1859

HAND, Ellen S.

Married on the 1st instant by Rev. Cyrus Hudson, MATTHEW HALE of Poughkeepsie and ELLEN S. HAND, eldest daughter of Hon. Augustus C. Hand, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1856


Married on the 21st inst., by Rev. Dr. Campbell, SAMUEL HAND to LYDIA C., daughter of Billings P. LEARNED, Esquire, all of Albany.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863

HAND, Marcia A.

Married on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John Gardner Hale, JONAS S. HEARTT, of Troy, to MARCIA A. HAND, the youngest daughter of Hon. A. C. Hand, of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861

HAND, Marcia Augusta

Died in Troy, on the 12th instant, MARCIA AUGUSTA, wife of Jonas S. HEARTT, Esquire, and daughter of Hon. Augustus C. HAND of this village, aged 25 years.

The grave has rarely closed over so much of virtue and loveliness as centered in the person and character of Mrs. Heartt. To a highly cultivated mind and prepossessing person she added all womanly and Christian graces and virtues in rich profusion.

But a few months since married, under auspices that promised all of happiness and usefulness that life can give, she passed from the paternal roof and from her native village to a new sphere of love and duty. Who then could have anticipated the sad, sad blighting of so many hopes and so much promise.

The sorrow of husband, parents, brothers and sister is sacred from our intrusion; but outside this circle there is another wider circle of loving and mourning friends and neighbors, of her seniors who have known and cherished her from infancy, of her own youthful companions, to whom she was in life so dear and is now so precious a memory, of children whose earliest recollection is of her sweet and affectionate address, and with these at least we may mingle our tears.

The quaint and touching words of the unknown English poet seem to us the most appropriate inscription for her coffin:

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1862

HAND, Maria Louisa (SCHOTT)

Married in New York City on Thursday May 6 by Rev. R. C. Hand, CLIFFORD A. HAND to MARIA LOUISA, daughter of James SCHOTT, Esquire of Philadelphia.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

HAND, Samuel

Married on the 21st inst., by Rev. Dr. Campbell, SAMUEL HAND to LYDIA C., daughter of Billings P. LEARNED, Esquire, all of Albany.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863

HANMER, Mary Ann

Married in Elizabethtown on the 1st instant, by R. A. Finney, Esquire, Mr. BENJAMIN JURDEN of Moriah, and Miss MARY ANN HANMER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854

HARDY, Joseph

Died at Wadhams Mills on the 11th instant, JOSEPH HARDY, aged 72 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 May 1864


Married in Jamestown, Chatauqua County, New York on the 7th instant by Rev. H. _____, Mr. JOHN B. RAWSON formerly of Schroon, Essex County, and Miss ELLEN N. HARELOS of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851


Died at the age of 67 years in Keeseville on the 17th instant, LYDIA H. KEESE, widow of the Hon. Richard Keese and daughter of Cornelius HARLBURT, late of Ferrisburgh, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1864

HARPER, Catherine

Married in this town by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. JOSEPH W. RAZEY to Miss CATHERINE HARPER, both of this place.

Westport Courier 4 October 1849


Married at Crown Point house, Crown Point, N.Y., December 25th, 1877, by C. M. Pease, Esquire, Mr. ALSON B. COLBY to Miss MARY A. HARRIGAN, both of Middlebury, Vermont.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877


Married at her father's house in Westport, on the 14th by Rev. Thomas Brant, Mr. JOHN HARRIS to Miss RUTH E. OLDS.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 October 1854

HARRIS, Joseph

Married in Plattsburgh, July 21st at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Coit, JOSEPH HARRIS, of Green Bay, Wisconsin, to MARY E., daughter of George MOORE, Esquire, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 July 1859


Married in Plattsburgh, July 21st at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Coit, JOSEPH HARRIS, of Green Bay, Wisconsin, to MARY E., daughter of George MOORE, Esquire, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 July 1859


Married at her father's house in Westport, on the 14th by Rev. Thomas Brant, Mr. JOHN HARRIS to Miss RUTH E. OLDS.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 October 1854


Married in Panton, Vermont on May 29th, by Rev. D. P. Hulbut, Mr. P. NORTON HARTWELL of Westport, N.Y. to Miss ELMIRA JACKSON of the former place.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 7 June 1849


Married in this town, on the 3rd ult., by Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, HIRAM W. HARTWELL of Elizabethtown to Miss JANE ANN ROBERTS of Lewis.

Westport Courier 2 August 1850


Died at his residence in Essex, on Wednesday morning, Oct. 21, of typhoid fever, HIRAM W. HARTWELL, aged 30 years.

His sickness was short and severe, but he has gone; he left a large circle of friends, a wife and two infant daughters; he was an honest, industrious citizen; he was an affectionate son; a kind husband, and excellent father. Also much esteemed by his neighbors; and he was taken in the bloom of his manhood. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 October 1857


Married in this town, on the 3rd ult., by Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, HIRAM W. HARTWELL of Elizabethtown to Miss JANE ANN ROBERTS of Lewis.

Westport Courier 2 August 1850


Married in Panton, Vermont on May 29th, by Rev. D. P. Hulbut, Mr. P. NORTON HARTWELL of Westport, N.Y. to Miss ELMIRA JACKSON of the former place.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 7 June 1849


Died in Plattsburgh, on the morning of January 1, 1860, HELEN HASCALL, wife of Hon. LEMUEL STETSON, aged 51 years.

It is ever profitable to remember God's blessed saints, who have left behind them the savor of a godly life. The manifestations of divine grace in their spiritual attainments, or deep religious experience serve not only to illustrate the deep religious experience serve not only to illustrate the power of that grace, but to encourage others in their Christian course. And when they are taken away, they do not seem entirely lost to us, having in memory, their holy lives Though dead, they still speak.

It is with such thoughts that we record the death of our beloved friend. She has indeed left behind a bright example for us to follow who survive. Her religious character was marked and striking, she was ever earnest, faithful , and devoted, striving to adorn the doctrine of her Savior in all things.

With great jealousy of herself arising from her deep conscientiousness she was anxious to perceive and know what she ought to do, and then to the best of her ability, to do it. In all the relations of life she had a high regard for her responsibility, and without intruding into the sacred privacy of domestic life we cannot say how faithfully and tenderly she fulfilled them. She was greatly endeared to all who knew her by her many amiable qualities. A large circle of friends appreciated her worth, and mourn her loss. In her last sickness our departed friend gave most precious evidence of the strength of her faith, and her entire submission to God's will. She calmly committed herself to her Heavenly Father's hand, fully confiding in his wisdom and love. Her severe sufferings shook not her faith and trust, and her prayer was not to be delivered from suffering, but that she might have grace patiently to endure.It is due to the memory of Mrs. STETSON to state that from principle she many years ago attached herself to the Baptist denominations of Christians and she died in the conscientious belief of, and adherence to all the principles of that order. But she now is art rest from all sufferings and labor, and rejoices as we earnestly believe, in the presence of that Savior whom, in her life, she honored and loved.

Plattsburgh RepublicanElizabethtown Post 14 January 1860

HASCOM, Chester

Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. G. W. Porter, Mr. CHESTER HASCOM to Miss HELEN A., eldest daughter of C. P. FOBES, Esquire, all of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862


Married in Crownpoint, on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. G. W. Porter, Mr. CHESTER HASCOM to Miss HELEN A., eldest daughter of C. P. FOBES, Esquire, all of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1862

HASKINS, Ellen Irene

Married at Whallonsburgh, February 23rd, at the residence of Abram Welch, Esquire, by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. ELIAB S. NORTON to ELLEN IRENE, eldest daughter of Mr. Nathaniel HASKINS, all of Whallonsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 February 1859

HASKINS, Phineas

Died in Lewis, December 31st, PHINEAS HASKINS, aged 74 years. Wisconsin, Iowa, & Illinois papers please copy.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 January 1862


Married in Lewis on the 22nd instant by Rev. Thomas Watson, HENRY N. WELSH to SARAH D. HASKINS, both of Whallonsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1864

HATCH, Cornelia E. (MORRIS)

Married on the 13th instant, by Rev. C. B. Parsons, D. D., in Louisville, Kentucky, P. M. HATCH, Esquire of the Democratic Advocate, to Miss CORNELIA E. MORRIS, both of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 August 1854

HATCH, Mary E.

Married in Westport, on the 14th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. AMOS A. PRESCOTT, of Plattsburgh, to Miss MARY E. HATCH, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853


Married on the 13th instant, by Rev. C. B. Parsons, D. D., in Louisville, Kentucky, P. M. HATCH, Esquire of the Democratic Advocate, to Miss CORNELIA E. MORRIS, both of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 August 1854


Married in this village at the residence of E. M. Marvin, Esquire, on the 20th ult. by Rev. H. M. Munsee, WILLIAM H. CORNRIGHT, Pvt. of Co. K. 38th Vol. to ESTER P. HATHAWAY of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864


CARLOS CLARK, CAPTAIN JOHN KINGSMAN, and HENRY HAVENS, the son of Joseph Havens of Westport were all lost on a sailing vessel one mile from the west shore. The Canal Boat William Farmer and her crew were all lost. The cause is unknown.

See newspaper for further details.

Westport Patriot 14 December 1848


Married in the Hall of Banian Tree Tent, NO. 310, 1.0, of Rechabites, Wadhams Mills, July 4th, Bro. A. W. HAWKETT, of Essex, to Miss MARGARET B. TOWNER, of Northern Star Tent, No. 26, U.D. of R. of the former place.

Westport Courier 19 July 1850


Married in the Hall of Banian Tree Tent, NO. 310, 1.0, of Rechabites, Wadhams Mills, July 4th, Bro. A. W. HAWKETT, of Essex, to Miss MARGARET B. TOWNER, of Northern Star Tent, No. 26, U.D. of R. of the former place.

Westport Courier 19 July 1850

HAWKINS, Betsey E.

Married by the Rev. H. F. Leavitt, Wednesday, February 22nd at Ferrisburgh, ELIJAH GRAVES and BETSEY E. HAWKINS.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

HAWLEY, Sarah M.

Married in Salem, on Wed., the 20th ult., REV. JOHN K. McLEAN to Miss SARAH M., daughter of David HAWLEY, Esquire, of Salem.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 July 1861

HAYES, Alvin

Died at his residence in Ausable on the 8th of April, ALVIN HAYES, aged 46 years.Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 March 1848

HAYS, Zimbi

Died in Keene on the 4th instant ZIMBI HAYS, age about 60.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1864


Married in Willsborough on the 12th ult., by Rev. Bernard, Mr. ALBERT HAYWOOD to Miss MARY FRISBIE, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Married in Willsborough on the 12th ult., by Rev. Bernard, Mr. ALBERT HAYWOOD to Miss MARY FRISBIE, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Married in Clintonville, on Monday the 13th instant by Mr. H. Herrick, Mr. E. A. ALLEN to Miss MARY E. HAYWOOD.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848


Married in Keene, N.Y. on Feb. 10th by Elder Geo. Lambert at the house of Horace Braman, WARREN HEALD to ABITHA F. BRAHAM.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857

HEALD, Franklin M.

Married in this village, at the Methodist Parsonage, on the 9th instant, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. FRANKLIN M. HEALD to Miss SARAH S. CLIFFORD, all of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 March 1859


Died in Keene on the 17th inst., JANE HEALD, youngest daughter of Mr. Neah Heald, age 14.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1856

HEALD, Rosetta E.

Died in Keene on the 21st inst., ROSETTA E., wife of Warren HEALD, age 22 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1856


Married in this village, at the Methodist Parsonage, on the 9th instant, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. FRANKLIN M. HEALD to Miss SARAH S. CLIFFORD, all of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 March 1859

HEALD, Warren

Married in Keene, N.Y. on Feb. 10th by Elder Geo. Lambert at the house of Horace Braman, WARREN HEALD to ABITHA F. BRAHAM.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857

HEARTT, Jonas S.

Married on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John Gardner Hale, JONAS S. HEARTT, of Troy, to Marcia A. HAND, the youngest daughter of Hon. A. C. Hand, of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861

HEARTT, Marcia A. (HAND)

Married on the 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John Gardner Hale, JONAS S. HEARTT, of Troy, to Marcia A. HAND, the youngest daughter of Hon. A. C. Hand, of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861

HEARTT, Marcia Augusta (HAND)

Died in Troy, on the 12th instant, MARCIA AUGUSTA, wife of Jonas S. HEARTT, Esquire, and daughter of Hon. Augustus C. HAND of this village, aged 25 years.

The grave has rarely closed over so much of virtue and loveliness as centered in the person and character of Mrs. Heartt. To a highly cultivated mind and prepossessing person she added all womanly and Christian graces and virtues in rich profusion.

But a few months since married, under auspices that promised all of happiness and usefulness that life can give, she passed from the paternal roof and from her native village to a new sphere of love and duty. Who then could have anticipated the sad, sad blighting of so many hopes and so much promise.

The sorrow of husband, parents, brothers and sister is sacred from our intrusion; but outside this circle there is another wider circle of loving and mourning friends and neighbors,, of her seniors who have known own and cherished her from infancy, of her own youthful companions, to whom she was in life so dear and is now so precious a memory, of children whose earliest recollection is of her sweet and affectionate address, and with these at least we may mingle our tears.

The quaint and touching words of the unknown English poet seem to us the most appropriate inscription for her coffin:

NOTE - See newspaper for accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1862

HELM, Mary J.

Married in Willsboro, on the 1st instant, Mr. THOS. ELLSBURY to Miss MARY J. HELM.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859

HENCKS, Jesse L.

Married in Jay, N.Y. on April 5th, by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. JESSE L. HENCKS, of Schroon, to Miss Mary B. MARTIN, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1854


Married in Jay, N.Y. on April 5th, by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. JESSE L. HENCKS, of Schroon, to Miss Mary B. MARTIN, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1854


Married, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Luther, IRA HENDERSON of Westport, Essex County, N.Y. to Miss _____ MARSH of Beekmantown, Clinton County, N.Y.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 7 October 1847


Married, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Luther, IRA HENDERSON of Westport, Essex County, N.Y. to Miss _____ MARSH of Beekmantown, Clinton County, N.Y.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 7 October 1847


Married at Crown Point on November 13th, Mr. CHARLES F. DIKE to ELIZA, daughter of Rev. S. L. HERRICK, all of Crown Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851

HEUSTIS, Abigail B.

Died at Crown Point on April 21st, Miss ABIGAIL B. HEUSTIS, wife of Benjamin Heustis, in her 69th year.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 June 1957


Died at Crown Point on the 13th, Mrs. MARGARET ANN HEUSTIS, wife of Mr. C. W. Heustis and only daughter of George and Margaret GUNNISON in the 31st year of her age.

died of consumption

left many friends.

NOTE - See newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856


Married at Port Kent, Thursday evening, October 27th, by Rev. Mr. Jones, H. N. HEWITT, Esquire, of Keeseville to Miss FANNY S., daughter of Hon. W. C. WATSON, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1859


Married at Port Kent, Thursday evening, October 27th, by Rev. Mr. Jones, H. N. HEWITT, Esquire, of Keeseville to Miss FANNY S., daughter of Hon. W. C. WATSON, of the former place.Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1859

HEWITT, Hervey

Married in Beekmantown, on the 10th instant, by Rev. E. Stover, Mr. HERVEY HEWITT of Plattsburgh, to Miss MARY E. CROOK, daughter of Hon. Thomas Crook.Courier 27 December 1849


Married in Beekmantown, on the 10th instant, by Rev. E. Stover, Mr. HERVEY HEWITT of Plattsburgh, to Miss MARY E. CROOK, daughter of Hon. Thomas Crook.

Westport Courier 27 December 1849

HEWITT, Nathan

Died at Peru, N.Y. on the 9th instant, NATHAN HEWITT, Esquire, aged 73 years.

Mr. Hewitt was among the early settlers in the northern section of Peru, and has been a highly esteemed resident of that town for about half a century. Always an ardent and zealous patriot he promptly responded to the call for volunteers in the campaign of 1814 and was actively engaged in several severe skirmishes in the defense of Plattsburgh. For many years Mr. Hewitt was an exemplary member of the Methodist church, and was abundantly sustained in the approach of death by faith and grace. The great respect and esteem cherished for him was attested by the very large concourse which notwithstanding the severity of the weather, attended his funeral.

Plattsburgh Republican

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1863

HEYMER, Sarah Eliza

Died at Boquet April 1, 1856, SARAH ELIZA, daughter of James & Helen HEYMER, age 19 yrs. 8 mos. 20 days.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856


Died in Beekmantown on the 2nd instant, LOIS, daughter of Mr. Daniel HICKOCK, aged 9.Herald 17 May 1831


Married at Wadhams Falls, Sabbath Evening the 24th instant, by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. VERNON HICKS of Peirpoint, N.Y. to Miss O. E. TOWNER of Panton, Vermont.Patriot 28 September 1848

HICKS, Vernon

Married at Wadhams Falls, Sabbath Evening the 24th instant, by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. VERNON HICKS of Peirpoint, N.Y. to Miss O. E. TOWNER of Panton, Vermont.Patriot 28 September 1848

HILBERD, Ruth Mills

Died in Upper Jay, N.Y. on the 23rd inst., of cancer in the breast, Mrs. RUTH MILLS HILBERD, wife of Dr. Alpheus MORSE, after an extremely painful illness of 25 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 November 1857

HILL, Irving

Died in this town, on the 24th instant, IRVING, only son of Paul HILL, aged 18 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

HILL, Julia

Married in this town on the 21st instant by Rev. D. P. Hulburd, Mr. JOSEPH CHERBINO of Weybridge to Miss JULIA HILL of this place.

Westport Patriot 26 October 1848

HILL, Priscilla U.

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 6th instant, by Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. MARCUS STORRS, of Elizabethtown, N. Y. to Mrs. PRISCILLA U. HILL of Addison, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1860


Married in North Elba, on the 15th inst., by Rev. D. C. Osgood, Mr. SALMON BROWN to Miss ABBIE C. HINCKLEY, all of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 October 1857


Died in Lewis, on the 1st instant, Mrs. ABIGAIL HINCKLEY, relict of Thomas Hinckley, Esquire, whom she survived over 37 years, aged 76 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1854


Married in this village on the evening of the 9th instant, at the residence of Ira Marks, Esquire, by Rev. J. E. Chesshire, of Keeseville, Mr. A. E. KENDALL of Keeseville, to Mrs. ALZOA A. HINCKLEY, formerly of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Died in Willsborough on the 10th instant, Mrs. CHRISTEEN SHELDON, wife of Captain Levi HINCKLEY, aged 66 years 8 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864


Married at Philipsburg, C. E., on the 30th ult., by the Rev. E. S. Ingalls, H. A. SMITH, Esquire, to Miss LAMIRA J., eldest daughter of Capt. Levi HINCKLEY.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853


Married in North Elba, July 4th, by the Rev. D. C. Osgood, Mr. RODOLPHUS HINCKLEY, to Miss LUCY C. WELLS; all of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 July 1859


Married in this village on the 13th instant, at the residence of David Judd, Esquire, the bride's uncle, by Rev. Mr. Hudson, BYRON POND, Esquire Counselor of Law to Miss MARY HINCKLEY.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1856

HINCKLEY, Rodolphus

Married in North Elba, July 4th, by the Rev. D. C. Osgood, Mr. RODOLPHUS HINCKLEY, to Miss LUCY C. WELLS; all of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 July 1859


Married in Willsborough, July 9th, by Rev. Mr. Barnard, Mr. PHILONZO W. COLLINS, of Albion, N.Y., to Miss SARAH J. HINCKLEY, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1862

HINES, David

Married in Wilmington, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. R. H. Ross, Mr. DAVID HINES to Miss SARAH WAKE, both of Wilmington.Elizabethtown Post 13 October 1854


Married in Wilmington, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. R. H. Ross, Mr. DAVID HINES to Miss SARAH WAKE, both of Wilmington.Elizabethtown Post 13 October 1854


Married in Westport by Rev. G. T. Wright, H. D. HITCHCOCK of Champlain to MARY J., daughter of W. J. CUTTING of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 January 1856


Married in Westport by Rev. G. T. Wright, H. D. HITCHCOCK of Champlain to MARY J., daughter of W. J. CUTTING of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 January 1856

HIX, Asa

Married in Chesterfield on Sunday last, by Rev. Mr. Lyman, Mr. ASA HIX of this village to Miss SUSAN CARTER.

Keeseville Herald 2 August 1831


Married in Chesterfield on Sunday last, by Rev. Mr. Lyman, Mr. ASA HIX of this village to Miss SUSAN CARTER.

Keeseville Herald 2 August 1831


Married in Duane on the 18th by Rev. Samuel Smith, of St. Armand, Mr. MILTON J. HOAG of Adrian, Michigan to KATE E., only daughter of Mr. William RICKETSON, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 October 1854

HOAG, Milton J.

Married in Duane on the 18th by Rev. Samuel Smith, of St. Armand, Mr. MILTON J. HOAG of Adrian, Michigan to KATE E., only daughter of Mr. William RICKETSON, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 October 1854


Died in Lowell, Massachusetts on the 13th instant, ALMY, eldest daughter of Elder R. A. HODGE of this village. The circumstances attending the decease of this young lady were truly of an afflictive character. Elder Hodge received notice by Saturday evening mail of the sudden and alarming illness of his daughter and started so as to get the earliest train on Rutland road for Lowell. In the meantime, the loved one had died, after a bout of a few days illness and a relative, had taken the remains in charge and, by another route, arrived late on Tuesday morning bringing the dead daughter and sister to an unprepared household. The sympathy of friends could but faintly alleviate the shock of such a grief. The father detained by a series of accidents returned yesterday morn, and the funeral service was performed.

See the newspaper for further details.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 November 1853

HODGE, infant daughter

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 2nd instant, infant daughter of Rev. P. A. HODGE, aged about 3 months.Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854

HODGES, Erastus

Married on April 22nd, by Rev. A. Chaplin, Mr. ERASTUS HODGES to Miss JULIA SLAUGHTER, all of Elizabethtown.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 26 April 1849


Married on April 22nd, by Rev. A. Chaplin, Mr. ERASTUS HODGES to Miss JULIA SLAUGHTER, all of Elizabethtown.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 26 April 1849


Married, Mr. HIRAM BAKER, of Schroon, to Miss AMANDA, daughter of B. M. HODGKINS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married at his residence, Wadhams Mills, on the 2nd ult., by Rev. Charles Spooner, Mr. MILTON HODGKINS to Miss ELIZA M. CHURCH, both of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married at his residence, Wadhams Mills, on the 2nd ult., by Rev. Charles Spooner, Mr. MILTON HODGKINS to Miss ELIZA M. CHURCH, both of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married at Wadhams Mills, on the 1st inst., by Rev. A. Woodhull, B. M. HODSKINS, Esq., of Elizabethtown, to Miss SAPHRONIA PROUTY, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married in Essex, on the 16th inst., by Rev. J. A. Woodhall, Mr. EDMOND O. HODSKINS, of Lewis, to Miss ELMINA E. STAFFORD, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 September 1857


Married in Essex, on the 16th inst., by Rev. J. A. Woodhall, Mr. EDMOND O. HODSKINS, of Lewis, to Miss ELMINA E. STAFFORD, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 September 1857


Died in Westport on the 9th inst., Mr. GUERT V. S. HODSKINS, age about 24 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1856


Married in this village, at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. HENRY C. LEWIS, of this town, and Mrs. ROSEMON HODSKINS, of Westport.

Our best wishes attend you; and we hope the future may be as full of peace, prosperity, and happiness as the past has been fraught with trouble and misfortune.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1860


Married at Wadhams Mills, on the 1st inst., by Rev. A. Woodhull, B. M. HODSKINS, Esq., of Elizabethtown, to Miss SAPHRONIA PROUTY, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

HOFFNAGLE, Deacon John

Died at his residence in Willsborough on the 12th of July, Deacon JOHN HOFFNAGLE, in the 50th year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 August 1856

HOLCOMB, Diodorus

Died in Westport, on Saturday morning the 25th instant, of dropsy, Dr. DIODORUS HOLCOMB, in his 80th year.

Dr. Holcomb was born in Granby, Conn., February 2nd, 1780; commenced the practice of medicine in Westport in Nov. 188; received a license from the Essex County Medical Society, May 9, 1809; and continued the practice of his profession in Westport up to within three weeks of his death, more than 50 years.

Dr. Holcomb was one of our most respectable and worthy citizens; having a large circle of friends and no enemies; and was a good neighbor, kind man, and an affectionate father. A large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral, and rendered the last sad offices to the remains of this excellent old man.

He has gone to his heavenly rest.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 October 1859


Died in Lewis, on the morning of the 1st instant, ROGER H., son of Herbert H. HOLCOMB, aged about 1 year.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 July 1862

HOLDEN, Elijah N.

Married at Schroon, on the 30th of May, by Rev. David Connell, Mr. ELIJAH N. HOLDEN, to Miss ZELPINA M. SMITH, both of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861

HOLDEN, Zelpina M. (SMITH)

Married at Schroon, on the 30th of May, by Rev. David Connell, Mr. ELIJAH N. HOLDEN, to Miss ZELPINA M. SMITH, both of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861

HOLTON, Caroline E. (CUYLER)

Married in this village, on the 14th instant, by Rev. J. Bradshaw, WILLIAM M. HOLTON, M.D., of New York City, to Miss CAROLINE E., daughter of the late Edward S. CUYLER, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 March 1853

HOLTON, William M. (M.D.)

Married in this village, on the 14th instant, by Rev. J. Bradshaw, WILLIAM M. HOLTON, M.D., of New York City, to Miss CAROLINE E., daughter of the late Edward S. CUYLER, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 March 1853


Died in North Hudson, on the 24th ult., SILAS HOOKER, son of G. W. BAKER, Esquire, aged 16 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 February 1861


Married in this village on the 21st instant, by William D. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. THOMAS HORN to Miss MARY ANN ELMORE, all of this town.

Westport Patriot 24 August 1848

HORN, Thomas

Married in this village on the 21st instant, by William D. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. THOMAS HORN to Miss MARY ANN ELMORE, all of this town.

Westport Patriot 24 August 1848


Married on the 20th inst. Mr. [AWRGN] HOUGHTON of Jay to Mrs. ELVIRA DURAND of Keene.Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married on the 20th inst. Mr. [AWRGN] HOUGHTON of Jay to Mrs. ELVIRA DURAND of Keene.Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

HUBBARD, Bradly V.

Married at Upper Jay, December 19th by the Rev. Thomas Watson, Mr. BRADLY V. HUBBARD of Westport, N.Y. to Miss MARY ANN, the only surviving daughter of Dr. Alpheus MORSE of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 December 1861


Married at Upper Jay, December 19th by the Rev. Thomas Watson, Mr. BRADLY V. HUBBARD of Westport, N.Y. to Miss MARY ANN, the only surviving daughter of Dr. Alpheus MORSE of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 December 1861


Died at Champlain Village, on the 9th instant, SILAS HUBBELL, Esquire. Mr. H. was the senior member of the bar in Clinton County, was born in Lanesborough, Mass, May 14th 1776was graduated at Williams College in 1798studied law in Troy, and settled at Champlain in 1880. He was a good citizen, an honest man and a consistent Christian.

On Tuesday following, his funeral took place, and a sermon for the occasion was preached by Rev. Selden Haines of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 April 1859

HUDSON, Joseph

Married in Moriah on the 9th instant, by Rev. C. Ransom, JOSEPH HUDSON to LOUISA STANTON, both of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 January 1856


Married in Moriah on the 9th instant, by Rev. C. Ransom, JOSEPH HUDSON to LOUISA STANTON, both of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 January 1856

HULL, Sally

Died in Keene, on the _____ instant, Mrs. SALLY HULL, relict of the late Eli Hull, Esquire, aged 92 years.

NOTE - The date is missing in the original newspaper

The Elizabethtown Post 20 February 1862


Married in Albany, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. Horatio Potter, WARD HUNT, of Utica, to MARIA TAYLOR, daughter of James TAYLOR, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 July 1853

HUNT, Ward

Married in Albany, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. Horatio Potter, WARD HUNT, of Utica, to MARIA TAYLOR, daughter of James TAYLOR, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 July 1853


Married in Jay by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. WILLARD HURDS of Sandgate, Bennington County, Vt. to Miss HARRIET JOHNSON of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1857

HURDS, Willard

Married in Jay by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. WILLARD HURDS of Sandgate, Bennington County, Vt. to Miss HARRIET JOHNSON of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1857


Married at Moriah, 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, AMASA HURLBUT to Miss NANCY FOSTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 September 1853

HURLBUT, Daniel H.

Married in Keeseville on the 26th inst., by J. M'Elroy Esq., at his office, Mr. DANIEL H. HURLBUT to Miss SARAH A. CROSSETT, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1857

HURLBUT, Elias (Elder)

Died at Hoosac, N.Y., on July 30th, ELDER ELIAS HURLBUT, pastor of the 1st Baptist Church in Essex, in this county, in the 59th year of his age. He had been on a visit among his friends and died at the residence of his brother-in-law, Elder Pollard, of dysentery, after a confinement of two weeks. His remains were taken by his wife to Bristol, Vermont, and interred by the side of his 1st wife.

born 1795 Dorset, Vermont

ordained 14 June 1827

See obituary on page 3 column 1

The Elizabethtown Post 2 September 1853


Married at Moriah, 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, AMASA HURLBUT to Miss NANCY FOSTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 September 1853


Married in Keeseville on the 26th inst., by J. M'Elroy Esq., at his office, Mr. DANIEL H. HURLBUT to Miss SARAH A. CROSSETT, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1857


Married in Panton, Vermont on May 29th, by Rev. D. P. Hulbut, Mr. P. NORTON HARTWELL of Westport, N.Y. to Miss ELMIRA JACKSON of the former place.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 7 June 1849


Married in Elizabethtown, on Sunday, 17th inst., by C. M. Clark, Esq., WILLIAM WALLACE JACKSON, to Miss SARAH JANE SHORES, all of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858

JACKSON, William Wallace

Married in Elizabethtown, on Sunday, 17th inst., by C. M. Clark, Esq., WILLIAM WALLACE JACKSON, to Miss SARAH JANE SHORES, all of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858

JACOBSEN, Doctor Richard Selsener

Died at his residence in New York City, Doctor RICHARD SELSENER JACOBSEN, aged 31 years, of consumption.

See the newspaper for his obituary.

Westport Courier 14 February 1851


Married in this town on the 17th instant by Geo. S. Nicholson, Esquire, FRANKLIN HAMMER of the 25th U.S. Cavalry to LUCY JACQUES of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864

JACQUES, Narcissia

Married in this town on the 17th instant by Geo. S. Nicholson, Esquire, ROBERT WELCH of the 21st U.S. Cavalry to NARCISSIA JACQUES of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864

JAMES, Anna Lord

Died this morning, ANNA LORD, infant daughter of John JAMES, aged 1 year.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 June 1862


Died in this village, on Monday the 16th instant, LUCY, daughter of John JAMES, aged 3 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 June 1862

JAMES, Sarah

Married at the Baptist parsonage in Westport, by the Rev. F. P. Lang, September 3rd, Mr. HORATIO WAID to Miss SARAH JAMES, both of Essex

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1859


Married on the 30th ult., at Wadhams' Mills, by Rev. Mr. Lord, Mr. LEVI G. JENKINS, to Miss EUNICE NICHOLS, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 28 May 1859


Married on the 30th ult., at Wadhams' Mills, by Rev. Mr. Lord, Mr. LEVI G. JENKINS, to Miss EUNICE NICHOLS, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 28 May 1859


Died in Waupun, Wisconsin, Sept. 19th, SARAH L., wife of D. MOORE, M.D., and daughter of Franklin JENKINS, of Lewis, Essex County, N.Y.aged 34 years.

How often are we reminded that death is in our midst, and yet how forgetful of its power. To-day we enjoy all the pleasures which a temperal existence can furnish, to-morrow we are clad in the habiliments of mourning. Like a wave upon the bosom of the ocean, enjoying its existence for a season then subsiding into quietness and repose beneath the surface whence it originated, so we, the sport of bliss, and care and hope, rise upon times eventful sea, and having lived a moment there, calmly sink into Eternity, that unknown future which awaits the living. And yet how different the circumstances which attended this change. The aged one is solemnly committed to her final rest, the days of her existence completed, and the living complain not at their sorrow. But when death selects its victim among the young, and takes that one whose life has been characterized by kindness and virtue, and whom to know was to respect and love, how sad the home formerly made happy by the voice of her now silent in the cold embrace of death. But there is an eloquence in the sepulchres of the dead, which tells the living of their destiny; and while we look there and behold the last of a temporal existence, let us also remember, that piety and virtue triumph o'er the ruins of time.

Mrs. Moore came among us but a very few years ago, a young and happy wife. Two children, now aged respectively five and two and a half years, came to add to the joys of her domestic life, but with the advent of a third little stranger came also time's stern messenger with summons to the eternal world. None but those who have stood where he now stands can fully realize the feelings of the bereaved husband, none can estimate the great loss that has befallen those three little children in the death of their mother. May the future deal leniently by he and they, and his present sorrows be softened by the conviction that his loss is her eternal gain.

Waupun Times

The Elizabethtown Post 13 November 1862

JENKS, Celestia

Married in Schroon, on the 13th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by A. P. Rawson, Esquire, Mr. DARWIN SANDERS of the Adirondac Regiment of Volunteers, to Miss CELESTIA JENKS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1862

JENKS, Editha

Married at Schroon Lake Nov. 29th by J. F. Potter, Esq., HENRY KETTZGHBAR of Minerva to Miss EDITHA JENKS of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1856

JENNER, Francis M.

Died in Lewis on the 30th ult., FRANCIS M., son of Nathaniel T. and Ruth JENNER, aged 6 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 October 1852


Died in New York City, April 4th, EMILY, wife of William L. FISH, Esquire, and daughter of William F. JENNINGS, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 April 1860

JOHNSON, _____

Died in Elizabethtown on the 15th instant of Typhus Fever, Mr. _____ JOHNSON, aged 73 years.

Westport Patriot 14 December 1848


Married at St. Armand on the 20th instant, by H. Morehouse, Esquire, JOHN GROVER of Harrietstown to ANNA JOHNSON of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1863


Married in Schroon on the 20th inst. by James E. Lindsay Esq., Mr. WM. TAYLOR of Crown Point to Miss BETSY JOHNSON of Clear Pond.Elizabethtown Post 25 July 1856

JOHNSON, H. O. (Major)

The remains of this gallant officer reached his home in this village about one o'clock on Thursday last. Mr. Sanford Jones, the messenger who went from here in search of the body, reports that he had great trouble in finding it. Some friends of the deceased (as yet unknown) had removed the body nearly half a mile from the spot where he fell, and buried it beside a tree. On the tree were found the initials H. O., and on a stone by the grave were found the initials H. O. J. On being disinterred the body was identified by Mr. Jones, and also by Mr. Devendorf, the surgeon of the regiment. Who it was that performed these sad rites to the honored dead, must for the present remain a mystery.

Mr. Jones gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Mr. Devendorf and Sergt. Dowd and W. W. Day of Company D, 10th Wis., in finding and disinterring the body.

Delacan Patriot, Oct. 25.

Major Johnson was formerly of Lewis and brother of Mrs. Franklin JENKINS.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 November 1862

JOHNSON, Harriet

Married in Jay by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. WILLARD HURDS of Sandgate, Bennington County, Vt. to Miss HARRIET JOHNSON of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1857


Married in Elizabethtown, December 30th, by Rev. S. Jones, Mr. HARRY S. JOHNSON, and Miss SARAH ANN DIBBLE, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1858


Married at Saratoga Springs, on the 16th instant, Mr. ISAAC D. SHELDON, of Essex, to Miss LOIS H. JOHNSON, of Saratoga Springs.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 November 1854


Married by Rev. B. Eaton, on the 1st instant, at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, Mr. ORRIN DIBBLE, Jr., and Miss MARY E. JOHNSON, both of Keene.Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857

JOHNSON, Ralph W. E.

Died in Westport, on the 6th instant, RALPH W. E., son of Isaac T. and Mary T. JOHNSON, aged 4 years and 6 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 August 1862


Married in Elizabethtown, December 30th, by Rev. S. Jones, Mr. HARRY S. JOHNSON, and Miss SARAH ANN DIBBLE, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1858


Married in New York City, on Thursday September 21st, by Rev. George Thatcher, Mr. ELIJAH T. GOODRICH, of Hartford, Connecticut, to Miss MARY E., eldest daughter of Mr. Robert R. JOHNSTON, of New York City.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 September 1854

JONES, Amanda B.

Married in Willsborough, Sept. 27th by Rev. Mr. Champlain, Mr. E. F. TUCKER and AMANDA B. JONES, both of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856


Married in Jay on the 25th ult. by Rev. N. H. Wood, Mr. STEPHEN V. JONES of Keene to Miss ANN THOMPSON of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

JONES, James M.

Died at Willsboro, September the 10th, JAMES M. JONES, son of Festus and Harriet Jones, aged 3 years, 5 months, and 6 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

JONES, Pamela

Married in Jay on the 19th ult., by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. WILLIAM STORES to Miss PAMELA JONES, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856

JONES, Stephen V.

Married in Jay on the 25th ult. by Rev. N. H. Wood, Mr. STEPHEN V. JONES of Keene to Miss ANN THOMPSON of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married at Westport, on the 10th instant, by Rev. W. W. Foster, Mr. W. F. JONES, Merchant, of Glen's Falls, to Miss SUSAN C. GREELY, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 May 1859


Married at Westport, on the 10th instant, by Rev. W. W. Foster, Mr. W. F. JONES, Merchant, of Glen's Falls, to Miss SUSAN C. GREELY, of Westport.Elizabethtown Post 21 May 1859

JORDAN, _____

We learn that a singular and fatal accident occurred in this town, a short distance above Lincolns on the Moriah road today.

A pedlar named JORDAN was driving down a very steep part of the mountain, when some part of the wagon gave way and he was thrown out with such violence that he lived but a few moments. We understand the deceased man, aged about 40 years, leaves a family in Burlington, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 June 1863

JOYCE, William

Died in North Hudson, on the 25th of February, WILLIAM JOYCE, aged 28 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1860


Died, Mrs. EMILY JUDSON, formerly Emily CHUBBOCK who was born in Eaton, Madison County, N.Y., the 3rd wife of Rev. Adoniram Judson.

See the newspaper for her obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 June 1854

JURDEN, Benjamin

Married in Elizabethtown on the 1st instant, by R. A. Finney, Esquire, Mr. BENJAMIN JURDEN of Moriah, and Miss MARY ANN HANMER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854


Married in Elizabethtown on the 1st instant, by R. A. Finney, Esquire, Mr. BENJAMIN JURDEN of Moriah, and Miss MARY ANN HANMER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854


Died in Chesterfield on the 8th inst., Mr. JOHN KEENAM, Jr., aged 45 yrs.Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856


Died at the age of 67 years in Keeseville on the 17th instant, LYDIA H. KEESE, widow of the Hon. Richard Keese and daughter of Cornelius HARLBURT, late of Ferrisburgh, Vermont.Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1864


Married at the Mansion House in this village, August 10, 1863, by Rev. H. M. Munsee. ORLANDO KELLOGG, Jr., Esquire, of Washington, D. C., to HELEN A., daughter of Mr. William SIMONDS, of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 August 1863

KELLOGG, Mary Jane

Died in Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., on the 19th instant, Mrs. MARY JANE KELLOGG, wife of Cyrus H. KELLOGG, late of this town, aged 29 years. The remains of the deceased were brought, unheralded to her friends by announcement of her death, or even of extreme illness, to Elizabethtown for interment, on the 21st instant. The funeral exercises took place yesterday.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1857

KELLOGG, Orlando (Jr.)

Married at the Mansion House in this village, August 10, 1863, by Rev. H. M. Munsee. ORLANDO KELLOGG, Jr., Esquire, of Washington, D. C., to HELEN A., daughter of Mr. William SIMONDS, of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 August 1863

KELLOGG, Orson (Rev.)

Died in New York, on the 27th ult., Rev. ORSON KELLOGG, aged 55 years. The Rev. Mr. KELLOGG was a native of this town, or resided here from his earliest boyhood, his parents being among the very earliest settlers, and was a graduate of Burlington College. Though he was regularly licensed as a preacher of the Gospel, we are not aware that he ever assumed the charge of a congregation, but, though occasionally supplying a vacant pulpit, principally devoted himself to teaching. As a teacher he was extensively known to the younger adults of this county, having been engaged in that capacity in a high school at Essex, and afterwards at Elizabethtown, and in the Academys at Westport and Moriah. His virtues were of the retiring order, not assumed merely to be seen of men, but of a character to win, singularly, the confidence and affections of relatives and friends; and to leave behind him the memory of a well ordered christian life.

See newspaper of 29 April 1853, page 2, column 5 for obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853


Died in Madison, Wisconsin, on the 29th of October, Mrs. ROSA O. KELLOGG, wife of L. F. Kellogg, Esquire, and daughter of H. and A. CATLIN, aged 38 years 9 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 November 1863


Died in this town on the 15th instant, ROSA R., daughter of Hon. Orlando KELLOGG, aged 13 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1864


Married in this village on the evening of the 9th instant, at the residence of Ira Marks, Esquire, by Rev. J. E. Chesshire, of Keeseville, Mr. A. E. KENDALL of Keeseville, to Mrs. ALZOA A. HINCKLEY, formerly of Lewis.Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married in this village on the evening of the 9th instant, at the residence of Ira Marks, Esquire, by Rev. J. E. Chesshire, of Keeseville, Mr. A. E. KENDALL of Keeseville, to Mrs. ALZOA A. HINCKLEY, formerly of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Died in this town on the 12th instant DANIEL KENNEDY, age 16.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1864

KENT, Catherine E.

Married in Westport, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. T. Brandt, Rev. S. W. WHITNEY, of Flushing, L.I., to Miss CATHERINE E. KENT, of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853

KENT, Catherine E.

Died at Bound Brook, N. J. on Tuesday, the 12th inst., Miss CATHERINE E. KENT, wife of Rev. S. W. WHITNEY, late principal of Bound Brook Seminary and former pastor of the Baptist Church of Westport, Essex Co., N.Y., in the 38th year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857

KENT, Eliza A.

Married on the 4th of October, 1857, by Elder Geo. Lambert, at his dwelling house, Mr. CHARLES P. COOLIDGE of Jay, to Miss ELIZA A. KENT of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857

KENT, Eliza Ann

Married in Keene, December 30th, 1854, by Levi C. Goff, Esquire, Mr. CHARLES ORMESBY and Miss ELIZA ANN KENT, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854


Married at Schroon Lake, November 5th 1859, by Joseph Potter, Esquire, Mr. SMITH MARTENUS, of Keene, and Miss MARY KENYON, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859


Married at Schroon Lake Nov. 29th by J. F. Potter, Esq., HENRY KETTZGHBAR of Minerva to Miss EDITHA JENKS of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1856


Married at Schroon Lake Nov. 29th by J. F. Potter, Esq., HENRY KETTZGHBAR of Minerva to Miss EDITHA JENKS of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1856


Married in Westport May 1st by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, ABRAM A. KINGSLAND of Keeseville to HELEN H., second daughter of Wm. J. CUTTING, Esq. of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856


Married in Westport May 1st by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, ABRAM A. KINGSLAND of Keeseville to HELEN H., second daughter of Wm. J. CUTTING, Esq. of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856

KINGSMAN, John (Captain)

CARLOS CLARK, CAPTAIN JOHN KINGSMAN, and HENRY HAVENS, the son of Joseph Havens of Westport were all lost on a sailing vessel one mile from the west shore. The Canal Boat William Farmer and her crew were all lost. The cause is unknown.

See newspaper for further details.

Westport Patriot 14 December 1848

KIRK, Betsy Jane (HALL)

Died in San Francisco, California, November 17th, Mrs. BETSY JANE KIRK, wife of Mr. Christopher Kirk and daughter of Mr. Hamilton Hall of Elizabethtown, aged 30 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854


Married in Lewisburgh, Penn., August 22nd, by Rev. R. A. Fisk, Miss J. S., daughter of C. D. KLINE, Esquire, of Lewisburgh, to EZRA P. CUYLER of Charlestown, S.C.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859


Married in Essex village, March 23rd, by Rev. Wm. H. Meeker, Mr. MOSES A. KNOWLTON, to Miss SARAH J. WRIGHT, both of Essex.

Happy they! The happiest of their kind!

Whom gentler stars unite; and in one fete

Their hearts, their fortunes, and their being blend.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853


Married in Essex village, March 23rd, by Rev. Wm. H. Meeker, Mr. MOSES A. KNOWLTON, to Miss SARAH J. WRIGHT, both of Essex.

Happy they! The happiest of their kind!

Whom gentler stars unite; and in one fete

Their hearts, their fortunes, and their being blend.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853

KNOX, Almeda M.

Married at Schroon, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. DARIUS L. SEAMANS, to Miss ALMEDA M. KNOX.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 April 1861

LADUE, Emma F.

Died in this town on the 8th instant, EMMA F., daughter of Peter LADUE, age 9 years 1 month.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 August 1863

LaFLASH, Peter

Died in Elizabethtown on the 3rd instant, Mr. PETER LaFLASH, aged about 50 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

LAKE, Amos A.

Died in Schroon, on the 29th ult., AMOS A. LAKE, aged 62 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 June 1857

LAMB, Levi S.

Married in Keene, on the 4th inst., by Rev. George Lambert, Mr. LEVI S. LAMB, and Miss SYLVIA A. MERRILL, all of Keene.Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married in Keene, on the 4th inst., by Rev. George Lambert, Mr. LEVI S. LAMB, and Miss SYLVIA A. MERRILL, all of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

LAMSON, Lucretia D. (ARMS)

Died in this village on the 18th ult. of consumption, Mrs. Lucretia D. ARMS, wife of Mr. Theodore C. LAMSON, aged 21 yrs. Mrs. Lamson had resided here 2 years but her pure womanly graces, kindness of heart and gentleness of disposition, ever won a warm friend in every new acquaintance. . . . . remains buried Waterbury, Vt.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

There is also a card from the husband published below the obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 May 1856

LANE, infant son

DiedMr. and Mrs. Thomas LANE buried their infant son on March 20th.

Crown Point Budget 20 March 1878

LANE, Jacob L.

Died in Troy, on the 26th ult., JACOB L. LANE, Esquire, a respected citizen of that city, in his 65th year. Mr. Lane was once a law partner of the late Hon. William L. Marcy.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 April 1859


Married in Whitehall, on the 9th instant, by Rev. L. Kellogg, Mr. E. C. LATTIMER, publisher of the Saratoga Daily Forum, to Miss ELIZABETH GATINGS, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 July 1853


Married in Whitehall, on the 9th instant, by Rev. L. Kellogg, Mr. E. C. LATTIMER, publisher of the Saratoga Daily Forum, to Miss ELIZABETH GATINGS, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 July 1853

LAWRENCE, Jedediah

Died at Crownpoint, on the 11th instant, JEDEDIAH LAWRENCE, aged 88 years and 20 days.

Mr. Lawrence was a farmer by profession, was always upright and punctual in his dealings, and had been a resident of that town almost 40 years, and universally respected by all who knew him. He leaves a large circle of relations and friends to mourn his loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 April 1862


Married on the 21st inst., by Rev. Dr. Campbell, SAMUEL HAND to LYDIA C., daughter of Billings P. LEARNED, Esquire, all of Albany.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863

LEAVITT, _____ (Rev.)

Married at the residence of the bride's father, in this town, on the 3rd instant, by Rev. Mr. Munsee, Rev. Mr. LEAVITT, to Miss MINERVA DEMING.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862


Died in Hudson, August 17, MARY LOUISA, wife of Rev. W. S. LEAVITT and daughter of the late Honorable S. H. GROVER, of Newark, N.J.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 August 1863


Married at the residence of the bride's father, in this town, on the 3rd instant, by Rev. Mr. Munsee, Rev. Mr. LEAVITT, to Miss MINERVA DEMING.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862

LEE, Alfred A.

Married on Thursday, May 5th, at the residence of the bride's father, in Stillwater, by the Rev. Calvin C. Shattuck, ALFRED A. LEE, of Troy, to Miss JANE B., youngest daughter of HENRY ANDREWS, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 May 1859

LEE, Anna

Died in Lewis on the 16th instant, Miss ANNA LEE, aged 82 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1856


Married on Thursday, May 5th, at the residence of the bride's father, in Stillwater, by the Rev. Calvin C. Shattuck, ALFRED A. LEE, of Troy, to Miss JANE B., youngest daughter of HENRY ANDREWS, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 May 1859


Married in Lewis, at the residence of Rodney Sargent, Esquire, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. Charles Redfield, RICHARD HENRY LEE, Esquire, to Miss MARY SARGENT.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 June 1861

LEE, Rebecca Jane

Died in Lewis on the 14th instant, Miss REBECCA JANE LEE, daughter of Seth and Philena LEE, aged 23 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1856

LEE, Richard Henry

Married in Lewis, at the residence of Rodney Sargent, Esquire, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. Charles Redfield, RICHARD HENRY LEE, Esquire, to Miss MARY SARGENT.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 June 1861

LEGGE, Nancy

Married in North Elba, on the 11th by M. C. Lyon, Esquire, Mr. HENRY S. FARMER, of Keene, to Miss NANCY LEGGE, of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 November 1854


Married at Schroon on the 22nd instant by the Rev. Mr. D. Connell, Mr. SAMUEL LESLIE to Miss MARY SISSON, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861

LESLIE, Samuel

Married at Schroon on the 22nd instant by the Rev. Mr. D. Connell, Mr. SAMUEL LESLIE to Miss MARY SISSON, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861


Married in Willsborough, April 29th, by Rev. S. A. Barnard, Mr. LUTHER CLARK, of Essex, to Miss MARY E. LEVISEE of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1862

LEWIS, Alanson M.

Married in Lewis, on the 15th ult., by Rev. P. P. Atwell, Mr. ALANSON M. LEWIS, to Miss ELIVRA L. FISH, all of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853

LEWIS, Albert Ezra

Died in Parkman, Ohio, on the 8th instant of congestion of the lungs and brain, ALBERT EZRA, infant son of Ezra and M. Etta LEWIS, aged 4 months 23 days.

Little hands that used to nestle

In the pillows white and soft

Little hands where restless fingers

Folded there in dreams so oft

Lips we pressed with fondest kisses

Eyes we praised for purest ray

Underneath the churchyard daisies

They have hidden you away.

We will think how safe forever

In the better field above

That young lamb for which we serve

Resteth now in Jesus' love.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 November 1863

LEWIS, Eliza

Died in the town of Lewis, January 13th, 1860, ELIZA, wife of Henry LEWIS, in the 64th years of her age.

Sister Lewis had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church about 40 years, In her relations in life faithful; in her nature generous and sympathizing, in her piety zealous and devoted. Her end was not only peaceful but triumphant. A faithful exemplification of the Apostle's words, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord henceforth. J. E. KIMBALL

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1860

LEWIS, Elizabeth

Married in Lewis, on the 7th instant, at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. J. C. Fenton, PETER FERRIS, Esquire, of Westport, to Miss ELIZABETH LEWIS.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

LEWIS, Elvira L. (FISH)

Married in Lewis, on the 15th ult., by Rev. P. P. Atwell, Mr. ALANSON M. LEWIS, to Miss ELIVRA L. FISH, all of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853


Married in this town, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. EZRA S. LEWIS of this place, to Miss ETTA BINGHAM, of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 August 1862

LEWIS, Etta R.

Died, in this town, on the evening of the 15th instant, ETTA R., adopted daughter of John LEWIS, Jr., aged 3 years 2 months and 17 days.

Pure, lovely flower; for earth too pure,

The Savior bids you bloom above;

Where flowers unfading grow secure,

Nurtured by Angel hands of love.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1862

LEWIS, Ezra S.

Married in this town, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. EZRA S. LEWIS of this place, to Miss ETTA BINGHAM, of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 August 1862

LEWIS, George W.

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in Elizabethtown, on the 4th instant, by Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. GEORGE W. LEWIS to Miss MARY F. FISH, both of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1860

LEWIS, Henry C.

Married in this village, at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. HENRY C. LEWIS, of this town, and Mrs. ROSEMON HODSKINS, of Westport.

Our best wishes attend you; and we hope the future may be as full of peace, prosperity, and happiness as the past has been fraught with trouble and misfortune.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1860

LEWIS, Keziah

Married in Lewis, March 12th 1862 at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. Gardner, Mr. THOMAS D. PIERSONS, to Miss KEZIAH LEWIS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862

LEWIS, Lucinda J. (WILCOX)

Married in Moriah on the 18th inst., by Rev. Ira P. Burwell, Mr. THOMAS LEWIS of Elizabethtown and Miss LUCINDA J. WILCOX of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857

LEWIS, Mary Ann

Died in Lewis, on Friday the 25th ult., of lung fever, Miss MARY ANN LEWIS, aged 38 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1859


Married at the Methodist Parsonage in Elizabethtown, on the 4th instant, by Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. GEORGE W. LEWIS to Miss MARY F. FISH, both of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1860


Married in this village, at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. HENRY C. LEWIS, of this town, and Mrs. ROSEMON HODSKINS, of Westport.

Our best wishes attend you; and we hope the future may be as full of peace, prosperity, and happiness as the past has been fraught with trouble and misfortune.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1860

LEWIS, Rowana A.

Married in Westport on the 18th inst. by Rev. J. J. Yates, Mr. ALFRED J. SARGENT, Lewis to Miss ROWANA A. LEWIS of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

LEWIS, Sarah S.

Married in Westport on Thursday the 5th instant by Rev. William H. Tiffany, Mr. GEORGE B. NEWELL to Miss SARAH S. LEWIS.

We return our thanks for the elegant accompaniments of the above notice. If every voyager to the El Dorado would provide himself with such a partner in his venture, we imagine fewer would be disappointed in their dreams of the happy land.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 February 1852

LEWIS, Thomas

Married in Moriah on the 18th inst., by Rev. Ira P. Burwell, Mr. THOMAS LEWIS of Elizabethtown and Miss LUCINDA J. WILCOX of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857

LIND, Jenny

Married on Thursday, JENNY LIND to OTTO GOLDSCHMIDT, the pianist at the Rexere House, the matter was conducted with the greatest privacy.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1852


Married in this town on the 13th inst., by Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. JOSHUA RICHARDS, to Miss MARTHA LINDSAY, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 August 1856


Died in this town, on the 18th instant, of Consumption, MARTHA, daughter of J. D. LINDSAY, and wife of Joshua RICHARDS, aged 21 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1861

LINTON, Robert

Died in this village, on the 9th instant, Mr. ROBERT LINTON, aged 66.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 April 1860


Married in North Hudson, August 31st, by Rev. M. L. Willard, of the former place, Mr. WILLIAM LITSON, of Crown Point, to Miss MARTHA HALL, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 September 1861

LITSON, William

Married in North Hudson, August 31st, by Rev. M. L. Willard, of the former place, Mr. WILLIAM LITSON, of Crown Point, to Miss MARTHA HALL, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 September 1861


Died in Lisbon, St. Lawrence County, on the 15th inst., JANE AGNES, wife of Hon. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, aged 83 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 August 1856


Married at Fort Miller, Calif., Dec. 3rd, Lieut. LARHETT L. LIVINGSTON, U.S.A. to Miss MARY, daughter of Dr. Joseph EATON, U.S. Army.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1857


Married at Fort Miller, Calif., Dec. 3rd, Lieut. LARHETT L. LIVINGSTON, U.S.A. to Miss MARY, daughter of Dr. Joseph EATON, U.S. Army.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1857


Died at Lisbon, in the County of St. Lawrence on the 23rd day of November, instant, the Hon. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, in the 90th year of his age. He came to the town of Lisbon in 1803, located himself on a farm about a mile below Galloupville, and resided on it until his death. He was appointed one of judges of the Court of Common Pleas in 1810, and held the office until 1826. He was a justice of the peace in that town about 20 years and was several times elected Supervisor of it. He discharged the duties of these offices with unquestioned integrity, eminent good sense and always to the satisfaction of the public. He was highly respected and beloved as a neighbor, always kind in his intercourse, intelligent and useful in his sphere of life an honest man.

He early became a professor of religion, lived the life of a Christian and Died in full faith that he would meet his Savior in peace, on the other side of the grave.

Ogdensburg Journal

The deceased was a younger brother of Dr. LIVINGSTON, of the town of Lewis, and Uncle of Robert W. LIVINGSTON, of Elizabethtown.

Ed. Post

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1858


Married in this town on the 1st instant, by Rev. Mr. Hurlbut of Elizabethtown, Mr. HARVY ABELL to Miss A. E. LOBDELL, both of this town.

Westport Courier 3 January 1850

LOBDELL, Erastus

Married in Lewis, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. ERASTUS LOBDELL, of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY ANN NICHOLS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853


Died in Elizabethtown on Monday August 29th, Mr. JOHN LOBDELL, aged 84.

Mr. Lobdell was one of the first settlers of this town, and he was highly esteemed by all to whom he was known.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 September 1859


Married in Lewis, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. ERASTUS LOBDELL, of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY ANN NICHOLS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853


Married in Lewis, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. JULIUS VAUGHN, of Westport, to Miss NANCY LOBDELL, of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853


Married at Schroon, 6th ult., by C. Fenton Esquire, CLARKE R. LOCKWOOD, Esquire, Att'y at Law of Jamestown, N.Y., to Miss EUNICE F., daughter of Nehemiah H. WHEELER, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 August 1853


Married at Schroon, 6th ult., by C. Fenton Esquire, CLARKE R. LOCKWOOD, Esquire, Att'y at Law of Jamestown, N.Y., to Miss EUNICE F., daughter of Nehemiah H. WHEELER, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 August 1853

LOCKWOOD, Jeremiah

Died in Schroon, on the 25th inst., Mr. JEREMIAH LOCKWOOD, aged 93 1/2 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857

LOGAN, Mary Jane

Died at Rouse's Point, on the 29th ult. of lung disease, MARY JANE, eldest daughter of Mr. Donald LOGAN, aged 12 years and 6 months.

See newspaper for accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 April 1859


Died at the residence of R. W. Livingston, Esquire, in this village, on Sunday evening, the 3d instant, POLLY ANN REYNOLDS, wife of JOHN LORD, Esquire, aged 67.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 August 1862

LOU, Francis C.

Married by Rev. Thos. Brandt, Mr. JAMES L. COLE to Miss FRANCIS C. LOU, all of this place.

Westport Courier 28 June 1850


Died, on the 17th day of December at _____ Wisconsin, ANDREW M. LOVELAND, youngest son of Erastus Loveland, formerly of this town, aged 12 years.

See newspaper for accompanying poem.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 6 January 1848

LOWELL, Harriet W.

Married in Chester, Vermont, March 31st, by Rev. Reuben Sawyer, JOSEPH H. BARRETT, Editor of the Middlebury Register, to Miss HARRIET W. LOWELL, daughter of Abram Lowell, M.D., of Chester.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 April 1853

LYNCH, Patrick

We are informed that a laboring man by the name of PATRICK LYNCHwho was well known in this vicinitywas found dead one day last week in the highway, in the town of Crownpoint. We do not learn what explanation is given for the manner of his decease.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 December 1863

LYON, Abram A.

Married in Willsborough, on the 2nd instant, by Rev. Stephen A. Barnard, ABRAM A. LYON to Miss MARY E. CHASE, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

LYON, Asahel D.

Married in Troy, on the 8th inst., by Rev. Dr. D. Kennedy, ASAHEL D. LYON to HATTIE E., daughter of Zebina E. FOBES, all of that city.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857

LYON, Eliza M.

Married at the residence of the bride's father on the 10th instant by Rev. G. S. Gold, LIEUTENANT CHARLES E. STEVENS, 77th NY Vol. to Miss ELIZA M. LYON, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1864

LYON, Hattie E. (FOBES)

Married in Troy, on the 8th inst., by Rev. Dr. D. Kennedy, ASAHEL D. LYON to HATTIE E., daughter of Zebina E. FOBES, all of that city.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857


Married in Willsborough, on the 2nd instant, by Rev. Stephen A. Barnard, ABRAM A. LYON to Miss MARY E. CHASE, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854


Married at Schroon Lake, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. JOHN MACALISTER, Esq., M.D. of Chicago, Illinois, to Laura M. SMITH, 3rd daughter of Abijah Smith, Esq., of Schroon Lake, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859


Married at Schroon Lake, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. JOHN MACALISTER, Esq., M.D. of Chicago, Illinois, to Laura M. SMITH, 3rd daughter of Abijah Smith, Esq., of Schroon Lake, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859

MACK, John A.

Died at Burlington, Vt., June 27th, JOHN A. MACK, son of A. B. and Jane MACK, of Westport, aged 13 yrs., 8 mos.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 July 1857

MACK, Mary Jane

Died in the triumph of faith, at Westport, December 26th, 1857 MARY JANE, daughter of Aaron B. and Jane MACK, aged 16 years 6 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 January 1858

MALLORY, Rollin C. (Hon.)

Died in Baltimore, Hon. ROLLIN C. MALLORY of Vermont.

Keeseville Herald 12 April 1831

MANN, William Henry

Died at Rouse's Point, on the 24th ult. of lung fever, and pleurisy, Mr. WILIAM HENRY MANN, in the 42nd year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 March 1859


Died in this town, on the 5th instant, Mrs. SUSANNA MANSFIELD BLAKE, wife of the late Deacon Joseph Blake, aged 84 years 5 months and 20 days. Her funeral was attended from the Baptist church, where she had been a member for many years. She was the last of a family of unusual longevity, five of whom are now interred here together, who individually attained to eighty or more years. Mrs. Blake, during her last illness, as also for years past, has enjoyed the constant and kind attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bronson.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 April 1861


Married on the 23rd inst. by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. J. D. MARKHAM of Manitowai, Wis. to Miss MARY BURT of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 November 1856


Married on the 23rd inst. by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. J. D. MARKHAM of Manitowai, Wis. to Miss MARY BURT of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 November 1856

MARKS, Elion

Died at Valley House in Elizabethtown, on the 28th instant, ELION in the 77th year of his age.

Mr. MARKS had been a resident of this place nearly 30 years. And during that period had bourne an unsullied reputation, and was a man of integrity and irreproachable character, a kind neighbor and a good citizen.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 March 1864

MARKS, Henry

Married at Norfolk, Connecticut, on Thursday May 5th by Rev. J. N. Murdock, D. D. of Boston, HENRY MARKS, Esquire of New York to MARY A., daughter of Rev. Joseph BALLARD of Norfolk.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864


Died in this village, this morning, Mrs. LUCY WILLARD, wife of Ira MARKS, Esquire, aged 73 years.

Mrs. Marks has been for many years a resident of this village and was a lady of unusual energy and strength of character.

Enduring great physical suffering, for several of the latter years of her life, she always evinced patience and fortitude in a remarkable degree. Few now living have been so long residents of Elizabethtown as the deceased.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 May 1862


Married at Norfolk, Connecticut, on Thursday May 5th by Rev. J. N. Murdock, D. D. of Boston, HENRY MARKS, Esquire of New York to MARY A., daughter of Rev. Joseph BALLARD of Norfolk.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

MARKS, Welthy

Died on the 23rd ult. at Canton, St. Lawrence County, WELTHY, wife of Levi MARKS, aged 69 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 September 1856

MARSH, _____

Married, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Luther, IRA HENDERSON of Westport, Essex County, N.Y. to Miss _____ MARSH of Beekmantown, Clinton County, N.Y.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 7 October 1847


Married by Rev. J. A. Woodhull, at the house of Dea. Geo. W. Sturtevant in Westport on the 27th of November, Mr. JAMES MARSHALL of Westport to Miss ALMIRA STURTEVANT of Peru.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Married in Moriah Jan. 1st by Rev. C. Ransom at his residence, RUSSELL WM. BAKER of Elizabethtown to ANN MARSHALL of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 January 1857


Married by Rev. J. A. Woodhull, at the house of Dea. Geo. W. Sturtevant in Westport on the 27th of November, Mr. JAMES MARSHALL of Westport to Miss ALMIRA STURTEVANT of Peru.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856

MARSHALL, Lucinda R.

Died in Westport on March 5th, Mrs. LUCINDA R., wife of James MARSHALL, in the 66th year of her life.

She was for many years a member of the Congregational Church at Wadhams Mills and the memory of her Christian example will long linger in the minds of relatives and friends. Our loss is great but her gain is greater, for she doubtless left a diseased body on earth for a house not made with hands eternal in Heaven. Elizabethtown Post 21 March 1856


Married at Schroon Lake, November 5th 1859, by Joseph Potter, Esquire, Mr. SMITH MARTENUS, of Keene, and Miss MARY KENYON, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859


Married at Schroon Lake, November 5th 1859, by Joseph Potter, Esquire, Mr. SMITH MARTENUS, of Keene, and Miss MARY KENYON, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859


Married in Jay, N.Y. on April 5th, by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. JESSE L. HENCKS, of Schroon, to Miss Mary B. MARTIN, of Jay.Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1854

MARVIN, Bennie W.

Died this morning, BENNIE W., son of Edgar M. MARVIN, aged 2 years and 11 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862


Died in this village on the 30th day of May last, ENOS G., son of Mr. Edgar M. MARVIN, aged 1 year and 9 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862

MASON, Emmet E.

Died in Flackville, September 24th, of dyptheria, EMMET E., son of Nathaniel and Adelia MASON, aged 11 years 7 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1862


Married in Lewis, on the 18th instant, by Elder R. A. Hodge, of Elizabethtown, WILLIAM MASON, to Miss HARRIET ROSCOE, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1854

MASON, William

Married in Lewis, on the 18th instant, by Elder R. A. Hodge, of Elizabethtown, WILLIAM MASON, to Miss HARRIET ROSCOE, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1854


Died in Essex, N.Y., on the 24th ult., Mr. JOHN MATHER, aged 71.Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859

MATTHEWS, Margaret

Married in Jay, on the 2d inst., at the house of James Matthews, by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. JAMES M'KEE, of Moriah, and Miss MARGARET MATTHEWS, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1857


Married in this town, on the 12th instant, by David Judd, Esquire, Mr. JOSHUA RICHARDS, to Miss ELIZA MAYHEW.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1862

MAYNARD, M. Evelyn

Died in Brooklyn, Massachusetts, on the 16th instant, Mrs. M. EVELYN, wife of A. H. ALLEN, and only daughter of Arba MAYNARD, Esquire, of Boston, aged 25 years. Mrs. A. leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their irreparable loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 April 1853

MAYO, Martha

Married at Elizabethtown on June 2nd, by Rev. E. Hurlbut, Mr. EZRA TURNER, to Miss MARTHA MAYO, all of Elizabethtown.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 7 June 1849

MAYOU, Charles

Died in Lewis, on the 29th ult., CHARLES MAYOU, aged 16 years 10 months and 9 days, son of Peter MAYOU.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 February 1854


Married in Essex by Rev. C. Fisher, Mr. SAMUEL G. PERRY to Miss MARY N. McCOLLOM, both of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856

McDOUGAL, Infant child

Died in this town of whooping cough, an infant child of Alexander and Lucretia McDOUGAL, age 8 weeks.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1857

McDOUGAL, Margaret

Married at the Methodist parsonage on the 3rd instant by Rev. H. M. Munsee, Mr. NEWTON J. CALKINS of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARGARET McDOUGAL of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 July 1863

McFARLAND, _____

BornApril 8thA daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. McFARLAND last Friday.

Crown Point Budget Wednesday, 10 April 1878

McINTYRE, Marajah

Died on the morning of the 18th, MARAJAH McINTYRE, age 59 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 April 1856


Died in this village on Saturday June 17th of consumption, Mrs. MARY H., wife of C. W. RICHARDS, and oldest daughter of William McINTYRE, aged _____.

See newspaper for accompanying poem.

Westport Patriot 3 August 1848

McNEIL, Hannah

Died in Plattsburgh on the 28th ult., HANNAH, wife of Col. D. B. McNEIL, aged 61 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 August 1856

M'KEE, James

Married in Jay, on the 2d inst., at the house of James Matthews, by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. JAMES M'KEE, of Moriah, and Miss MARGARET MATTHEWS, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1857

M'KEE, Margaret (MATTHEWS)

Married in Jay, on the 2d inst., at the house of James Matthews, by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. JAMES M'KEE, of Moriah, and Miss MARGARET MATTHEWS, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1857


Married at Middle Granville, N.Y., by the Rev. Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. E. F. McKINNEY of N.Y., to Miss FRANCES L. MOORE, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1857

McKINNEY, Frances L. (MOORE)

Married at Middle Granville, N.Y., by the Rev. Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. E. F. McKINNEY of N.Y., to Miss FRANCES L. MOORE, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1857


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 6th ult., WARREN McLAUGHLIN to Miss ELIZA ANN NORTHRUP, all of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 6th ult., WARREN McLAUGHLIN to Miss ELIZA ANN NORTHRUP, all of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

McLAUGHLIN, William Robert

Died in Ticonderoga on the 26th of December, WILLIAM ROBERT, the son of Seth and Eunice McLAUGHLIN, aged 11 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1852

McLEAN, John K. (Rev.)

Married in Salem, on Wed., the 20th ult., REV. JOHN K. McLEAN to Miss SARAH M., daughter of David HAWLEY, Esquire, of Salem.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 July 1861


Married in Salem, on Wed., the 20th ult., REV. JOHN K. McLEAN to Miss SARAH M., daughter of David HAWLEY, Esquire, of Salem.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 July 1861

McLEAN, Susanna (ROSS)

Married on the 20th of June, in St. John's Church, Essex, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, REV. EDMUND D. COOPER, Rector of Trinity Church, Sharon Springs, to Miss SUSANNA McLEAN, eldest daughter of the Hon. Henry H. ROSS, of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 June 1861

McLEAN, William C.

Died in Greenwich, Washington County, on the 17th instant, Mr. WILLIAM C. McLEAN, aged 28, brother of John C. McLean of New Sweden.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831

McNAIRY, Alexander

Married in Lewis, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. ALEXANDER McNAIRY to Miss SARAH MOORE, all of Lewis.Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1853

McNAIRY, Robert Emmett

Died in Quebec in July last, of cholera, ROBERT EMMETT McNAIRY, son of Mr. Alexander McNairy of Lewis, aged 22 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 August 1854


Married in Lewis, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. ALEXANDER McNAIRY to Miss SARAH MOORE, all of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1853

McNARY, Martha

Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this place, October 21st, by Rev. A. M. Munsee, Mr. ABEL REYNOLDS of Essex and Miss MARTHA MCNARY of Lewis, all of Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1863

McNEIL, Jane A.

Married at the residence of J. H. Bromley, Esquire, in Plattsburgh, on the 22nd instant, by the Rev. Dr. Coit, W. P. PLATT, Esquire, P. M., to Miss JANE A. McNEIL, daughter of Col. D. B. McNeil.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1859

McVINE, Betsey

Died in this village, at the residence of J. W. McVine, on the 7th instant; Mrs. BETSEY McVINE, mother of the late Hon. J. E. McVine, aged 73 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 March 1859

McVINE, Elizabeth (WATSON)

Married at the residence of Mrs. John C. Hammond, in Crown Point, on the 5th instant, by Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, J. W. McVINE, of Elizabethtown to Miss ELIZABETH WATSON, of Crown Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1860


Married at the residence of Mrs. John C. Hammond, in Crown Point, on the 5th instant, by Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, J. W. McVINE, of Elizabethtown to Miss ELIZABETH WATSON, of Crown Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1860

MEE, David J.

Died in Keeseville, on the 18th instant, DAVID J., son of Mr. Barney MEE, aged 2 years and 7 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 June 1854

MEEKER, Eunice

Married in Lewis, on the 30th ult., by Rev. C. Hudson, Mr. GEORGE NICHOLS to Miss EUNICE MEEKER, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 April 1859


Married in Menasha, Wisconsin April 11th, by Rev. O. P. Clinton, MR. WARREN MEEKER and Miss HATTIE M. CLINTON, all of Menasha.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 May 1856


Married in Westport, on the 13th instant, by Rev. Mr. Hagar, Mr. ALMOND ALLEN, of Westport, to Miss MARY MEEKER, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1853

MEEKER, Warren

Married in Menasha, Wisconsin April 11th, by Rev. O. P. Clinton, MR. WARREN MEEKER and Miss HATTIE M. CLINTON, all of Menasha.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 May 1856

MERRIAM, Caroline C.

Married in Lewis, on the 16th inst. by the Rev. C. Hudson, Mr. REUBEN D. EGGLESTON of Essex, and Miss CAROLINE C. MERRIAM of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856


Died in Westport, Dec. 1st, of cancer in the stomach, Mr. DARIUS MERRIAM, aged 71 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 December 1859


Married at Westport, October 24th, by Rev. J. F. Yates, PHILETUS D. MERRIAM and Miss ELIZABETH WHITNEY, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854


Died in Westport, September 12th, EUSEBA MERRIAM, wife of Darius Merriam, aged 64 years and 7 days, after an illness of three days, with the Typhus Fever.

Swanton Papers please copy.Elizabethtown Post 18 September 1857


Married at Wadhams Falls on Thursday, January _____ by Rev. Charles Spooner, Mr. JOHN MERRIAM of Lewis to Miss MATTA K., daughter of Joseph R. DELANO, of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848


Died in Lewis on the 27th ult., Mrs. MAHALA MERRIAM, wife of Col. John L. Merriam and daughter of Joseph R. DELANO, age 26 yrs.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, beloved by all, long painful illness.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1857


Married at Wadhams Falls on Thursday, January _____ by Rev. Charles Spooner, Mr. JOHN MERRIAM of Lewis to Miss MATTA K., daughter of Joseph R. DELANO, of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848

MERRIAM, Philetus D.

Married at Westport, October 24th, by Rev. J. F. Yates, PHILETUS D. MERRIAM and Miss ELIZABETH WHITNEY, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854

MERRIAM, Sylvia E.

Died in Essex, at the residence of Deacon William B. Merriam on the 3rd inst., Mrs. SYLVIA E., wife of James W. STEELE, and daughter of the late William S. MERRIAM, of Lewis, aged 34 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 August 1856

MERRIAM, William S. (General)

Died at his residence, in Lewis, on Saturday the 6th instant, GENERAL WILLIAM S. MERRIAM, aged 52 years.

A few months since, the deceased began to bleed at the lungs, and from that time his decline has been uniform and certain. He had been aware of the result sometime, but met the stern destroyer without trembling.

General Merriam was an excellent militia officer; and has also performed the duties of several town and county offices conferred upon him by the partiality of his fellow citizens, with marked ability. As a man of business energy and capacity, he had few equals and the void left by his decease will not soon be filled.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854


Died in Lewis on the 30th ult., Mrs. ABIGAIL, wife of Rodney CALDWELL and daughter of Samuel MERRIFIELD of that town, aged 20 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 June 1852


Died in Lewis, on the 29th ult., PENUEL MERRIFIELD, aged 49.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, N.Y. 3 May 1849


Married at the home of the bride's father, in this village, January 1, 1864 by Rev. H. M. Munsee, LOYAL A. MERRILL, Sergeant of Co. E., 38th Regt. N.Y. Vol., to Miss SARAH A. STEVENS, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

MERRILL, Newton Charles (Sergeant)

Died at Gloucester Point Hospital, Virginia, August 27th, SERGEANT NEWTON CHARLES MERRILL, son of Mr. Noel Merrill of Westport. Sergeant Merril was an honored member of the 118th New York Volunteers and also served 3

months in the 1st Vermont. His death adds another to the many sacrifices upon our

country's altar.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 October 1863


Married at the home of the bride's father, in this village, January 1, 1864 by Rev. H. M. Munsee, LOYAL A. MERRILL, Sergeant of Co. E., 38th Regt. N.Y. Vol., to Miss SARAH A. STEVENS, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

MERRILL, Sylvia A.

Married in Keene, on the 4th inst., by Rev. George Lambert, Mr. LEVI S. LAMB, and Miss SYLVIA A. MERRILL, all of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


An accident, fatal in its consequences, and so terrible as to have aroused the sympathy and sorrow of this entire community, occurred at the residence of MRS. JOHN MILHOLLAND, a respected citizen of the town of Lewis, on Sunday evening last the 13th instant. We are informed that Mrs. Milholland attempted to fill a lighted lamp with kerosene oil, when an explosion ensued, scattering the burning oil in all directions and setting on fire the clothes of the unfortunate woman and of her daughter, who was standing near, and also setting fire to the house. The two ladies were so fearfully burned that they survived but a few hours. The house and all it contained were destroyed.

The many virtues of both the deceased add to the sorrow which is everywhere expressed; but we can only regard with awe this strange and sad catastrophy, and feel how weak is human sympathy, however free and heartfelt, to alleviate the anguish of him whose desolate heart bleeds for the loved and lost.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 December 1863

MILLER, Amanda E.

Married on the 27th ult., by Rev. Samuel Smith, or St. Armand, Mr. ASBURY DOCKUM, of Ohio, to Miss AMANDA E. MILLER, of Harrietstown.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married at Vergennes, Vermont, on Tuesday, February 21st, by the Rev. H. F. Leavitt, at the parsonage, Mr. NICANIAH MILLER, of Elizabethtown, N.Y. and ELLEN J. GOFF, of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

MILLER, Lovina

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 1st ult., by Rev. R. A. Hodge, Mr. HARVEY D. BRONSON, of Elizabethtown, to Miss LOVINA MILLER, daughter of Mr. CHARLES MILLER of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854

MILLER, Martha Almira

Died in this town, on the 9th instant, MARTHA ALMIRA, only daughter of Manoah MILLER, Esquire, in the 11th year of her age.

The disease to which she fell a victim was Abcess of the Liver. Her sickness was protracted and her sufferings extreme, which she endured with fortitude and patience worthy of maturer years. The incident has inflicted a deep wound in the bosom of an afflicted father, and a circle of admiring friends.

She fell as fairest flowers are by earliest frost cut down.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1853

MILLER, Marvania (BEEDE)

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 1st instant, Mrs. MARVANIA, wife of Nicanor MILLER, and daughter of Mr. Aaron S. BEEDE, of Keene, aged 36 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 February 1854

MILLER, Monroe

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 10th instant, MONROE, son of Mr. NICANOR MILLER, aged 3 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854

MILLER, Nicaniah

Married at Vergennes, Vermont, on Tuesday, February 21st, by the Rev. H. F. Leavitt, at the parsonage, Mr. NICANIAH MILLER, of Elizabethtown, N.Y. and ELLEN J. GOFF, of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860


Married in this village, at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, on the 11th instant, by Rev. A. Lyon, Mr. LEWIS MILLINGTON, of California, and Miss HARRIET WESTCOTT, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861


Married in this village, at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, on the 11th instant, by Rev. A. Lyon, Mr. LEWIS MILLINGTON, of California, and Miss HARRIET WESTCOTT, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861


Married at the residence of Mr. H. Mishler, in Crown Point, December 18, 1877, by C. M. Pease, Esquire, Mr. JOSEPH MISHLER to CARRIE E. GILLIO, both of this place.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877


Married at the residence of Mr. H. Mishler, in Crown Point, December 18, 1877, by C. M. Pease, Esquire, Mr. JOSEPH MISHLER to CARRIE E. GILLIO, both of this place.

Crown Point Budget 26 December 1877


Died in Eden, Wisc., Sept. 2, ELECTA M. MITCHELL, wife of R. W. WALTERS, in the 25th year of her age.

Truly, we sorrow, yet not without hope, for all of them which sleep in Jesus God will bring with him. Then is not ours a blessed hope.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857

MITCHELL, Electa Maria

Married in Eden, April 26th, by Rev. Jeroma A. Davenport of the Reformed Dutch Church, ROSWELL W. WALTERS to ELECTA MARIA MITCHELL of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 May 1856


Married on Wednesday, October 31st, by Rev. Thomas Brandt, Mr. WARREN MITCHELL of Brooklyn, N.Y., to ELIZABETH, the eldest daughter of the late William A. BLAIN of this town.

Westport Courier 1 September 1849


Married on May 3rd, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. S. W. PRICE and Miss J. D. MITCHELL, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854


Married on Wednesday, October 31st, by Rev. Thomas Brandt, Mr. WARREN MITCHELL of Brooklyn, N.Y., to ELIZABETH, the eldest daughter of the late William A. BLAIN of this town.

Westport Courier 1 September 1849

MOODY, Desiah L. (NEAL)

Married at the Baptist Parsonage, Mr. MANLEY MOODY, of Jay, to Miss DESIAH L. NEAL, of Harrietstown.Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1857


Married at Saranac Lake, on the 5th instant, by Milote Baker, Esquire, at his residence, Mr. RUSSELL MOODY to Miss HESTER ABOTT, both of Franklin, NY.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861

MOODY, Jacob S.

Died in North Elba, April 1, 1863, of Dropsy, Mr. JACOB S. MOODY, aged 76 years.

Mr. Moody was a soldier in the War of 1812 and participated in the Battle of Plattsburgh. He was one of the 1st settlers in the town of North Elba, having settled near the Saranac Lakes in 1819, where he resided until his death. He was a consistent christian and a very exemplary man, and his death will be deeply felt, by a large circle of relatives and friends.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 April 1863

MOODY, Lovinia (WISE)

Died at Raquette River Settlement, Franklin County, June 8th, Mrs. LOVINIA MOODY, wife of Simeon Moody and daughter of the late Roswell WISE of Elizabethtown, aged 83 years and 10 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 June 1862

MOODY, Manley

Married at the Baptist Parsonage, Mr. MANLEY MOODY, of Jay, to Miss DESIAH L. NEAL, of Harrietstown.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1857

MOODY, Russell

Married at Saranac Lake, on the 5th instant, by Milote Baker, Esquire, at his residence, Mr. RUSSELL MOODY to Miss HESTER ABOTT, both of Franklin, NY.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861


Married November 1st at Westport, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. B. MOOER to Miss M. CLARK.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married November 1st at Westport, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. B. MOOER to Miss M. CLARK.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853

MOORE, Alexander

Died in Lewis, on the 10th instant, Mr. ALEXANDER MOORE, aged about 74 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 June 1861

MOORE, Caroline

Married in Champlain, at the residence of the bride's father, R. C. Moore, Esquire, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. A. D. Brinckerhoff, Mr. EDWARD W. COIT, of Philadelphia (son of Rev. Dr. Coit of Plattsburgh) to Miss CAROLINE MOORE.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1860

MOORE, Esterbrooks

Married in this town on Friday last by Rev. S. Lyman, Mr. ESTERBROOKS MOORE to Miss SARAH DAVIS.

Keeseville Herald 17 May 1831

MOORE, Frances L.

Married at Middle Granville, N.Y., by the Rev. Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. E. F. McKINNEY of N.Y., to Miss FRANCES L. MOORE, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1857

MOORE, Josephine

Married in Crown Point, N.Y., February 26th, 1878 at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. W. J. Sands, Mr. HERBERT ROUNDS of Bay City, Michigan and Miss JOSEPHINE MOORE of Crown Point.Point Budget 6 February 1878

MOORE, Mary E.

Married in Plattsburgh, July 21st at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Coit, JOSEPH HARRIS, of Green Bay, Wisconsin, to MARY E., daughter of George MOORE, Esquire, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 July 1859

MOORE, Noadiah

Died in Champlain, N.Y., February 9th, NOADIAH MOORE, Esquire, aged 71 years.

Being liberally educated, of enlarged and liberal views, and with a warm heart that sympathized warmly in every movement that promised to promote the material, intellectual, social, mortal or religious interest of society, his death is truly a public loss, which is widely felt and not easily supplied. To the valuable educational priviledges which the place enjoys, he was a liberal contributor.

In the Temperance cause, he was from the beginning an ardent and fearless laborer. In heart and from principle strongly averse to injustice and oppression in every form, the Anti Slavery movement early found in him a ready and efficient friend and advocate. For 30 years he was a professor of religion, and was an active member of the Presbyterian Church in this place.

The closing days of his last brief sickness were calm and peaceful, and he died with a firm hope of blissful immortality.

Champlain, March 14th, 1859

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859

MOORE, Sarah

Married in Lewis, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. ALEXANDER McNAIRY to Miss SARAH MOORE, all of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1853


Married in this town on Friday last by Rev. S. Lyman, Mr. ESTERBROOKS MOORE to Miss SARAH DAVIS.

Keeseville Herald 17 May 1831


Died in Waupun, Wisconsin, Sept. 19th, SARAH L., wife of D. MOORE, M.D., and daughter of Franklin JENKINS, of Lewis, Essex County, N.Y.aged 34 years.

How often are we reminded that death is in our midst, and yet how forgetful of its power. To-day we enjoy all the pleasures which a temperal existence can furnish, to-morrow we are clad in the habiliments of mourning. Like a wave upon the bosom of the ocean, enjoying its existence for a season then subsiding into quietness and repose beneath the surface whence it originated, so we, the sport of bliss, and care and hope, rise upon times eventful sea, and having lived a moment there, calmly sink into Eternity, that unknown future which awaits the living. And yet how different the circumstances which attended this change. The aged one is solemnly committed to her final rest, the days of her existence completed, and the living complain not at their sorrow. But when death selects its victim among the young, and takes that one whose life has been characterized by kindness and virtue, and whom to know was to respect and love, how sad the home formerly made happy by the voice of her now silent in the cold embrace of death. But there is an eloquence in the sepulchres of the dead, which tells the living of their destiny; and while we look there and behold the last of a temporal existence, let us also remember, that piety and virtue triumph o'er the ruins of time.

Mrs. Moore came among us but a very few years ago, a young and happy wife. Two children, now aged respectively five and two and a half years, came to add to the joys of her domestic life, but with the advent of a third little stranger came also time's stern messenger with summons to the eternal world. None but those who have stood where he now stands can fully realize the feelings of the bereaved husband, none can estimate the great loss that has befallen those three little children in the death of their

mother. May the future deal leniently by he and they, and his present sorrows be softened by the conviction that his loss is her eternal gain.

Waupun Times Elizabethtown Post 13 November 1862

MOORE, Stephen Warren

Died April 24, at the residence of his mother, in Leonidas, Michigan, STEPHEN WARREN MOORE, aged 37 years. Formerly of Essex Co., N.Y.

Mr. Moore had been for years previous to his leaving last fall, on a visit to his mother, a resident of this town. His numerous friends, enemies he had none, not only in this town, but throughout the country, will receive the news of his death with emotions of sincere sorrow, and his bereaved mother may rest assured that in this her hour of afflictions, a large circle of friends deeply sympathize with her in this afflictive dispensation of Divine Providence. Central Republican

The Elizabethtown Post 23 May 1861


Married at Crown Point on the 9th instant by Rev. C. C. Stevens, Mr. WILLIAM W. MORE of Shoreham, Vermont to Miss JENNIE L. HAMMOND, the daughter of Charles F. Hammond of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1852

MORE, William W.

Married at Crown Point on the 9th instant by Rev. C. C. Stevens, Mr. WILLIAM W. MORE of Shoreham, Vermont to Miss JENNIE L. HAMMOND, the daughter of Charles F. Hammond of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1852


Married on the 4th of May inst. at the Inn of Obed G. Holcomb, Lewis, by A. Wilder, Esq., Mr. CLARK MOREHOUS of Willsboro to Miss CAROLINE DUNNING of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856


Married on the 4th of May inst. at the Inn of Obed G. Holcomb, Lewis, by A. Wilder, Esq., Mr. CLARK MOREHOUS of Willsboro to Miss CAROLINE DUNNING of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856


Married in Keene on the 19th instant by Adam McKane, Esquire, SAMUEL SANDERS, of Keene, to Miss HARRIET MOREHOUS, of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1863


DiedHon. E. B. MOREHOUSE, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of this state.

Westport Courier 27 December 1848


Married in Burlington by Rev. Pres Marsh, CHARLES H. SWIFT, M.D. of Peru to Miss CELIA MORGAN of this place.

Keeseville Herald 19 July 1831


Mr. ANDREW MORHOUS of Keeseville was killed, in that village, last week by the falling of a chimney he was removing.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863


Died in the 21st instant at the residence of his brother, Horace Morhous, in St. Armand, EDWIN A. MORHOUS, 2nd son of Andrew Morhous, of Willsboro, aged 63 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861


Married in Willsboro, December 30th, Mr. HIRAM MORHOUS, to Miss ELVIRA SMITH.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859


Married in Willsboro, December 30th, Mr. HIRAM MORHOUS, to Miss ELVIRA SMITH.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859


Married in Willsborough, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Eames, Mr. IRA H. SMITH to Miss MARY E. MORHOUS, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 September 1853

MORRIL, Mazalia

Married by Rev. C. L. Hager, Mr. ORANGE GIBBS to Miss MAZALIA MORRIL, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 December 1853

MORRIS, Cornelia E.

Married on the 13th instant, by Rev. C. B. Parsons, D. D., in Louisville, Kentucky, P. M. HATCH, Esquire of the Democratic Advocate, to Miss CORNELIA E. MORRIS, both of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.Elizabethtown Post 11 August 1854

MORSE, _____ (Lieutenant)

We are permitted to publish the following letter, by which we can best communicate the sad intelligence, which it contains. Lieutenant MORSE was a son of Deacon Nathan MORSE, of this town, and a young man of excellent character and fine promise.

His reputation as an officer and the particulars of his deathno nobler termination to the career of any man than to thus give his life to the cause of his countryare made known in the letter from his Captain.

The sympathies of this community are most sincerely with his afflicted relatives, who while they cannot but mourn his loss, have yet the consolation that he lived rightly and

Died gloriously.

NATIONAL HOTEL, Wash., Sept. 9, 1862


Dear Sir: It becomes my painful duty to communicate to you the death of your son, Lieut. Morse, of my Co.

He fell while bravely fighting the enemy in the battle of Saturday, the 30th of August last.

Most gallantly our Brigade charged across an open field to a railroad embankment, and drove the enemy from behind, who immediately fled to the woods on either side of us.

The firing became rapid and terrific on both sides; but the enemy's sharp shooters being concealed behind trees picked off our officers at a fearful rate.

Lieut. Morse was shot through the head as he was putting a cap on his carbine, which he had been firing for sometime, and

Died, almost instantly.

I went up to him and saw he was dead.

Dead men lay on every side of him and soon our forces were obliged to retreat, and that is the last I saw of Lieut. Morse.

He was a brave and noble man and I loved him as I did a brother. He was an excellent officer and had the full confidence of all the men in my company.

Yours respectfully,


Capt. Company I, 30th Regt.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 September 1862

MORSE, Alexander (Dr.)

Died at his residence on Saturday the 20th instant, Dr. ALEXANDER MORSE, aged 77 years.

See newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 November 1852

MORSE, Alpheus A.

Married in Willsborough January 3rd by Rev. Stephen Barnard, Mr. ALPHEUS A. MORSE of Lewis to Miss BARBARA E. STAFFORD of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855

MORSE, Alpheus (Dr.)

Died at Upper Jay, January 23d, of Lung Fever, Dr. ALPHEUS MORSE, aged 91 years. His friends hope to be able to present a more extended notice of his life and death ere long. [Essex Co. Republican, please copy.]

The Elizabethtown Post 6 March 1862

MORSE, Alpheus (Dr.)

Died in Jay, on the 23rd instant, Dr. ALPHEUS MORSE, aged 92 years.

Dr. Morse was among the earliest and most respectable residents of Jay, having settled in that town, we believe, in the year 1800. He was the brother of the late Alexander Morse of this village.

For many years, an active and successful practitioner; standing high in the esteem of his extensive personal acquaintance; his loss is a public calamity and his memory will long be fresh in the hearts of a large number of personal friends as well as his numerous descendants and relatives.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1862


Married in Willsborough January 3rd by Rev. Stephen Barnard, Mr. ALPHEUS A. MORSE of Lewis to Miss BARBARA E. STAFFORD of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855


Died at Essex, on the 10th instant, EMMA AMIDON, wife of J. B. Ammidon, and daughter of Doctor Alpheus MORSE of Jay, aged 50 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 October 1853


Married in Lewis, on the 27th ult. by Rev. Charles Redfield, Mr. RALZA MORSE, and Miss HELEN PRATT, all of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861

MORSE, Martha

Died in Lewis, Friday, August 26th, Miss MARTHA MORSE, aged 29.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 September 1859

MORSE, Mary Ann

Married at Upper Jay, December 19th by the Rev. Thomas Watson, Mr. BRADLY V. HUBBARD of Westport, N.Y. to Miss MARY ANN, the only surviving daughter of Dr. Alpheus MORSE of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 December 1861

MORSE, Mary J.

Married in Burlington on the 18th instant, by Rev. Zadock Thompson, Mr. JAMES NASH, Printer of Keeseville, N.Y. to Miss MARY J., second daughter of Seth MORSE, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1852

MORSE, Ralza

Married in Lewis, on the 27th ult. by Rev. Charles Redfield, Mr. RALZA MORSE, and Miss HELEN PRATT, all of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861

MORSE, Ralza

Died in Lewis on the 9th instant, Deacon RALZA MORSE, aged 66 years. Deacon Morse was one of the most respectable and highly esteemed residents of Lewis. For many years a citizen of that town, his probity, good judgement and christian virtues were recognized by all of his numerous acquaintances and his death is a loss to the best interests of the community in which he lived.Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1863

MORSE, Rosa M.

Married in Lewis at the Congregational Church December 30th by Rev. Cyrus Hudson, Mr. FRANCIS K. SHATTUCK of Oakland, California to Miss ROSA M., daughter of Deacon Ralza MORSE, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Died in Upper Jay, N.Y. on the 23rd inst., of cancer in the breast, Mrs. RUTH MILLS HILBERD, wife of Dr. Alpheus MORSE, after an extremely painful illness of 25 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 November 1857


Married July 2, 1857, at Schroon Lake, by J. F. Potter, Esq., LORENZO MURDOCK of Bolton, N.Y., to Miss AUGUSTA PHELPS, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1857

MURDOCK, Mrs. Joseph

DiedMrs. JOSEPH MURDOCK, who has been a long and patient sufferer with that dreadful disease, consumption, Died on Saturday morning March 2nd. The funeral was attended at the brick church of which she was a member, on Monday the 4th.

Crown Point Budget 6 March 1878

MURDOCK, Lorenzo

Married July 2, 1857, at Schroon Lake, by J. F. Potter, Esq., LORENZO MURDOCK of Bolton, N.Y., to Miss AUGUSTA PHELPS, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1857


Died in Crown Point on the 22nd inst., Hon. SAMUEL MURDOCK, age 74 yrs. 11 mos.

Judge Murdock filled a large space in the history of Essex County.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

MYGATT, Elizabeth

Married in Whitehall on Thursday, the 16th day of September instant, Mr. S. B. WOODARD of Ticonderoga to Miss ELIZABETH MYGATT of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 September 1847

MYRICK, Sa_____

Died in this village, on the 1st instant, Mrs. SA_____ MYRICK, in the _____ of her age.

Westport Patriot 3 August 1848

NASH, James

Married in Burlington on the 18th instant, by Rev. Zadock Thompson, Mr. JAMES NASH, Printer of Keeseville, N.Y. to Miss MARY J., second daughter of Seth MORSE, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1852


Married in Burlington on the 18th instant, by Rev. Zadock Thompson, Mr. JAMES NASH, Printer of Keeseville, N.Y. to Miss MARY J., second daughter of Seth MORSE, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1852

NASH, Nettie A.

Died in North Elba on the 28th ult., of dyptheria, NETTIE A., oldest daughter of J. V. and H. C. NASH.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 June 1863

NEAL, Desiah L.

Married at the Baptist Parsonage, Mr. MANLEY MOODY, of Jay, to Miss DESIAH L. NEAL, of Harrietstown.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1857

NEEDHAM, Charles

Married in Westport on the 8th ult. by John H. Low, Esquire, Mr. CHARLES NEEDHAM of Addison, Vermont to Miss OLIVE L. DRAKE of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1852


Married in Westport on the 8th ult. by John H. Low, Esquire, Mr. CHARLES NEEDHAM of Addison, Vermont to Miss OLIVE L. DRAKE of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1852

NELSON, Arthur C.

Married at Trinity Church, Plattsburgh, on the 10th instant, by Rev. J. Howland Cott, ARTHUR C. NELSON, Esquire, to Miss JANE E., eldest daughter of Col. A. G. TARLETON, of Plattsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 July 1853

NELSON, Charles

From the Essex Co. Repub:

Died at Saint Paul, Minn., Sept. 4th, at the residence of Elisha CASE, his son in law, CHARLES NELSON, Esquire, late of Lewis, N.Y. aged 73 years.

Mr. Nelson was greatly respected during his residence at St. Paul, and there was gathered at his funeral many representatives of Essex County. Mr. AMIDON, late of Essex, and his wife of Westport, Miss BISHOP, of Moriah. Miss BISHOP and MRS. AMIDON were pioneer teachers of St. Paul. There was also J. C. BURBANK, Esquire, and his mother, late of Lewis, and there was a singular and pleasing fitness in my officiating at his burial.


St. Paul, Sept. 6, 1857

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married at Trinity Church, Plattsburgh, on the 10th instant, by Rev. J. Howland Cott, ARTHUR C. NELSON, Esquire, to Miss JANE E., eldest daughter of Col. A. G. TARLETON, of Plattsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 July 1853

NELSON, Reuben Whallon

Died at Corinth, Mississippi, in the Hospital, May 26, REUBEN WHALLON NELSON, son of J. S. Nelson, late of Lewis in this county, of the Chicago Light Artillery, aged 25 years.Elizabethtown Post 3 July 1862

NEWELL, George B.

Married in Westport on Thursday the 5th instant by Rev. William H. Tiffany, Mr. GEORGE B. NEWELL to Miss SARAH S. LEWIS.

We return our thanks for the elegant accompaniments of the above notice. If every voyager to the El Dorado would provide himself with such a partner in his venture, we imagine fewer would be disappointed in their dreams of the happy land.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 February 1852

NEWELL, Harriet E.

Married in Crown Point on the 14th ult., by Rev. S. L. Herrick, BEMSLY P. CONN to HARRIET E. NEWELL.

Westport Courier 13 December 1848

NEWELL, Martha R.

Married on the 17th inst., by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. JOHN S. BOYNTON, Peru, to Miss MARTHA R. NEWELL of Jay, N.Y.

Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1857


Married in Westport on Thursday the 5th instant by Rev. William H. Tiffany, Mr. GEORGE B. NEWELL to Miss SARAH S. LEWIS.

We return our thanks for the elegant accompaniments of the above notice. If every voyager to the El Dorado would provide himself with such a partner in his venture, we imagine fewer would be disappointed in their dreams of the happy land.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 February 1852


Married in this village on Sabbath Evening September 10th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. JACOB NEWKIRK to Miss BETSY ANN SMITH, all of this town.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848


Married in this village on Sabbath Evening September 10th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. JACOB NEWKIRK to Miss BETSY ANN SMITH, all of this town.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848

NEWLOVE, Frances E.

Married in Westport, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. C. L. Hagar, Capt. FRANCIS L. BARNES, to Miss FRANCES E. NEWLOVE, all of that place.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853

NEWTON, Leander

Married at Hague, N.Y., November 11, 1863, by Rufus Rising Jr., Esquire, LEANDER NEWTON to LOUISA BEVINS, all of Hague.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 November 1863


Married at Hague, N.Y., November 11, 1863, by Rufus Rising Jr., Esquire, LEANDER NEWTON to LOUISA BEVINS, all of Hague.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 November 1863


Melancholy Accident

We are pained to learn of a very sad accident, resulting in the death of 2 lads, the sons of John NICHOLS of Lewis; GEORGE, aged 17 and ANDREW, aged 15.

They were playing, on a bridge near the Spur Mill when pressing against the railing at the side of the bridge, it gave way and both fell into the stream, which was swollen by the melting snow, and were drowned. Their death occurred on the 18th instant. Their bodies were recovered after a long search.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 April 1862


Died in this town, on the morning of the 8th instant, Mrs. BETSEY, wife of Rowland NICHOLS, aged 57 years.

Sister Nichols has been for many years a member of the Baptist Church in this village. She was a firm Baptist and a dedicated Christian, and those who knew her best, loved her most. She passed away calling on her Savior to come and take her to himself after taking a most affectionate leave of her dear family, who mourn the loss of one of the best of mothers.

May the Lord sanctify this bereavement to her family and the large circle of friends who are called to mourn her loss.

L. S. Smith

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861

NICHOLS, Eleanor C.

Died in Willsboro, Aug. 3, of Consumption, ELEANOR C. NICHOLS, age 18 yrs. 10 mos. 17 ds.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1857


DiedIn Peru, on the 18th ult. Mrs. Elizabeth, consort of the late James NICHOLS, and daughter of Jacob BOWRON, aged 19 years. Her life was truly a chequered scene. Being called to consign to the grave the companion of her youth, and during the short time she remained in lonely widowhood, her bodily health was extremely delicate. But amidst her complicated sufferings, she was rarely known to complain. In all the relations of life, she acted well her part; and was distinguished for maternal kindness and skill in domestic economy. Her course through life was not like the mountain torrent, which fills the vale with its roar; but like the full stream in the valley, in its steady, onward roll. The disease of which she died, together with other infirmities, prayed with such violence upon her whole system, as to bring an entire torpor, from which it was impossible to rouse her but for a moment at a time, which in a measure deprived us of her dying blessing. Her remains were committed to earth, according to the forms of the Friends Church, there to remain till the resurrection of the just.

Keeseville Herald 5 July 1831 (Thursday)


Married on the 30th ult., at Wadhams' Mills, by Rev. Mr. Lord, Mr. LEVI G. JENKINS, to Miss EUNICE NICHOLS, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 28 May 1859


Married in Lewis, on the 30th ult., by Rev. C. Hudson, Mr. GEORGE NICHOLS to Miss EUNICE MEEKER, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 April 1859


Married in Lewis, on the 30th ult., by Rev. C. Hudson, Mr. GEORGE NICHOLS to Miss EUNICE MEEKER, of that place.Elizabethtown Post 16 April 1859


Melancholy Accident

We are pained to learn of a very sad accident, resulting in the death of 2 lads, the sons of John NICHOLS of Lewis; GEORGE, aged 17 and ANDREW, aged 15.

They were playing, on a bridge near the Spur Mill when pressing against the railing at the side of the bridge, it gave way and both fell into the stream, which was swollen by the melting snow, and were drowned. Their death occurred on the 18th instant. Their bodies were recovered after a long search.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 April 1862

NICHOLS, Johnathan

Married in this town on the 23d instant, by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. JOHNATHAN NICHOLS, Jr. to Miss ORRILLA ANGIER, all of this town.

Westport Courier 25 January 1850

NICHOLS, Marion L.

Married in this town on the 13th instant by Rev. M. A. Wicker, EDWIN D. AMOS of Lewis to MARION L. NICHOLS of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864


Married in Lewis, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. ERASTUS LOBDELL, of Elizabethtown, to Mis MARY ANN NICHOLS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853


Married at the Presbyterian Church in Plattsburgh, on the 28th ult., by Rev. D. Dobie, H. H. ROSS, 2nd, Esquire, of Essex, Essex County, to MARY J., eldest daughter of Joan NICHOLS, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854


Married in Elizabethtown on the 1st instant, by Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. ALFRED B. AMES of Moriah to Miss MARY L. NICHOLS, of this former place.

Westport Courier 11 January 1850


Married in this town on the 23d instant, by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. JOHNATHAN NICHOLS, Jr. to Miss ORILLA ANGIER, all of this town.

Westport Courier 25 January 1850


Died in this village, on the 6th instant, CHARLES, son of George S. NICHOLSON, Esquire, aged 7 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1862


Died in Lewis, on the 5th instant, Mr. CYRUS NICHOLSON, aged 73 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854

NICHOLSON, George Henry

Died in Elizabethtown, October 11, GEORGE HENRY NICHOLSON, aged 21. The deceased was a young man of superior abilities and attainments, and but a few months since, was honorably admitted to the bar of this state. His many relatives and extensive acquaintance, who mourn his loss to them on earth, are not without the consoling knowledge that he departed this life with Christian courage, cheerful in the assurance of a blessed future.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 June 1861


Died in Ticonderoga on the 26th instant, MARTIN F. NICHOLSON, Esquire, aged about 45 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1864


Died in this village on Thursday the 8th instant at the residence of George S. Nicholson, Esquire, PLUMA M. NICHOLSON, only daughter of the late Norman W. Nicholson, Esquire, in the 45th year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1860

NOBLE, Henry R.

Died in this village, on the 13th instant, HENRY R. NOBLE, aged 55 years. Mr. Noble was a native of Essex, in this County, and the third son of the late Gen. Ransom Noble, of that town. About the year 1826, he commenced his business life, as the partner of his brother Charles Noble, Esquire, in this village; since which time, he has been constantly and largely engaged in business, as a merchant, and in the manufacture of iron, lumber and leather.

Prominent among our citizens as a business man, in social relations and as an earnest Christina, during all these years and in every relation, he has commanded the respect and esteem of all.

By the decree of Providence, in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulness, he has been removed from earth; and the universal regret which we hear so sincerely and feelingly expressed, on every side is the best testimonial of his worth.

Industrious and energetic, upright in all his deeds; of the strictest honor; kind; benevolent; modesta many christian gentlemanhis memory will live long in the affection and esteem of all who knew him, and the place rendered vacant by his death will no soon or easily be filled.

The funeral services were attended at his late residence, on Tuesday last, Rev. J. Bradshaw officiating, and his remains followed to their resting place in the Rural Cemetery.

Blessed are the dead who

Died in the Lord, from henceforth. Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863

NOBLE, Martha

Died in Essex on the 17th instant, MARTHA, daughter of Harmon and Laura NOBLE, aged 3 months.

NOTE - Martha & Mary NOBLE, two twins, died five days apart.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1863


Died in Essex on the 22nd instant, MARY, daughter of Harmon and Laura NOBLE, aged 3 months.

NOTE - Martha & Mary NOBLE, two twins, died five days apart.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1863

NOBLE, Ransom (General)

Died in Essex at the residence of his son Harmon Noble, Esquire, on the 5th ins., GENERAL RANSOM NOBLE, in the 86th year of his age. General Noble was a remarkable man. He was one of the early settlers of Essex, having resided there over 60 years. Like most of our citizens, he began life with but little pecuniary means; but by perseverance, prudence, industry and indomitable energy he became possessed of very large wealth; and for a long period was one of the prominent men of the county. For many years he stood in the front rank, among the ablest business men of Northern New York. But he was more than a mere man of business. He was liberal, a promoter of public interests; a man of known and unsullied integrity and a highly respectable citizen. The funeral obsequies, on Sunday last, were attended by a large concourse of people.

Thus one by one, the principle men of the town of Essex take their final departure General NOBLE, the Messrs. ROSS, father and sons, Judge GOULD, Judge WHALLON, and others, so long distinguished in their county, and some of them throughout the State, as business men, politicians and men in official station, have all passed beyond that bourne, whence none return, and the busy scenes of this world know them no more; but their memory is cherished by their friends and lives in the esteem of their fellow citizens.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1863

NORRIS, Louisa

Married in Lewis on the 1st instant by Rev. Watson, CHARLES H. BRONSON and LOUISA NORRIS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 May 1864

NORTH, Augusta (BUCK)

Married at Westport, March 7th by Rev. H. Lancashire, CHARLES NORTH, Esquire, to AUGUSTA BUCK.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 March 1861

NORTH, Charles

Married at Westport, March 7th by Rev. H. Lancashire, CHARLES NORTH, Esquire, to AUGUSTA BUCK.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 March 1861

NORTHEY, infant daughter

Born in Hammondville, N.Y. April 7th, 1878, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM NORTHEY.

Crown Point Budget 10 April 1878


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 6th ult., WARREN McLAUGHLIN to Miss ELIZA ANN NORTHRUP, all of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

NORTHUP, Lucretia M.

Died in Westport, April 16, 1859, LUCRETIA M., wife of Dr. William H. RICHARDSON, and daughter of the Hon. Harmon NORTHUP, of Fairfield, Vt., in the 28th year of her age.

In the death of Mrs. R. God has taken not only a companion, loving, and beloved, but one endeared to many hearts in this community. Her loving and amiable nature had won to herself a large circle of admiring friends, who loved her while living, and mourn now that she is dead.

During a protracted season of declining health, much of which was attended with severe physical suffering, the excellencies of her character, which in health adorned her life, were still more beautifully developed in the sweet submission with which she bound to her heavenly Father's will. Not my will, but thine be done, was her constant prayer. And when the last sad hour came, affectionately kissing her friends and then entreating, try to meet me in heaven, she sweetly slept on Jesus' bosom. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1859

NORTON, Almira

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 21st instant, Mrs. ALMIRA NORTON, wife of A. G. SKINNER, Esquire, aged 99 years.Elizabethtown Post 4 August 1854

NORTON, Charles P.

Married in Clintonville, March 20th by Rev. J. G. Perkins, Mr. CHARLES P. NORTON, of Keene, to Miss HILY M. FULLER, of Jay, N.Y.Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1862

NORTON, Eliab S.

Married at Whallonsburgh, February 23rd, at the residence of Abram Welch, Esquire, by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. ELIAB S. NORTON to ELLEN IRENE, eldest daughter of Mr. Nathaniel HASKINS, all of Whallonsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 February 1859


Married at Whallonsburgh, February 23rd, at the residence of Abram Welch, Esquire, by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. ELIAB S. NORTON to ELLEN IRENE, eldest daughter of Mr. Nathaniel HASKINS, all of Whallonsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 February 1859


Married in Clintonville, March 20th by Rev. J. G. Perkins, Mr. CHARLES P. NORTON, of Keene, to Miss HILY M. FULLER, of Jay, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1862

NORTON, Jennie D.

Married in this village at the Methodist parsonage, on the 9th instant, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. GEORGE W. SHELDON, of Willsborough, to Miss JENNIE D. NORTON, of Addison, Vt.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859

ODELL, Robert

Died in Westport, recently, ROBERT ODELL, aged 90 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858


Married in Plattsburgh, 29th ult., by the Rev. D. Dobie, Mr. SAMUEL J. OLCOTT to Miss MARY A. POND, both of North Hudson, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

OLCOTT, Samuel J.

Married in Plattsburgh, 29th ult., by the Rev. D. Dobie, Mr. SAMUEL J. OLCOTT to Miss MARY A. POND, both of North Hudson, N.Y.Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

OLCUTT, Susan Maria

Married in Westport March 19th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, CHARLES EDWARD BUTTERFIELD and SUSAN MARIA OLCUTT, both of Moriah, N.Y.Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

OLDS, Mandana (RAY)

Married at the Baptist Church in Hinesburgh by Rev. M. Hodge on January 9th, WILLIAM W. OLDS, of Westport, N.Y. to Miss MANDANA RAY, daughter of the late Calvin Ray of Hindesburgh, Vermont.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848

OLDS, Ruth E.

Married at her father's house in Westport, on the 14th by Rev. Thomas Brant, Mr. JOHN HARRIS to Miss RUTH E. OLDS.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 October 1854

OLDS, Wiliam W.

Married at the Baptist Church in Hinesburgh by Rev. M. Hodge on January 9th, WILLIAM W. OLDS, of Westport, N.Y. to Miss MANDANA RAY, daughter of the late Calvin Ray of Hindesburgh, Vermont.Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848

ORDWAY, _____

Died in Westport on the 10th instant, Mrs. ORDWAY, wife of Joseph H. Ordway.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 April 1860

ORMESBEE, Emeline B.

Died at North Hudson, 8th instant, EMELINE B., wife of Aaron ORMSBEE, in the 34th year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 March 1854

ORMESBY, Charles

Married in Keene, December 30th, 1854, by Levi C. Goff, Esquire, Mr. CHARLES ORMESBY and Miss ELIZA ANN KENT, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854


Married in Keene, December 30th, 1854, by Levi C. Goff, Esquire, Mr. CHARLES ORMESBY and Miss ELIZA ANN KENT, both of Keene.Elizabethtown Post 5 January 1854

OSGOOD, George W.

Married in Westport Sunday, Nov. 23, by Rev. T. E. Wright, GEORGE W. OSGOOD of Crown Point and IRENE E. CHAMPION of Port Henry.Elizabehtown Post 5 December 1856


Married in Westport Sunday, Nov. 23, by Rev. T. E. Wright, GEORGE W. OSGOOD of Crown Point and IRENE E. CHAMPION of Port Henry.

The Elizabehtown Post 5 December 1856


Died, in North Elba, on the night of the 31st ult., ID?O OSGOOD, aged 82 years.

Mr. Osgood was among the earliest settlers on what was then and long after known as the Keene Plains, having come in prior to the war of 1812. At that time there was a flourishing settlement around the Elba Iron Works, but the manufacture of Iron having been suspended, and the Plains, though fertile, proving frosty, and other causes rendering the territory forbidding to emigrants, and the remarkably unpropitious season of 1816, in many places known as the famine year, having discouraged and driven off the other settlers, Father Osgood was left, I believe, for a time, the only settler in the present town of North Elba. His untiring perseverance was successful in securing a home and competence, while his integrity and strong common sense as a man, and earnest devotion as a christian, won for him the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. Always a prominent citizen, and many times Supervisor of his town, a leading member and Deacon of his church, his labor and influence was always for good, and will long be felt and appreciated wherever he was known.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1862

OTIS, John

Married at Upper Jay on the 15th inst. at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. JOHN OTIS to Miss OLIVE WILKINS, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856

OTIS, Mary Adelaide

Died in Keene, on the 19th instant of diphtheria, MARY ADELAIDE, daughter of John and Jane OTIS, aged 9 years and 19 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 March 1863


Married at Upper Jay on the 15th inst. at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. JOHN OTIS to Miss OLIVE WILKINS, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856

PAGE, Ann Eliza

Married March 26th at the residence of Mr. Norman Page by Rev. C. E. Burdick, Mr. HENRY L. SHERMAN to Miss ANN ELIZA PAGE, both of Chesterfield.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

PAGE, Antee

Died in Chesterfield on the 12th inst. of apoplexy, Mrs. ANTEEE PAGE, wife of the late John Page and mother of Norman Page, Esq., age 75 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1856


Married on the 12th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. D. L. ALLEN to Miss C. M. PAGE, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 July 1853

PAGE, Matilda

Married at Westport January 13th by Rev. S. Wright, Mr. SAMUEL FOUNTAIN of Co. A. 57th N.Y. Vol. and Miss MATILDA PAGE of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1864

PALMER, Belden N.

Died in San Francisco, California, on the 5th of January, BELDEN N. PALMER, son of Aaron Palmer, of this town, aged 23 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1853

PALMER, Belden N.

We are pained to learn the death of Mr. BELDEN N. PALMER, oldest son of Mr. Aaron Palmer, of this place. He left here for California in November last, and a stronger, healthier young man, or one who gave better promise of long life, it would not be easy to find. We hear a further rumor that his younger brother who accompanied him, is since dead. We hope it may prove a false report. The loss of their son is a severe blow to his parents, and the death of both would seem too heavy an affliction for them to bear.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1853

PALMER, Elvira A.

Married in this village on the 12th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, GEORGE SHAMBO and ELVIRA A. PALMER, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1857

PALMER, George

Died in Willsborough, on the 16th ult., Mr. GEORGE PALMER, aged 59 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1854

PALMER, Harmon

Died at Long Bar, Yuba Co., Cal., January 14, HARMON PALMER, son of Aaron Palmer of this town, aged 22 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 March 1853


Married on Christmas eve in St. John's Chapel in Bouquet, by Edmund Cooper, Mr. HENRY PALMER and Miss JANE GRINNELS, all of Bouquet.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856

PALMER, Henry E.

Died in Essex, June 29th, of Typhoid Fever, HENRY E. PALMER, son of Asa Palmer, and Corporal in Co. K. 96th Regiment New York Volunteers, in the 25th year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 July 1862


Married on Christmas eve in St. John's Chapel in Bouquet, by Edmund Cooper, Mr. HENRY PALMER and Miss JANE GRINNELS, all of Bouquet.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Died in this town on the 29th instant, SARAH PALMER, aged 20 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863


Married in this town on the 21st ult., by Rev. Wm. Dickens, Mr. JASON PANCBORN of Makoqueta, Iowa to Miss SARAH A. daughter of Oliver ABEL of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1856


Married in this town on the 21st ult., by Rev. Wm. Dickens, Mr. JASON PANCBORN of Makoqueta, Iowa to Miss SARAH A. daughter of Oliver ABEL of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1856


Married in this town, on the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by E. B. Haff, Mr. JOHN C. PARISH of Jay, to Miss HELEN M. DURAND, eldest daughter of Milo DURAND, Esq.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859


Married in this town, on the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by E. B. Haff, Mr. JOHN C. PARISH of Jay, to Miss HELEN M. DURAND, eldest daughter of Milo DURAND, Esq.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859

PARKER, Joseph

Married in Lewis on the 27th inst. by Safford E. [Hale], Esq., Mr. JOSEPH PARKER to Madam SOPHIE CHAMPION of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851


Married in Lewis on the 27th inst. by Safford E. [Hale], Esq., Mr. JOSEPH PARKER to Madam SOPHIE CHAMPION of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851

PARKER, Timothy

Died in Lewis, on the 24th ult., TIMOTHY PARKER, in the 79th year of his age.

New Hampshire & Massachusetts papers please copy.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862

PARKILL, _____

A melancholy loss of life by drowning occurred at Essex, on Friday last. A number of lads were skating on the lake, which had frozen over the night before. One of them, a son of H. W. PARKILL, Esquire, of Essex, broke in, and his younger brother attempted to go to his assistance with a board, but before he reached him, the ice gave way, and he also went down

An uncle of the boys ran to their aid, and had nearly succeeded in saving one, but the ice was too weak to bear his weight, and he with difficulty saved himself. The bodies were recovered very soon after, but all efforts to restore animation proved unavailing.

The parents of the children were absent from home at the time. Their ages were 11 and 14 years, and they were the only children of Mr. Parkhill.

A large assembly was present at their funeral on Sunday. The whole community sympathise with the afflicted parents at their heart-rending bereavement. The accident should be a warning to boys, who are quite too thoughtless and hasty in venturing upon unsafe ice.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 February 1853

PARKILL, Ezra (Col.)

Died in Essex, New York on the morning of the 16th of March 1848, Col. EZRA PARKILL, aged 63 years.

See newspaper for further details. This is a long obituary.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 March 1848


Married at North Hudson Nov. 23rd, by E. B. Walker, Esq. JACOB PARMERTER of North Hudson to Miss LUCY A. WYMAN of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Married at North Hudson Nov. 23rd, by E. B. Walker, Esq. JACOB PARMERTER of North Hudson to Miss LUCY A. WYMAN of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856

PARO, John

We are called upon to record the death of another old veteran of the War of 1812, JOHN PARO, who died at the residence of Lawrence Meecham on January 9th, 1878, in the 94th year of his age.


Crown Point Budget 16 January 1876


Died in Wilmington, on the 9th instant, Mr. REUBEN PARTRIDGE, aged 65 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 November 1853


Married at Windsor on the 7th instant, GARDNER STOW, Esquire, of this village to Miss SOPHIA PATRICK of the former place.

Keeseville Herald 21 June 1831


Married on the 13th instant, by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. LYMAN SMITH of Westport to Miss JANE PATTEN of Essex.

Westport Courier 22 February 1850


Died in Westport on Monday January 4th, Mr. MARK PEASLEY, in the 99th year of his age. He was a native of New Hampshire.

NOTE - Mr. PEASLEY'S age is not very clear on the microfilm.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 January 1864

PECK, Abigail

Died at Jay, Essex County, N.Y. at 12 o'clock a.m. on January 1st, Mrs. ABIGAIL, the wife of Andrew PECK.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855

PECK, D. Brainard

Married in Keene, N.H., May 31st by Rev. Dr. Barstow, Mr. D. BRAINARD PECK, of Burlington, Vermont, to Miss FRANCES A., daughter of Chas. H. BRAINARD, Esquire, formerly of this place.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Married in Keene, N.H., May 31st by Rev. Dr. Barstow, Mr. D. BRAINARD PECK, of Burlington, Vermont, to Miss FRANCES A., daughter of Chas. H. BRAINARD, Esquire, formerly of this place.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859

PERKINS, Alvira B.

Married in North Hudson, on the 3rd instant, by Rev. M. L. Willard, Mr. NATHAN A. DeWOLFE, to Miss ALVIRA B. PERKINS, both of North Hudson.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861


Married in Essex by Rev. C. Fisher, Mr. SAMUEL G. PERRY to Miss MARY N. McCOLLOM, both of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856

PERRY, Rebecca

Died in this village, on the 9th instant, after a short and painful sickness of about one week, borne with a Christian resignation and exemplary patience that softens the affliction to her many mourning friends, Mrs. REBECCA, relict of the late Nathan PERRY, Esquire, in the 75th year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853

PERRY, Samuel G.

Married in Essex by Rev. C. Fisher, Mr. SAMUEL G. PERRY to Miss MARY N. McCOLLOM, both of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856

PERSON, Abigail

Died in Keeseville on the 10th instant, Mrs. ABIGAIL PERSON, relict of the late Oliver Person, aged 86 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 February 1856


We are pained to learn that Mr. DENNIS PERSONS, for many years an esteemed citizen of Westport, died suddenly yesterday. Mr. Persons was engaged in ploughing on his farm, when he received the stroke which terminated his life; and was found lying in the new made farrow with life extinct. He was 64 years of age and bore an excellent character.Elizabethtown Post 18 May 1864


Died, in Washington, Camp, hill House, December 24th, 1861, HIRAM PERSONS, aged 20 years.

Mr. Persons enlisted in Capt. Arnold's Company last fall, and was one of the most promising youths in that company. His company feel deeply his loss and many a tear of sympathy and regret was shed when he took his departure for a better land. When he went to his bed at night he was feeling better than usual, about 12 o'clock he was dead. He died of congestion of the brain.

He died like a soldier for he fell at his post.

He was buried with military honors at Westport on New Years day.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1862

PHELPS, Augusta

Married July 2, 1857, at Schroon Lake, by J. F. Potter, Esq., LORENZO MURDOCK of Bolton, N.Y., to Miss AUGUSTA PHELPS, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1857


Died in Schroon on the 7th inst., ELIHU PHELPS, aged 70 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Married at Schroon, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. DARIUS J. RICHARDS, to Miss EMILY PHELPS, all of Schroon, Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 May 1849


Married in Schroon, July 26th, by Joel F. Potter, Esquire, ROLLIN W. PHELPS to Miss OLIVE RICHARDSON, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

PHELPS, Rollin W.

Married in Schroon, July 26th, by Joel F. Potter, Esquire, ROLLIN W. PHELPS to Miss OLIVE RICHARDSON, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married at the parsonage in Wadhams Mills on the 19th of November by Rev. J. A. Woodhull, Mr. GEORGE R. CLARK of Hopkinton, St. Lawrence County, to Miss EMILY PIERCE of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Married on the evening of the 5th instant, at the Baptist parsonage, in this town, by the Rev. Levi S. Smith, Mr. G. H. PIERCE, to Miss SARAH A. PROUTY, both of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1861

PIERCE, Harriet

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 29th of October, by Rev. R. A. Hodge, Mr. JULIUS W. FERRIS, and Miss HARRIET PIERCE, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854

PIERCE, Harvey

Married in Westport, on the 14th instant, by Rev. Thomas Brandt, Mr. HARVEY PIERCE to Mrs. MARGARET H. ANGIER, daughter of Deacon Luther Angier, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 July 1853

PIERCE, Hattie Elizabeth

Died in Westport, on the 13th ult., of croup, HATTIE ELIZABETH, daughter of Francis I. and Rosetta Ann PIERCE, aged 1 year, 3 months and 3 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859

PIERCE, Lymon H.

Died in the village of Westport, on the 25th instant, LYMON H., the son of Harvey and Maria P. PIERCE, aged 5 weeks 5 days.

Essex County Reporter , Elizabethtown, N.Y. 28 June 1849

PIERCE, Margaret H. (ANGIER)

Married in Westport, on the 14th instant, by Rev. Thomas Brandt, Mr. HARVEY PIERCE to Mrs. MARGARET H. ANGIER, daughter of Deacon Luther Angier, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 July 1853

PIERCE, Maria P.

Died in Westport, of Consumption, on the 1st instant, MARIA P. wife of Harvey PIERCE, aged 31 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1853


Married in Moriah on the 10th instant, by Rev. C. Ransom, ORRIN W. PIERCE, Esquire, of Westport, to MARTHA ANN WHEELOCK, youngest daughter of L. WHEELOCK, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 September 1857

PIERCE, Orrin W.

Married in Moriah on the 10th instant, by Rev. C. Ransom, ORRIN W. PIERCE, Esquire, of Westport, to MARTHA ANN WHEELOCK, youngest daughter of L. WHEELOCK, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 September 1857

PIERCE, Roswell W.

Died in Westport on February 7th, ROSWELL W., the son of Samuel and Harriet PIERCE, aged 17 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 March 1856


Married on the evening of the 5th instant, at the Baptist parsonage, in this town, by the Rev. Levi S. Smith, Mr. G. H. PIERCE, to Miss SARAH A. PROUTY, both of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1861


Married in Elizabethtown, on the 8th instant, by M. F. Nicholson, Esquire, Mr. Henry PIERSON and Miss POLLY AYRES, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854


Died in this place on the 15th instant, MARY PIERSON, widow of Bareillai Pierson, aged 68 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1856


Married in Elizabethtown, on the 8th instant, by M. F. Nicholson, Esquire, Mr. Henry PIERSON and Miss POLLY AYRES, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854


Married in Lewis, March 12th 1862 at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. Gardner, Mr. THOMAS D. PIERSONS, to Miss KEZIAH LEWIS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862


Married in Lewis, March 12th 1862 at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. Gardner, Mr. THOMAS D. PIERSONS, to Miss KEZIAH LEWIS, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862

PLATT, Charlotte M.

Married December 31 at the house of the bride's father, Mr. Starr Platt, by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. ERASTUS F. ROOT of North Hudson and Miss CHARLOTTE M. PLATT of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864


Married at the residence of J. H. Bromley, Esquire, in Plattsburgh, on the 22nd instant, by the Rev. Dr. Coit, W. P. PLATT, Esquire, P. M., to Miss JANE A. McNEIL, daughter of Col. D. B. McNeil.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1859


Married at the residence of J. H. Bromley, Esquire, in Plattsburgh, on the 22nd instant, by the Rev. Dr. Coit, W. P. PLATT, Esquire, P. M., to Miss JANE A. McNEIL, daughter of Col. D. B. McNeil.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1859

POND, Byron

Married in this village on the 13th instant, at the residence of David Judd, Esquire, the bride's uncle, by Rev. Mr. Hudson, BYRON POND, Esquire Counselor of Law to Miss MARY HINCKLEY.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1856

POND, Clarissa

Died in Kinderhook, Michigan, on the 16th instant, Miss CLARISSA POND, aged 53 years, sister of Jared Pond, of Coldwater, Michigan, and of the late Ashley Pond, of this place.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 January 1853

POND, Jared

From the Michigan Argus

Died in this city on the eve of the 12th inst., at the residence of his son, the Editor of this paper, of inflammation of the lungs, JARED POND, aged 65 yrs. 6 mos. 16 days.

The deceased was born in Poultney, Vt. September 26, 1790. While yet a boy his father moved to Essex County, N.Y. where the deceased resided until 1832. In the early days he was a practical surveyor and afterward an iron maker. His father Benjamin Pond was a Jeffersonian Democrat, a member of Congress from 1811 to 1813, a supporter of the Madison Administration and voted for the war. Both father and son were out upon the lines in 1813. The son was also at the Battle of Plattsburgh in command of a volunteer Artillery Company. The deceased removed west in October 1832. He stopped at Knox County, Ohio until the spring of 1835 when he came to Michigan. In September of that year, he located at Branch, then County site of Branch County. He represented that County in the House of Representatives in the session of 1839. He was elected register of Deeds of that county in 1843, and removed to Coldwater, which place had become the County site a short time before, and continued to reside at that village, enjoying the esteem and confidence of all who knew him, up to March 1855, when he removed to this city.

He has died leaving as a legacy to his family which is better then riches, a reputation unsullied, and a character above reproach. Cut down in the full possession of his faculties, the surviving companion of eight sons and two daughters, mourn the loss of a beloved husband and father. But they mourn not as those without hope. God is the disposer of all events and in HIM they trust.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 May 1856

POND, Lucinda

Died this day, in this village, at the residence of her son, Byron Pond, Esquire, Mrs. LUCINDA POND, aged sixty seven years and ten months.

The deceased was the relict of Ashley Pond, Esquire, (formerly Clerk of this County,) and came to this village soon after her marriage in 1814.

A large circle of relatives and friends are called to mourn this dispensation: and the community sustains the loss of a worthy and respected lady.

Funeral services at the home, Saturday at 2 P.M.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1861

POND, Lucinda (RAWSON)

Died at Elizabethtown, N.Y., on the 28th of February 1861, Mrs. LUCINDA RAWSON POND, in the 69th year of her age.

She came to this place to reside soon after her marriage to Ashley Pond, Esquire, (for several years Clerk of Essex County, and also admitted to the bar of the County), who died in 1827.

Thus early left a widow, with a young family of five children dependent upon her for her exertions, she sought to keep her children together; and with assiduity and energy beyond what is usual in her sex, succeeded in maintaining her household, till her children were able to provide for themselves and her.

In 1842, she was called to bury her daughter, on whose assistance and society, she had hoped to lean through life. And she was not, to use her own expression, the same woman, after this affliction so crushing to her earthly hopes.

During her last illness, she enjoyed the attention and visits of all her sons, (two of whom reside at a distance), who did all that filial affection could do to comfort her in her decline. Her disease, causing an enlargement of the liver and pressure upon her lungs, made conversation more and more difficult. Yet she expressed to her youngest son, Rev. Irving POND, her obligations to love and worship God, who had been so good to her, though her lot in life had at former times almost caused her to repine; and she asked him to pray in the family. She seemed conscious, recognized her friends to the last, and expired without a struggle. Her children will ever cherish the memory of another whose constant care and counsel they owe so much. Her neighbors also will long remember her as sympathetic and kind in all afflictions of others, and in the social relations of life. Her funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors, on Saturday, P.M., after her decrease, all the clergymen of this village participating in the services.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861


Married in this village on the 13th instant, at the residence of David Judd, Esquire, the bride's uncle, by Rev. Mr. Hudson, BYRON POND, Esquire Counselor of Law to Miss MARY HINCKLEY.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1856

POND, Mary A.

Married in Plattsburgh, 29th ult., by the Rev. D. Dobie, Mr. SAMUEL J. OLCOTT to Miss MARY A. POND, both of North Hudson, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

POPE, Seth

Died in this village, on Wednesday last, SETH, son of Martin POPE, Esquire, aged _____.

Keeseville Herald 12 April 1831


Married on Saturday morning, January _____ at Hyde's Hotel, Ducbury Vermont by James K. Hyde, Esquire, Mr. HENRY A. GRISWOLD of this place, to Miss JANE PORTER of Whitehall.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 6 January 1848

POST, Asa (M.D.)

Died at his residence in this town, Sunday the 24th instant, ASA POST, M.D., aged 91.

Dr. Post was among the earliest of the settlers in this town; and probably the oldest inhabitant at the time of his death.

He was born in Connecticut, October 1767He removed early to Panton, Vermont, where he resided until the year 1803, when he came into this town, and settled on the place where he died.

Dr. Post was widely and familiarly known, and highly esteemed for many social and public virtues. For a long time a physician in active and successful practice, he became endeared to all who knew him, by his great amiability and worth of character.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1859

POTTER, Amelia A.

Married at Schroon Lake, N.Y. on the 7th instant, by Col. A. L. Ireland, F. H. STEVENS, M.D. of Consecon, C.W. to Miss AMELIA A. POTTER, daughter of Hon. J. F. Potter of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 September 1853

POTTER, Erastus B.

Died at Schroon River, on the 24th ult., ERASTUS B. POTTER, in the 57th year of his age.

The deceased has laboured under great bodily pain for about 14 years occasioned by the dissipation of one of the bones of his leg. About one year ago the diseased limb was amputated by Dr. March, which prolonged his days one year.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them all, may be truely said of the deceased, who was a man of good business talent, just in his deal, and of unwavering integrity. An Exemplary christian, a good neighbor and a father to the poor, who has never seen any perish for the want of clothing or any poor without covering, who in their need were not warmed with the fleece of this flock, (Job 39 chap.) The loss of the deceased has been deeply felt and will be deeply mourned by his numerous friends and relatives.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 June 1862

POTTER, Freeman

Died in Schroon, on the 5th instant, of typhus fever, FREEMAN POTTER, son of E. B. Potter, aged 17 years. The deceased was a very moral youth, and much respected by all who knew him.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 August 1853

POTTER, Harvey

Married at Moriah on the 1 July inst., by F. S. Edgerton, Esq., Mr. HARVEY POTTER of Moriah, to Miss M. A. SWINTON of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 July 1856


Married at Moriah on the 1 July inst., by F. S. Edgerton, Esq., Mr. HARVEY POTTER of Moriah, to Miss M. A. SWINTON of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 July 1856

POTTER, Sarah Ophelia

Married in Schroon, October 1st, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., JOSEPH W. STANNARD, to Miss SARAH OPHELIA POTTER.Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married in Keeseville, on Tuesday the 2nd instant, by the Rev. John Mattocks, FRANKLIN W. POWERS, Esquire, of Oskash, Wisconsin, to Miss ELLEN FISHER, daughter of Selah Fisher, Esquire, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 August 1853

POWERS, Franklin W.

Married in Keeseville, on Tuesday the 2nd instant, by the Rev. John Mattocks, FRANKLIN W. POWERS, Esquire, of Oskash, Wisconsin, to Miss ELLEN FISHER, daughter of Selah Fisher, Esquire, of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 August 1853

PRATT, Cornelia

Died in Lewis, on the 14th inst., Miss CORNELIA, wife of Orville A. PRATT, age 21.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857

PRATT, Cornelia D. (SMITH)

Married in Willsborough on the 6th instant, by Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. FREDERICK D. PRATT to Miss CORNELIA D. SMITH, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 February 1856

PRATT, Frederick D.

Married in Willsborough on the 6th instant, by Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. FREDERICK D. PRATT to Miss CORNELIA D. SMITH, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 February 1856

PRATT, Helen

Married in Lewis, on the 27th ult. by Rev. Charles Redfield, Mr. RALZA MORSE, and Miss HELEN PRATT, all of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861

PRATT, Julia

Married in Essex by Rev. Mr. McGilton, Mr. OSCAR F. ROBERTS to Miss JULIA PRATT, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

PRATT, Martha

Died in Willsborough on the 23rd ult. Miss MARTHA PRATT, aged 28 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Married in Westport, on the 14th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. AMOS A. PRESCOTT, of Plattsburgh, to Miss MARY E. HATCH, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853


Married in Westport, on the 14th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. AMOS A. PRESCOTT, of Plattsburgh, to Miss MARY E. HATCH, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853


Married on May 3rd, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. S. W. PRICE and Miss J. D. MITCHELL, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854


Married on May 3rd, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. S. W. PRICE and Miss J. D. MITCHELL, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854


Died very suddenly in this village Friday last, Mrs. ERMINA PRINDLE, wife of Capt. Charles B. Prindle, aged _____.

See newspaper for further information.

Keeseville Herald 28 June 1831

PROCTOR, Eleanor

Married at the Methodist parsonage in this village by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. Wm. D. GIBBS of Geneso, Henry Co., Illinois, to Miss ELEANOR PROCTOR of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 May 1857

PROUTY, Catharine

Married in Westport, on the 1st instant, by Rev. Samuel Jones, of Elizabethtown, Mr. LEBANON FARNSWORTH, of Lewis, and Miss CATHARINE PROUTY, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857

PROUTY, Frances

Married on the 27th instant at the inn of Capt. H. Hinckley, in Willsborough, by the Rev. Mr. Barnard, Mr. OSCAR A. FINNEY of Lewis to Miss FRANCES PROUTY of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

PROUTY, Rebecca A.

Married in Chestertown, Warren County, N.Y., at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, January 22nd, by Rev. S. Redfield, Mr. EZEKIAL F. WESTCOTT, of Lewis, Essex County, N.Y. to Miss REBECCA A. PROUTY, daughter of Lee Prouty, Esquire, of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859

PROUTY, Saphronia

Married at Wadhams Mills, on the 1st inst., by Rev. A. Woodhull, B. M. HODSKINS, Esq., of Elizabethtown, to Miss SAPHRONIA PROUTY, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

PROUTY, Sarah A.

Married on the evening of the 5th instant, at the Baptist parsonage, in this town, by the Rev. Levi S. Smith, Mr. G. H. PIERCE, to Miss SARAH A. PROUTY, both of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1861

PURMONT, Adoniram J.

Died in Jay, on the 30th of January, ADONIRAM J. PURMONT, aged 36 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1854


Died at New Russia, in this town, on Sunday evening, the 16th instant, Mr. HIRAM PUTNAM, aged about 65 years.

Mr. Putnam was well known as an active businessman and has, for many years been proprietor of the New Russia Forge. He was a resident of the town of Essex and leaves many relatives and friends in that town, who as well as numerous acquaintances in this vicinity will lament his death.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 February 1862

RANNEY, Abigail

Died in this village on the 9th instant, the widow ABIGAIL RANNEY, aged 82 years.

Westport Courier 18 October 1849

RANNEY, I. Waitstill

Died at Westport, Friday May 5th, I. WAITSTILL, only child of Dr. H. D. and L. O. RANNY, aged 3 years and 5 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854


Married in Jamestown, Chatauqua County, New York on the 7th instant by Rev. H. _____, Mr. JOHN B. RAWSON formerly of Schroon, Essex County, and Miss ELLEN N. HARELOS of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851


Died in Crownpoint, on the 6th instant, of Hydrocephalus, FRANK RAWSON, only son of Doctor DOOLITTLE, aged 6 years and 5 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861


Married in Jamestown, Chatauqua County, New York on the 7th instant by Rev. H. _____, Mr. JOHN B. RAWSON formerly of Schroon, Essex County, and Miss ELLEN N. HARELOS of the former place.Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851


Married in Schroon Lake, on the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Lemon Garfield, by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. LUCIUS RAWSON and Miss JULIA A. GARFIELD, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 June 1863

RAWSON, Lavarna P.

Married in Schroon, Essex County, New York on the 2nd instant by Rev. C. Townsend, L. I. DOOLITTLE of Newhern, Bartholomew County, Indiana to Miss LAVARNA P. RAWSON of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851

RAWSON, Lucinda

Died at Elizabethtown, N.Y., on the 28th of February 1861, Mrs. LUCINDA RAWSON POND, in the 69th year of her age.

She came to this place to reside soon after her marriage to Ashley Pond, Esquire, (for several years Clerk of Essex County, and also admitted to the bar of the County), who died in 1827.

Thus early left a widow, with a young family of five children dependent upon her for her exertions, she sought to keep her children together; and with assiduity and energy beyond what is usual in her sex, succeeded in maintaining her household, till her children were able to provide for themselves and her.

In 1842, she was called to bury her daughter, on whose assistance and society, she had hoped to lean through life. And she was not, to use her own expression, the same woman, after this affliction so crushing to her earthly hopes.

During her last illness, she enjoyed the attention and visits of all her sons, (two of whom reside at a distance), who did all that filial affection could do to comfort her in her decline. Her disease, causing an enlargement of the liver and pressure upon her lungs, made conversation more and more difficult. Yet she expressed to her youngest son, Rev. Irving POND, her obligations to love and worship God, who had been so good to her, though her lot in life had at former times almost caused her to repine; and she asked him to pray in the family. She seemed conscious, recognized her friends to the last, and expired without a struggle. Her children will ever cherish the memory of another whose constant care and counsel they owe so much. Her neighbors also will long remember her as sympathetic and kind in all afflictions of others, and in the social relations of life. Her funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors, on Saturday, P.M., after her decrease, all the clergymen of this village participating in the services.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861

RAWSON, Lucius

Married in Schroon Lake, on the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Lemon Garfield, by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. LUCIUS RAWSON and Miss JULIA A. GARFIELD, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 June 1863

RAY, Mandana

Married at the Baptist Church in Hinesburgh by Rev. M. Hodge on January 9th, WILLIAM W. OLDS, of Westport, N.Y. to Miss MANDANA RAY, daughter of the late Calvin Ray of Hindesburgh, Vermont.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848

RAY, Phebe J.

Married, on the 26th Dec., at the Baptist Church in Hinesburgh, by the Rev. Mr. Hodges, Dr. BENJAMIN D. SHERWOOD, of Manlius, N.Y., to Miss PHEBE J. RAY, daughter of John Ray of the former place.

Keeseville Patriot 10 February 1848

RAYMOND, Josepht

Married at Vergennes, Vermont, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Couvillan of Burlington, Mr. SOLOMON DEYO of Westport, N.Y., to Miss JOSEPHT RAYMOND, of Panton.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1853


Married at Westport, on the 26th of October, by the Rev. J. F. Yates, ISADORE BROTHER to Miss LUCY RAYMOND, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854

RAZEY, Catherine (HARPER)

Married in this town by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. JOSEPH W. RAZEY to Miss CATHERINE HARPER, both of this place.

Westport Courier 4 October 1849

RAZEY, Joseph W.

Married in this town by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. JOSEPH W. RAZEY to Miss CATHERINE HARPER, both of this place.

Westport Courier 4 October 1849

REA, James

Died in this town on the 19th inst., JAMES REA, aged about 40 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 April 1863

RENNE, Nancy Ann

Married at Mr. W. Baker's, in Crownpoint, by Rev. L. Bradshaw, Mr. B. H. WELLS, of Denmark, Lewis County, N.Y., to Miss NANCY ANN RENNE, of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1854


Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this place, October 21st, by Rev. A. M. Munsee, Mr. ABEL REYNOLDS of Essex and Miss MARTHA MCNARY of Lewis, all of Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1863


Died in Essex, on the 23rd ult., Mr. ABRAM REYNOLDS, aged 83 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 June 1854

REYNOLDS, Emily Jane

Died in Essex on the 2nd instant, Mrs. EMILY JANE CLELAND, wife of Ezra Cleland and daughter of Morris REYNOLDS, aged 29 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1863


Married in Essex, on Wednesday evening the 9th instant, by Rev. L. Smith, Mr. GEORGE FISK, printer, recently compositor of this office, to Miss JANE A. REYNOLDS of Westport.

Another printer gone! Ye gods! Well this the way they go, jolly fellows. A long life to you George.

Westport Courier 11 January 1850


Died in Westport, of Consumption, on Friday, March 7th, Mrs. JANE A. FISK, wife of G. W. FISK, and daughter of the late Deacon G. B. REYNOLDS, aged 35 years.

Mrs. Fisk, in early life, was made a partaker of saving grace and united with the Baptist Church. She was an ornament to the society of the village where she resided, being naturally amiable, kind, and affectionate. In the circle in which she moved, she was greatly beloved as a friend, sister, and wife. For months she was subject to declining health, that gave manifest premonitions that death was near, and although for a time, clouds obscured her spiritual vision, yet as she approached the spirit world, they were banished by the effulgent rays of the sun of righteousness. Her testimony in her dying hours, was of a character to afford to her loved friends, great consolation.

They mourn, but not as those who have no hope. From the family circle a light has been taken, and a weeping husband and three motherless boys are left to grieve.

Death loves a shining mark

The Elizabethtown Post 3 April 1862


It is our painful duty to record the death of JOSEPH W. REYNOLDS, Esquire, late editor of the Essex Co. Republican; which occurred, at his residence in Keeseville, on Friday morning last, the 27th December, 1861.

A few weeks since, Mr. Reynolds determined to attempt a trip to Europe, for the purpose of recruiting his failing health; but, on reaching New York, was obliged to give up the proposed journey; and returned to his home, as the sad result has proved, to linger but a few days among his friends, ere his earthly career closed forever.

Mr. Reynolds was an able journalist, an excellent citizen and a christian gentleman. In the loss of such a man, the public earnestly sympathize with the sorrow of the bereaved family.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 January 1862


Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this place, October 21st, by Rev. A. M. Munsee, Mr. ABEL REYNOLDS of Essex and Miss MARTHA MCNARY of Lewis, all of Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1863


Married in Essex, New York on March 1st by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. CALVIN COOK of Bridport, Vermont to Miss MARY H. REYNOLDS of Essex, New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1852


Died at the residence of R. W. Livingston, Esquire, in this village, on Sunday evening, the 3d instant, POLLY ANN REYNOLDS, wife of JOHN LORD, Esquire, aged 67.Elizabethtown Post 7 August 1862


Died at Westport, 12th ult., Mrs. SARAH REYNOLDS, relict of the late Deacon G. B. Reynolds, in the 63rd year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 September 1853

RICE, Colney A.

Married in Essex by Rev. C. Fisher, Mr. JOHN SUMNER of Thompson, [Geauga] County, Ohio, to Miss COLNEY A. RICE of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856

RICE, Franklin W.

Married in Lansing, Michigan, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. William Norton, FRANKLIN W. RICE, Esquire, to Miss MARY E. CARR, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 July 1861

RICE, infant son

Died in this town, on the 3rd instant, an infant son of GEORGE RICE, aged 2 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861

RICE, Josiah M.

Married in Schuyler Falls, on the 10th instant, by Rev. A. Ford, Mr. JOSIAH M. RICE, of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY AGUSTUS WOOD, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859


Married at Schroon, April 2nd 1863, by Rev. Mr. Stephens, N. H. RICE of Denver City, Colorado, and Miss LIZZIE A. WHEELER, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 April 1863

RICE, Louisa

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, at Port Henry on the 16th ult., Mr. R. H. DOW of Shoreham, Vermont to Miss LOUISA RICE of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

RICE, Mary Agustus (WOOD)

Married in Schuyler Falls, on the 10th instant, by Rev. A. Ford, Mr. JOSIAH M. RICE, of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY AGUSTUS WOOD, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859

RICE, Mary E. (CARR)

Married in Lansing, Michigan, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. William Norton, FRANKLIN W. RICE, Esquire, to Miss MARY E. CARR, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 July 1861


Married at Schroon, April 2nd 1863, by Rev. Mr. Stephens, N. H. RICE of Denver City, Colorado, and Miss LIZZIE A. WHEELER, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 April 1863


Died on Friday the 9th instant, Mr. CYRUS RICHARDS in the 61st year of his age, a resident of this town for more than 41 years.

Westport Patriot 30 July 1848


Married at Schroon, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. DARIUS J. RICHARDS, to Miss EMILY PHELPS, all of Schroon, Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 May 1849


Married in this town, on the 12th instant, by David Judd, Esquire, Mr. JOSHUA RICHARDS, to Miss ELIZA MAYHEW.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1862


Married at Schroon, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. DARIUS J. RICHARDS, to Miss EMILY PHELPS, all of Schroon, Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 May 1849


Married in this town on the 13th inst., by Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. JOSHUA RICHARDS, to Miss MARTHA LINDSAY, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 August 1856


Married in this town, on the 12th instant, by David Judd, Esquire, Mr. JOSHUA RICHARDS, to Miss ELIZA MAYHEW.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1862


Married in this town on the 13th inst., by Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. JOSHUA RICHARDS, to Miss MARTHA LINDSAY, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 August 1856


Died in this town, on the 18th instant, of Consumption, MARTHA, daughter of J. D. LINDSAY, and wife of Joshua RICHARDS, aged 21 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1861


Married in this town on the 12th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. EDWARD SHORES and Miss MARY ANN RICHARDS, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1857


Died in this village on Saturday June 17th of consumption, Mrs. MARY H., wife of C. W. RICHARDS, and oldest daughter of William McINTYRE, aged _____.

See newspaper for accompanying poem.

Westport Patriot 3 August 1848


Married in Keeseville this day by Rev. John Mattocks, Mr. R. B. BOYNTON, Merchant, to Miss JANE RICHARDSON, all of Keeseville.Patriot 28 September 1848


Died in Westport, April 16, 1859, LUCRETIA M., wife of Dr. William H. RICHARDSON, and daughter of the Hon. Harmon NORTHUP, of Fairfield, Vt., in the 28th year of her age.

In the death of Mrs. R. God has taken not only a companion, loving, and beloved, but one endeared to many hearts in this community. Her loving and amiable nature had won to herself a large circle of admiring friends, who loved her while living, and mourn now that she is dead.

During a protracted season of declining health, much of which was attended with severe physical suffering, the excellencies of her character, which in health adorned her life, were still more beautifully developed in the sweet submission with which she bound to her heavenly Father's will.

Not my will, but thine be done,

was her constant prayer.

And when the last sad hour came,

affectionately kissing her friends and then entreating,

try to meet me in heaven,

she sweetly slept on Jesus' bosom.

Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1859


Married in Schroon, July 26th, by Joel F. Potter, Esquire, ROLLIN W. PHELPS to Miss OLIVE RICHARDSON, all of Schroon.Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

RICHARDSON, Stroughton D.

Died in Chesterfield on the 12th instant, very suddenly, Mr. STROUGHTON D. RICHARDSON, aged nearly 70.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1856


Married in Duane on the 18th by Rev. Samuel Smith, of St. Armand, Mr. MILTON J. HOAG of Adrian, Michigan to KATE E., only daughter of Mr. William RICKETSON, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 October 1854


Died in Westport, on the 17th instant, of consumption, after a long and painful illness, Miss EMMA C. RISING, daughter of Roderick R. Rising, aged 28 years.Elizabethtown Post 27 November 1857


Died at North Hudson, Monday the 2nd inst., Mrs. ELENORA, wife of Maj. Charles ROBERTS and daughter of the late Hon. Reuben WHALLON, age 37 yrs.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857

ROBB, Mary Jane (TODD)

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, Sept. 19th by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. WILLIAM ROBB and Miss MARY JANE TODD, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1856

ROBB, William

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, Sept. 19th by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. WILLIAM ROBB and Miss MARY JANE TODD, both of Lewis

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1856

ROBBINS, Abigail

Married on the 1st inst. at the Essex County Mansion House in this town by Oliver Abel Jr. Esq., Mr. CHAUNCEY H. BULLIS to Miss ABIGAIL ROBBINS, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1856


Married September 3d instant, at the Mansion Hollan, in this place, by Rev. H. M. Munsee, Mr. JOSEPH ROBBINS, of Lewis, and Miss HELEN M. FRENCH, of Essex, N.Y., all of Essex Co., New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863


Married September 3d instant, at the Mansion Hollan, in this place, by Rev. H. M. Munsee, Mr. JOSEPH ROBBINS, of Lewis, and Miss HELEN M. FRENCH, of Essex, N.Y., all of Essex Co., New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1863


Married in Lewis, N.Y., on the 19th instant, by Rev. S. S. Howe, Mr. SAMUEL D. ROBERTS, of Marquette, Michigan, to Miss ACHSAH M. CRAY, of Highgate, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1861


Married in Lewis, at the house of the bride's father, on the evening of September 23, by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. JOHN S. TODD, of Lewis, and Miss HARIET M. ROBERTS, daughter of William Roberts, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857


Married in this town, on the 3rd ult., by Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, HIRAM W. HARTWELL of Elizabethtown to Miss JANE ANN ROBERTS of Lewis.

Westport Courier 2 August 1850


Married in Essex by Rev. Mr. McGilton, Mr. OSCAR F. ROBERTS to Miss JULIA PRATT, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married in Essex by Rev. Mr. McGilton, Mr. OSCAR F. ROBERTS to Miss JULIA PRATT, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

ROBERTS, Samuel D.

Married in Lewis, N.Y., on the 19th instant, by Rev. S. S. Howe, Mr. SAMUEL D. ROBERTS, of Marquette, Michigan, to Miss ACHSAH M. CRAY, of Highgate, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1861


Married at Essex, N.Y., Nov. 3d, by the Rev. J. E. Kimball, WM. H. ROBERTS, of Lewis, N.Y., to Miss SYLVIA E. SMITH, of Essex, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859


Married at Essex, N.Y., Nov. 3d, by the Rev. J. E. Kimball, WM. H. ROBERTS, of Lewis, N.Y., to Miss SYLVIA E. SMITH, of Essex, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859


Married on Thursday May 5th at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Richard Johns, Sergeant DAVID B. FLETCILEE of the 48th N.Y. Vol. to AGNES, oldest daughter of William H. ROBINSON, Esquire of Buells Ferry, New Jersey.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

ROGERS, Cynthia

Married in Keene, on the 15th instant, by H. H. Sherburn, Esquire, Mr. JOHN STANTON, of Elizabethtown, to Miss CYNTHIA ROGERS, of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 March 1862


Married at St. Paul's Chapel, Keeseville, on Thursday, September 12th by the Rev. Robert O. Trivett, HENRY D. GRAVES, and KATE THOMPSON, daughter of James Rogers, Esquire, all of Ausable Forks.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861

ROGERS, Nannie

Died at Whallonsburgh, N.Y., September 3rd, of dysentery, NANNIE, second daughter of Willet E. and E. S. ROGERS, aged 3 years 10 months 10 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 October 1863

ROOT, Asahel

Died in Westport, on the 17th instant, ASAHEL ROOT, aged 77 years. Mr. Root was a native of Connecticut, but became a resident of this town in 1808, and was one of the oldest, as he was one of the most respected, of the early inhabitants yet remaining among us. For the last thirty years he has resided in Westport, where he died. His kindly nature and warm heart had not only endeared him to a large circle of relatives, but had equally won the respect of every acquaintance. His funeral was attended at the residence of his son, Col. S. Root, on the 19th instant, by a large collection of relatives and sympathising friends, his fellow citizens of Westport testifying their profound sympathy with his mourning family, by closing their places of business, during the funeral services.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 June 1861

ROOT, Charlotte M. (PLATT)

Married December 31 at the house of the bride's father, Mr. Starr Platt, by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. ERASTUS F. ROOT of North Hudson and Miss CHARLOTTE M. PLATT of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

ROOT, Erastus F.

Married December 31 at the house of the bride's father, Mr. Starr Platt, by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. ERASTUS F. ROOT of North Hudson and Miss CHARLOTTE M. PLATT of Schroon.Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864


Married at Schroon Lake, December 3rd by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. V. R. ROOT of North Hudson to Miss MARY L. BENTLY of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 December 1863


Married at Schroon Lake, December 3rd by Rev. Alvin Robbins, Mr. V. R. ROOT of North Hudson to Miss MARY L. BENTLY of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 December 1863

RORKE, Caroline

Died in Keene on the 24th inst., CAROLINE, daughter of John RORKE, age about 2 yrs. 6 mos.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1856

ROSCOE, Harriet

Married in Lewis, on the 18th instant, by Elder R. A. Hodge, of Elizabethtown, WILLIAM MASON, to Miss HARRIET ROSCOE, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1854


Died in Lewis, on the 5th instant, Mr. JAMES ROSCOE, aged 87 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 August 1854

ROSE, Sarah Ann

Died at Elizabethtown, Essex County, N.Y. on 7 December instant, Mrs. SARAH ANN, wife of Edmund F. WILLIAMS and daughter of the late Theodore ROSE of Elizabethtown and granddaughter of the late Leonard Jr. and Mary GANESFORT of Albany, aged 44 years.

See newspaper for the obituary

Westport Courier 13 December 1850


Married at the Presbyterian Church in Plattsburgh, on the 28th ult., by Rev. D. Dobie, H. H. ROSS, 2nd, Esquire, of Essex, Essex County, to MARY J., eldest daughter of Joan NICHOLS, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

ROSS, Henry H. (Hon.)

Died, at his residence in Essex, N.Y., on Saturday, the 13th instant, Hon. HENRY H. ROSS, aged 72 years.

General Ross has held a more prominent position and been more thoroughly identified with the history and interests of Essex County than any other of its citizens. He was born in Willsboro' and for nearly half a century has pursued his professional labors in the village of Essex. He graduated at Columbia College in 1808, and studied his profession in the office of the late David B. Ogden in New York City.The General commenced early in life his military experience in the 37th Regiment of Militia. In the War of 1812, he was Adjutant of that Regiment, but, at the battle of Plattsburgh was on the staff of Gen. McComb, where he did good service in the cause of his country. Continuing in the Militia, he held successively the positions of Brigade Inspector, Colonel, Brigadier General and Major General.

At the same time his advance was rapid in civil life. Among the various offices which he has ably held, during his long and useful life, we may mention that he was a Member of Congress in 1825-6 and President of the Electoral College in 1848. He was the first County Judge of Essex County, under the Constitution of '46 and elected by a unanimous vote.

In his profession he stood at the head of the bar of Essex County for many years, and was held in an esteem almost reverential, by all his juniors.

In all the relations of life General Ross was a superior man, intellectually and morally.

A brave soldier; a faithful and able representative; a well read lawyer; a high toned christian gentleman; his acquaintance was a privilege, his friendship an honor.

There are but few, very few men who combine so many worthy and admirable qualities of mind and heart as did he, whom we mourn. His death is a public loss, and as such we are allowed to express, thus publicly, the universal sorrow. The deep affliction which burdens the hearts of the family who have parted from one so justly loved and revered, is too sacred for us to dwell upon.

In the fullness of years and of honors, he has passed from earth. But the influence of a well spent life lives after him, and his memory will be fresh in the affectionate regard of those Among whom he dwelt, so long as this generation shall remain upon earth.

The funeral services were conducted, by Rev. Dr. Cort, of Plattsburgh, at the family mansion, in Essex, on the 17th, yesterday, and attended, we need not add, by a very large assembly.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 September 1862

ROSS, Henry H. (Hon.)

A few days since, a brief announcement of the death of the Hon. Henry H. Ross, of Essex, appeared in the columns of this journal. The high standing he so long maintained in the community, and the universal respect in which he was held by all who knew him, demand a more extended notice of his life and character.

The family of Gen. Ross has been prominent in the county of Essex from its earliest history. As far back as 1765, his grandfather on the maternal side, retiring from a successful mercantile business in New York, became the proprietor of large tracts of land on the west shore of Lake Champlain. This was but two years subsequent to the treaty of Paris, by which France relinquished to Great Britain her claim to the possession of that region, thus terminating the long contest known as the French and Indian War. The conflicting grants, however, which had been previously made by the respective Governments, rendered titles for a time, uncertain, producing much confusion and dissatisfaction. It was he, in conjunction with Philip Skene, then Governor of Ticonderoga and Crownpoint, and others, contemplated, it is said, the establishment of an independent Government, comprising the territory north of Massachusetts and between the Connecticut and St. Lawrence rivers.

All the aspiring plans, however, of the early settlers were frustrated by the breaking out of the War of the Revolution. While Skene adhered to the King's cause, his former coadjutor in schemes of political aggrandizement espoused the side of the Patriots with zeal and energy. No man, perhaps, rendered more effective service in advancing the expedition of Gen. Montgomery into Canada, in 1776, than William Gilliland. Such was his influence that Carleton, Governor of Canada, offered large rewards for his apprehension, and made vigorous but ineffectual efforts to secure his capture. His property suffered severely from the frequent inroads of the British, but, his misfortune, in this respect, was small in comparison with that he endured at the hands of Benedict Arnold,t hen in command of the fleet upon the lake, who unnecessarily destroyed his mills and dwellings, and otherwise desolated his possessions. A remarkable evidence of his appreciation of the true character of Arnold appears in a communication transmitted by him to the Continental Congress, wherein he depicts the innate baseness, and foretells the ultimate apostacy, of that arch-traitor to his country.

His son-in-law, Daniel Ross, father of the subject of this sketch, removed from Dutches county near the close of the Revolution and established himself in business on the site of the present village of Essex. The country, at this time, was new, the population small, yet the sounds of war which for so many years had rang along those shores had died away, and nothing remained to distract attention from the arts of peace. The difficulties which had beset his immediate predecessors, rendering valueless all their toil, happily did not prevent his enterprise from being rewarded with success. His industry secured all competency, his character commanded respect. This last was manifested by his appointment to the office of Chief Judge of the county at its organization in 1799 an office whose duties he performed to the satisfaction of the community for three and twenty years.

Henry H. Ross was the second son of Judge Daniel Ross and Elizabeth, the daughter of William Gilliland. He enjoyed excellent advantages of education, having been placed at an early age in the best schools of Montreal, afterwards entering Columbia College, in New York. We are not advised of the precise year he graduated, but believe he was a classmate of President King, now at the head of that institution. Having finished his collegiate course, he resolved to enter upon the study of the law, and to this end, continued in the office of David Ogden, until he was admitted to the Bar.

Arrived now at the age of man-hood, thoroughly read in the profession he had chosen, he turned away from the excitements and allurements of the Metropolis, to the more congenial quiet of his native village. It too often happens that the young man at whose feet fortune has cast her favors, and whom the accident of an inheritance has relieved from the necessity of an exertion, fails to develop the higher qualities he possesses, and sinks beneath the very blessings he enjoys; but his was a character too strong and solid to be enticed into the stream of idleness, down which so many, in the e morning of their lives, have drifted to oblivion.

He applied himself diligently to the labors of his profession and at once assumed, and to the end of his career, maintained, a distinguished position among its ablest members. In the conduct of his legal business, he was methodical, cautious, laborious. He discountenanced, rather than promoted litigation, and in his intercourse with clients, mature deliberations always preceded wise and conscientious counsel. As an advocate he was clear, compact, forcible. He rarely indulged in rhetoric, and never in ostentatious display. He addressed the understanding of his hearers, instead of appealing to their passions, and approached whatever subject he had in hand, with dignity, self-possession, and in the light of principle and common sense. Among the eminent opponents he was accustomed to meet at the Bar, was the late Hon. George A. Simons, whose intellectual characteristics, in many respects, were similar to his own It was always an occasion of interest when these strong men contended with each other before the judicial tribunals, and a contemporary, alluding to the death of Gen. Ross has well remarked, that Mr. Simmons, had he survived, was the man who could have delineated, worthily, his character.

At an early period of life he manifested much interest in military affairs. Upon the breaking out of the war of 1812, he held the position of Adjutant in he 37th Regiment of New York Militia, but at the battle of Plattsburgh was on the staff of Gen. McComb, in which capacity he rendered efficient service. Continuing in the militia, after the close of the war, he held, successively, the rank of Brigade Inspector, Colonel, Brigadier General and Major General.

Upon all the political issues of his time he entertained clear and well settled convictions, and was frank and open in expression of them. His sentiments were emphatically conservativenaturally inclined to adhere to the established order of things, and not easily drawn into the advocacy of any of the isms of the day. During most of his life the principles he maintained were not in accordance with those of the prevailing party; nevertheless, a man of his mark, could not well avoid being frequently pressed into the political arena, when personal influence and popularity, it was hoped, might turn the scale in a doubtful contest. Yet he was no office-seeker; but , on the contrary, a man whose elevated tone rendered him the reverse of all that constitutes that character. However gratifying might have been, and no doubt was, the confidence his fellow citizens so often expressed in his behalf, the offices he held and the nominations he received, always came entirely unsolicited.

In 1825-6 he represented his District in Congress. At no period in our history has there been seen in the national Capital a body of men surpassing in character and ability that which composed the 19th Congress. Webster and Everett, of Massachusetts; Taylor and Hasbrouck, of New York; McLanem, of Delaware; Stevenson, of Virginia; McDuffie, of South Carolina; Buchanan, of Pennsylvania; Polk and Houston, of Tennessee; Mangum, of North Carolina, were among those who then held seats in the House of Representativesmen who have left their impress upon the history of the country. An examination of the proceedings of that Congress show that all the great questions attracting the late attention of the people at that timethe Panama MissionInternal Improvementsthe Judiciary Systemthe policy in reference to Public Lands &c., received his close and careful consideration, and that his opinions in the national council, as in every other position, commanded the respect of his association.

In 1828, although urged by many as successor to the Hon. Samuel Jones in the office of Chancellor of this State, with assurances that he was the preference of the appointing power, he refused to allow his name to be used in that connection. Indeed, he seemed to possess little ambition for public place, his tastes leading him to choose the independencies of private life, and the liberty to follow, unmolested, his private pursuits.

In addition to his strictly legal business, which was always large, the confidence in his judgment and integrity which the community entertained from the beginning, and which, if possible, increased as he advanced in years, led to his being selected to execute numerous trusts, and to manage the settlement of estates to an extent demanding no inconsiderable portion of his time. He was also for years a Director and President of the Steamboat Company of Lake Champlain, and, in fact, but few enterprises originated in his vicinity with which he was not associated or in which his counsel and influence were not sought. A leading member of the legal profession, the trusted arbitrator of his neighborhood, an extensive landholder and agriculturist, connected with business men in business mattters, he was one whose relations to society around him extended to nearly all its interests, the sundering whereof by the hand of death will be felt as a public calamity.

He was the first judge of Essex County under the new constitution, as his father was under the old, all parties uniting in his unanimous election. The pressure of other duties, however, compelled him to resign the position before the close of his time.

In 1848 he was one of the electors at large, and the President of the Electoral College that cast the vote of this State for Gen. Taylor. Upon the dissolution of the Whig party he refused to join that portion of it which united with the Republican organization, and although never a member of the Know-Nothing order, was nominated by the Americans, in the fall of 1857, to the office of Attorney General. During the last Presidential election, he entered warmly into the contest, advocating the claims of Douglas, and was an elector on his ticket.

Gen. Ross married the daughter of the late Hon. Anthony Blanchard of Salem, Washington County. In his intercourse with the world, as we have intimated, he was grave, courteous and dignified, and it was only in his own house, surrounded by his family and his guests, that he exhibited those warm, social qualities that endeared him to all Thousands whose fortunes have led them to his ever open doorwho have walked in the shade of his pleasant groundswill long remember his genial nature and his most generous hospitality.

The unhappy war now raging in the land, however, at length brought desolation and grief to his hearth, as it has to so many others, darkening the closing days of his life. The death of his son, the late Lieutenant William D. Ross, of the Anderson Zouaves, was an affliction that fell heavily upon him. Added to this, he could see through the gloom and darkness of the present, but little hope in the future for his distracted country, and seemed to be borne down by the sorrowful thought that "when his eyes were turned to behold, for the last time, the sun in heaven, he should see it shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of the Union." The contemplation of "states dissevered, discordant, belligerent, of a land rent with civil feuds and drenched in fraternal blood," depressed his hitherto buoyant spirits and tinged with melancholy the whole current of his thoughts.

When, at last, he felt that the inevitable hour that comes to all was drawing near, with that deliberate self possession so characteristic of him, he dictated the disposition of his worldly affairs, and laid down to die. The illness that prostrated him was of short duration. On the 13th of September last, having partaken of the Holy Sacrament, according to the forms of the church of which he had been a liberal patrona good and wise manone who had lived seventy tow years in the world without reproachthe pride of his friends, and the idol of his family, passed calmly from the earth.

Atlas & Argus

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1862

ROSS, Maria E.

Died in the city of New York on the 11th inst., MARIA E. ROSS, wife of Hon. William A. GUEST and daughter of the late Col. Theordorus ROSS, and sister of the late Mrs. E. F. Williams.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 March 1863


Married at the Presbyterian Church in Plattsburgh, on the 28th ult., by Rev. D. Dobie, H. H. ROSS, 2nd, Esquire, of Essex, Essex County, to MARY J., eldest daughter of Joan NICHOLS, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

ROSS, Susanna

Married on the 20th of June, in St. John's Church, Essex, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, REV. EDMUND D. COOPER, Rector of Trinity Church, Sharon Springs, to Miss SUSANNA McLEAN, eldest daughter of the Hon. Henry H. ROSS, of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 June 1861

ROSS, V. R. G.

Died on the 1st day of April instant, at Savannah, Georgia, V. R. G. ROSS, aged 36 years. Son of the late Col. Theodorus Ross. Mrs. Ross and three sons survive him.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 April 1860

ROSS, William D.

We observe, in some of the dailies the death of W. P. ROSS, 1st Lieutenant in the Anderson Zouabes, near Washington.

We fear that there is too much reason to believe the deceased to be WILLIAM D. ROSS, Esquire, the eldest son of Hon. H. H. Ross, of Essex. He left this county with an incomplete company of volunteers in early summer, and joined the Anderson Zouaves, in which Regiment he was known to be an officer.

His loss, if our fears should unhappily be confirmed, will be keenly felt by the many friends and relatives in this vicinity.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1861

ROUNDS, Herbert

Married in Crown Point, N.Y., February 26th, 1878 at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. W. J. Sands, Mr. HERBERT ROUNDS of Bay City, Michigan and Miss JOSEPHINE MOORE of Crown Point.

Crown Point Budget 6 February 1878

ROUNDS, Josephine (MOORE)

Married in Crown Point, N.Y., February 26th, 1878 at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. W. J. Sands, Mr. HERBERT ROUNDS of Bay City, Michigan and Miss JOSEPHINE MOORE of Crown Point.

Crown Point Budget 6 February 1878

ROWLEY, Hattie E.

Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Daniel Rowley, on the 5th instant, by Rev. Mr. Barnard, ARETUS L. FINNEY, Esquire, of Elizabethtown, Deputy Clerk of the County of Essex, to Miss HATTIE E. ROWLEY, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 June 1862

ROYCE, Cornelia O.

Married in Essex, on the 3rd instant, at the residence of Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. ORVILLE A. SHELDON, of Essex, to Miss CORNELIA O. ROYCE, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 April 1853

ROYCE, Lois L.

Married in Essex, December 16th, by Rev. J. W. Eaton, Mr. RUSSEL STAFFORD, and Miss LOIS L. ROYCE, both of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 December 1857


Married at Shoreham, Vermont, on Tuesday, the 21st of February, by the Rev. Kitridge Haven, Pastor of the Universalist Church of the same place, Mr. HIRAM BUCK, Jr., to Miss AMANDA RUSSELL, both of Crown Point, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

RUSSELL, David (Hon.)

Died at his residence, in Salem, on the 22d instant, Hon. DAVID RUSSELL, aged 80 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1861

SAGE, Sidney

On Tuesday, SIDNEY SAGE, at Letson's Mill, fell on to the saw carriage and was carried onto the saw. He Died from his wounds.

See page 4 column 2 for more details.

Crown Point Budget 13 March 1878 Wednesday


Married in this village, on the 21st instant, at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. LEVI J. SAMPSON, of Newton Falls; Ohio, to Miss ADELIA L. BALLOU, of Wadhams Falls, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859


Died in North Elba, on the 17th of October, Mrs. JUDITH SAMPSON, widow of the late Moses Sampson, Esquire, aged 66 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 November 1863


Married in this village, on the 21st instant, at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. LEVI J. SAMPSON, of Newton Falls; Ohio, to Miss ADELIA L. BALLOU, of Wadhams Falls, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859


Married by Rev. A. F. Bigelow, in West Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, N.Y., LOYAL SAMPSON of Willsboro, Essex County, to MARY BIGELOW of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1856


Married by Rev. A. F. Bigelow, in West Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, N.Y., LOYAL SAMPSON of Willsboro, Essex County, to MARY BIGELOW of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1856


Married in Schroon, on the 13th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by A. P. Rawson, Esquire, Mr. DARWIN SANDERS of the Adirondac Regiment of Volunteers, to Miss CELESTIA JENKS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1862


Married in Schroon, on the 13th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by A. P. Rawson, Esquire, Mr. DARWIN SANDERS of the Adirondac Regiment of Volunteers, to Miss CELESTIA JENKS, all of Schroon.Elizabethtown Post 31 August 1862


Married in Schroon, on the 13th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by A. P. Rawson, Esquire, Mr. DARWIN SANDERS of the Adirondac Regiment of Volunteers, to Miss CELESTIA JENKS, all of Schroon.Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1862


Married in Schroon, on the 13th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by A. P. Rawson, Esquire, Mr. DARWIN SANDERS of the Adirondac Regiment of Volunteers, to Miss CELESTIA JENKS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 August 1862


Married in Keene on the 19th instant by Adam McKane, Esquire, SAMUEL SANDERS, of Keene, to Miss HARRIET MOREHOUS, of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1863


Died in this town on the 11th instant, JOHN SANDERS, Esquire, aged 79 years. During a long period of years Mr. Sanders has been a resident of this town and his strict integrity and uprightness, and his moral worth have commanded the confidence, respect, and esteem of all.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 March 1864

SANDERS, Margarette

Died in Keene, September 29th, MARGARETTE, wife of Major Samuel SANDERS, aged 65 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 October 1863


Married in Keene on the 19th instant by Adam McKane, Esquire, SAMUEL SANDERS, of Keene, to Miss HARRIET MOREHOUS, of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1863

SARGENT, Alfred J.

Married in Westport on the 18th inst. by Rev. J. J. Yates, Mr. ALFRED J. SARGENT, Lewis to Miss ROWANA A. LEWIS of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married in Lewis, at the residence of Rodney Sargent, Esquire, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. Charles Redfield, RICHARD HENRY LEE, Esquire, to Miss MARY SARGENT.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 June 1861


Married in Westport on the 18th inst. by Rev. J. J. Yates, Mr. ALFRED J. SARGENT, Lewis to Miss ROWANA A. LEWIS of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married on the 22nd instant, by Rev. Joseph Cope, in the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Essex, Miss DIANA STAFFORD, of Essex, to Mr. ISAAC SATTERLY, of Ferrisburgh, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1859


Married on the 22nd instant, by Rev. Joseph Cope, in the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Essex, Miss DIANA STAFFORD, of Essex, to Mr. ISAAC SATTERLY, of Ferrisburgh, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1859

SAWYER, Conant

Married in Westport on the 10th by Rev. Stephen Wright, Mr. CONANT SAWYER and Miss JENNIE E. WRIGHT all of Westport. No cards.Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1864


Married in Westport on the 10th by Rev. Stephen Wright, Mr. CONANT SAWYER and Miss JENNIE E. WRIGHT all of Westport. No cards.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1864

SAWYER, Phebe Maria

Married Sept. 18th in Westport, by Rev. Joseph W. Sawyer of Whitney, Vt., Mr. J. NELSON BARTON to PHEBE MARIA SAWYER, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856

SAWYER, Washington Irving

Died in Battle on the Chickahominy River, on the 27th June, WASHINGTON IRVING SAWYER, of Company H., 18th Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers, son of the late Hon. M. V. Sawyer, Esquire, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1862


Died at Chazy Landing, Clinton County, January 22nd ELIZA J. BURROUGHS, wife of William H. SAX, Esquire, aged 35 years, 11 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married in Westport March 20th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, ORLANDO A. SAYRE and MARY E. VIALL, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

SAYRE, Orlando

Died at Wadhams Mills, suddenly, on Thursday, the 2nd instant, Mr. ORLANDO SAYRE, Jeweler, aged about 32 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 February 1860

SAYRE, Orlando A.

Married in Westport March 20th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, ORLANDO A. SAYRE and MARY E. VIALL, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

SCHOTT, Maria Louisa

Married in New York City on Thursday May 6 by Rev. R. C. Hand, CLIFFORD A. HAND to MARIA LOUISA, daughter of James SCHOTT, Esquire of Philadelphia.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

SCOTT, Loraine H.

Married by W. W. Hickox, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Vergennes, Vermont, on the morning of December 28th, Captain HEMAN SNYDER, of Port Kent, N.Y. to Miss LORAINE H. SCOTT, of Vergennes.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854


Married at Schroon, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. DARIUS L. SEAMANS, to Miss ALMEDA M. KNOX.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 April 1861

SEAMANS, Annette

Married at Schroon, on the 6th instant, by Rev. D. Connell, Mr. JAMES BUTLER, to Miss ANNETTE SEAMANS, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862

SEAMANS, Darius L.

Married at Schroon, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. DARIUS L. SEAMANS, to Miss ALMEDA M. KNOX.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 April 1861


Married in Schroon, on the 8th instant, by Samuel Saunders, Esquire, Mr. RANSOM L. SEAMANS, of Schroon, and Miss JANE A. H. STERLIN of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1860

SEAMANS, Ransom L.

Married in Schroon, on the 8th instant, by Samuel Saunders, Esquire, Mr. RANSOM L. SEAMANS, of Schroon, and Miss JANE A. H. STERLIN of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1860


Married at Schroon, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. D. Connell, at the house of Mr. Asa Foster, Mr. GEORGE SELLECK of Luzerne, Warren Co., N.Y., to Miss CHARLOTTE A. WHITTEMORE of Schroon, Essex Co., N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 December 1859


Married at Schroon, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. D. Connell, at the house of Mr. Asa Foster, Mr. GEORGE SELLECK of Luzerne, Warren Co., N.Y., to Miss CHARLOTTE A. WHITTEMORE of Schroon, Essex Co., N.Y.

"The Elizabethtown Post" 24 December 1859


Died in Burlington, Vermont, January 23rd, Mrs. FANNY SEYMOUR, widow of the late William J. Seymour, aged 71 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married in this village on the 12th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, GEORGE SHAMBO and ELVIRA A. PALMER, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1857

SHAMBO, George

Married in this village on the 12th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, GEORGE SHAMBO and ELVIRA A. PALMER, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1857


Died at Essex, on the 8th instant, Mrs. BETSEY SHATTUCK, widow of the late Weston Shattuck, aged 57 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 August 1853

SHATTUCK, Francis K.

Married in Lewis at the Congregational Church December 30th by Rev. Cyrus Hudson, Mr. FRANCIS K. SHATTUCK of Oakland, California to Miss ROSA M., daughter of Deacon Ralza MORSE, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856


Married in Lewis at the Congregational Church December 30th by Rev. Cyrus Hudson, Mr. FRANCIS K. SHATTUCK of Oakland, California to Miss ROSA M., daughter of Deacon Ralza MORSE, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856

SHAW, Benjamin F.

Died at his residence in Keene, on the 29th instant, BENJAMIN F. SHAW, after an illness of about 36 hours. The deceased was highly respected. He leaves a young family.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863


Died at Johnsburgh, Wyoming County, N.Y., SUSAN WILLARD, wife of Charles SHAW, aged 71 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 July 1861


Married in Glens Falls, Nov. 9 by [illegible name], M. A. SHELDON, Esq., Counsellor at Law, Ticonderoga, to Miss AMANDA WILSON, daughter of Hiram Wilson, Esq., of Schroon.

May the future abundantly prove

This verdict affirmed by The Court above.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857

SHELDON, Christeen

Died in Willsborough on the 10th instant, Mrs. CHRISTEEN SHELDON, wife of Captain Levi HINCKLEY, aged 66 years 8 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1864

SHELDON, Cornelia O. (ROYCE)

Married in Essex, on the 3rd instant, at the residence of Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. ORVILLE A. SHELDON, of Essex, to Miss CORNELIA O. ROYCE, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 April 1853


Died in Ticonderoga, on the 14th instant, Mrs. EMMA C., wife of Melville A. SHELDON, Esquire, aged about 22 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 August 1854

SHELDON, George W.

Married in this village at the Methodist parsonage, on the 9th instant, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. GEORGE W. SHELDON, of Willsborough, to Miss JENNIE D. NORTON, of Addison, Vt.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married at Saratoga Springs, on the 16th instant, Mr. ISAAC D. SHELDON, of Essex, to Miss LOIS H. JOHNSON, of Saratoga Springs.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 November 1854


Married in this village at the Methodist parsonage, on the 9th instant, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. GEORGE W. SHELDON, of Willsborough, to Miss JENNIE D. NORTON, of Addison, Vt.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married at Saratoga Springs, on the 16th instant, Mr. ISAAC D. SHELDON, of Essex, to Miss LOIS H. JOHNSON, of Saratoga Springs.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 November 1854

SHELDON, Lucinda J.

Married on the 6th instant, by the Rev. W. W. Foster, of Westport, Mr. HARMON STAFFORD, of Elizabethtown, to Miss LUCINDA J. SHELDON, of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1859


Married in Glens Falls, Nov. 9 by [illegible name], M. A. SHELDON, Esq., Counsellor at Law, Ticonderoga, to Miss AMANDA WILSON, daughter of Hiram Wilson, Esq., of Schroon.

May the future abundantly prove

This verdict affirmed by The Court above.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857

SHELDON, Orville A.

Married in Essex, on the 3rd instant, at the residence of Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. ORVILLE A. SHELDON, of Essex, to Miss CORNELIA O. ROYCE, of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 April 1853


EDGAR SHEPHARD, member of the Cavalry Company of Capt. Hammond was drowned at the base of Mt. Defiance in Ticonderoga. He was returning to visit his home on furlough and had made the journey from Whitehall, on horseback. The scene of death is a point where the road is built up on stone work along the edge of Lake Champlain, and was flooded at the time, and it is supposed that the horse stepped off into the deep water and the young soldier, who had escaped the danger of many battles and skirmishes, thus met his death, almost within sight of home.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 April 1863


Married March 26th at the residence of Mr. Norman Page by Rev. C. E. Burdick, Mr. HENRY L. SHERMAN to Miss ANN ELIZA PAGE, both of Chesterfield.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

SHERMAN, Benjamin

Married in Vergennes, May 4th at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. G. C. V. Fastman, Mr. BENJAMIN SHERMAN to Miss HELEN R. HALL, both of Vergennes.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863


Married at Port Henry, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. C. Ransom, of Moriah, R. G. SHERMAN, Esquire to Miss H. JANE DOUGLASS, all of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 January 1854


Married in Vergennes, May 4th at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. G. C. V. Fastman, Mr. BENJAMIN SHERMAN to Miss HELEN R. HALL, both of Vergennes.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863


Married March 26th at the residence of Mr. Norman Page by Rev. C. E. Burdick, Mr. HENRY L. SHERMAN to Miss ANN ELIZA PAGE, both of Chesterfield.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married at Port Henry, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. C. Ransom, of Moriah, R. G. SHERMAN, Esquire to Miss H. JANE DOUGLASS, all of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 January 1854

SHERWOOD, Benjamin D. (Dr.)

Married, on the 26th Dec., at the Baptist Church in Hinesburgh, by the Rev. Mr. Hodges, Dr. BENJAMIN D. SHERWOOD, of Manlius, N.Y., to Miss PHEBE J. RAY, daughter of John Ray of the former place.

Keeseville Patriot 10 February 1848


Married, on the 26th Dec., at the Baptist Church in Hinesburgh, by the Rev. Mr. Hodges, Dr. BENJAMIN D. SHERWOOD, of Manlius, N.Y., to Miss PHEBE J. RAY, daughter of John Ray of the former place.

Keeseville Patriot 10 February 1848

SHORES, Edward

Married in this town on the 12th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. EDWARD SHORES and Miss MARY ANN RICHARDS, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1857


Married in this town on the 12th inst. by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. EDWARD SHORES and Miss MARY ANN RICHARDS, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1857

SHORES, Sarah Jane

Married in Elizabethtown, on Sunday, 17th inst., by C. M. Clark, Esq., WILLIAM WALLACE JACKSON, to Miss SARAH JANE SHORES, all of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858


Married in this village on the 20th instant, by Wm. O. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. JAMES SHORT to Miss ELIZA STICKNEY, both of Elizabethtown.

Westport Courier 27 December 1850

SHORT, James

Married in this village on the 20th instant, by Wm. O. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. JAMES SHORT to Miss ELIZA STICKNEY, both of Elizabethtown.

Westport Courier 27 December 1850

SHUMWAY, Edward S.

We announce to our readers with sincere regret, the decease of EDWARD S. SHUMWAY, Esquire. He died at Essex on Saturday, the 24th instant.

Mr. Shumway was a gentleman of liberal education, possessing a good mind, and sustaining an excellent character. He was elected to the office of District Attorney in this county, the duties of which he performed very satisfactorily until he resigned with the intention of taking up his residence in the west. About 2 years since he removed to Chicago, and at once acquired a large business and the confidence of the community; which he retained undiminished until disease warned him that he was approaching the end of his earthly career. He leaves a widow and two children as chief mourners, who have the sympathy of a large circle of relatives and friends. Though young, he had established the character of an honest, intelligent, kind, affable, and christian gentleman, and an honorable lawyer.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 September 1853

SHUMWAY, Hoville

Died in Plattsburgh on the 31st ult. at the residence of Zephaniah C. Platt, Esquire, Mr. HOVILLE SHUMWAY (of the firm of Theodore Perry & Co. of New York), aged 43.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851


Married in New York on Tuesday, May 12th at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. G. Alexander Peitz, Mr. ALBERT A. DURAND to Miss M. KATE SILLCOCKS, daughter of Valentine Sillcocks, all of New York.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863

SIMONDS, Almira A.

Married at Moriah, on the 16th, by Rev. C. Ransom, DANA WAKEFIELD and Miss ALMIRA A. SIMONDS, both of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854


Married at the Mansion House in this village, August 10, 1863, by Rev. H. M. Munsee. ORLANDO KELLOGG, Jr., Esquire, of Washington, D. C., to HELEN A., daughter of Mr. William SIMONDS, of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 August 1863


Died in St. Paul, Minnesota, on the 28th instant of Typhoid Fever, HENRY J. SIMONDS, son of Leland R. Simonds of this town, aged 22.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1864


Died on the 25th instant, Mrs. PHEBE, wife of Leland R. SIMONDS, of this town, aged 37 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 April 1853


Married at Schroon on the 22nd instant by the Rev. Mr. D. Connell, Mr. SAMUEL LESLIE to Miss MARY SISSON, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861


Married at Saranac Lake, on the 5th instant, by Milote Baker, Esquire, at his residence, Mr. WILLIAM SKEELS to ADALINE CHASE, both of Franklin, N.Y.Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861

SKEELS, William

Married at Saranac Lake, on the 5th instant, by Milote Baker, Esquire, at his residence, Mr. WILLIAM SKEELS to ADALINE CHASE, both of Franklin, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 March 1861


Died in Elizabethtown, on the 21st instant, Mrs. ALMIRA NORTON, wife of A. G. SKINNER, Esquire, aged 99 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 August 1854

SKINNER, Alonzo G. (Rev.)

Died in Essex (Brookfield), on the 23rd instant, Rev. ALONZO G. SKINNER, formerly of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 June 1859


Married in Whiting, Vermont on Wednesday evening, June 14th by Rev. C. B. Cady, Mr. A. W. HALL to Miss JANE C. SKINNER, both of Whiting, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854

SKINNER, Lucinda A.

Married in Whiting, Vermont, on Wednesday evening, June 14th, by Rev. C. B. Cady, Mr. WILLIAM WADHAMS, of Wadhams' Mills, N.Y. to Miss LUCINDA A. SKINNER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854


Married in Manchester, Vermont on the 20th instant, WINSLOW C. WATSON, Esquire, attorney at law of Plattsburgh to Miss SUSAN P. SKINNER, daughter of the Hon. Richard Skinner.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831

SLATER, _____ (Rev.)

Died in Jay on Sunday last, Rev. Mr. SLATER, -pious and exemplary pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Jay.

Keeseville Herald 12 April 1831


Died in Leclaire, Iowa, on the 31st of October, ANN SLAUGHTER, second daughter of Theron and Julia A. Slaughter, late of this town, aged 20 yrs.Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Married on the 21st ult., by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. ALBERT L. TRYON of Elizabethtown, to Miss HULDA ANN SLAUGHTER of Westport.Courier 6 December 1848


Married on April 22nd, by Rev. A. Chaplin, Mr. ERASTUS HODGES to Miss JULIA SLAUGHTER, all of Elizabethtown.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 26 April 1849


Married in Keene, N.Y. on November 30th by Rev. D. Osgood, HENRY T. SLINGERLANDS, Esquire, of Clarksville, Albany County, N.Y. to Miss MARY WASHBURN of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 December 1853


Married in Keene, N.Y. on November 30th by Rev. D. Osgood, HENRY T. SLINGERLANDS, Esquire, of Clarksville, Albany County, N.Y. to Miss MARY WASHBURN of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 December 1853

SLINGSBURY, infant son

Born at Rouse's Point, on the 20th ult., Mrs. Thos. H. SLINGSBURY, of a son.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 June 1859

SMITH, _____uel

Married in this village on Monday, the 7th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. _____UEL SMITH of Henrietta, Monroe County, N.Y. to Mrs. PAMELIA SMITH of this village.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848

SMITH, Almyra

Died in Burlington on Tuesday the 19th instant, Mrs. ALMYRA SMITH of Westport, aged 48.

Westport Courier 22 February 1850

SMITH, Annie

Died in this town, on the 15th instant, ANNIE, infant daughter of A. T. SMITH, aged 18 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 September 1862

SMITH, Augusta P. (BROWN)

Married in this town on the 21st instant, at the residence of the bride's father, L. D. Brown, Esquire, by the Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. EDWARD J. SMITH, to Miss AUGUSTA P. BROWN.Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1862

SMITH, Betsy Ann

Married in this village on Sabbath Evening September 10th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. JACOB NEWKIRK to Miss BETSY ANN SMITH, all of this town.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848

SMITH, Charles H.

Married at Saranac Lake March 18th at the residence of Harvey Moody by Jacob S. Moody Esq., Mr. CHARLES H. SMITH of Brandon, Franklin County, to Miss MARTHA D. WITSE of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

SMITH, Cornelia D.

Married in Willsborough on the 6th instant, by Rev. A. Champlin, Mr. FREDERICK D. PRATT to Miss CORNELIA D. SMITH, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 February 1856

SMITH, Edward J.

Married in this town on the 21st instant, at the residence of the bride's father, L. D. Brown, Esquire, by the Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. EDWARD J. SMITH, to Miss AUGUSTA P. BROWN.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1862

SMITH, Elvira

Married in Willsboro, December 30th, Mr. HIRAM MORHOUS, to Miss ELVIRA SMITH.Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859

SMITH, Emory B.

Married in Fitchburgh, Massachusetts on the 28th ult. by Rev. Albinus O. Hamilton, EMORY B. SMITH, Esquire or Plattsburgh, N.Y. to Miss KATE E. BALLARD of Carlisle, Massachusetts.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 February 1864

SMITH, George C.

Married in Westport Feb. 20th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, GEORGE C. SMITH of Essex, N.Y. and MARY C. SWEHE of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married at Philipsburg, C. E., on the 30th ult., by the Rev. E. S. Ingalls, H. A. SMITH, Esquire, to Miss LAMIRA J., eldest daughter of Capt. Levi HINCKLEY.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853


Married by Rev. Charles Spooner at his residence at Wadhams Mills, October 7th, Mr. PRESTON S. SMITH of Moriah to Miss HILAH S. FISHER of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 October 1852

SMITH, Hinckley

Died in Willsboro, August 20th, HINCKLEY SMITH, son of James and Julia Smith and son in law of Andrew and Sally MORHOUS, aged 35 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1863


Married in Willsborough, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Eames, Mr. IRA H. SMITH to Miss MARY E. MORHOUS, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 September 1853

SMITH, James R.

Died on the 10th instant, JAMES R. SMITH of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, oldest son of Elias Smith of Moriah, in the 31st year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 May 1852


Married on the 13th instant, by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. LYMAN SMITH of Westport to Miss JANE PATTEN of Essex.

Westport Courier 22 February 1850


Married in Fitchburgh, Massachusetts on the 28th ult. by Rev. Albinus O. Hamilton, EMORY B. SMITH, Esquire or Plattsburgh, N.Y. to Miss KATE E. BALLARD of Carlisle, Massachusetts.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 February 1864


Married at Philipsburg, C. E., on the 30th ult., by the Rev. E. S. Ingalls, H. A. SMITH, Esquire, to Miss LAMIRA J., eldest daughter of Capt. Levi HINCKLEY.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853

SMITH, Laura

Married at Schroon, N.Y. on the 31st of January, by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. NATHAN BROOKS, to Miss LAURA SMITH, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859

SMITH, Laura M.

Married at Schroon Lake, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. D. Connell, Mr. JOHN MACALISTER, Esq., M.D. of Chicago, Illinois, to Laura M. SMITH, 3rd daughter of Abijah Smith, Esq., of Schroon Lake, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859

SMITH, Luther M.

Married at East Poltney, Vermont, on the 31st instant, by the Rev. Gardner F. Hale, Mr. LUTHER M. SMITH of Elizabethtown, to Miss MIRANDA L. BURROUGHS of West Poltney, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 September 1862

SMITH, Lyman

Married on the 13th instant, by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. LYMAN SMITH of Westport to Miss JANE PATTEN of Essex.

Westport Courier 22 February 1850

SMITH, Margaret Eunice

Died in this village on the 30th of May last, MARGARET EUNICE, daughter of Titus SMITH, aged 2 years 4 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861

SMITH, Martha D. (WITSE)

Married at Saranac Lake March 18th at the residence of Harvey Moody by Jacob S. Moody Esq., Mr. CHARLES H. SMITH of Brandon, Franklin County, to Miss MARTHA D. WITSE of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married in Westport Feb. 20th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, GEORGE C. SMITH of Essex, N.Y. and MARY C. SWEHE of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

SMITH, Mary E.

Married in this village at the Baptist Parsonage, by the Rev. E. W. Allen, of Willsborough, N.Y., on the eve of the 9th instant, Mr. ELIAS S. STORRS, to Miss MARY E. SMITH, daughter of Rev. L. S. SMITH, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861


Married in Willsborough, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Eames, Mr. IRA H. SMITH to Miss MARY E. MORHOUS, all of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 September 1853

SMITH, Mary J.

Died in this village on Wednesday the 19th instant, of consumption, MARY J., youngest daughter of Widow Almira SMITH, in the 15th year of her age.

See newspaper for accompanying poem.

Westport Patriot 30 July 1848


Married at East Poltney, Vermont, on the 31st instant, by the Rev. Gardner F. Hale, Mr. LUTHER M. SMITH of Elizabethtown, to Miss MIRANDA L. BURROUGHS of West Poltney, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 September 1862

SMITH, Moses

Married in Hebron on the 27th ult. by Rev. David Wilson, Mr. MOSES SMITH of this village to Miss SARAH TAYLOR of the former place.

Keeseville Herald 5 July 1831

SMITH, Olive

Married in Lewis by A. Wilder, Esq., on the 14th day of April, Mr. ALONZO DECKER to Miss OLIVE SMITH, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post

18 April 1856

SMITH, Pamelia

Married in this village on Monday, the 7th by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. _____UEL SMITH of Henrietta, Monroe County, N.Y. to Mrs. PAMELIA SMITH of this village.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 10 February 1848

SMITH, Preston S.

Married by Rev. Charles Spooner at his residence at Wadhams Mills, October 7th, Mr. PRESTON S. SMITH of Moriah to Miss HILAH S. FISHER of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 October 1852


Married in Hebron on the 27th ult. by Rev. David Wilson, Mr. MOSES SMITH of this village to Miss SARAH TAYLOR of the former place.

Keeseville Herald 5 July 1831

SMITH, Sylvia E.

Married at Essex, N.Y., Nov. 3d, by the Rev. J. E. Kimball, WM. H. ROBERTS, of Lewis, N.Y., to Miss SYLVIA E. SMITH, of Essex, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1859

SMITH, Viola I.

Died in this town on the 12th instant of diphtheria, after an illness of 14 hours, VIOLA I., youngest daughter of Abel and Eliza SMITH, age 3 years 2 months 20 days.Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863

SMITH, Zelpina M.

Married at Schroon, on the 30th of May, by Rev. David Connell, Mr. ELIJAH N. HOLDEN, to Miss ZELPINA M. SMITH, both of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 June 1861

SNOW, Susan

Died in Keene on the 5th inst., Mrs. SUSAN SNOW, wife of Capt. J. W. Snow, age about 60 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 May 1856

SNYDER, Heman (Captain)

Married by W. W. Hickox, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Vergennes, Vermont, on the morning of December 28th, Captain HEMAN SNYDER, of Port Kent, N.Y. to Miss LORAINE H. SCOTT, of Vergennes.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854

SNYDER, Loraine H. (SCOTT)

Married by W. W. Hickox, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Vergennes, Vermont, on the morning of December 28th, Captain HEMAN SNYDER, of Port Kent, N.Y. to Miss LORAINE H. SCOTT, of Vergennes.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854

SORDAN, Mary Jane

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 25th ult., Mr. JAMES BURGY to Miss MARY JANE SORDAN.Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

SOULE, Hiram B.

Married in St. Albans, at the residence of the bride's father, August 31, by the Rev. Chas. Fay, Mr. HIRAM B. SOULE, to Miss LOUISA Q., eldest daughter of Jasper CURTIS, Esquire, all of St. Albans.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859


Married in St. Albans, at the residence of the bride's father, August 31, by the Rev. Chas. Fay, Mr. HIRAM B. SOULE, to Miss LOUISA Q., eldest daughter of Jasper CURTIS, Esquire, all of St. Albans.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 September 1859


Died at his residence in Crownpoint, IRA A. SPAULDING, aged 35 years. Mr. Spaulding leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 September 1861

SPAULDING, Samuel Miles

Died in Crown Point, Essex County, N.Y. on February 6, 1864 of Diphtheria, SAMUEL MILES SPAULDING, son of Armericus and Francella M. SPAULDING, aged 4 years 2 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 February 1864


Died in Crown Point, October 26th, of inflammation on the lungs, VICEROY, son of Lafette and Abigal SPAULDING, aged 7 years 8 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1863


Married at Catskill, on the 18th instant, at the residence of S. Sherwood Day, by Rev. George A. Howard, AMHERST H. WILDER, of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and FANNY SPENCER, daughter of the late Joshua A. Spencer, of Utica.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1861


Died in the Hospital of U. S. Barracks, near Relay House, Md., of Typhoid Fever, on the 13th ult., LEWIS SPRAGUE, aged 50 years.

The deceased was a man too far advanced in life to allow of his being accepted as a soldier. But the same patriotism and love for his country that has led thousands of the noblest of the land to enlist, caused him to enroll his name among the many others, and to put his age at the standard that they would accept. He was a good soldier; being always in his place when duty called! He was greatly esteemed by all; he being much older than most of us, his counsels were respected by us. He leaves an aged wife and one daughter to mourn his loss. They will be comforted by the assurance that they mourn not alone; for there were many sorrowing hearts and tearful eyes at the grave of the deceased. He was a Private in Company E, 118th Regt. New York Volunteers. He enlisted in Schroon on the 26th day of July, 1862, and although his period of service has been short, the honor due him is none the less. He was buried with the honors due his rank. It will be gratifying to his friends to know that the whole of company E followed his remains to the grave; thus showing their respect by their last act.

Camp Wool, October 20th, 1862.


The Elizabethtown Post 6 November 1862

SPRAGUE, Louisa M.

Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 19th ult. at Moriah, Mr. OVID TAPPAN to Miss LOUISA M. SPRAGUE, all of Moriah.Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Drowned, on the 1st day of December instant, at the town of Schroon, GEORGE SQUIRES, about 22 years of age. The deceased, in company with two others, were crossing Wiliams's Pond on the ice, when they all broke throughone, by the name of KING, succeeded in getting out, and as they were about to help the deceased, he suddenly sank to the bottom. His body was taken out in about three hours afterwards, near the spot where he sank, in about 15 feet of water. The deceased was respected by all who knew him, and his loss will be deeply lamented.

Keeseville Standard

The Elizabethtown Post 18 December 1858

SQUIRES, Hellen S.

Married in Schroon, September 13th, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., CHARLES BURZEE, of Beekmantown, N.Y., to Miss HELLEN S. SQUIRES, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

STACY, Joseph

Died in Pleasant Valley, Scott County, Iowa, November 13th, JOSEPH STACY, Sen., aged 91 years. Mr. Stacy was formerly a resident of Westport, Essex Co., where he resided for many years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 December 1861

STAFFORD, Barbara E.

Married in Willsborough January 3rd by Rev. Stephen Barnard, Mr. ALPHEUS A. MORSE of Lewis to Miss BARBARA E. STAFFORD of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855


Married on the 22nd instant, by Rev. Joseph Cope, in the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Essex, Miss DIANA STAFFORD, of Essex, to Mr. ISAAC SATTERLY, of Ferrisburgh, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 August 1859


Died in Essex on the 1st inst., Mr. EDWIN STAFFORD, age 36 yrs.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 June 1857


Married in Essex, on the 16th inst., by Rev. J. A. Woodhall, Mr. EDMOND O. HODSKINS, of Lewis, to Miss ELMINA E. STAFFORD, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 September 1857


Married on the 6th instant, by the Rev. W. W. Foster, of Westport, Mr. HARMON STAFFORD, of Elizabethtown, to Miss LUCINDA J. SHELDON, of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1859

STAFFORD, Harriet E.

Married at Lewis, on the 30th October, Mr. PHILO SYKES, of Lewis, and Miss HARRIET E. STAFFORD, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 December 1854


Married in Essex, December 16th, by Rev. J. W. Eaton, Mr. RUSSEL STAFFORD, and Miss LOIS L. ROYCE, both of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 December 1857


Married on the 6th instant, by the Rev. W. W. Foster, of Westport, Mr. HARMON STAFFORD, of Elizabethtown, to Miss LUCINDA J. SHELDON, of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1859


Married in Essex, December 16th, by Rev. J. W. Eaton, Mr. RUSSEL STAFFORD, and Miss LOIS L. ROYCE, both of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 December 1857


Died in Essex, on the 28th ult., Mr. STEPHEN STAFFORD, an old and respected citizen of that town.Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married in Schroon, October 1st, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., JUSTIN WARREN to Miss SARAH STANDARD, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married in Schroon, October 1st, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., JOSEPH W. STANNARD, to Miss SARAH OPHELIA POTTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

STANNARD, Sarah Ophelia (POTTER)

Married in Schroon, October 1st, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., JOSEPH W. STANNARD, to Miss SARAH OPHELIA POTTER.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857

STANTON, _____

Died in Lewis, on the 11th instant, Mrs. STANTON, wife of John STANTON.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 April 1860


Married in Keene, on the 15th instant, by H. H. Sherburn, Esquire, Mr. JOHN STANTON, of Elizabethtown, to Miss CYNTHIA ROGERS, of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 March 1862


Married in Keene, on the 15th instant, by H. H. Sherburn, Esquire, Mr. JOHN STANTON, of Elizabethtown, to Miss CYNTHIA ROGERS, of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 March 1862


Married in Moriah on the 9th instant, by Rev. C. Ransom, JOSEPH HUDSON to LOUISA STANTON, both of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 January 1856


Died in this town on the 6th instant ROXY STANTON, age 38.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1864

STARE, Maria C.

Married November 11th, 1857, by L. Rawson, Esq., at his residence in Carlisle, Ohio, Mr. ORLANDO J. DURAND, of Essex County, N.Y., to Mrs. MARIA C. STARE, of Russia, Ohio.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1858


Married in San Francisco, Cal., April 16th by Rev. Dr. S. C. Thrall, Mr. LUMAN WADHAMS, second son of Wm. L. Wadhams, Esq. of Wadhams Mills to Miss E. S. T. STAYNER.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857

STEARNS, daughter

Born at Rouse's Point, on the 24th ult., Mrs. E. H. STEARNS, of a daughter.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 June 1859


Died in Essex, at the residence of Deacon William B. Merriam on the 3rd inst., Mrs. SYLVIA E., wife of James W. STEELE, and daughter of the late William S. MERRIAM, of Lewis, aged 34 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 August 1856


Married in Schroon, on the 8th instant, by Samuel Saunders, Esquire, Mr. RANSOM L. SEAMANS, of Schroon, and Miss JANE A. H. STERLIN of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1860

STETSON, Elizabeth P. (ATWOOD)

Married in Royalston, Vermont, on the 21st instant, Capt. Z. B. STETSON, of Champlain, N.Y., and Miss ELIZABETH P., daughter of Ebenezer ATWOOD, Esquire, of Royalston.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 March 1860


Died in Plattsburgh, on the morning of January 1, 1860, HELEN HASCALL, wife of Hon. LEMUEL STETSON, aged 51 years.

It is ever profitable to remember God's blessed saints, who have left behind them the savor of a godly life. The manifestations of divine grace in their spiritual attainments, or deep religious experience serve not only to illustrate the deep religious experience serve not only to illustrate the power of that grace, but to encourage others in their Christian course. And when they are taken away, they do not seem entirely lost to us, having in memory, their holy lives Though dead, they still speak. , It is with such thoughts that we record the death of our beloved friend. She has indeed left behind a bright example for us to follow who survive. Her religious character was marked and striking, she was ever earnest, faithful , and devoted, striving to adorn the doctrine of her Savior in all things. With great jealousy of herself arising from her deep conscientiousness she was anxious to perceive and know what she ought to do, and then to the best of her ability, to do it. In all the relations of life she had a high regard for her responsibility, and without intruding into the sacred privacy of domestic life we cannot say how faithfully and tenderly she fulfilled them. She was greatly endeared to all who knew her by her many amiable qualities. A large circle of friends appreciated her worth, and mourn her loss. In her last sickness our departed friend gave most precious evidence of the strength of her faith, and her entire submission to God's will. She calmly committed herself to her Heavenly Father's hand, fully confiding in his wisdom and love. Her severe sufferings shook not her faith and trust, and her prayer was not to be delivered from suffering, but that she might have grace patiently to endure.It is due to the memory of Mrs. STETSON to state that from principle she many years ago attached herself to the Baptist denominations of Christians and she Died in the conscientious belief of, and adherence to all the principles of that order. But she now is art rest from all sufferings and labor, and rejoices as we earnestly believe, in the presence of that Savior whom, in her life, she honored and loved.

Plattsburgh Republican

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1860

STETSON, Z. B. (Capt.)

Married in Royalston, Vermont, on the 21st instant, Capt. Z. B. STETSON, of Champlain, N.Y., and Miss ELIZABETH P., daughter of Ebenezer ATWOOD, Esquire, of Royalston.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 March 1860


Married at Schroon Lake, N.Y. on the 7th instant, by Col. A. L. Ireland, F. H. STEVENS, M.D. of Consecon, C.W. to Miss AMELIA A. POTTER, daughter of Hon. J. F. Potter of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 September 1853

STEVENS, Charles E. (Lieutenant)

Married at the residence of the bride's father on the 10th instant by Rev. G. S. Gold, LIEUTENANT CHARLES E. STEVENS, 77th NY Vol. to Miss ELIZA M. LYON, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1864


Mr. CYRUS STEVENS of Black Brook was so horribly gored by a bull last week, that he died in a few hours.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 June 1863


Died in Elizabethtown, on the 13th, EDWARD, infant son of Almond and Rebecca STEVENS, aged 8 months 11 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 20 October 1854


Married at the residence of the bride's father on the 10th instant by Rev. G. S. Gold, LIEUTENANT CHARLES E. STEVENS, 77th NY Vol. to Miss ELIZA M. LYON, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1864


Died in this village, on the 30th ult. at the residence of C. N. Williams, Esquire, EUNICE, wife of George STEVENS, Esquire, aged 75 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 July 1863


Married at Schroon Lake, N.Y. on the 7th instant, by Col. A. L. Ireland, F. H. STEVENS, M.D. of Consecon, C.W. to Miss AMELIA A. POTTER, daughter of Hon. J. F. Potter of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 September 1853

STEVENS, Jonathan

Died at Newton, Trumbull County, Ohio, on October 7th, JONATHAN STEVENS, aged 81, formerly of this place.

Westport Patriot 26 October 1848


Married at the home of the bride's father, in this village, January 1, 1864 by Rev. H. M. Munsee, LOYAL A. MERRILL, Sergeant of Co. E., 38th Regt. N.Y. Vol., to Miss SARAH A. STEVENS, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 January 1864

STEVENSON, Elizabeth

Died in Elizabethtown, on Monday, September 5th, Miss ELIZABETH STEVENSON, aged 18.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 September 1859


Died in Elizabethtown, on the 14th instant, R. L. STEVENSON, aged 3 years 8 months and 11 days.

Richard L. was truly promising, interesting and lovely. Although so early in the morning of life, having but just crossed the threshhold of human existence, he gave promise of strong intellect, genius and future worth. And while the fond parents had every reason to expect much from him in future life, he by a singular providence has been suddenly removed, doubtless from the evils to come before he had proceeded far on the tempestuous sea of life, having doubtless made a safe arrival on the blissful shores of immortality.

See the newspaper for accompanying poem.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 April 1854


Died in this town, at the residence of Randall Reed, Esquire, on the 18th instant, RICHARD STEVENSON, aged about 50 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1862


Married at Westport, on the 12th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. B. STICKNEY of Franklin, to Miss C. J. TOBY, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 September 1853


Married at Westport, on the 12th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. B. STICKNEY of Franklin, to Miss C. J. TOBY, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 September 1853


Married in this village on the 20th instant, by Wm. O. Holcomb, Esquire, Mr. JAMES SHORT to Miss ELIZA STICKNEY, both of Elizabethtown.

Westport Courier 27 December 1850


Died in Jay on the evening of the 11th inst., Mrs. LYDIA, wife of George W. STICKNEY, of dropsey of the heart.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 January 1857

STONE, Abram

Died on the 6th of February at the residence of his son, Henry Stone, Senator, in LeClaire township, Iowa, ABRAM STONE, in the 90th year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1860

STONE, Eunice

Died on the 2nd of February, at the residence of her son, Henry Stone, Senator, in LeClaire township, Iowa, EUNICE STONE, relict of the late ABRAM STONE, in the 87th year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1860

STONE, Isaac

Died in Port Henry, on the morning of the 3d instant, of cancer, ISAAC STONE, Esquire, aged 78 years.Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1862

STONE, Joseph

Died in Oxford, Massachusetts, on the 21st instant, Mr. JOSEPH STONE, aged 81 years 6 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1862

STONE, Wallace Foote

Died at Cheever Hill, near Port Henry, at midnight of the 17th instant, WALLACE FOOTE, infant son of William H. STONE and Dora D. STONE, aged 13 months 21 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 June 1862


Married in Jay on the 19th ult., by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. WILLIAM STORES to Miss PAMELA JONES, both of Jay.Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856

STORES, William

Married in Jay on the 19th ult., by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. WILLIAM STORES to Miss PAMELA JONES, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856

STORRS, Elias S.

Married in this village at the Baptist Parsonage, by the Rev. E. W. Allen, of Willsborough, N.Y., on the eve of the 9th instant, Mr. ELIAS S. STORRS, to Miss MARY E. SMITH, daughter of Rev. L. S. SMITH, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861

STORRS, Marcus

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 6th instant, by Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. MARCUS STORRS, of Elizabethtown, N. Y. to Mrs. PRISCILLA U. HILL of Addison, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1860


Married in this village at the Baptist Parsonage, by the Rev. E. W. Allen, of Willsborough, N.Y., on the eve of the 9th instant, Mr. ELIAS S. STORRS, to Miss MARY E. SMITH, daughter of Rev. L. S. SMITH, both of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 October 1861

STORRS, Priscilla U. (HILL)

Married in Elizabethtown, on the 6th instant, by Rev. J. E. Kimball, Mr. MARCUS STORRS, of Elizabethtown, N. Y. to Mrs. PRISCILLA U. HILL of Addison, Vermont.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 March 1860


Married in Keeseville, June 27th, by Rev. Mr. Wells, Mr. CARLTON FOSTER, to Miss SYBIL STORRS, all of that place.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 July 1854

STOW, Gardner

Married at Windsor on the 7th instant, GARDNER STOW, Esquire, of this village to Miss SOPHIA PATRICK of the former place.

Keeseville Herald 21 June 1831


Married at Windsor on the 7th instant, GARDNER STOW, Esquire, of this village to Miss SOPHIA PATRICK of the former place.

Keeseville Herald 21 June 1831


Died in the village of Essex, Monday Evening last, at 9:00, MARY STOWER, oldest daughter of Michael H. and Laura STOWER, aged 17 yrs.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 July 1857

STRATTON, Laura Catharine

Married at Rouse's Point, on Thursday, February 23rd, by the Rev. Jos. W. M'lwaine, DANIEL G. DODGE, M.D., and LAURA CATHARINE STRATTON, all of Rouse's Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

STRIDE, Harvey

Died in Lewis, on the 12th instant, HARVEY STRIDE, aged 18 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 February 1854


Married in Whallonsburg on Sat. April 26th at 10 oclock p.m. by E. W. Rogers, Esq., Mr. RAYMOND STRINGHAM of Whallonsburg to Miss ABI TAYLOR of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 May 1856


Married in Whallonsburg on Sat. April 26th at 10 oclock p.m. by E. W. Rogers, Esq., Mr. RAYMOND STRINGHAM of Whallonsburg to Miss ABI TAYLOR of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 May 1856


Married by Rev. J. A. Woodhull, at the house of Dea. Geo. W. Sturtevant in Westport on the 27th of November, Mr. JAMES MARSHALL of Westport to Miss ALMIRA STURTEVANT of Peru.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856


Died in Westport, February 23, 1863, Deacon GEORGE W. STURVEVANT, after a severe illness of four weeks, aged 61 years. Deacon Sturvevant became a convert of the Christian faith at the age of 17, and after united with the Congregational Church at Wadhams Mills. In 1856 he was appointed deacon, which office he held until his death. He was retiring and ?? his nature, but his piety was earnest, uniform and outspoken. He gave evidence by his conversation, his prayers and his regular attendance at the place of worship that he loved the Church, its cares, its ?? and his Savior.

During his last days on earth, the hope was bright, his confidence unshaken until he passed away in triumph of faith. He gained a complete victory over death and the grave, and is for now among the ?? throng in glory. He leaves a wife and three children who mourn his loss. Rev. Mr. Wiliet presented the funeral sermon from these words as we back more the image of the earthy we shall see again the image of heaven.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 March 1863

SUMNER, Amarett

Married in Wilmington, August 17th, by Rev. H. H. Ross, Mr. CALVIN BROWN of Keene, to Miss AMARETT SUMNER, of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 September 1854

SUMNER, Colney A. (RICE)

Married in Essex by Rev. C. Fisher, Mr. JOHN SUMNER of Thompson, [Geauga] County, Ohio, to Miss COLNEY A. RICE of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856


Married in Essex by Rev. C. Fisher, Mr. JOHN SUMNER of Thompson, [Geauga] County, Ohio, to Miss COLNEY A. RICE of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 November 1856


Married in Elizabethtown on the 22nd instant, by Rev. A. F. Fenton, Mr. SETH WARDNER of Lewis to Miss LYDIA SUNNER of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851

SWEATLAND, William (Hon.)

DiedHonorable WILLIAM SWEATLAND of Plattsburgh on New Years Day in his 82nd year. He was a leading lawyer of Clinton County.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1864

SWEHE, Mary C.

Married in Westport Feb. 20th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, GEORGE C. SMITH of Essex, N.Y. and MARY C. SWEHE of Lewis, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married in Burlington by Rev. Pres Marsh, CHARLES H. SWIFT, M.D. of Peru to Miss CELIA MORGAN of this place.

Keeseville Herald 19 July 1831

SWIFT, Charles H. (M.D.)

Married in Burlington by Rev. Pres Marsh, CHARLES H. SWIFT, M.D. of Peru to Miss CELIA MORGAN of this place.

Keeseville Herald 19 July 1831


Married at Moriah on the 1 July inst., by F. S. Edgerton, Esq., Mr. HARVEY POTTER of Moriah, to Miss M. A. SWINTON of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 July 1856


Married at Lewis, on the 30th October, Mr. PHILO SYKES, of Lewis, and Miss HARRIET E. STAFFORD, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 December 1854

SYKES, Percival Willet

Died in Lewis, on the 1st instant, PERCIVAL WILLET, son of Philo S. and Harriet E. SYKES, aged about 7 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 November 1862

SYKES, Philo

Married at Lewis, on the 30th October, Mr. PHILO SYKES, of Lewis, and Miss HARRIET E. STAFFORD, of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 December 1854


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 19th ult. at Moriah, Mr. OVID TAPPAN to Miss LOUISA M. SPRAGUE, all of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married by Rev. C. Ransom, on the 19th ult. at Moriah, Mr. OVID TAPPAN to Miss LOUISA M. SPRAGUE, all of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856


Married at Trinity Church, Plattsburgh, on the 10th instant, by Rev. J. Howland Cott, ARTHUR C. NELSON, Esquire, to Miss JANE E., eldest daughter of Col. A. G. TARLETON, of Plattsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 July 1853


Married in Whallonsburg on Sat. April 26th at 10 oclock p.m. by E. W. Rogers, Esq., Mr. RAYMOND STRINGHAM of Whallonsburg to Miss ABI TAYLOR of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 May 1856


Married in Schroon on the 20th inst. by James E. Lindsay Esq., Mr. WM. TAYLOR of Crown Point to Miss BETSY JOHNSON of Clear Pond.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 July 1856


Married in Albany, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. Horatio Potter, WARD HUNT, of Utica, to MARIA TAYLOR, daughter of James TAYLOR, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 July 1853


Married in Hebron on the 27th ult. by Rev. David Wilson, Mr. MOSES SMITH of this village to Miss SARAH TAYLOR of the former place.

Keeseville Herald 5 July 1831

TAYLOR, William

Married in Schroon on the 20th inst. by James E. Lindsay Esq., Mr. WM. TAYLOR of Crown Point to Miss BETSY JOHNSON of Clear Pond.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 July 1856


Married in this town on September 5th by Rev. D. B. Hubbard, Mr. WILLIAM TEFFT of Clintonville to Miss LUCY ANN FOSTER of this town.

Westport Patriot 7 September 1848

TEFFT, William

Married in this town on September 5th by Rev. D. B. Hubbard, Mr. WILLIAM TEFFT of Clintonville to Miss LUCY ANN FOSTER of this town.

Westport Patriot 7 September 1848


Married by Rev. B. Eaton at his residence on the 10th inst., WILLIAM E. THAYER of North Hudson and HANNAH E. DWINNELL of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 February 1857

THAYER, William E.

Married by Rev. B. Eaton at his residence on the 10th inst., WILLIAM E. THAYER of North Hudson and HANNAH E. DWINNELL of this town.Elizabethtown Post 6 February 1857

THAYER, William E.

Died in Newcomb, N.Y., on the 1st instant of Typhoid Fever, WILLIAM E. THAYER, aged 31 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 November 1863

THOMAS, Isiash

Died in Worcester, Massachusetts on the 8th instant, the venerable ISIASH THOMAS, the oldest printer living in the U.S.

Keeseville Herald 19 April 1831


Died in Keeseville, on the 10th instant, ANDREW THOMPSON, Esquire, aged about 77 years.

Mr. Thompson was one of the most respectable citizens of this County and was as highly esteemed as he was universally known.

For many years, indeed, almost from its incorporation, the Cashier and most active and prominent director of the Essex County Bank, he was brought into frequent intercourse with the business men of this part of the State, and established and has always maintained the highest character for honor and ability.

The death of such a man is a public loss and the public may justly claim the sad privilege of sympathising with his afflicted relatives.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 November 1862


Married in Jay on the 25th ult. by Rev. N. H. Wood, Mr. STEPHEN V. JONES of Keene to Miss ANN THOMPSON of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 January 1856

THOMPSON, Duncan (Jr.)

Married on Tuesday evening, December 28th, by Rev. J. E. Cheshire of Keeseville, DUNCAN THOMPSON Jr. of New York City, to ELBERTINE, 2nd daughter of J. R. DELANO, Esquire, of Wadhams Mills.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859


Married on Tuesday evening, December 28th, by Rev. J. E. Cheshire of Keeseville, DUNCAN THOMPSON Jr. of New York City, to ELBERTINE, 2nd daughter of J. R. DELANO, Esquire, of Wadhams Mills.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 January 1859


Married at the residence of the bride's brother, Thomas F. Allen, on Saturday, January 5th, 1878, by C. M. Pease Esquire, Mr. RUFUS THOMPSON to Miss JENNIE ALLEN, both of this place.

Crown Point Budget 9 January 1878


Died in Lewis, January 16th, JOHN THOMPSON, aged 46 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 January 1859


Married at St. Paul's Chapel, Keeseville, on Thursday, September 12th by the Rev. Robert O. Trivett, HENRY D. GRAVES, and KATE THOMPSON, daughter of James Rogers, Esquire, all of Ausable Forks.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 October 1861


Died in this town on the 10th inst., Mrs. KEZIAH THOMPSON, relict of the late Robert Thompson, aged 65 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 April 1856

THOMPSON, Larhette L.

It will be seen, by a communication in another column, that LARHETTE L. THOMPSON, of Co. F. 118th Regiment New York Volunteers died, in the hospital, at Camp Wool, Maryland, on the 23d instant.

The deceased was a worthy young man, highly esteemed by all who know him. It is a singular circumstance, and one that evinces the depth and sincerity of his devotion to our County, that he joined Captain Livingston's Company with the conviction that he would not survive the hardships of military service. How soon was that sad anticipation realized.

The deceased was a son of William THOMPSON, Esquire, of Lewis and brother of Mrs. Abram LEWALD of this village. He was 19 years of age.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 October 1862


Married at the residence of the bride's brother, Thomas F. Allen, on Saturday, January 5th, 1878, by C. M. Pease Esquire, Mr. RUFUS THOMPSON to Miss JENNIE ALLEN, both of this place.

Crown Point Budget 9 January 1878


Died suddenly, in Troy, on Sunday afternoon, 5th instant, SARAH M. TIBBETS, wife of James FORSYTH, in the 31st year of her age.

See page 2 column 5 for her obituary.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 February 1854


Married February 2nd, in this place, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. THEODORE J. TILLISON, of Underhill, Vermont, to Miss ROWENA C. DEMING.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859

TILLISON, Theodore J.

Married February 2nd, in this place, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. THEODORE J. TILLISON, of Underhill, Vermont, to Miss ROWENA C. DEMING.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859

TITUS, Rowland

Died in Moriah on the 10th instant, ROWLAND TITUS, aged 16 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 April 1860

TOBEY, Submit

Died in Jay on the 16th ult., very suddenly of apoplexy, Mrs. SUBMIT TOBEY, relict of the late Jesse Tobey, age 75 yrs. 10 mos. 13 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 July 1856


Married at Westport, on the 12th instant, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. B. STICKNEY of Franklin, to Miss C. J. TOBY, of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 September 1853

TODD, Eliza A.

Married at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage in this place, October 21st, by Rev. A. M. Munsee, Mr. D. W. DICKINSON of Willsborough and Miss ELIZA A. TODD of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1863


Married in Lewis, at the house of the bride's father, on the evening of September 23, by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. JOHN S. TODD, of Lewis, and Miss HARIET M. ROBERTS, daughter of William Roberts, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857

TODD, John S.

Married in Lewis, at the house of the bride's father, on the evening of September 23, by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. JOHN S. TODD, of Lewis, and Miss HARIET M. ROBERTS, daughter of William Roberts, Esquire.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 October 1857

TODD, Mary Jane

Married at the Methodist Parsonage in this village, Sept. 19th by Rev. B. Eaton, Mr. WILLIAM ROBB and Miss MARY JANE TODD, both of LewisElizabethtown Post 10 October 1856


Schroon RiverJOHN TOMPKINS, age 28, drowned on the 9th instant while driving logs on the outlet of Mud Pond. He was found on the 10th about 2 miles below where he fell in badly bruised and wet. He left a wife and many relatives.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 May 1852

TORRANCE, Harriet P.

Married in Jay on the 12th inst. by Rev. J. J. Babcock, Mr. WALTER J. BURP to Miss HARRIET P. TORRANCE, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

TOUSLEY, Fannie M. (FOY)

Married in Keeseville on the 31st instant at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Carroll, GEORGE E. TOUSLEY, Foreman of the Essex County Republican and Miss FANNIE M. FOY, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1864

TOUSLEY, George E.

Married in Keeseville on the 31st instant at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Carroll, GEORGE E. TOUSLEY, Foreman of the Essex County Republican and Miss FANNIE M. FOY, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 January 1864

TOWNER, Margaret B.

Married in the Hall of Banian Tree Tent, NO. 310, 1.0, of Rechabites, Wadhams Mills, July 4th, Bro. A. W. HAWKETT, of Essex, to Miss MARGARET B. TOWNER, of Northern Star Tent, No. 26, U.D. of R. of the former place.

Westport Courier 19 July 1850


Married at Wadhams Falls, Sabbath Evening the 24th instant, by Rev. Mr. Brandt, Mr. VERNON HICKS of Peirpoint, N.Y. to Miss O. E. TOWNER of Panton, Vermont.

Westport Patriot 28 September 1848

TRAIN, Jonathan (Captain)

Died at Crownpoint, August 30, Capt. JONATHAN TRAIN, aged 70 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 September 1854

TREADWAY, Ashley Livingston

Died in Crown Point, on the 25th ult., ASHLEY LIVINGSTON TREADWAY, son of James Wilson and Jane Ann Treadway, aged 17 years. The disease of which he died was a malignant erysipelas.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 August 1853


Died in Ticonderoga, on Monday the 2nd inst., HARMY L., wife of Alfred WEED, Esq. and daughter of Thomas J. TREADWAY, age 27 yrs.

In this sad bereavement a husband is left desolate, 2 young children deprived of maternal care.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857


Married in Crownpoint, July 3rd, by the Rev. G. W. S. Porter, Mr. ALEX TRIMBLE, to Miss MARY D. FOBES, both of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1862

TRIMBLE, Chillion N. (Col.)

Died at his residence in Crownpoint, on the 6th instant, Col. CHILLION N. TRIMBLE, aged 64 years.

Col. Trimble was a highly respectable citizen, a large and wealthy farmer, and had held many offices of responsibility and trust, among which was that of Sheriff of the County. He leaves a widow and sons and daughters, and a large circle of friends and relatives who sincerely mourn his loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 March 1862


Married in Crownpoint, July 3rd, by the Rev. G. W. S. Porter, Mr. ALEX TRIMBLE, to Miss MARY D. FOBES, both of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 July 1862


Married in Willsboro, November 3rd, by Rev. A. S. Bigilow, W. H. CONGER, to Miss LIBBIE A. TRUMBULL, all of Willsboro, Essex County, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1863


Died at Ausable Forks, N.Y. February 2nd 1860, MARY ELLA, youngest daughter of T. D. TRUMBULL, Esquire, aged 6 years, 4 months, and 16 days.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

TRYON, Albert L.

Married on the 21st ult., by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. ALBERT L. TRYON of Elizabethtown, to Miss HULDA ANN SLAUGHTER of Westport.

Westport Courier 6 December 1848


Married on the 21st ult., by Rev. B. Pomeroy, Mr. ALBERT L. TRYON of Elizabethtown, to Miss HULDA ANN SLAUGHTER of Westport.

Westport Courier 6 December 1848


Married in Willsborough, Sept. 27th by Rev. Mr. Champlain, Mr. E. F. TUCKER and AMANDA B. JONES, both of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856


Married in Willsborough, Sept. 27th by Rev. Mr. Champlain, Mr. E. F. TUCKER and AMANDA B. JONES, both of Willsborough.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856


Married at Elizabethtown on June 2nd, by Rev. E. Hurlbut, Mr. EZRA TURNER, to Miss MARTHA MAYO, all of Elizabethtown.

Essex County Reporter Elizabethtown, NY 7 June 1849


Died in Montreal on the 14th instant, of the prevailing epidemic, JOHN TURNER, aged 58 years, father of the editor of this paper.

Essex County Reporter 26 July 1849


Married at Elizabethtown on June 2nd, by Rev. E. Hurlbut, Mr. EZRA TURNER, to Miss MARTHA MAYO, all of Elizabethtown.

Essex County Reporter, Elizabethtown, NY 7 June 1849

TUTTLE, Caroline

Died in Essex on the 25th of February last, Mrs. CAROLINE TUTTLE, widow of the late Laertius TUTTLE, Esquire. The deceased had been for many years a zealous and esteemed member of the Presbyterian Church and was universally beloved. She leaves four children and numerous friends to mourn her loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 March 1864

TUTTLE, Ellen A.

Died in Essex, October 7th, ELLEN A., daughter of Samuel D. and Mary TUTTLE, aged 7 years.

Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 October 1863

TUTTLE, Laurtius

Died in Essex on the 13th instant, Mr. LAURTIUS TUTTLE, of consumption, aged 49 years.

Mr. Tuttle was distinguished by peculiar usefulness.

Apt to teach he was ever the friend and guide of children and youth, and many who enjoyed the advantages of his tuition will remember him with mingled feelings of gratitude and pleasure.

With a noble mind, imbued with the love of God, he was instant in season and out of season, in every good word and work with the patience of hope and labor of love. He was a good Christian, a gentleman, a good citizen, and ever the useful member of society. The last 6 years of his life, was a constant, though almost imperceptible decline, both of his physical and mental powers; the waining out; the faint and fainter flickering of the smoking flax in the socket.

So dies the wave along the shore.

During all his sickness, he was a great though patient sufferer; for he too could say, I know that my Redeemer liveth; and I shall see God.

He leaves a wife and four children to mourn their irreparable loss, while an extended circle of friends will lament, as when Godly men perish.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 May 1863

TUTTLE, Susan S.

Married in Essex on the 18th ult., by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. A. H. WHITNEY of Oconemowac, Mississippi formerly of Dickinson, N.Y. to Miss SUSAN S. TUTTLE, daughter of C. D. Tuttle of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855

TYRILL, Wolcott

Death of the Hon. WOLCOTT TYRILLIt becomes our sad duty to announce the death of the Hon. Wolcott Tyrill, of Schroon, for many years first judge of this county. On Saturday evening, the 2d inst., Mr. T. attended a Free Soil Meeting in that town, to appoint delegates to the late county convention, and while giving his views on the extension of slavery, remarked that he felt faint and called for water, and at the same moment fell and expired.

Westport Patriot 7 September 1848 (Thursday)

TYRREL, Wolcott

The death of Judge WOLCOTT TYRREL, of Schroon, who fell while in the act of addressing, in behalf of Freedom, a Free Soil meeting of his fellow citizens, was her announced to the Convention by one of the delegates from that place; and the following communication, detailing the particulars of his death, was presented and read:

DIED, suddenly, on the evening of the 2d instant, at the residence of H. Tyrrel, at Schroon Lake, Judge WOLCOTT TYRREL, aged 62 years.

The death of one who has been so long and well known throughout a large portion of the community, seems properly to require some special notice from his friends and fellow citizens.The name of Wolcott Tyrrel has long been familiar to the inhabitants of Essex County. He has, for many years, held the important office of First Judge of the county, and has been generally esteemed by his fellow citizens as a man of sound judgment and strict integrity.

On Saturday evening (2d inst.) he attended a FreeSoil meeting at Schroon Lake, and immediately after the opening of the meeting, was called upon for an address. He rose in obedience to the call, and addressed them, maintaining that it was the duty of the people of this county [some text is missing herea white space in the upper portion of the page]

in the act of declaring this to be in the spirit of the Bible principleto undo the heavy burdensto let the oppressed go free, and to break every yokehis voice suddenly falteredhe fell back, and was carried senseless from the room. He lay for a short time, breathing with difficulty, and died without any return of consciousness.

Thus suddenly are the people of this town and county called to mourn the loss of an estimable and useful citizen. In his public duties, he always aimed to be guided by just an sound principles. It was a prominent and lovely trait in his character, that he ever manifested, the blessed spirit of the peace-makeralways endeavoring to reconcile those who were at variance, & to settle difficulties in a friendly manner, without recourse to law. He lived esteemed and beloved by those who knew him best, and he died in the conscientious discharge of his duty as a citizen of a free Republic. He has gone from us forever! but he has left behind him the memory of his worth and his many virtues, which will be faithfully treasured up.

By this dispensation of Providence, we are once more solemnly warned of the uncertainty of human life, and urged to be earnest and faithful in the discharge of our duties, realizing that the night of death soon cometh, wherin no man can work. Be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.

After the sudden death of Judge Tyrrel, the political proceedings of the meeting were at once suspended, and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved That we do sincerely sympathize with the family of our friend, Judge Tyrrel, in the deep affliction which has so suddenly cam e upon them, and do assure them of our high regard for him who has departed, and our appreciation of his virtues and excellence.

Resolved also, That a committee of five be appointed to communicate to the family the above resolutionalso, to prepare an appropriate notice of the death of Judge Wolcott Tyrrel, and to publish the same in the papers of the county.


A.S. TRIPP, Secy.

Schroon Lake, Sept. 4, 1848

Westport Patriot 14 September 1848


Died in Elizabethtown, on the 21st instant, JULIA A. UNDERHILL, daughter of Mr. Hiram Underhill, aged 11 years.Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854

VAN VLECK, Elizabeth

Married at his residence on May 8th, by Rev. Charles Spooner, Rev. Thomas BRANDT to Miss ELIZABETH VAN VLECK

Essex County Reporter (Elizabethtown, NY) 10 May 1849

VAUGHN, George W.

Married on Tuesday the 30th, by Rev. Br. Brandt, Mr. GEORGE W. VAUGHN to Miss NANCY BARBER, all of this town.

Westport Courier 10 May 1850


Died at Westport, March 24th, of Consumption, Mr. HENRY VAUGHN, aged 31 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 April 1853

VAUGHN, Julius

Married in Lewis, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. JULIUS VAUGHN, of Westport, to Miss NANCY LOBDELL, of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853


Married on Tuesday the 30th, by Rev. Br. Brandt, Mr. GEORGE W. VAUGHN to Miss NANCY BARBER, all of this town.

Westport Courier 10 May 1850


Married in Lewis, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. JULIUS VAUGHN, of Westport, to Miss NANCY LOBDELL, of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853


Married in Crownpoint on the 17th, by Rev. Mr. Herrick, Mr. A. S. VIALL of Westport to Miss SOPHRONIA BARKER of the former place.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

Westport Courier 21 February 1851

VIALL, Mary E.

Married in Westport March 20th by Rev. Thos. G. Wright, ORLANDO A. SAYRE and MARY E. VIALL, both of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856

VIALL, Sophronia (BARKER)

Married in Crownpoint on the 17th, by Rev. Mr. Herrick, Mr. A. S. VIALL of Westport to Miss SOPHRONIA BARKER of the former place.

NOTE - See the newspaper for the accompanying poem.

Westport Courier 21 February 1851

VINCENT, Phebe Adams (HALE)

Died in Chelsea, Vt. on the 5th inst. PHEBE ADAMS, wife of Mr. Stephen VINCENT and daughter of Harry HALE, Esq., age 45 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1856

WADHAMS, Abraham E.

Died at Wadhams Mills on Saturday the 16th instant of typhus fever, Mr. ABRAHAM E. WADHAMS, aged 41 years. Mr. Wadhams went to California last winter, but found the climate did not agree with his health and had returned but a few days, his health having improved on the return voyage. He was obliged to return to New York after his baggage, which had miscarried, and took a violent cold, and on his return home was immediately stricken down with the vicious and fatal disease which had infected a wound upon an interesting and affectionate family, that all the gold of California is powerless to heal.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 October 1852


Married in San Francisco, Cal., April 16th by Rev. Dr. S. C. Thrall, Mr. LUMAN WADHAMS, second son of Wm. L. Wadhams, Esq. of Wadhams Mills to Miss E. S. T. STAYNER.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857


Married in Whiting, Vermont, on Wednesday evening, June 14th, by Rev. C. B. Cady, Mr. WILLIAM WADHAMS, of Wadhams' Mills, N.Y. to Miss LUCINDA A. SKINNER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854


Married at the Congregational Church, Wadhams Mills, on the morning of the 28th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Ransom of Moriah, HERBERT L. CADY (of the firm of Cady & Stevens), to LUCY B., eldest daughter of Wm. L. WADHAMS, Esq., all of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 December 1859


Married in San Francisco, Cal., April 16th by Rev. Dr. S. C. Thrall, Mr. LUMAN WADHAMS, second son of Wm. L. Wadhams, Esq. of Wadhams Mills to Miss E. S. T. STAYNER.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857

WADHAMS, William

Married in Whiting, Vermont, on Wednesday evening, June 14th, by Rev. C. B. Cady, Mr. WILLIAM WADHAMS, of Wadhams' Mills, N.Y. to Miss LUCINDA A. SKINNER, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 June 1854

WAID, Horatio

Married at the Baptist parsonage in Westport, by the Rev. F. P. Lang, September 3rd, Mr. HORATIO WAID to Miss SARAH JAMES, both of Essex

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1859


Married at the Baptist parsonage in Westport, by the Rev. F. P. Lang, September 3rd, Mr. HORATIO WAID to Miss SARAH JAMES, both of Essex

The Elizabethtown Post 17 September 1859

WAIT, John

Died in Lewis, on the 4th instant, Mr. JOHN WAIT, aged 84 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 September 1854

WAIT, Susa

Died in Lewis on the 12th, Mrs. SUSA WAIT, aged 77 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 November 1854

WAKE, Sarah

Married in Wilmington, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. R. H. Ross, Mr. DAVID HINES to Miss SARAH WAKE, both of Wilmington.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 October 1854


Married at Moriah, on the 16th, by Rev. C. Ransom, DANA WAKEFIELD and Miss ALMIRA A. SIMONDS, both of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854


Died in Elizabethtown, on the 1st instant, BETSEY, wife of Mr. Dana WAKEFIELD, aged 38 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853


Married at Moriah, on the 16th, by Rev. C. Ransom, DANA WAKEFIELD and Miss ALMIRA A. SIMONDS, both of Elizabethtown.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854


Died at Stanbridge Centre, Canada East, on the morning of the 20th instant, SOLOMON WALBRIDGE, Esquire, aged 58 years.

When the righteous die the people mourn. Mr. W fell asleep at half past one in the morning quite rational and perfectly resigned. Death to him had no terrors. A closely linked circle has now lost an ornament and Missisquoi a pillar. Oh, that our last end might be like his!

The Elizabethtown Post 31 March 1854


Died in Eden, Wisc., Sept. 2, ELECTA M. MITCHELL, wife of R. W. WALTERS, in the 25th year of her age.

Truly, we sorrow, yet not without hope, for all of them which sleep in Jesus God will bring with him. Then is not ours a blessed hope.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 October 1857


Married in Eden, April 26th, by Rev. Jeroma A. Davenport of the Reformed Dutch Church, ROSWELL W. WALTERS to ELECTA MARIA MITCHELL of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 May 1856

WALTERS, Roswell W.

Married in Eden, April 26th, by Rev. Jeroma A. Davenport of the Reformed Dutch Church, ROSWELL W. WALTERS to ELECTA MARIA MITCHELL of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 May 1856

WALTON, Charles

Died at Port Henry, 22nd ult., Mr. CHARLES WALTON, in the 45th year of his age.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 September 1853


Married in Elizabethtown on the 22nd instant, by Rev. A. F. Fenton, Mr. SETH WARDNER of Lewis to Miss LYDIA SUNNER of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851


Married in Elizabethtown on the 22nd instant, by Rev. A. F. Fenton, Mr. SETH WARDNER of Lewis to Miss LYDIA SUNNER of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1851

WARREN, _____

Died at Troy on the 8th instant, Mrs. Nathan WARREN, of disease of the heart. Mrs. Warren was the owner of the Church of the Holy Cross, of that city, whose services have been conducted at her expense since its erection.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married on January 1st, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. HENRY E. WARREN and Miss ELMINA FRISBIE, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854

WARREN, Henry E.

Married on January 1st, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. HENRY E. WARREN and Miss ELMINA FRISBIE, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 January 1854

WARREN, Justin

Married in Schroon, October 1st, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., JUSTIN WARREN to Miss SARAH STANDARD, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Married in Schroon, October 1st, by Joel F. Potter, Esq., JUSTIN WARREN to Miss SARAH STANDARD, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 October 1857


Died in North Elba, June 27th of diphtheria, ELNORA, daughter of Alonzo and Roxanne D. WASHBOND, age 6 years 3 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 2 July 1863


Married in Keene, N.Y. on November 30th by Rev. D. Osgood, HENRY T. SLINGERLANDS, Esquire, of Clarksville, Albany County, N.Y. to Miss MARY WASHBURN of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 December 1853


Married at Port Henry, N.Y., June 9th, by Rev. Ira D. Burwell, Mr. EDWARD R. WATERBURY, of Saratoga Springs, to Miss ADDIE WITHERBEE, of Port Henry.Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Married at Port Henry, N.Y., June 9th, by Rev. Ira D. Burwell, Mr. EDWARD R. WATERBURY, of Saratoga Springs, to Miss ADDIE WITHERBEE, of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Married in Saratoga Springs, Mr. PHILANDER DART, formerly of Erie, Pennsylvania, to Miss RHODA WATERBURY.

Keeseville Herald 25 July 1831

WATSON, Elizabeth

Married at the residence of Mrs. John C. Hammond, in Crown Point, on the 5th instant, by Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, J. W. McVINE, of Elizabethtown to Miss ELIZABETH WATSON, of Crown Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 7 April 1860

WATSON, Elkanah

Died at Port Kent on 5 December 1842monument erected which says: Here lies the remains of ELKANAH WATSON, founder of & first President of the Berkshire Agricultural Society. May generations yet unborn learn by his example to love their country.

See newspaper for memoirs of Elkanah Watson.

Page 1: 5th & 6th columns Page 2: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th columns

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 March 1848

WATSON, Fanny S.

Married at Port Kent, Thursday evening, October 27th, by Rev. Mr. Jones, H. N. HEWITT, Esquire, of Keeseville to Miss FANNY S., daughter of Hon. W. C. WATSON, of the former place.Elizabethtown Post 29 October 1859


Died, in Keeseville, Thursday morning, the 13th instant, MARIANA ARNOLD, wife of Winslow C. WATSON, Jr., Esquire, and only daughter of Silas ARNOLD, Esquire, aged 30 years.

Mrs. Watson was a lady of unusual cultivation of mind and goodness and purity of heart, endeared to all her acquaintance by the grace and amiability of her character and the excellence of her christian virtues.

But a brief time is past since she became united in with the husband of her choice and the world with all its hopes and brightest prospects, seemed before them. All this is vanished now; and to the deep sorrow of the bereaved husband and relatives is only left, in this life, the condolence and heartfelt sympathy of their numerous friends.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 November 1862


Married on Tuesday, the 20th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Asa Hemenway, WINSLOW C. WATSON, Jr., Esquire, and Miss MARY ANNA ARNOLD, daughter of Silas Arnold, Esquire, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861

WATSON, Rachel

Died at Port Kent on the 26th of January, Mrs. RACHEL WATSON, wife of the late Elkanah Watson, aged 80 years.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 2 March 1848


Married in Manchester, Vermont on the 20th instant, WINSLOW C. WATSON, Esquire, attorney at law of Plattsburgh to Miss SUSAN P. SKINNER, daughter of the Hon. Richard Skinner.

Keeseville Herald 31 May 1831

WATSON, Victoria Amelia

Died in Lewis, on the 4th instant, VICTORIA AMELIA, daughter of Rev. Thomas and Amelia WATSON, aged 2 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1862

WATSON, Winslow C.

Married in Manchester, Vermont on the 20th instant, WINSLOW C. WATSON, Esquire, attorney at law of Plattsburgh to Miss SUSAN P. SKINNER, daughter of the Hon. Richard Skinner.Herald 31 May 1831

WATSON, Winslow C.

Married on Tuesday, the 20th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Asa Hemenway, WINSLOW C. WATSON, Jr., Esquire, and Miss MARY ANNA ARNOLD, daughter of Silas Arnold, Esquire, all of Keeseville.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861


Died in Ticonderoga, on Monday the 2nd inst., HARMY L., wife of Alfred WEED, Esq. and daughter of Thomas J. TREADWAY, age 27 yrs.

In this sad bereavement a husband is left desolate, 2 young children deprived of maternal care.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857

WEED, Joseph

Died at his residence in Ticonderoga, on Thursday, March 1st, JOSEPH WEED, Esquire, at an advanced age.

Mr. Weed was, for a great portion of his life, largely engaged in lumbering and mercantile business, in Ticonderoga, and for the last forty years has been a prominent citizen of that town.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1860

WEEKS, Darwin

Married by the Rev. David Connell, at the residence of Mr. Jerry Lockwood, on the 26th of November, Mr. DARWIN WEEKS, to Miss LOUISA ALLEN, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 December 1861

WEEKS, Joseph

Died in Rouse's Point, on the 13th instant, suddenly, Mr. JOSEPH WEEKS, aged about 55 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 23 April 1859


Married by the Rev. David Connell, at the residence of Mr. Jerry Lockwood, on the 26th of November, Mr. DARWIN WEEKS, to Miss LOUISA ALLEN, all of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 December 1861

WEEKS, Sophia L.

Married at Rouse's Point on Wednesday, Dec. 7th, by the Rev. Mr. Hagar, ARTHUR BACHANT to Miss SOPHIA L. WEEKS, both of Rouse's Point.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 December 1859

WELCH, Narcissia (JACQUES)

Married in this town on the 17th instant by Geo. S. Nicholson, Esquire, ROBERT WELCH of the 21st U.S. Cavalry to NARCISSIA JACQUES of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864

WELCH, Robert

Married in this town on the 17th instant by Geo. S. Nicholson, Esquire, ROBERT WELCH of the 21st U.S. Cavalry to NARCISSIA JACQUES of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1864

WELLS, Alden

Married in this town on the 4th instant, by R. A. Finney, Esquire, Mr. ALDEN WELLS to Miss LAURA ANN GREEN.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859


Married at Mr. W. Baker's, in Crownpoint, by Rev. L. Bradshaw, Mr. B. H. WELLS, of Denmark, Lewis County, N.Y., to Miss NANCY ANN RENNE, of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1854

WELLS, Ermina P.

Married in Jay, May 3rd, by Rev. D. Osgood, Mr. MONROE HALL, Merchant, of Jay Lower Village, to Miss ERMINA P. WELLS, daughter of Benjamin Wells, Esquire, of Upper Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 May 1854

WELLS, Laura Ann (GREEN)

Married in this town on the 4th instant, by R. A. Finney, Esquire, Mr. ALDEN WELLS to Miss LAURA ANN GREEN.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859

WELLS, Lucy C.

Married in North Elba, July 4th, by the Rev. D. C. Osgood, Mr. RODOLPHUS HINCKLEY, to Miss LUCY C. WELLS; all of North Elba.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 July 1859

WELLS, Nancy Ann (RENNE)

Married at Mr. W. Baker's, in Crownpoint, by Rev. L. Bradshaw, Mr. B. H. WELLS, of Denmark, Lewis County, N.Y., to Miss NANCY ANN RENNE, of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 April 1854

WELSH, Henry N.

Married in Lewis on the 22nd instant by Rev. Thomas Watson, HENRY N. WELSH to SARAH D. HASKINS, both of Whallonsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1864


Married in Lewis on the 22nd instant by Rev. Thomas Watson, HENRY N. WELSH to SARAH D. HASKINS, both of Whallonsburgh.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 May 1864

WEST, Betsy

Died in this town on the 29th instant, Mrs. BETSY WEST, aged 43 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 March 1864

WEST, Darwin A.

Died at Balfour Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, DARWIN A. WEST, of Willsborough, Essex County, N.Y. He was a member of Co. F., 118th Regiment, New York Volunteers under Captain R. W. Livingston. The deceased was an exemplary and consistent member of the Baptist Church and died in the full hope of a blessed and happy future.

A sermon will be preached at the meeting house in Flackville on Sunday November 22nd at 1:00 P.M. Relatives, friends, and soldiers are respectfully invited to attend. The deceased was buried with Military honors in the cemetery at Norfolk, Virginia.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 November 1863

WEST, Eliza

Married on December 27th, by Rev. C. L. Hager, ASHBEL FLEMINGS of Crown Point and ELIZA WEST of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 30 December 1853


Died, at his residence in Lewis, August 19th, 1862, A. H. WESTCOTT, aged 42 years.

He leaves a wife and two children and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 August 1862


Camp Stroughton

Santa Rose

15 May 1863

Leander Westcott, Esquire

Dear Sir:

This mail will probably give you, from the offices of Co. C. 7th Vt. Reg. the sad news that your brother Charles has passed away and now reposes in the grave.

He has been sick, in the hospital nearly all winter, and gradually wasted away, without much apparent suffering, until he breathed his last, most peacefully, this A.M. at 10:00. He had all the care that he could have out here, and that is more than most poor soldiers receive, for our regimental hospital stands deservedly high.

Your brother left many friends in his company. All who knew him testify to his being always a most uncomplaining, and willing soldier, ready to do and suffer, without a murmer, all required of him.

He certainly exhibited through his long sickness, most exemplary Christian patience, It was my privilage frequently to visit him, and to hear from his own lips, expressions of religious faith, hope, repentance, and a calm readiness to die. He had all his faculties clear, until a few hours before his death, towards the last he was somewhat conscious.

I enclose a lock of his hair. He was interred with the honor of war, and the burial service of the Protestant Episcopal Church at 2 P.M. today, the heat of this climate not permitting a longer delay.

His grave, with a few others, is on this Island, about 2 miles east of Fort Pickens and will soon have the customary foot and head board inscribed with his name, age, date of death, company, and regiment.

Hoping my dear sir, that God will vouchsafe you all the spiritual profit and consolation you may need, under this bereavement, I remain most truly yours in Christ,


Chaplain, 7th Vt. Regiment

The Elizabethtown Post 25 June 1863

WESTCOTT, Ezekial F.

Married in Chestertown, Warren County, N.Y., at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, January 22nd, by Rev. S. Redfield, Mr. EZEKIAL F. WESTCOTT, of Lewis, Essex County, N.Y. to Miss REBECCA A. PROUTY, daughter of Lee Prouty, Esquire, of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Married in this village, at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, on the 11th instant, by Rev. A. Lyon, Mr. LEWIS MILLINGTON, of California, and Miss HARRIET WESTCOTT, of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861


Died in Lewis on the 7th instant, Mr. OLIVER WESTCOTT, aged 63 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 August 1852


Married in Chestertown, Warren County, N.Y., at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, January 22nd, by Rev. S. Redfield, Mr. EZEKIAL F. WESTCOTT, of Lewis, Essex County, N.Y. to Miss REBECCA A. PROUTY, daughter of Lee Prouty, Esquire, of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 February 1859


Died in this town, on Sunday morning, the 12th instant, Mr. SELAH WESTCOTT, in the 72nd year of his age. Mr. W. has been a resident of this town 59 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 June 1859

WESTCOTT, Theodorus

Died at Tupper's Lake, on the 8th, Mr. THEODORUS WESTCOTT, formerly of Lewis, aged 77 years.Elizabethtown Post 17 November 1854

WHALINGS, Elizabeth G.

Died in Keeseville on November 5th, Mrs. ELIZABETH G., wife of Mr. James WHALINGS, aged 26.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851

WHALLON, Charlotte E.

Married on the 26th ult., at the residence of Hon. James S. Whallon in Whallonsburgh, by Rev. Joseph T. Wilett, FRANCIS W. BRECKENBRIDGE, Esquire, of Charlotte, VT to CHARLOTTE E., the youngest daughter of Reuben WHALLON.

Westport Courier 1 March 1850

WHALLON, Elenora

Died at North Hudson, Monday the 2nd inst., Mrs. ELENORA, wife of Maj. Charles ROBERTS and daughter of the late Hon. Reuben WHALLON, age 37 yrs.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857


Married at Port Henry, Wednesday evening September 20th by Rev. Mr. Stowell, REUBEN WHALLON, Esquire to Miss HELEN M., daughter of John C. DOUGLASS, all of Port Henry.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848


Married at Port Henry, Wednesday evening September 20th by Rev. Mr. Stowell, REUBEN WHALLON, Esquire to Miss HELEN M., daughter of John C. DOUGLASS, all of Port Henry.

Westport Patriot 21 September 1848

WHEELER, Eunice F.

Married at Schroon, 6th ult., by C. Fenton Esquire, CLARKE R. LOCKWOOD, Esquire, Att'y at Law of Jamestown, N.Y., to Miss EUNICE F., daughter of Nehemiah H. WHEELER, Esquire, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 August 1853

WHEELER, Lizzie A.

Married at Schroon, April 2nd 1863, by Rev. Mr. Stephens, N. H. RICE of Denver City, Colorado, and Miss LIZZIE A. WHEELER, of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 9 April 1863

WHEELOCK, Martha Ann

Married in Moriah on the 10th instant, by Rev. C. Ransom, ORRIN W. PIERCE, Esquire, of Westport, to MARTHA ANN WHEELOCK, youngest daughter of L. WHEELOCK, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 September 1857

WHITE, Candace

Died in Burlington, Sunday morning the 27th, Mrs. CANDACE, wife of Ebenezer WHITE, Esquire, aged 67 years, of this town, 40 years a resident.

Westport Courier 6 February 1850 Friday


Married in Essex on the 18th ult., by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. A. H. WHITNEY of Oconemowac, Mississippi formerly of Dickinson, N.Y. to Miss SUSAN S. TUTTLE, daughter of C. D. Tuttle of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855

WHITNEY, Alexander

Died on Sunday, the 30th, at Westport, Mr. ALEXANDER WHITNEY.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 February 1859

WHITNEY, Catherine E. (KENT)

Died at Bound Brook, N. J. on Tuesday, the 12th inst., Miss CATHERINE E. KENT, wife of Rev. S. W. WHITNEY, late principal of Bound Brook Seminary and former pastor of the Baptist Church of Westport, Essex Co., N.Y., in the 38th year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 May 1857

WHITNEY, Catherine E. (KENT)

Married in Westport, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. T. Brandt, Rev. S. W. WHITNEY, of Flushing, L.I., to Miss CATHERINE E. KENT, of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853

WHITNEY, Elizabeth

Married at Westport, October 24th, by Rev. J. F. Yates, PHILETUS D. MERRIAM and Miss ELIZABETH WHITNEY, all of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 November 1854

WHITNEY, Orlando B.

We regret to announce the death, on the 21st of August last, at Richmond, Virginia, of ORLANDO B. WHITNEY, Esquire of Westport.

Mr. Whitney left here, on the 28th day of May last, as Orderly Sergeant in Captain Dwyer's Company, and was very badly wounded in the arm and side at Bull Run, while doing his duty manfully as a good soldier. He was made prisoner and taken to Richmond, where he survived just one month.

At home, he was a highly respectable citizen; and leaves behind him many relatives and friends, all of whom can bear testimony to his kindness of heart and manly worth.

As a solder, he was beloved by his comrades, prompt in duty, and until disabled, fought bravely on the battlefield, as many, who survive him, can witness.

Noble man! His name will be honored and his memory cherished, by all who knew him, and by none more than by those who witnessed his conduct in battle.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 September 1861

WHITNEY, S. W. (Rev.)

Married in Westport, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. T. Brandt, Rev. S. W. WHITNEY, of Flushing, L.I., to Miss CATHERINE E. KENT, of Westport, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 17 June 1853


Married in Essex on the 18th ult., by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. A. H. WHITNEY of Oconemowac, Mississippi formerly of Dickinson, N.Y. to Miss SUSAN S. TUTTLE, daughter of C. D. Tuttle of Essex.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 January 1855


Died in Malone, N.Y., Tuesday Evening the 29th ult., EDWARD P., son of C. C. WHITTELSEY, Esquire, aged 8 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 May 1862

WHITTEMORE, Charlotte A.

Married at Schroon, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. D. Connell, at the house of Mr. Asa Foster, Mr. GEORGE SELLECK of Luzerne, Warren Co., N.Y., to Miss CHARLOTTE A. WHITTEMORE of Schroon, Essex Co., N.Y.

"The Elizabethtown Post" 24 December 1859


Died in Wilmington, on the 18th inst., Mrs. WILCOX, wife of Mr. Joseph WILCOX, age 65 yrs.

WILCOX, Chauncey

Died in Wilmington on the 15th inst., Mr. CHAUNCEY WILCOX, age 44 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856

WILCOX, Lucinda J.

Married in Moriah on the 18th inst., by Rev. Ira P. Burwell, Mr. THOMAS LEWIS of Elizabethtown and Miss LUCINDA J. WILCOX of Moriah.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1857

WILCOX, N. Maria

Married at Shoreham, Vermont, August 30 by Rev. C. C. Stevens of Crownpoint, N.Y., Mr. D. MILTON ARNOLD of Keeseville, to Miss N. MARIA WILCOX of Crownpoint.

The Elizabethtown Post 8 September 1854

WILDER, Amherst H.

Married at Catskill, on the 18th instant, at the residence of S. Sherwood Day, by Rev. George A. Howard, AMHERST H. WILDER, of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and FANNY SPENCER, daughter of the late Joshua A. Spencer, of Utica.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1861


Married at Catskill, on the 18th instant, at the residence of S. Sherwood Day, by Rev. George A. Howard, AMHERST H. WILDER, of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and FANNY SPENCER, daughter of the late Joshua A. Spencer, of Utica.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1861


Married at Upper Jay on the 15th inst. at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage by Rev. N. B. Wood, Mr. JOHN OTIS to Miss OLIVE WILKINS, both of Jay.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856


Died in this village, this morning, Mrs. LUCY WILLARD, wife of Ira MARKS, Esquire, aged 73 years.

Mrs. Marks has been for many years a resident of this village and was a lady of unusual energy and strength of character.

Enduring great physical suffering, for several of the latter years of her life, she always evinced patience and fortitude in a remarkable degree.

Few now living have been so long residents of Elizabethtown as the deceased.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 May 1862


Died in Lewis, on the evening of the 26th of February, Mrs. MARY ANN BURPEE, wife of William H. WILLARD, in the 31st year of her age.

Yes, lovely companion, thy spirit has fled

To the mansions of peace, to dwell with thy God

In the bloom of thy youth thou wast taken away.

And left me alone in this wide world to stray.

Though alone I am left in this wide world to stray,

I'll think of thee dearest, I'll watch and I'll pray.

And when Heaven my spirit thinks fit to release,

I'll join thee, thou loved one, in mansions of peace.

Yes, Mary, thou are happy and blest,

With ministring angels thy spirit's at rest.

In life thou wast lovely, in death thou wast fair,

Thou Redeemer has called thee from sorrow and care.

The Elizabethtown Post 27 February 1862

WILLARD, Myrta Viola

Died in Lewis, on the 9th instant, of Lung Fever, MYRTA VIOLA, daughter of William H. and Mary A. WILLARD, aged 3 months and 3 days.

Our little babe has gone to rest,

She has passed the swelling flood,

And with her Savior she is blest

And lives in Heaven with God.

O may we meet her in the skies

When all life's toils are o'er,

To range the fields of Paradise

Forever to go out no more.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 August 1861


Died at Johnsburgh, Wyoming County, N.Y., SUSAN WILLARD, wife of Charles SHAW, aged 71 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 July 1861

WILLEY, Philander

Married at Jay, N.Y., on the 17th instant, by George G. Tobey, Esquire, PHILANDER WILLEY, to Miss SARAH CRAM, both of Keene.Elizabethtown Post 25 August 1854


Married at Jay, N.Y., on the 17th instant, by George G. Tobey, Esquire, PHILANDER WILLEY, to Miss SARAH CRAM, both of Keene.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 August 1854


Married in Westport, N.Y., on the 16th ult., by the Rev. F. P. Lang, Mr. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS of Castleton, VT., to Miss AMANDA A. ANDERSON of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861

WILLIAMS, Charles N.

Married on the 16th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, Oliver Abel, Esquire, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. CHARLES N. WILLIAMS, Merchant, to Miss MARY A. ABEL, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 February 1859


Married on the 16th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, Oliver Abel, Esquire, by Rev. E. B. Haff, Mr. CHARLES N. WILLIAMS, Merchant, to Miss MARY A. ABEL, all of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 February 1859


Died at Elizabethtown, Essex County, N.Y. on 7 December instant, Mrs. SARAH ANN, wife of Edmund F. WILLIAMS and daughter of the late Theodore ROSE of Elizabethtown and granddaughter of the late Leonard Jr. and Mary GANESFORT of Albany, aged 44 years.

See newspaper for the obituary

Westport Courier 13 December 1850

WILLIAMS, William T.

Married in Westport, N.Y., on the 16th ult., by the Rev. F. P. Lang, Mr. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS of Castleton, VT., to Miss AMANDA A. ANDERSON of Westport.

The Elizabethtown Post 1 August 1861

WILLIS, Jannie

Died in Schroon Lake, on the 5th ult., of consumption, JANNIE WILLIS, aged 23 years 9 months and 13 days.

Miss Willis was a devout Christian, and through the protracted suffering of that fell disease consumption, exhibited a patience and resignation at the approach of death rarely witnessed in one of her years, and only equalled by her mild and gentle disposition in health. The grief mustered by her many youthful associates on the funeral occasion told how warmly loved by the large circle of friends who mourned the loss of one of their brightest sisters.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 February 1860


Died in Keeseville on the 19th inst., Mrs. RUTH WILLS, aged 65 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 October 1856

WILSON, Amanda

Married in Glens Falls, Nov. 9 by [illegible name], M. A. SHELDON, Esq., Counsellor at Law, Ticonderoga, to Miss AMANDA WILSON, daughter of Hiram Wilson, Esq., of Schroon.

May the future abundantly prove

This verdict affirmed by The Court above.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 December 1857

WILSON, John Melvin

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 2nd instant, JOHN MELVIN WILSON, son of Mr. Heman Wilson, aged 21 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 3 February 1854


Married in this town, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. WILLIAM WISE, of Marysville, California, and Miss AMANDA E. GLIDDEN, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861

WISE, Clarissa R.

Died in this town, on the 22nd instant, Miss CLARISSA R. WISE, aged 29 years 9 months and 5 days, of consumption.

The Elizabethtown Post 22 April 1853

WISE, Elizabeth

Died in Elizabethtown, on the 20th instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH WISE, consort of Deacon Enos Wise, in the 66th year of her age.

Funeral service tomorrow at one o'clock p.m., at the school house on Simond's Hill.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 October 1853

WISE, Lovinia

Died at Raquette River Settlement, Franklin County, June 8th, Mrs. LOVINIA MOODY, wife of Simeon Moody and daughter of the late Roswell WISE of Elizabethtown, aged 83 years and 10 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 19 June 1862

WISE, Roswell

Died in this town, on the 6th instant, of consumption, Mr. ROSWELL WISE, aged 49 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 June 1853

WISE, William

Married in this town, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. L. S. Smith, Mr. WILLIAM WISE, of Marysville, California, and Miss AMANDA E. GLIDDEN, of this town.

The Elizabethtown Post 14 March 1861


Married at Port Henry, N.Y., June 9th, by Rev. Ira D. Burwell, Mr. EDWARD R. WATERBURY, of Saratoga Springs, to Miss ADDIE WITHERBEE, of Port Henry.

The Elizabethtown Post 11 June 1859

WITSE, Martha D.

Married at Saranac Lake March 18th at the residence of Harvey Moody by Jacob S. Moody Esq., Mr. CHARLES H. SMITH of Brandon, Franklin County, to Miss MARTHA D. WITSE of Elizabethtown, N.Y.

The Elizabethtown Post 28 March 1856


Married October 30th at Westport, by Rev. C. L. Hagar, Mr. M. CARPENTER to Miss A. WOOD.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 November 1853

WOOD, Ellen

Died in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Saturday morning, the 4th instant, ELLEN, daughter of Ransom E. and Emily P. WOOD, in the 12th year of her age.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 February 1854

WOOD, Mary Agustus

Married in Schuyler Falls, on the 10th instant, by Rev. A. Ford, Mr. JOSIAH M. RICE, of Elizabethtown, to Miss MARY AGUSTUS WOOD, of the former place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 March 1859


Married in Whitehall on Thursday, the 16th day of September instant, Mr. S. B. WOODARD of Ticonderoga to Miss ELIZABETH MYGATT of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 September 1847


Married in Whitehall on Thursday, the 16th day of September instant, Mr. S. B. WOODARD of Ticonderoga to Miss ELIZABETH MYGATT of the former place.

Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser 23 September 1847


Died at the residence of his father, in Lewis, ARTEMAS, son of Jeremiah and Clarisa WOODRUFF, aged 22 years.

Young Woodruff was a member of the 96th Regiment New York Volunteers and did his noble duty until stricken down by disease.

The Elizabethtown Post 24 July 1862


Died in Lewis, on the 7th instant, HARRY, son of Lyman S. and Laura L. WOODRUFF, aged 8 years.Elizabethtown Post 23 October 1862

WOODRUFF, Roger Hooker

Died on the 14th instant, at the residence of his son, J. A. Woodruff in Lewis, ROGER HOOKER WOODRUFF. Mr. Woodruff was in his 63rd year and had lived in Lewis about 60 years. He was universally respected for his industry, prudence, probity, morality, modest deportment and strong good sense. He acquired a handsome competency and leaves a large and respectable circle of children and grandchildren, whose filial reverence and regard as well as the general esteem of the community in which he lived were the natural tribute to his worth and excellence.

The few remaining early settlers of our country, those who have seen it emerge from a wilderness to wealth and improvement and who aided its good work are thus being reported. Let us remember their efforts with gratitude and emulate their virtue.

The Elizabethtown Post 16 January 1856


Died in Lewis, on the 2nd instant, Mr. SAMUEL WOODRUFF, aged 59.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1859

WOODRUFF, Sarah Elizabeth

Died in Lewis, on the 30th ult., of Putrid Sore Throat, SARAH ELIZABETH, daughter of Lymon S. and Laura WOODRUFF, aged 13 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 September 1862


Died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Warren Pooler, in Westport, on the 9th instant, Mr. TIMOTHY WOODRUFF, of Lewis, aged 78 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 15 September 1854


Died in Ticonderoga on the 12th ult., MANFORD, the son of Elijah and Louisa WOODWARD, aged 20 months.

The Elizabethtown Post 5 March 1852

WORDEN, Jemima

Died at Ausable Forks, on the 7th instant, Mrs. JEMIMA WORDEN, aged 78 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 21 April 1854

WRIGHT, Elizabeth

Married in Ticonderoga on the 19th instant, Mr. LOGAIN COTTS of Orwell, Vermont to Miss ELIZABETH WRIGHT of Ticonderoga.Elizabethtown Post 28 November 1851


Married in Essex on the 23rd inst., by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. SIMEON WRIGHT to Miss ELIZABETH FLETCHER, all of the same place.Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856

WRIGHT, George E. (Corporal)

Died in the U. S. Hospital, Camp Wool, near Relay House, on the 1st instant, Corporal GEORGE E. WRIGHT, Co. F, 118th Regiment New York Volunteers, aged 23 years.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 November 1862

WRIGHT, George F. (Corporal)

It is with extreme sorrow that we record the death of another member of Company F., 118th New York Volunteers, Corporal GEORGE F. WRIGHT of Westport.

A true man and devoted soldier is lost to his comrades in arms and one loved and honored, to his afflicted relatives and friends. He found death in a sacred cause Heaven be his reward.

The Elizabethtown Post 6 November 1861

WRIGHT, Jennie E.

Married in Westport on the 10th by Rev. Stephen Wright, Mr. CONANT SAWYER and Miss JENNIE E. WRIGHT all of Westport. No cards.

The Elizabethtown Post 18 February 1864

WRIGHT, Sarah J.

Married in Essex village, March 23rd, by Rev. Wm. H. Meeker, Mr. MOSES A. KNOWLTON, to Miss SARAH J. WRIGHT, both of Essex.

Happy they! The happiest of their kind!

Whom gentler stars unite; and in one fete

Their hearts, their fortunes, and their being blend.

The Elizabethtown Post 25 March 1853

WRIGHT, Simeon

Married in Essex on the 23rd inst., by Rev. J. T. Willett, Mr. SIMEON WRIGHT to Miss ELIZABETH FLETCHER, all of the same place.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 September 1856

WYMAN, Lucy A.

Married at North Hudson Nov. 23rd, by E. B. Walker, Esq. JACOB PARMERTER of North Hudson to Miss LUCY A. WYMAN of Schroon.

The Elizabethtown Post 12 December 1856

YAW, Elisha

Died in North Hudson, on the 8th inst., ELISHA YAW, age about 50 yrs.

The Elizabethtown Post 10 July 1857

YOUNG, Adaline

Married in this town on the 23rd ult., at the Methodist Church by Rev. William Bedell, Mr. LEVI BULLARD to Miss ADALINE YOUNG, both of Lewis.

The Elizabethtown Post 4 January 1856

YOUNG, Alexander

Died in Westport on the 21st instant ALEXANDER YOUNG age 46 years. His mind, clouded from his infancy by disease seemed strongly restored to him in his last hours, and he died rejoicing in the prospect of going home as he expressed it to the mansion prepared for him by a gracious Redeemer.

The Elizabethtown Post 26 November 1863

YOUNG, George W.

Died in Westport, on the 25th instant, GEORGE W. YOUNG, aged 25 years. To many of the readers of the Post, George was well known, for he was long ago and at different times engaged as a workman on its columns. His genial disposition, keen perception, and lively temper always lightened the toils of the printing office and endeared him to his fellow workers. He was, probably, the fastest typesetter in the State. His early death will be heard with sincere regret in many offices where his good qualities have been known and appreciated.

The Elizabethtown Post 13 February 1862


Died in Westport, N.Y. Sept. 6, JERUSHA BARBER, wife of Capt. Alexander YOUNG in the 67th year of her age.

cousin of the late Sophia STRONG

wife of the late Rev. Daniel HASCALL of Hamilton

at age 55 she was seized with paralysis

Six years before her death, she was helpless as an infant, deprived even of the power of speech, although she retained her mental faculties in a remarkable degree.

NOTE - See the newspaper for further information.

The Elizabethtown Post 31 October 1856

Newspapers Checked & Missing Issues

"Keeseville Herald"

12 April 1831

19 April 1831

16 May 1831

17 May 1831

24 May 1831

31 May 1831

21 June 1831

28 June 1831

5 July 1831

19 July 1831

25 July 1831

2 August 1831

(Publication ceased on 2 August 1831.)

"Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser"

9 September 1847

23 September 1847

7 October 1847

"Westport Patriot & Essex County Advertiser"

6 January 1848

10 February 1848

2 March 1848

16 March 1848

23 March 1848

(The name of this newspaper was changed to the Westport Patriot following this issue.)

"Westport Patriot"

30 July 1848

3 August 1848

24 August 1848

7 September 1848

21 September 1848

28 September 1848

26 October 1848

14 December 1848

(The name of this newspaper was changed to the Essex County Reporter following this issue.)

"Westport Courier"

6 December 1848

13 December 1848

27 December 1848

"The Elizabethtown Post"

6 December 1848

"Essex County Reporter" Elizabethtown, NY

26 April 1849

3 May 1849

10 May 1849

7 June 1849

28 June 1849

"The Elizabethtown Post"

14 May 1849

"Westport Courier"

1 September 1849

4 October 1849

18 October 1849

"Westport Courier"

3 January 1850

11 January 1850

25 January 1850

6 February 1850

22 February 1850

1 March 1850

26 April 1850

3 May 1850

10 May 1850

17 May 1850

28 June 1850

2 August 1850

13 December 1850

27 December 1850

"Westport Courier"

3 January 1851

7 February 1851

14 February 1851

21 February 1851

9 May 1851

"The Elizabethtown Post"

24 October 1851 (MISSING)

31 October 1851

7 November 1851 (MISSING)

14 November 1851 (MISSING)

21 November 1851 (MISSING)

28 November 1851

12 December 1851 (MISSING)

19 December 1851 (MISSING)

"The Elizabethtown Post"

2 January 1852 (MISSING)

9 January 1852 (MISSING)

16 January 1852 (MISSING)

23 January 1852 (MISSING)

30 January 1852 (MISSING)

13 February 1852

20 February 1852 (MISSING)

5 March 1852

12 March 1852 (MISSING)

19 March 1852 (MISSING)

26 March 1852 (MISSING)

2 April 1852 (MISSING)

23 April 1852 (MISSING)

14 May 1852 (MISSING)

21 May 1852

28 May 1852

4 June 1852

11 June 1852 (MISSING)

25 June 1852 (MISSING)

1 July 1852 (MISSING)

8 July 1852 (MISSING)

23 July 1852 (MISSING)

6 August 1852

13 August 1852

20 August 1852

11 September 1852 (MISSING)

17 September 1852

1 October 1852 (MISSING)

6 October 1852

22 October 1852

29 October 1852

12 November 1852

26 November 1852

"The Elizabethtown Post"

7 January 1853

21 January 1853

28 January 1853

4 February 1853

11 February 1853

25 February 1853

5 March 1853

11 March 1853

18 March 1853

25 March 1853

1 April 1853

8 April 1853

15 April 1853

22 April 1853

29 April 1853

7 May 1853 (MISSING)

21 May 1853 (MISSING)

27 May 1853

3 June 1853 (MISSING)

10 June 1853

17 June 1853

24 June 1853 (MISSING)

1 July 1853

July 1853

22 July 1853

29 July 1853

5 August 1853

17 August 1853

19 August 1853

9 September 1853

16 September 1853

23 September 1853

15 October 1853

21 October 1853

24 October 1853 (MISSING)

30 September 1853

4 November 1853

11 November 1853

16 November 1853

25 November 1853 (MISSING)

9 December 1853

30 December 1853

"The Elizabethtown Post"

5 January 1854

13 January 1854

20 January 1854

27 January 1854

3 February 1854

10 February 1854

17 February 1854

25 February 1854

17 March 1854

7 April 1854

10 March 1854

17 March 1854

24 March 1854 (MISSING)

31 March 1854

7 April 1854

15 April 1854

21 April 1854

28 April 1854

5 May 1854 (MISSING)

12 May 1854

19 May 1854 (MISSING)

26 May 1854

2 June 1854

16 June 1854

23 June 1854

30 June 1854

7 July 1854

14 July 1854

4 August 1854

11 August 1854

25 August 1854

1 September 1854

8 September 1854

15 September 1854

10 November 1854

17 November 1854

1 September 1854

8 September 1854

29 September 1854

13 October 1854

20 October 1854

27 October 1854

10 November 1854

25 November 1854

1 December 1854

29 December 1854 (MISSING)

"The Elizabethtown Post"

5 January 1855 (MISSING)

12 January 1855

13 April 1855 (MISSING)

8 June 1855 (MISSING)

27 June 1855 (MISSING)

28 September 1855 (MISSING)

"The Elizabethtown Post"

4 January 1856

11 January 1856

16 January 1856

25 January 1856

22 February 1856

14 March 1856

21 March 1856

28 March 1856

4 April 1856

18 April 1856

2 May 1856

9 May 1856

26 May 1856

23 May 1856

6 June 1856

13 June 1856

20 June 1856

27 June 1856

4 July 1856

11 July 1856

18 July 1856

25 July 1856

1 August 1856

8 August 1856

15 August 1856

22 August 1856

5 September 1856

12 September 1856

18 September 1856

26 September 1856

3 October 1856

10 October 1856

24 October 1856

31 October 1856

7 November 1856

14 November 1856

21 November 1856

28 November 1856

5 December 1856

12 December 1856

19 December 1856

26 December 1856

"The Elizabethtown Post"

2 January 1857

9 January 1857

16 January 1857

23 January 1857

30 January 1857 (MISSING)

February 1857

13 February 1857

20 February 1857

27 February 1857

6 March 1857 (pp. 1-2 MISSING)

13 March 1857

20 March 1857

27 March 1857

3 April 1857

10 April 1857

24 April 1857

1 May 1857

8 May 1857

15 May 1857

22 May 1857

29 May 1857

5 June 1857

12 June 1857

19 June 1857

26 June 1857

3 July 1857

10 July 1857

17 July 1857

24 July 1857

14 August 1857

21 August 1857

28 August 1857

14 September 1857

18 September 1857

25 September 1857

2 October 1857

9 October 1857

16 October 1857

23 October 1857

30 October 1857

6 November 1857

27 November 1857

4 December 1857

18 December 1857 (MISSING)

25 December 1857

"The Elizabethtown Post"

1 January 1858

8 January 1858

15 January 1858

22 January 1858

4 December 1858

18 December 1858

"The Elizabethtown Post"

8 January 1859

15 January 1859

22 January 1859

29 January 1859

5 February 1859

12 February 1859

19 February 1859

26 February 1859

5 March 1859

12 March 1859

26 March 1859

2 April 1859

9 April 1859

16 April 1859

23 April 1859

30 April 1859

14 May 1859

21 May 1859

28 May 1859

4 June 1859

11 June 1859

18 June 1859

25 June 1859

9 July 1859

23 July 1859

30 July 1859

27 August 1859

3 September 1859

10 September 1859

17 September 1859

1 October 1859

29 October 1859

12 November 1859

10 December 1859

17 December 1859

24 December 1859

31 December 1859

"The Elizabethtown Post"

14 January 1860

21 January 1860

28 January 1860

4 February 1860

11 February 1860

18 February 1860

25 February 1860

10 March 1860

17 March 1860

24 March 1860

31 March 1860

7 April 1860

14 April 1860

"The Elizabethtown Post"

7 February 1861

7 March 1861

14 March 1861

21 March 1861

11 April 1861

28 April 1861

18 April 1861

21 April 1861

25 April 1861

28 April 1861

23 May 1861

6 June 1861

13 June 1861

20 June 1861

27 June 1861

11 July 1861

18 July 1861

25 July 1861

1 August 1861

15 August 1861

5 September 1861

19 September 1861

26 September 1861

3 October 1861

10 October 1861

17 October 1861

31 October 1861

6 November 1861

14 November 1861 (MISSING)

19 November 1861 (MISSING

28 November 1861

5 December 1861

12 December 1861

26 December 1861

"The Elizabethtown Post"

2 January 1862

16 January 1862

13 February 1862

20 February 1862

27 February 1862

13 March 1862

20 March 1862

24 April 1862

6 March 1862

20 March 1862

3 April 1862

17 April 1862

1 May 1862

8 May 1862

15 May 1862

22 May 1862

5 June 1862

12 June 1862

19 June 1862

3 July 1862

10 July 1862

17 July 1862

24 July 1862 (MISSING)

7 August 1862

14 August 1862

21 August 1862

31 August 1862

4 September 1862

19 September 1862

2 October 1862

9 October 1862

16 October 1862

23 October 1862

30 October 1862

6 November 1862

13 November 1862

21 November 1862 (MISSING)

"The Elizabethtown Post"

19 March 1863

26 March 1863

9 April 1863

16 April 1863

23 April 1863 (incomplete)

30 April 1863

31 May 1863

4 June 1863

11 June 1863

18 June 1863

25 June 1863

2 July 1863

23 July 1863

6 August 1863

13 August 1863

20 August 1863

27 August 1863

31 August 1863

17 September 1863

1 October 1863

8 October 1863

15 October 1863

22 October 1863

29 October 1863

5 November 1863

12 November 1863

19 November 1863

26 November 1863

10 December 1863

17 December 1863

31 December 1863

"The Elizabethtown Post"

7 January 1864

14 January 1864

21 January 1864

28 January 1864

4 February 1864

18 February 1864

3 March 1864

10 March 1864

17 March 1864

24 March 1864

31 March 1864

7 April 1864

21 April 1864

28 April 1864

5 May 1864

12 May 1864

19 May 1864

26 May 1864

21 April 1864

26 May 1864

2 June 1864

"Crown Point Budget"

16 January 1876

26 December 1877

9 January 1878

6 February 1878

10 April 1878 Wednesday

13 March 1878 Wednesday

6 March 1878

20 March 1878

If you spot a correction Please email me.

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